"I am not worried about the very poor."


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Romney; "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it," he said. "I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

The very rich is doing just fine with the tax cut they don't even want. The very poor are not sturggling? With the cuts in entitlement programs? Romney is out of touch. Talk about calling the kettle black.

How about jobs for the very poor because that is why most are very poor. The safety net is food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and subsidizes housing which they would not need if they had the jobs you sent overseas, cut by government spending and by tax cuts for the rich that took jobs overseas? Romney’s plan is to cut government spending that will make the very poor even poorer.

No more than Obama is worried about the private sector? Now what can he do about the private sector hiring? He can offer a stimulus package of infrastructure but of course the “do nothing congress” will never pass it. He could let the tax cut for millionaires expire but the will block that also. There is not much Obama can do for the private sector because congress will block ever thing he put before them. If unemployment is not as low as expected and spending is more than expected and the debt is not going down and the budget is not balanced, then look no further then the “do nothing

I hope your confusion eases Stephanie. LOL, Romney made a point, he, nor any other candidate, can respond to a question with a 50,000 word minimum thesis; nor give a 50,000 word speech at every campaign stop.
Romney was right. The very poor have a safety net. The very poor neither need nor want to work. They don't pay taxes. They buy very little because most everything is given to them. The very poor live lives of household pets. Animals in the zoo work harder and contribute more than the very poor.
Again Romney's words get twisted to suit the liberal agenda.
The poor or whatever the fashionable word is these days are not going
to change their status overnight.Either by chance or circumstance or choice they
ended up as such....

I think he was right.Work on whatever will get those that want to work hard and achieve in our society.
Focus on that first.
The less fortunate will always have government looking out for them.
Romney; "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it," he said. "I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

The very rich is doing just fine with the tax cut they don't even want. The very poor are not sturggling? With the cuts in entitlement programs? Romney is out of touch. Talk about calling the kettle black.

How about jobs for the very poor because that is why most are very poor. The safety net is food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and subsidizes housing which they would not need if they had the jobs you sent overseas, cut by government spending and by tax cuts for the rich that took jobs overseas? Romney’s plan is to cut government spending that will make the very poor even poorer.

No more than Obama is worried about the private sector? Now what can he do about the private sector hiring? He can offer a stimulus package of infrastructure but of course the “do nothing congress” will never pass it. He could let the tax cut for millionaires expire but the will block that also. There is not much Obama can do for the private sector because congress will block ever thing he put before them. If unemployment is not as low as expected and spending is more than expected and the debt is not going down and the budget is not balanced, then look no further then the “do nothing

NO country in the world has more "poor" people that get the following:

=== $ 5,666 in EIC cash, (Instead of paying IRS..IRS send them a check!)
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 provides about 2.1 million households (6 million)
pays a large portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher
Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
=== $ 2,400 free food, 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month
in free food
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
In 2008, the fund that foots the bill for this program contributed
$819 million to subsidize low-income telephone services
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.

So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

And guess what? More law abiding hard working people LIKE me that qualify but have too much pride and responsibility COULD get FREE phones, food stamps BUT we are of an older generation that is evidently SMARTER then the younger generation as we KNOW there is NO such thing as a FREE LUNCH! What these people are giving up to get free food, free cell phones, free rent... is priceless!
Romney; "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it," he said. "I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

The very rich is doing just fine with the tax cut they don't even want. The very poor are not sturggling? With the cuts in entitlement programs? Romney is out of touch. Talk about calling the kettle black.

How about jobs for the very poor because that is why most are very poor. The safety net is food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and subsidizes housing which they would not need if they had the jobs you sent overseas, cut by government spending and by tax cuts for the rich that took jobs overseas? Romney’s plan is to cut government spending that will make the very poor even poorer.

