I am not Catholic and I think Pope Franics is awesome: "house the refugees"

I have no doubt that people will help refugees-----which is why I considered it asomewhat childish statement for the pope to issue as if he were coming up with some kind of ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM-------on heavenly inspiration.
He was being trite. HOWEVER----the problem remains unchanged----the welfare systems of Germany and Austria have been STRETCHED TO THE LIMIT already

Government welfare systems are often entitlement programs, and I imagine those in Germany and Austria are stretched to the limit. The Pope is offering the thought that, instead of welfare, some families might be helped through the charity of Catholic parishes. Many, if not most, Catholic parishes are already set up to help the homeless--and without drawing on welfare.

What do you bet that since the Pope offered Catholic resources and services, it will inspire other organizations (even atheists, for example) to realize they might be able to offer the same kind of help as well.

I have no idea in what UTOPIA you live------but it is not the USA-----we have
nuns on welfare in the USA. Let me expand on that IDEA-----I had a client---on SSI (supplemental security income) who planned to become a nun-----disabled young woman, her CONTRIBUTION to the nunnery was her SSI ----SSI is actually
a form of welfare ------only for the POOR. all of those refugees going to Austria and Germany are going to end up on their welfare systems. THEY KNOW which countries they want ------NOT GREECE----- poor persons are not SUPPORTED
by kindly catholic parishes in the USA -------to the extent that they do not get
state benefits if they are eligible
  • imrs.php
  • If Pope Francis had his way, European parishes would house up to 500,000 refugees
By Rick Noack September 6 at 9:41 AM
saidduring his customary Sunday address, the news agency Agence France-Presse reported. He also said the Vatican will welcome two families of refugees.

There are about 122,000 Catholic parishes in Europe, according to a study conducted by Georgetown University and published in June. If each of them housed one refugee family consisting of three to four people, about 360,000 to 500,000 refugees could be accommodated in the coming months.

It is unclear, however, whether all parishes will accede to the pope's wish. In addition, housing refugees in parishes would have little bearing on the strict policies in countries such as France that have left desperate refugees — fleeing conflict and persecution — with limited options when they make their way to European shores.

Addressing thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Francis provided few details about his call to accommodate refugees, many of whom are not Catholics. The pope called his idea a "concrete gesture" ahead of a "year of mercy" that starts in December.


So now, on the basis of an emotional spasm, dressed up as civilisation and generosity, are we going to say that we abandon this legacy and decline our obligation to pass it on, like the enfeebled, wastrel heirs of an ancient inheritance letting the great house and the estate go to ruin?
Having seen more than my share of real corpses, and watched children starving to death in a Somali famine, I am not unmoved by pictures of a dead child on a Turkish beach. But I am not going to pretend to be more upset than anyone else. Nor am I going to suddenly stop thinking, as so many people in the media and politics appear to have done.
The child is not dead because advanced countries have immigration laws. The child is dead because criminal traffickers cynically risked the lives of their victims in pursuit of money.
I’ll go further. The use of words such as ‘desperate’ is quite wrong in this case. The child’s family were safe in Turkey. Turkey (for all its many faults) is a member of Nato, officially classified as free and democratic. Many British people actually pay good money to go on holiday to the very beach where the child’s body was washed up.
It may not be ideal, but the definition of a refugee is that he is fleeing from danger, not fleeing towards a higher standard of living.

Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog

not nice-------they are refugees-----fleeing a war torn country-------everyone wants something better--------wanting something better does not erase "refugee status"
I can understand why people have some issues with the Pope. I don't see why this is one of them. This is the Christian thing to do.

I don't recall Jesus saying to destroy your household to accommodate the poor.

How does providing shelter to others destroy your household?

You missed the metaphor.

Europe will be overrun in ten years, and will no longer be European.

No one says Europe is the only continent to welcome people. Many of these refugees are well educated Christians.

Not to mention, do you think there wouldn't be teaching of the gospel to those who would listen?

Love can change the game I'd you let it.
No one says Europe is the only continent to welcome people. Many of these refugees are well educated Christians.

Not to mention, do you think there wouldn't be teaching of the gospel to those who would listen?

Love can change the game I'd you let it.

How can we trust any bureaucracy to weed out the Christians from the chaff?

I truly hate with every fibre of my being what is happening in Syria but this is not the first time, and until western civilization get's it's collective head out of it's ass and wipes out the cult of slavery and death once and for all shit like this will never stop.


