I am not Catholic and I think Pope Franics is awesome: "house the refugees"

Thank you for that, Correll.

I should have said "too many on the far right."

Good correction. The trouble is you have crazies like Vigilante and the insane like Odium out there.

ANd yet on the OTHER hand, not only are there plenty of crazies on the left who, for one example, gloat about the "death" of White America, BUT the policies of the "mainstream" Left are designed to work in concert with the desires of these nuts. Coincidence?
The far left is dangerous, yes. But the fact that white males have only 34% of the vote is notice that we are not the country we were in 1960, yes.
Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

1) any displaced Palestinian is most likely fleeing the Hamas regime or other radical occupiers like Al Queda or Iranian proxies in the territories or is trying to start a cell in Europe b6 claiming asylum.

2) why do you hate Lebanon and the Lebanese so much? Surely you are claiming support of Syria and Hassad who used the innocence of Lebanon for their battle grounds in order to avoid their own territories.
They caused Lebanon destruction and hardship, using them without remorse. Not even compensating them afterwards or recognizing their guilt thus repeating their evil more then once.
3)You support people who used chemical weapons on it's people.
4)you never denied being a terrorist nor denied killing anyone when confronted.
5) You are probably on the no fly list as you never denied that fact either.
Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

1) any displaced Palestinian is most likely fleeing the Hamas regime or other radical occupiers like Al Queda or Iranian proxies in the territories or is trying to start a cell in Europe b6 claiming asylum.

2) why do you hate Lebanon and the Lebanese so much? Surely you are claiming support of Syria and Hassad who used the innocence of Lebanon for their battle grounds in order to avoid their own territories.
They caused Lebanon destruction and hardship, using them without remorse. Not even compensating them afterwards or recognizing their guilt thus repeating their evil more then once.
3)You support people who used chemical weapons on it's people.
4)you never denied being a terrorist nor denied killing anyone when confronted.
5) You are probably on the no fly list as you never denied that fact either.

Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

1) any displaced Palestinian is most likely fleeing the Hamas regime or other radical occupiers like Al Queda or Iranian proxies in the territories or is trying to start a cell in Europe b6 claiming asylum.

2) why do you hate Lebanon and the Lebanese so much? Surely you are claiming support of Syria and Hassad who used the innocence of Lebanon for their battle grounds in order to avoid their own territories.
They caused Lebanon destruction and hardship, using them without remorse. Not even compensating them afterwards or recognizing their guilt thus repeating their evil more then once.
3)You support people who used chemical weapons on it's people.
4)you never denied being a terrorist nor denied killing anyone when confronted.
5) You are probably on the no fly list as you never denied that fact either.

Hezbollah protects Lebanon and is a main party there. They whipped Israel's butt so yes Israel doesn't like them, without them Lebanon would be like Syria now, thanks to Israel . The Palestinians have flocked to Lebanon due to Israel and also to Syria when Israel took the Golan Heights, and also to Jordan. Israel has displaced a lot of people the other countries had to take in. Take a look at the map.

Chemical weapons, I do not believe Assad used any, if he did it was on the rebels , but the US and Israel sure do.
I don't own a gun and yes I can fly anywhere I want, I'm as clean as freshly washed infant.
That image is what the far right would do to their enemies if they did not know that would their own fate.

The people of Europe will guide their governments on this issue.

Bed wetter, that image is what your democrook ilk did when "the people" decided the law wasn't good enough. The euroweenies don't have a real good track record of "guiding" their government do they?

We have Constitutional law in this country and "your people" are doing everything they can to undermine it, but you're still worried about "the far right" whatever the fuck that is.

Your ilk babble on and on and on . . . we are not going to do it your way, Pete.

Sux to be you.
I can understand why people have some issues with the Pope. I don't see why this is one of them. This is the Christian thing to do.

I don't recall Jesus saying to destroy your household to accommodate the poor.
Billy, I don't recall Jesus saying you had a clue about anything He would want. You just don't deliver on that front, podjo.
Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

1) any displaced Palestinian is most likely fleeing the Hamas regime or other radical occupiers like Al Queda or Iranian proxies in the territories or is trying to start a cell in Europe b6 claiming asylum.

2) why do you hate Lebanon and the Lebanese so much? Surely you are claiming support of Syria and Hassad who used the innocence of Lebanon for their battle grounds in order to avoid their own territories.
They caused Lebanon destruction and hardship, using them without remorse. Not even compensating them afterwards or recognizing their guilt thus repeating their evil more then once.
3)You support people who used chemical weapons on it's people.
4)you never denied being a terrorist nor denied killing anyone when confronted.
5) You are probably on the no fly list as you never denied that fact either.

Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

1) any displaced Palestinian is most likely fleeing the Hamas regime or other radical occupiers like Al Queda or Iranian proxies in the territories or is trying to start a cell in Europe b6 claiming asylum.

