I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Is he supposed to sit back and eat the shit thrown at him like Romney and McCain did? I find so called "R's" flipping out about Trump laying it on the line in a multi million dollar lawsuit against him fucking crazy.

Romney didn't even fight back when the press and pundits were mocking his wife having a dressage horse for her multiple sclerosis. Pathetic.

And he didn't pop off at the mouth. He was telling the truth that this was a political witch hunt against him using the judiciary.

I just heard "The only person who is ever justified in saying anything is Donald Trump. No one is ever allowed to criticize him, but everything he says about others is ALWAYS what they deserve for daring to open their mouths about The Great One."

Then you need to realize that your Barriers to Communication are freaking HUGE.

Try listening to what people are actually saying, not the voices in your head.
The only thing worse than them talking about you, is when they are NOT talking about you!.... One of the first things you learn in Public Relations.....

There are 5 primaries for the DemoRATS tonight, and TRUMP has effectively placed them on PAGE 2 of almost all media outlets.... Besides, it's now being shown that his assessment of the Judge is correct. Trump is a marketing genius!

Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Is he supposed to sit back and eat the shit thrown at him like Romney and McCain did? I find so called "R's" flipping out about Trump laying it on the line in a multi million dollar lawsuit against him fucking crazy.

Romney didn't even fight back when the press and pundits were mocking his wife having a dressage horse for her multiple sclerosis. Pathetic.

And he didn't pop off at the mouth. He was telling the truth that this was a political witch hunt against him using the judiciary.

I just heard "The only person who is ever justified in saying anything is Donald Trump. No one is ever allowed to criticize him, but everything he says about others is ALWAYS what they deserve for daring to open their mouths about The Great One."

Then you need to realize that your Barriers to Communication are freaking HUGE.

Try listening to what people are actually saying, not the voices in your head.

I heard what you were "actually" saying, which I helpfully posted for you. You can lie to yourself all you like, but when you try to pass it on to me, I can and will point out how badly you've failed, how obvious you are, and how little respect you and your pretenses actually have.

You are a blind, gullible, worshipping cult drone, making tissue-thin excuses for behavior that you then want to lambaste in those who aren't your beloved Orange Jesus and actually expect people to take seriously.

So let's just be very clear: Everything Donald Trump says and does is okay, not for XYZ excuse du jour, but because he's Donald Trump and you want to believe he's wonderful and never does wrong. And everything Hillary Clinton does is bad and wrong and eeeeevil, not because it actually IS bad and wrong and evil and violates some sort of higher moral principles (although it is and it does), but because she's not Donald Trump, and she's in his way, and you don't like that. The moment you hit your knees for Narcissus-on-Fifth-Avenue, you lost any legitimate right to claim concern about right and wrong and morality or to rage about anyone else violating them. You're voting for her in drag with a bad combover and $5 spray tan.

I'M fighting for the future of America. You're fighting for the future of Donald Trump. As far as I'm concerned, you deserve to be spat upon and shunned just as much as any leftist in Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, NOW, any other self-deluding, navel-gazing, proud-victim special interest group on the left. THEY are the AIDS killing America, and you are the case of pneumonia that actually finishes off the patient. I can't stop you slackjawed yahoos from killing my nation, but I will be DAMNED if I will for one second allow any of you to get away with trying to cop some sort of moral superiority to me because I won't join you and help it along.

Now, am I still a little opaque on the contempt I have for people desperately trying to rationalize, justify, and in some way validate supporting that bloviating bucket of swamp sewage, or would you like to go off and practice being able to look yourself in the mirror some more?
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Is he supposed to sit back and eat the shit thrown at him like Romney and McCain did? I find so called "R's" flipping out about Trump laying it on the line in a multi million dollar lawsuit against him fucking crazy.

Romney didn't even fight back when the press and pundits were mocking his wife having a dressage horse for her multiple sclerosis. Pathetic.

And he didn't pop off at the mouth. He was telling the truth that this was a political witch hunt against him using the judiciary.