No more than Obama is worried about the private sector? Now what can he do about the private sector hiring? He can offer a stimulus package of infrastructure but of course the “do nothing congress” will never pass it. He could let the tax cut for millionaires expire but the will block that also. There is not much Obama can do for the private sector because congress will block ever thing he put before them. If unemployment is not as low as expected and spending is more than expected and the debt is not going down and the budget is not balanced, then look no further then the “do nothing

NO country in the world has more "poor" people that get the following:

=== $ 5,666 in EIC cash, (Instead of paying IRS..IRS send them a check!)
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 provides about 2.1 million households (6 million)
pays a large portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher
Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
=== $ 2,400 free food, 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month
in free food
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
In 2008, the fund that foots the bill for this program contributed
$819 million to subsidize low-income telephone services
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.

So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

And guess what? More law abiding hard working people LIKE me that qualify but have too much pride and responsibility COULD get FREE phones, food stamps BUT we are of an older generation that is evidently SMARTER then the younger generation as we KNOW there is NO such thing as a FREE LUNCH! What these people are giving up to get free food, free cell phones, free rent... is priceless!

want nails with that halo?
The "poor" in America have more than the average citizen in Europe.
Obviously from one who has never traveled.

Nor do welfare recipients receive 'free cell phones', at least not in my area. Food stamps and AFDC is a pittance.

Free cell phones:

Put in your zip code and you'll most likely find the following:

I'm in texas..

Through SafeLink Wireless’ Lifeline Service you can receive:

- A FREE SafeLink Wireless phone
- Three different plans to choose from with FREE Monthly minutes
$ 5,666 in EIC cash, Pittance??
=== $12,000 free housing , Pittance?
=== $ 2,400 free food, Pittance??
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus Pittance?
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid Pittance????
Romney; "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it," he said. "I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

The very rich is doing just fine with the tax cut they don't even want. The very poor are not sturggling? With the cuts in entitlement programs? Romney is out of touch. Talk about calling the kettle black.

How about jobs for the very poor because that is why most are very poor. The safety net is food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and subsidizes housing which they would not need if they had the jobs you sent overseas, cut by government spending and by tax cuts for the rich that took jobs overseas? Romney’s plan is to cut government spending that will make the very poor even poorer.

No more than Obama is worried about the private sector? Now what can he do about the private sector hiring? He can offer a stimulus package of infrastructure but of course the “do nothing congress” will never pass it. He could let the tax cut for millionaires expire but the will block that also. There is not much Obama can do for the private sector because congress will block ever thing he put before them. If unemployment is not as low as expected and spending is more than expected and the debt is not going down and the budget is not balanced, then look no further then the “do nothing

NO country in the world has more "poor" people that get the following:

=== $ 5,666 in EIC cash, (Instead of paying IRS..IRS send them a check!)
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 provides about 2.1 million households (6 million)
pays a large portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher
Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
=== $ 2,400 free food, 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month
in free food
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
In 2008, the fund that foots the bill for this program contributed
$819 million to subsidize low-income telephone services
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.

So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

And guess what? More law abiding hard working people LIKE me that qualify but have too much pride and responsibility COULD get FREE phones, food stamps BUT we are of an older generation that is evidently SMARTER then the younger generation as we KNOW there is NO such thing as a FREE LUNCH! What these people are giving up to get free food, free cell phones, free rent... is priceless!

want nails with that halo?

Don't need a halo because I firmly believe in the Golden Rule ..do unto others as you would have other do unto you"... and if you followed that as I do and if millions more would
we wouldn't need
41,000 NEW laws alone in 2012!
Wouldn't need a "Text and drive law" because it is just plain common sense!
Romney; "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it," he said. "I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

The very rich is doing just fine with the tax cut they don't even want. The very poor are not sturggling? With the cuts in entitlement programs? Romney is out of touch. Talk about calling the kettle black.

How about jobs for the very poor because that is why most are very poor. The safety net is food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and subsidizes housing which they would not need if they had the jobs you sent overseas, cut by government spending and by tax cuts for the rich that took jobs overseas? Romney’s plan is to cut government spending that will make the very poor even poorer.