2) why do you hate Lebanon and the Lebanese so much? Surely you are claiming support of Syria and Hassad who used the innocence of Lebanon for their battle grounds in order to avoid their own territories.
They caused Lebanon destruction and hardship, using them without remorse. Not even compensating them afterwards or recognizing their guilt thus repeating their evil more then once.
3)You support people who used chemical weapons on it's people.
4)you never denied being a terrorist nor denied killing anyone when confronted.
5) You are probably on the no fly list as you never denied that fact either.

Hezbollah protects Lebanon and is a main party there. They whipped Israel's butt so yes Israel doesn't like them, without them Lebanon would be like Syria now, thanks to Israel . The Palestinians have flocked to Lebanon due to Israel and also to Syria when Israel took the Golan Heights, and also to Jordan. Israel has displaced a lot of people the other countries had to take in. Take a look at the map.

Chemical weapons, I do not believe Assad used any, if he did it was on the rebels , but the US and Israel sure do.
I don't own a gun and yes I can fly anywhere I want, I'm as clean as freshly washed infant.

The usa and Israel do not use chemical weapons.
It is a well known fact that saddam shipped his junk
to Syria into the hands of his fellow Baathist pig ---assad.

Israel displaced NO ONE from Israel-----Israel did rescue
lots of people from terrorist action in other countries.
Hezbollah is a terrorist militia formed and funded and armed
by IRAN-------Hezbollah attacked Israel and fomented a war
in 1982 by breaching the border and killing several Israelis---they also kidnapped a few and subjected several to mutilation torture murder of the kind Penelope enjoys. Hezbollah then
proceeded to do a saturation bombing of HAIFA---densely populated port city in north Israel-----the bombing DISPLACED
virtually the entire population of its children (speaking of displacement) Hezbollah used nail bombs fabricated in Iran--------all REAL health care workers know what nail bombs are used for-----they LIQUEFY the brains of children----specifically designed to murder children-----to the delight of Penelope.
The bomb launchers and their mobile mountings were supplied to the terrorist Hezbollah by Iran-----the ongoing
blood letting in Yemen is also COMPLIMENTS OF IRAN Hezbollah has infiltrated Yemen-----and Iran has also
armed the Shiite minority there and has been on a murder spree for years. Iran is fighting for control of the port
cities ADEN and TAIZ. Iran seems to have a LONGING
for port cities...........he who controls the ports, controls
shipping and world trade-------THE MARK OF THE BEAST
  • imrs.php
  • If Pope Francis had his way, European parishes would house up to 500,000 refugees
By Rick Noack September 6 at 9:41 AM
saidduring his customary Sunday address, the news agency Agence France-Presse reported. He also said the Vatican will welcome two families of refugees.

There are about 122,000 Catholic parishes in Europe, according to a study conducted by Georgetown University and published in June. If each of them housed one refugee family consisting of three to four people, about 360,000 to 500,000 refugees could be accommodated in the coming months.

It is unclear, however, whether all parishes will accede to the pope's wish. In addition, housing refugees in parishes would have little bearing on the strict policies in countries such as France that have left desperate refugees — fleeing conflict and persecution — with limited options when they make their way to European shores.

Addressing thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Francis provided few details about his call to accommodate refugees, many of whom are not Catholics. The pope called his idea a "concrete gesture" ahead of a "year of mercy" that starts in December.
Ok then he should open up the Vatican to the surge of refugees, coming from Libya, Syria, and North Africa.

I wonder what caused the sudden rush out of these regions? Might have to do with the destabilization of Libya, that poured over into Syria, and North Africa. ISIS didn't just all of a sudden appear out of no where.

I second that! :clap2:
Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

1) any displaced Palestinian is most likely fleeing the Hamas regime or other radical occupiers like Al Queda or Iranian proxies in the territories or is trying to start a cell in Europe b6 claiming asylum.

2) why do you hate Lebanon and the Lebanese so much? Surely you are claiming support of Syria and Hassad who used the innocence of Lebanon for their battle grounds in order to avoid their own territories.
They caused Lebanon destruction and hardship, using them without remorse. Not even compensating them afterwards or recognizing their guilt thus repeating their evil more then once.
3)You support people who used chemical weapons on it's people.
4)you never denied being a terrorist nor denied killing anyone when confronted.
5) You are probably on the no fly list as you never denied that fact either.

Those Palestinians have been displace from Israel. Assad tried to change things, when he first came in , which started a lot of problems , the men who worked for his Dad didn't like it. They pretty much control him. Syria is or was a secular country, and SA and Israel want a regime change because Assad is allied with Iran as you know, and they don't like it. I say that is too darn bad. I don't blame Iran for their feelings, hopefully we can become friends with Iran , but yes they do mistrust us and rightly so. Listen to the GOP and Israel, all up in arms they say things about Iran just as bad as what Iran says to us. Assad is a Christian, Isis is not his doing, probably SA or and Israel.