I just heard "The only person who is ever justified in saying anything is Donald Trump. No one is ever allowed to criticize him, but everything he says about others is ALWAYS what they deserve for daring to open their mouths about The Great One."

Then you need to realize that your Barriers to Communication are freaking HUGE.

Try listening to what people are actually saying, not the voices in your head.

I heard what you were "actually" saying, which I helpfully posted for you. You can lie to yourself all you like, but when you try to pass it on to me, I can and will point out how badly you've failed, how obvious you are, and how little respect you and your pretenses actually have.

You are a blind, gullible, worshipping cult drone, making tissue-thin excuses for behavior that you then want to lambaste in those who aren't your beloved Orange Jesus and actually expect people to take seriously.

So let's just be very clear: Everything Donald Trump says and does is okay, not for XYZ excuse du jour, but because he's Donald Trump and you want to believe he's wonderful and never does wrong. And everything Hillary Clinton does is bad and wrong and eeeeevil, not because it actually IS bad and wrong and evil and violates some sort of higher moral principles (although it is and it does), but because she's not Donald Trump, and she's in his way, and you don't like that. The moment you hit your knees for Narcissus-on-Fifth-Avenue, you lost any legitimate right to claim concern about right and wrong and morality or to rage about anyone else violating them. You're voting for her in drag with a bad combover and $5 spray tan.

I'M fighting for the future of America. You're fighting for the future of Donald Trump. As far as I'm concerned, you deserve to be spat upon and shunned just as much as any leftist in Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, NOW, any other self-deluding, navel-gazing, proud-victim special interest group on the left. THEY are the AIDS killing America, and you are the case of pneumonia that actually finishes off the patient. I can't stop you slackjawed yahoos from killing my nation, but I will be DAMNED if I will for one second allow any of you to get away with trying to cop some sort of moral superiority to me because I won't join you and help it along.

Now, am I still a little opaque on the contempt I have for people desperately trying to rationalize, justify, and in some way validate supporting that bloviating bucket of swamp sewage, or would you like to go off and practice being able to look yourself in the mirror some more?

I just skimmed that, so please cut and paste any relevant point I might have missed,

BUT, it seemed to be nothing but unsupported opinion, spin and partisan blather.

Oh, and lots of name calling.

SO, in that spirit,

Fuck you asshole.
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

The irony that you are so obviously nothing but a knee jerk partisan hack, accusing people of being blind partisans...

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.
Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

The irony that you are so obviously nothing but a knee jerk partisan hack, accusing people of being blind partisans...

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

This is rich, Cecilie1200 --- he just used the exact same phrase on me.

Imagine that -- equating you and me. :lmao:
Look. I voted for Trump in the primary, I probably still might in the general election. However, I'm not going to be in such a rush to defend what he says.

Personally, I don't vote for people I can't and won't defend, because that's basically saying, "Sorry, America. I knew he was shit, and I decided you deserved shit, and I gave you shit." Nope. Uh uh. If I vote for someone, then I'm responsible for them and whatever asinine things they do, and I flatly refuse to make myself responsible for Donald Trump.
I'm surprised, but glad to see you say that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Look. I voted for Trump in the primary, I probably still might in the general election. However, I'm not going to be in such a rush to defend what he says.

Personally, I don't vote for people I can't and won't defend, because that's basically saying, "Sorry, America. I knew he was shit, and I decided you deserved shit, and I gave you shit." Nope. Uh uh. If I vote for someone, then I'm responsible for them and whatever asinine things they do, and I flatly refuse to make myself responsible for Donald Trump.
I'm surprised, but glad to see you say that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Cecile has been outstandingly and consistently eloquent on this particular demagogue. She and I are in the very unfamiliar position of alliance, which is kind of creepy for both of us. :ack-1:

It kind of demonstrates that a figure like Donald Rump brings out the distinction between those who are easily swayed by emotive blusterfluff and those who are honest enough to see through it intellectually. Cecile's definitely in the latter camp and whatever ideological differences we have in the past or future, for that honesty she's earned my enduring respect. :thup:
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

An ignorant klunt says what????
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Is he supposed to sit back and eat the shit thrown at him like Romney and McCain did? I find so called "R's" flipping out about Trump laying it on the line in a multi million dollar lawsuit against him fucking crazy.