No more than Obama is worried about the private sector? Now what can he do about the private sector hiring? He can offer a stimulus package of infrastructure but of course the “do nothing congress” will never pass it. He could let the tax cut for millionaires expire but the will block that also. There is not much Obama can do for the private sector because congress will block ever thing he put before them. If unemployment is not as low as expected and spending is more than expected and the debt is not going down and the budget is not balanced, then look no further then the “do nothing

this was a topic when he said....are your newspapers piling up?

the senate has a democratic majority btw, I know , you have not read that yet...:rolleyes:
$ 5,666 in EIC cash, Pittance??
=== $12,000 free housing , Pittance?
=== $ 2,400 free food, Pittance??
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus Pittance?
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid Pittance????

What is EIC? Earned Income Credit? That isn't cash in hand. And even IN my area, $12,000 a year will not get decent housing for more than two people, max. $2,400 'free food' per person, per year or for a family? I have seen families wait up to five months for benefits to start being paid.

Sounds like Texas is more generous than Florida; foster parents, like welfare parents, get about $575.00 per month, per child. Free medical care of course is with doctors, and dentists, that ACCEPT the welfare reimbursement, those on government aid must travel 40+ miles, round trip in most cases; of course groceries, clothing, and school supplies are not delivered either.

Transportation to obtain necessities comes out of those welfare/care provider checks, there is a huge $300.00 per YEAR school supply & clothing allowance. Schools here provide nothing, all supplies must be purchased. No luxuries, most on government assistance live as paupers, I see the "free housing" daily. No extra Christmas money of course, though there is a "party" with a $3.00 gift, ONE each per child. Again, 40+ miles round trip. Mo extra money for extracurricular school programs. It appears you have only read about these matters. I 'adopted' a foster family to help provide them a few extras. Thus I have SEEN the checks, and food cards.
Your talking point is about a month old.

You got anything more recent than this played out horseshit?
Romney; "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it," he said. "I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

The very rich is doing just fine with the tax cut they don't even want. The very poor are not sturggling? With the cuts in entitlement programs? Romney is out of touch. Talk about calling the kettle black.

How about jobs for the very poor because that is why most are very poor. The safety net is food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and subsidizes housing which they would not need if they had the jobs you sent overseas, cut by government spending and by tax cuts for the rich that took jobs overseas? Romney’s plan is to cut government spending that will make the very poor even poorer.

No more than Obama is worried about the private sector? Now what can he do about the private sector hiring? He can offer a stimulus package of infrastructure but of course the “do nothing congress” will never pass it. He could let the tax cut for millionaires expire but the will block that also. There is not much Obama can do for the private sector because congress will block ever thing he put before them. If unemployment is not as low as expected and spending is more than expected and the debt is not going down and the budget is not balanced, then look no further then the “do nothing

Another "first day in office" promise Emperor Mittens will have no authority to do?
Romney; "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I'll fix it," he said. "I'm not concerned about the very rich.... I'm concerned about the very heart of America, the 90 to 95 percent of Americans who right now are struggling."

The very rich is doing just fine with the tax cut they don't even want. The very poor are not sturggling? With the cuts in entitlement programs? Romney is out of touch. Talk about calling the kettle black.

How about jobs for the very poor because that is why most are very poor. The safety net is food stamps, welfare, Medicaid and subsidizes housing which they would not need if they had the jobs you sent overseas, cut by government spending and by tax cuts for the rich that took jobs overseas? Romney’s plan is to cut government spending that will make the very poor even poorer.

No more than Obama is worried about the private sector? Now what can he do about the private sector hiring? He can offer a stimulus package of infrastructure but of course the “do nothing congress” will never pass it. He could let the tax cut for millionaires expire but the will block that also. There is not much Obama can do for the private sector because congress will block ever thing he put before them. If unemployment is not as low as expected and spending is more than expected and the debt is not going down and the budget is not balanced, then look no further then the “do nothing

Another "first day in office" promise Emperor Mittens will have no authority to do?

After an election of a President Congress almost always votes for the new President's administrations' bills 100%. Why?
Because they know the majority of the voters wanted it.
A newly elected President usually gets their way in Congress.

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