I am offended by things I see, therefore I must destroy them


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
BLM Leader: Statues and Stained Glass of Jesus Are 'White Supremacy,' Must Be Torn Down

"On Monday, Black Lives Matter leader and former Bernie Sanders surrogate Shaun King called for the demolition or removal of all statues, murals, and stained glass windows of “white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends,” i.e. the Twelve Apostles. He said religious imagery was a symbol of “white supremacy” and oppression."

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The vast majority of Americans do not give a damn what Mr. King is offended by, and they sure as hell won't tear down all religious symbols to appease him and make him 'feel' better.

I remind people from time to time that we have a LOT of Constitutional RIGHTS in this country, but the Right NOT to be offended is NOT one of them.

Well, snowflakes.....

5 reasons why you'll never forget your drill sergeant | Military ...

"I don't give a damn what your momma
told you - you are NOT 'special'!"

You're 'offended'? Welcome to LIFE!

You're offended by something you SEE on the TV?
Don't demand that it be taken off the air and deprive everyone else of it.

You're offended by 'Gone with the Wind', 'Song of the South', etc...?
Don't Censor it / ban it from being played again, depriving every other person of making their own decisions/choices to watch it or not.

You're offended by books?
Don't censor them, ban them, or stoke the bonfire for a good ol' book burning, you Nazi.

You're offended by murals and paintings?
- Don't look at them, avoid art museums, or go to other people's houses.
Does the sight of / visions of white lil' baby Jesus keep you awake all night? Get some serious psychological help.

Do stained glass windows, white Jesus carrying a lamb, or white / mulatto-looking Mary TRIGGER you into violence?
- Get the F* over it.

You have the right to feel or say anything you want.

You get angy and destroy property, and that's a crime.

You get angry and touch me, I get to whup your ass in self defense AND have you arrested.

When did all these spoiled, childish, easily triggered, violent tantrum-throwing babies get the idea that if they are offended by something they get to destroy it?

Years ago a minority moved to LOS CRUCES, New Mexico.
- 'Los Cruces' literally means 'THE CROSSES'.

Several years later the individual sued the city of Los Cruces, demanding the city change the name because the name was offensive.

The mayor and city council ALMOST complied .... then backed down and let it go to court.

The judge in the case quickly threw it out, telling the individual he was not offended enough to stay away when you moved 'here' ... 'Case dismissed'.

Kudos for the mayor, town council, and the judge to tell this POS to hit the bricks.
They will keep pushing for more and more of this insanity until the powers that e say "enough!" So far the democratic party in conjunction with the mainstream media have only been saying "full steam ahead".

The fear of being called racist does some funny things to people. In the U.K. they hand over their children to Muslim rape gangs. Here we look the other way as history is being destroyed by thugs.

It ems there is no common sense left in the world these days.
As always, these morons go way to far and end up with a massive backlash.

There is no Constitutional right to not be offended, Snowflake.
The enemy will take your history then they will take your religion. Their intent is to control you. This is following the Red China template. Democrats are the American communist party. Worship of the Communist state is all you will be allowed. The enforcers are black lives matter. They are the democrat version of the red guard.
BLM Leader: Statues and Stained Glass of Jesus Are 'White Supremacy,' Must Be Torn Down

"On Monday, Black Lives Matter leader and former Bernie Sanders surrogate Shaun King called for the demolition or removal of all statues, murals, and stained glass windows of “white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends,” i.e. the Twelve Apostles. He said religious imagery was a symbol of “white supremacy” and oppression."

View attachment 354007

The vast majority of Americans do not give a damn what Mr. King is offended by, and they sure as hell won't tear down all religious symbols to appease him and make him 'feel' better.

I remind people from time to time that we have a LOT of Constitutional RIGHTS in this country, but the Right NOT to be offended is NOT one of them.

Well, snowflakes.....

View attachment 354008

"I don't give a damn what your momma
told you - you are NOT 'special'!"

You're 'offended'? Welcome to LIFE!

You're offended by something you SEE on the TV?
Don't demand that it be taken off the air and deprive everyone else of it.

You're offended by 'Gone with the Wind', 'Song of the South', etc...?
Don't Censor it / ban it from being played again, depriving every other person of making their own decisions/choices to watch it or not.

You're offended by books?
Don't censor them, ban them, or stoke the bonfire for a good ol' book burning, you Nazi.

You're offended by murals and paintings?
- Don't look at them, avoid art museums, or go to other people's houses.
Does the sight of / visions of white lil' baby Jesus keep you awake all night? Get some serious psychological help.

Do stained glass windows, white Jesus carrying a lamb, or white / mulatto-looking Mary TRIGGER you into violence?
- Get the F* over it.

You have the right to feel or say anything you want.

You get angy and destroy property, and that's a crime.

You get angry and touch me, I get to whup your ass in self defense AND have you arrested.

When did all these spoiled, childish, easily triggered, violent tantrum-throwing babies get the idea that if they are offended by something they get to destroy it?

They are not offended,they are testing Americans to see what they will put up with.

Apparently Americans are okay with these clowns trying to take over the government.
I believe the mistake of many of us has been to abide by the Constitution and Rule of law while trusting our government to deal with the situation / domestic terrorists / anarchists / enemy.....not realizing or accepting that much of the government (LPSDs) supports them, facilitates their actions, and count themselves among their ranks.
They're useful idiots right now for the people who are overseeing the overthrow and destruction of the govt. They'll be disposed later. Of course these idiots aren't smart enough to realize this because they have no reasoning ability, no logic, no historical perspective, no morals etc.

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