Romney didn't even fight back when the press and pundits were mocking his wife having a dressage horse for her multiple sclerosis. Pathetic.

And he didn't pop off at the mouth. He was telling the truth that this was a political witch hunt against him using the judiciary.

I just heard "The only person who is ever justified in saying anything is Donald Trump. No one is ever allowed to criticize him, but everything he says about others is ALWAYS what they deserve for daring to open their mouths about The Great One."

Then you need to realize that your Barriers to Communication are freaking HUGE.

Try listening to what people are actually saying, not the voices in your head.

I heard what you were "actually" saying, which I helpfully posted for you. You can lie to yourself all you like, but when you try to pass it on to me, I can and will point out how badly you've failed, how obvious you are, and how little respect you and your pretenses actually have.

You are a blind, gullible, worshipping cult drone, making tissue-thin excuses for behavior that you then want to lambaste in those who aren't your beloved Orange Jesus and actually expect people to take seriously.

So let's just be very clear: Everything Donald Trump says and does is okay, not for XYZ excuse du jour, but because he's Donald Trump and you want to believe he's wonderful and never does wrong. And everything Hillary Clinton does is bad and wrong and eeeeevil, not because it actually IS bad and wrong and evil and violates some sort of higher moral principles (although it is and it does), but because she's not Donald Trump, and she's in his way, and you don't like that. The moment you hit your knees for Narcissus-on-Fifth-Avenue, you lost any legitimate right to claim concern about right and wrong and morality or to rage about anyone else violating them. You're voting for her in drag with a bad combover and $5 spray tan.

I'M fighting for the future of America. You're fighting for the future of Donald Trump. As far as I'm concerned, you deserve to be spat upon and shunned just as much as any leftist in Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, NOW, any other self-deluding, navel-gazing, proud-victim special interest group on the left. THEY are the AIDS killing America, and you are the case of pneumonia that actually finishes off the patient. I can't stop you slackjawed yahoos from killing my nation, but I will be DAMNED if I will for one second allow any of you to get away with trying to cop some sort of moral superiority to me because I won't join you and help it along.

Now, am I still a little opaque on the contempt I have for people desperately trying to rationalize, justify, and in some way validate supporting that bloviating bucket of swamp sewage, or would you like to go off and practice being able to look yourself in the mirror some more?

I just skimmed that, so please cut and paste any relevant point I might have missed,

BUT, it seemed to be nothing but unsupported opinion, spin and partisan blather.

Oh, and lots of name calling.

SO, in that spirit,

Fuck you asshole.

Of course you "just skimmed it". Not only did worshipping the blinding orange light that is Donald Trump kill all the brain cells you would require for reading comprehension, but you're comfortably ensconced in the world of "All I need to know is that Donald's shit doesn't stink, and anyone who doesn't agree is a liberal!" No thinking required, it would just waste time that could be spent fapping to pics of Him.

So, in that spirit, let me summarize: I wouldn't fuck you with Donny's dick, let alone anything of my own. Fortunately, Donny's doing a fantastic job of fucking you suckers all by himself.
Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

The irony that you are so obviously nothing but a knee jerk partisan hack, accusing people of being blind partisans...

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

The irony is that you were more liberal than I am BEFORE you stuck your nose up the ass of Hillary-with-a-penis (albeit apparently a very tiny one). I can't decide if I should laugh or vomit when you Trump U graduates resort to hurling the only insult you have the brain wattage to produce - LIBERAL! - at people who are so far right of you, you're practically on a different political spectrum entirely.

