I am not Catholic and I think Pope Franics is awesome: "house the refugees"


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
  • imrs.php
  • If Pope Francis had his way, European parishes would house up to 500,000 refugees
By Rick Noack September 6 at 9:41 AM
saidduring his customary Sunday address, the news agency Agence France-Presse reported. He also said the Vatican will welcome two families of refugees.

There are about 122,000 Catholic parishes in Europe, according to a study conducted by Georgetown University and published in June. If each of them housed one refugee family consisting of three to four people, about 360,000 to 500,000 refugees could be accommodated in the coming months.

It is unclear, however, whether all parishes will accede to the pope's wish. In addition, housing refugees in parishes would have little bearing on the strict policies in countries such as France that have left desperate refugees — fleeing conflict and persecution — with limited options when they make their way to European shores.

Addressing thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Francis provided few details about his call to accommodate refugees, many of whom are not Catholics. The pope called his idea a "concrete gesture" ahead of a "year of mercy" that starts in December.
Jerk Fakey is a bed wetting pinko commie, of course he loves the pope.

Meanwhile the rest of the prosperous world rejects the church and the leftist path. Next Jerk Fakey will be calling islamic sociopaths "freedom fighters" and Michael Moore a "profit".

Keep telling us you're a republicrat too Fakey, I always laugh at that.

He will divide the church as Obama has divided the United States.

He has already, but he's not the first. John Paul II made statements about "xenophobia" in the US because of the backlash about illegals. My whole family was raised Catholic, but as of over a decade ago we're Christians without a church as are many former members who rejected the politics of the left.

  • imrs.php
  • If Pope Francis had his way, European parishes would house up to 500,000 refugees
By Rick Noack September 6 at 9:41 AM
saidduring his customary Sunday address, the news agency Agence France-Presse reported. He also said the Vatican will welcome two families of refugees.

There are about 122,000 Catholic parishes in Europe, according to a study conducted by Georgetown University and published in June. If each of them housed one refugee family consisting of three to four people, about 360,000 to 500,000 refugees could be accommodated in the coming months.

It is unclear, however, whether all parishes will accede to the pope's wish. In addition, housing refugees in parishes would have little bearing on the strict policies in countries such as France that have left desperate refugees — fleeing conflict and persecution — with limited options when they make their way to European shores.

Addressing thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Francis provided few details about his call to accommodate refugees, many of whom are not Catholics. The pope called his idea a "concrete gesture" ahead of a "year of mercy" that starts in December.
Ok then he should open up the Vatican to the surge of refugees, coming from Libya, Syria, and North Africa.

I wonder what caused the sudden rush out of these regions? Might have to do with the destabilization of Libya, that poured over into Syria, and North Africa. ISIS didn't just all of a sudden appear out of no where.
Good the Pope just let in the Trojan horse and probably just destroyed the Vatican....start building the Mikdash,
you are gonna need it soon.
How many more Catholic parishes are here in the United States and Canada? We should be bringing them here too.

How come they can't just all go to the Holy See and get fed by Francis' loaves and fishes?

We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.
Good the Pope just let in the Trojan horse and probably just destroyed the Vatican....start building the Mikdash,
you are gonna need it soon.

Ted Cruz said he wanted to put the US Embassy in Jerusalem. I would sign up.

We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.

Sure moron, it's always best to let "the people" decide shit right? Fuck the rule of law. MOB RULES!!!

Wait till it turns on you and your fascist ilk..

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We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.

I like Pope Francis, a very humble man, and a real giver in life. Hey I think it'd be great to open some RC churches up to refugees, but many do want to stay together, and will want to return, once we let Assad hold elections and help him out of his mess. These are kids and innocent people were talking about and they need a place and thank him for bringing it up.
We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.

Let the people decide?

ARe you implying some type of referendum? You really think any nation in Europe would vote for more Islamic Immigrants?
We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.

Sure moron, it's always best to let "the people" decide shit right? Fuck the rule of law. MOB RULES!!!

Wait till it turns on you and your fascist ilk..

That image is what the far right would do to their enemies if they did not know that would their own fate.

The people of Europe will guide their governments on this issue.
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We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.

I like Pope Francis, a very humble man, and a real giver in life. Hey I think it'd be great to open some RC churches up to refugees, but many do want to stay together, and will want to return, once we let Assad hold elections and help him out of his mess. These are kids and innocent people were talking about and they need a place and thank him for bringing it up.
Uh his mess?? 90% of "rebels" are not from Syria. And let's not forget where Isis came from, which is most of the rebels, if they not with Isis, they have a non aggression treaty with Isis. So whose mess is that.

Don't get me wrong he's not a good guy...but we make deals with Iran who chants death to America, and puts women to death by law for adultery? And Assad, his country you can actually drink beer in and Christians are allowed to live, but he's a problem??? And he needs to turn his country over to people who want are currently killing Christians, of who numbered at around a million before the "rebellion", and now number at 500,000?
We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.

Sure moron, it's always best to let "the people" decide shit right? Fuck the rule of law. MOB RULES!!!

Wait till it turns on you and your fascist ilk..

That image is what the far right would do to their enemies if they did not know that would their own fate.

I'm the far right and I have no such designs on my enemies.

Indeed, for example, I have often expressed my best wishes for the People of Russia, who thought most of my life were my enemies during the Cold War.
Thank you for that, Correll.

I should have said "too many on the far right."

Good correction. The trouble is you have crazies like Vigilante and the insane like Odium out there.
Thank you for that, Correll.

I should have said "too many on the far right."

Good correction. The trouble is you have crazies like Vigilante and the insane like Odium out there.

ANd yet on the OTHER hand, not only are there plenty of crazies on the left who, for one example, gloat about the "death" of White America, BUT the policies of the "mainstream" Left are designed to work in concert with the desires of these nuts.

We can see the crazie goofies on the far right going crazy.

For your ilk, two words: fuck you.

The Pope is right, you are wrong, and we will let the people decide.

I like Pope Francis, a very humble man, and a real giver in life. Hey I think it'd be great to open some RC churches up to refugees, but many do want to stay together, and will want to return, once we let Assad hold elections and help him out of his mess. These are kids and innocent people were talking about and they need a place and thank him for bringing it up.
Uh his mess?? 90% of "rebels" are not from Syria. And let's not forget where Isis came from, which is most of the rebels, if they not with Isis, they have a non aggression treaty with Isis. So whose mess is that.

Don't get me wrong he's not a good guy...but we make deals with Iran who chants death to America, and puts women to death by law for adultery? And Assad, his country you can actually drink beer in and Christians are allowed to live, but he's a problem??? And he needs to turn his country over to people who want are currently killing Christians, of who numbered at around a million before the "rebellion", and now number at 500,000?

Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

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