And BTW, if his "holiness", the moonbat messiah and the rest of the "leaders" of western nations had a ball between all of their legs they would be calling for a final crusade to push all the saracens back into mecca so that we could radiate them and melt that stupid black rock they worship, or whatever bullshit they do. I'm sick of this cult, and I'm sick of the bed wetting leftist appeasers who embolden them.

PENELOPE goofed again, Lebanon residents have risked their lives to help fight against the Assad regime and Syrians for all the damage they did to their country and lives lost. They would not get involved if they didn't have such extreme distaste for the regimes policy upon them IN ANOTHER COUNTRY ALTOGETHER.
She doesn't realize she is busting on her former arguments whereby she now reveals her double standard and known bigotry.
Fact: she admittingly supports Iran's occupation and interfereance of Lebanon, & Gaza, and Syrias occupation of Lebanon. Basically she supports all Islamic occupations of sovereign nations but only mysteriously speaks out when she subjectively feels Her prejudiced term "Zionist"
are occupying a waring region.
Interesting double standard=busted being a bigot.
But worse a poorly devised propagandist one who keeos busting her own logic thus busting on her self= hates herself=self deflecting behavior.
-psychology 101

Salafism in Lebanon

Salafism found traction thanks to various factors, including the Arab world's humiliating defeats by Israel in 1948 and 1967 and the subsequent discrediting of Arab nationalism.

I can never understand which Muslims Israel likes. None I guess.

Once again you busted yourself & on Muslims, cause Israel allows Muslims to live in the country, work, hold office, and have mosques and hold their religion, yet Muslim countries mostly refuse these natural freedoms for Jews.
You keep trying to pit Jews and Muslims in opposition because you know their alliance, like we have with the Temple building movement, spells the end of the Vatican's tyrany and mobster rule.
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PENELOPE goofed again, Lebanon residents have risked their lives to help fight against the Assad regime and Syrians for all the damage they did to their country and lives lost. They would not get involved if they didn't have such extreme distaste for the regimes policy upon them IN ANOTHER COUNTRY ALTOGETHER.
She doesn't realize she is busting on her former arguments whereby she now reveals her double standard and known bigotry.
Fact: she admittingly supports Iran's occupation and interfereance of Lebanon, & Gaza, and Syrias occupation of Lebanon. Basically she supports all Islamic occupations of sovereign nations but only mysteriously speaks out when she subjectively feels Her prejudiced term "Zionist"
are occupying a waring region.
Interesting double standard=busted being a bigot.
But worse a poorly devised propagandist one who keeos busting her own logic thus busting on her self= hates herself=self deflecting behavior.
-psychology 101

Salafism in Lebanon

Salafism found traction thanks to various factors, including the Arab world's humiliating defeats by Israel in 1948 and 1967 and the subsequent discrediting of Arab nationalism.

I can never understand which Muslims Israel likes. None I guess.

Once again you busted yourself & on Muslims, cause Israel allows Muslims to live in the country, work, hold office, and have mosques and hold their religion, yet Muslim countries mostly refuse these natural freedoms for Jews.
You keep trying to pit Jews and Muslims in opposition because you know their alliance, like we have with the Temple building movement, spells the end of the Vatican's tyrany and mobster rule.
I can understand why people have some issues with the Pope. I don't see why this is one of them. This is the Christian thing to do.

I don't recall Jesus saying to destroy your household to accommodate the poor.

How does providing shelter to others destroy your household?

You missed the metaphor.

Europe will be overrun in ten years, and will no longer be European.

No one says Europe is the only continent to welcome people. Many of these refugees are well educated Christians.

And many are not.

Love can change the game I'd you let it.

Human nature is not so simple.
Thank you for that, Correll.

I should have said "too many on the far right."

Good correction. The trouble is you have crazies like Vigilante and the insane like Odium out there.

ANd yet on the OTHER hand, not only are there plenty of crazies on the left who, for one example, gloat about the "death" of White America, BUT the policies of the "mainstream" Left are designed to work in concert with the desires of these nuts. Coincidence?
The far left is dangerous, yes. But the fact that white males have only 34% of the vote is notice that we are not the country we were in 1960, yes.

34%? That's a lot more than, say blacks, for example.

Yet if some rightie said that Blacks should be completely marginalized how would you respond?

  • imrs.php
  • If Pope Francis had his way, European parishes would house up to 500,000 refugees
By Rick Noack September 6 at 9:41 AM
saidduring his customary Sunday address, the news agency Agence France-Presse reported. He also said the Vatican will welcome two families of refugees.

There are about 122,000 Catholic parishes in Europe, according to a study conducted by Georgetown University and published in June. If each of them housed one refugee family consisting of three to four people, about 360,000 to 500,000 refugees could be accommodated in the coming months.