Used to just be REAL liberals who threw out epithets wildly, assuming that they all just mean "People I don't like". Of course, it USED to just be real liberals who were dirt-stupid mouthbreathers. Thanks to Donald Trump and his legions, we can't say THAT any more.
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

Listen up, klunt....I do not vote in elections but I know enough about Trump and enough about Hitlery that I would cast my lot with Trump LONG before I would ever vote for a globalist POS like Hitlery. Trump has tapped into some anger....very valid anger and some of the sheeple are waking up as to what has been done to us and that is why the establishment is attacking him. It's a "win, win" should we get past this future financial Armageddon that is going to rain down on us. Yeah, I know more than you....infinitely more and I doubt you could walk 100 feet in my shoes without your frail shoulders collapsing underneath the weight. I deal in only "reality"....a place you have never dared to venture to....so here's a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself"....don't be shy about asking for seconds because there is plenty and I am (by fault) a "giver". (snicker)
I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

The irony that you are so obviously nothing but a knee jerk partisan hack, accusing people of being blind partisans...

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

The irony is that you were more liberal than I am BEFORE you stuck your nose up the ass of Hillary-with-a-penis (albeit apparently a very tiny one). I can't decide if I should laugh or vomit when you Trump U graduates resort to hurling the only insult you have the brain wattage to produce - LIBERAL! - at people who are so far right of you, you're practically on a different political spectrum entirely.

Used to just be REAL liberals who threw out epithets wildly, assuming that they all just mean "People I don't like". Of course, it USED to just be real liberals who were dirt-stupid mouthbreathers. Thanks to Donald Trump and his legions, we can't say THAT any more.

This thread is about Trump claiming that a "Mexican" Judge hates him.

The hysterical claims that that was racist is absurd.

If your issues with Trump has led you to a place where your posts greatly resemble the posts of the Far Left, that is your issue, not mine.
At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

The irony that you are so obviously nothing but a knee jerk partisan hack, accusing people of being blind partisans...

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

The irony is that you were more liberal than I am BEFORE you stuck your nose up the ass of Hillary-with-a-penis (albeit apparently a very tiny one). I can't decide if I should laugh or vomit when you Trump U graduates resort to hurling the only insult you have the brain wattage to produce - LIBERAL! - at people who are so far right of you, you're practically on a different political spectrum entirely.

Used to just be REAL liberals who threw out epithets wildly, assuming that they all just mean "People I don't like". Of course, it USED to just be real liberals who were dirt-stupid mouthbreathers. Thanks to Donald Trump and his legions, we can't say THAT any more.

This thread is about Trump claiming that a "Mexican" Judge hates him.

The hysterical claims that that was racist is absurd.

If your issues with Trump has led you to a place where your posts greatly resemble the posts of the Far Left, that is your issue, not mine.

Trump's a racist fock. Live with it.
I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

Since you kneejerked both your brain cells into basing your attacks on my "liberalism", newbie, I think it's safe to say that you know two things: fuck and all.

Please assume that every post of yours in the future will be greeted with, "Oh, THIS ignorant shitstain. Scroll past", because you clearly have nothing to say that is even remotely based in reality, or anywhere in its neighborhood.

Donny Boy needs his knob polished now, so you'd best toddle along and tend to that.

The irony that you are so obviously nothing but a knee jerk partisan hack, accusing people of being blind partisans...

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

The irony is that you were more liberal than I am BEFORE you stuck your nose up the ass of Hillary-with-a-penis (albeit apparently a very tiny one). I can't decide if I should laugh or vomit when you Trump U graduates resort to hurling the only insult you have the brain wattage to produce - LIBERAL! - at people who are so far right of you, you're practically on a different political spectrum entirely.

Used to just be REAL liberals who threw out epithets wildly, assuming that they all just mean "People I don't like". Of course, it USED to just be real liberals who were dirt-stupid mouthbreathers. Thanks to Donald Trump and his legions, we can't say THAT any more.

This thread is about Trump claiming that a "Mexican" Judge hates him.

The hysterical claims that that was racist is absurd.

If your issues with Trump has led you to a place where your posts greatly resemble the posts of the Far Left, that is your issue, not mine.

Trump's a racist fock. Live with it.

And that sums up the whole of the Lefty argument and thought.

Just repeat a lie often enough and loud enough and people begin to assume that it must have some truth to it.

It has been a very effective strategy, for quite some time.

The only wrinkle is that it is tearing the nation apart and letting real problems fester and killing people by the tens of thousands, but they seem fine with that.

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