I am not Catholic and I think Pope Franics is awesome: "house the refugees"

I have no doubt that people will help refugees-----which is why I considered it asomewhat childish statement for the pope to issue as if he were coming up with some kind of ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM-------on heavenly inspiration.
He was being trite. HOWEVER----the problem remains unchanged----the welfare systems of Germany and Austria have been STRETCHED TO THE LIMIT already

Government welfare systems are often entitlement programs, and I imagine those in Germany and Austria are stretched to the limit. The Pope is offering the thought that, instead of welfare, some families might be helped through the charity of Catholic parishes. Many, if not most, Catholic parishes are already set up to help the homeless--and without drawing on welfare.

What do you bet that since the Pope offered Catholic resources and services, it will inspire other organizations (even atheists, for example) to realize they might be able to offer the same kind of help as well.

I have no idea in what UTOPIA you live------but it is not the USA-----we have
nuns on welfare in the USA. Let me expand on that IDEA-----I had a client---on SSI (supplemental security income) who planned to become a nun-----disabled young woman, her CONTRIBUTION to the nunnery was her SSI ----SSI is actually
a form of welfare ------only for the POOR. all of those refugees going to Austria and Germany are going to end up on their welfare systems. THEY KNOW which countries they want ------NOT GREECE----- poor persons are not SUPPORTED
by kindly catholic parishes in the USA -------to the extent that they do not get
state benefits if they are eligible
Irosie91, your definitions are screwy and your understanding is off.

I did not write a "definition" Your comment makes no sense at all
Yeah, you did, and your comments are nonsensical.
I have no doubt that people will help refugees-----which is why I considered it asomewhat childish statement for the pope to issue as if he were coming up with some kind of ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM-------on heavenly inspiration.
He was being trite. HOWEVER----the problem remains unchanged----the welfare systems of Germany and Austria have been STRETCHED TO THE LIMIT already

Government welfare systems are often entitlement programs, and I imagine those in Germany and Austria are stretched to the limit. The Pope is offering the thought that, instead of welfare, some families might be helped through the charity of Catholic parishes. Many, if not most, Catholic parishes are already set up to help the homeless--and without drawing on welfare.

What do you bet that since the Pope offered Catholic resources and services, it will inspire other organizations (even atheists, for example) to realize they might be able to offer the same kind of help as well.

I have no idea in what UTOPIA you live------but it is not the USA-----we have
nuns on welfare in the USA. Let me expand on that IDEA-----I had a client---on SSI (supplemental security income) who planned to become a nun-----disabled young woman, her CONTRIBUTION to the nunnery was her SSI ----SSI is actually
a form of welfare ------only for the POOR. all of those refugees going to Austria and Germany are going to end up on their welfare systems. THEY KNOW which countries they want ------NOT GREECE----- poor persons are not SUPPORTED
by kindly catholic parishes in the USA -------to the extent that they do not get
state benefits if they are eligible
Irosie91, your definitions are screwy and your understanding is off.

I did not write a "definition" Your comment makes no sense at all
Yeah, you did, and your comments are nonsensical.

your feet stink
House the refugees created by Obama Switching sides in the Middle East

Obozo didn't "switch sides" he's still on his side. The rest of the world be damned.

For all of the talk about helping these poor people, I think it's bullshit. There have been refugees around the world for decades. People only care when it's trendy.

You REALLY want to help these people?

Ann Coulter said:
We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

The problem is the cult of slavery and death, and until that problem is effectively purged from the earth, refugees, slavery, barbaric acts of terror and torture, along with savage executions are going to continue. We either wipe them out, or convert now to save your own sorry ass.

Bedwetters like Pete listen to the Coulters instead of common sense.
I can understand why people have some issues with the Pope. I don't see why this is one of them. This is the Christian thing to do.

I don't recall Jesus saying to destroy your household to accommodate the poor.

How does providing shelter to others destroy your household?

You missed the metaphor.

Europe will be overrun in ten years, and will no longer be European.

No one says Europe is the only continent to welcome people. Many of these refugees are well educated Christians.

And many are not.

Love can change the game I'd you let it.

Human nature is not so simple.

Human nature can be changed. That is the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can be born again.
Human nature can be changed. That is the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can be born again.

I must have missed that part of the gospel.

While we can be born again and resist living lives of sin and self indulgence, human nature can't be changed.

Nor should it.

Our "nature" comes from God as we were created in his image. God isn't some pansy who lets satan run amok and allows him victory. He kicks his ass in every battle. It's up to us as people to stop being pansies and defeat evil. I don't think it will happen though, an apocalypse is coming. satan will lose again, bed wetting libtards will starve to death or be eaten by their "poor" victims and muzbots will be eradicated. I hope it either happens soon while I can fight or after I'm dead.


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