It is unclear, however, whether all parishes will accede to the pope's wish. In addition, housing refugees in parishes would have little bearing on the strict policies in countries such as France that have left desperate refugees — fleeing conflict and persecution — with limited options when they make their way to European shores.

Addressing thousands of people in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, Francis provided few details about his call to accommodate refugees, many of whom are not Catholics. The pope called his idea a "concrete gesture" ahead of a "year of mercy" that starts in December.
Ok then he should open up the Vatican to the surge of refugees, coming from Libya, Syria, and North Africa.

I wonder what caused the sudden rush out of these regions? Might have to do with the destabilization of Libya, that poured over into Syria, and North Africa. ISIS didn't just all of a sudden appear out of no where.

I second that! :clap2:

US christians like skye will be stepping up just any moment now.

Just like they did for the refugee children from South America.


BTW, France just announce they would take 24K.
Thank you for that, Correll.

I should have said "too many on the far right."

Good correction. The trouble is you have crazies like Vigilante and the insane like Odium out there.

ANd yet on the OTHER hand, not only are there plenty of crazies on the left who, for one example, gloat about the "death" of White America, BUT the policies of the "mainstream" Left are designed to work in concert with the desires of these nuts. Coincidence?
The far left is dangerous, yes. But the fact that white males have only 34% of the vote is notice that we are not the country we were in 1960, yes.

34%? That's a lot more than, say blacks, for example. Yet if some rightie said that Blacks should be completely marginalized how would you respond? MMMMMmmm?
The minorities, which come within a few points of while males, have almost as much signficance as white males in votes.

So the white females hold the balance of power, and they have been the reason, along with the minorities, that the Dems have won the last two presidential elections and five in six of the last popular elections for president.

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I have no doubt that people will help refugees-----which is why I considered it asomewhat childish statement for the pope to issue as if he were coming up with some kind of ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM-------on heavenly inspiration.
He was being trite. HOWEVER----the problem remains unchanged----the welfare systems of Germany and Austria have been STRETCHED TO THE LIMIT already

Government welfare systems are often entitlement programs, and I imagine those in Germany and Austria are stretched to the limit. The Pope is offering the thought that, instead of welfare, some families might be helped through the charity of Catholic parishes. Many, if not most, Catholic parishes are already set up to help the homeless--and without drawing on welfare.

What do you bet that since the Pope offered Catholic resources and services, it will inspire other organizations (even atheists, for example) to realize they might be able to offer the same kind of help as well.

I have no idea in what UTOPIA you live------but it is not the USA-----we have
nuns on welfare in the USA. Let me expand on that IDEA-----I had a client---on SSI (supplemental security income) who planned to become a nun-----disabled young woman, her CONTRIBUTION to the nunnery was her SSI ----SSI is actually
a form of welfare ------only for the POOR. all of those refugees going to Austria and Germany are going to end up on their welfare systems. THEY KNOW which countries they want ------NOT GREECE----- poor persons are not SUPPORTED
by kindly catholic parishes in the USA -------to the extent that they do not get
state benefits if they are eligible
Irosie91, your definitions are screwy and your understanding is off.
I have no doubt that people will help refugees-----which is why I considered it asomewhat childish statement for the pope to issue as if he were coming up with some kind of ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM-------on heavenly inspiration.
He was being trite. HOWEVER----the problem remains unchanged----the welfare systems of Germany and Austria have been STRETCHED TO THE LIMIT already

Government welfare systems are often entitlement programs, and I imagine those in Germany and Austria are stretched to the limit. The Pope is offering the thought that, instead of welfare, some families might be helped through the charity of Catholic parishes. Many, if not most, Catholic parishes are already set up to help the homeless--and without drawing on welfare.

What do you bet that since the Pope offered Catholic resources and services, it will inspire other organizations (even atheists, for example) to realize they might be able to offer the same kind of help as well.

I have no idea in what UTOPIA you live------but it is not the USA-----we have
nuns on welfare in the USA. Let me expand on that IDEA-----I had a client---on SSI (supplemental security income) who planned to become a nun-----disabled young woman, her CONTRIBUTION to the nunnery was her SSI ----SSI is actually
a form of welfare ------only for the POOR. all of those refugees going to Austria and Germany are going to end up on their welfare systems. THEY KNOW which countries they want ------NOT GREECE----- poor persons are not SUPPORTED
by kindly catholic parishes in the USA -------to the extent that they do not get
state benefits if they are eligible
Irosie91, your definitions are screwy and your understanding is off.

I did not write a "definition" Your comment makes no sense at all

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