1) any displaced Palestinian is most likely fleeing the Hamas regime or other radical occupiers like Al Queda or Iranian proxies in the territories or is trying to start a cell in Europe b6 claiming asylum.

2) why do you hate Lebanon and the Lebanese so much? Surely you are claiming support of Syria and Hassad who used the innocence of Lebanon for their battle grounds in order to avoid their own territories.
They caused Lebanon destruction and hardship, using them without remorse. Not even compensating them afterwards or recognizing their guilt thus repeating their evil more then once.
3)You support people who used chemical weapons on it's people.
4)you never denied being a terrorist nor denied killing anyone when confronted.
5) You are probably on the no fly list as you never denied that fact either.

Hezbollah protects Lebanon and is a main party there. They whipped Israel's butt so yes Israel doesn't like them, without them Lebanon would be like Syria now, thanks to Israel . The Palestinians have flocked to Lebanon due to Israel and also to Syria when Israel took the Golan Heights, and also to Jordan. Israel has displaced a lot of people the other countries had to take in. Take a look at the map.

Chemical weapons, I do not believe Assad used any, if he did it was on the rebels , but the US and Israel sure do.
I don't own a gun and yes I can fly anywhere I want, I'm as clean as freshly washed infant.
Hahahaha on what planet????
One more thing.... I don't think this Pope is "awesome" at all.

The closest person he reminds me of is Fidel Castro or perhaps "Che" Guevara.

A commie through and through.:mad-61:
more commentary------
One more thing.... I don't think this Pope is "awesome" at all.

The closest person he reminds me of is Fidel Castro or perhaps "Che" Guevara.

A commie through and through.:mad-61:

I ---sorta agree----He is not admirable----He is playing
a game in which he PERSONALLY wants to come out
PENELOPE goofed again, Lebanon residents have risked their lives to help fight against the Assad regime and Syrians for all the damage they did to their country and lives lost. They would not get involved if they didn't have such extreme distaste for the regimes policy upon them IN ANOTHER COUNTRY ALTOGETHER.
She doesn't realize she is busting on her former arguments whereby she now reveals her double standard and known bigotry.
Fact: she admittingly supports Iran's occupation and interfereance of Lebanon, & Gaza, and Syrias occupation of Lebanon. Basically she supports all Islamic occupations of sovereign nations but only mysteriously speaks out when she subjectively feels Her prejudiced term "Zionist"
are occupying a waring region.
Interesting double standard=busted being a bigot.
But worse a poorly devised propagandist one who keeos busting her own logic thus busting on her self= hates herself=self deflecting behavior.
-psychology 101
more commentary------
One more thing.... I don't think this Pope is "awesome" at all.

The closest person he reminds me of is Fidel Castro or perhaps "Che" Guevara.

A commie through and through.:mad-61:

I ---sorta agree----He is not admirable----He is playing
a game in which he PERSONALLY wants to come out
i think that requires an explanation.

what about Pope Francis do you find not admirable? his concern for the poor? concern for the refugees?
what has he said or done that you find objectionable?
One more thing.... I don't think this Pope is "awesome" at all.

The closest person he reminds me of is Fidel Castro or perhaps "Che" Guevara.

A commie through and through.:mad-61:
yeah. Jesus didn't want us to care for the poor at all, did he?.

you know what your problem with the Pope is? He actually wants people to live as Christ wanted us to and that doesn't work for you
PENELOPE goofed again, Lebanon residents have risked their lives to help fight against the Assad regime and Syrians for all the damage they did to their country and lives lost. They would not get involved if they didn't have such extreme distaste for the regimes policy upon them IN ANOTHER COUNTRY ALTOGETHER.
She doesn't realize she is busting on her former arguments whereby she now reveals her double standard and known bigotry.
Fact: she admittingly supports Iran's occupation and interfereance of Lebanon, & Gaza, and Syrias occupation of Lebanon. Basically she supports all Islamic occupations of sovereign nations but only mysteriously speaks out when she subjectively feels Her prejudiced term "Zionist"
are occupying a waring region.
Interesting double standard=busted being a bigot.
But worse a poorly devised propagandist one who keeos busting her own logic thus busting on her self= hates herself=self deflecting behavior.
-psychology 101

do not blame Penelope for inconsistency-----she does not "think-up" the BS
she posts-----she gets it from the islamo Nazi propaganda online. Hezbollah
is not only PROTECTING Lebanon-----it is PROTECTING Yemen------always
remember------Hitler was PROTECTING POLAND

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