I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

One problem, Vigilante

Why did Trump mention the judge in the first place? Trump university was an insignificant topic until Trump called the judge a Mexican.

I just don't get it.

The only thing worse than them talking about you, is when they are NOT talking about you!.... One of the first things you learn in Public Relations.....

There are 5 primaries for the DemoRATS tonight, and TRUMP has effectively placed them on PAGE 2 of almost all media outlets.... Besides, it's now being shown that his assessment of the Judge is correct. Trump is a marketing genius!

Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Join us Libertarians where all the cool kids are at...

Being serious and the reality is Trump and Clinton are the best two candidates to help the Libertarian and Green Party Ticket... This has to be the first time since 1992 where the American Public can not hold their nose and vote for the best of the worst but instead might just say of hell no and vote third party...

If that happens it will be a wake up call for the two bigger political parties and in 2020 they better run a better candidate than a loud mouth shock jock and a has been First Lady that was not good in the Senate nor as Secretary of State...

I'd be willing to support the Libertarian Party if they hadn't decided to phone the election in again with the same old boring retread.
However, while I feel people like Lindsey Graham and Mark Kirk may or may not be justified in their criticism of Donald Trump's comments, encouraging the party to once again disunify itself via rescinding endorsements or threatening a convention challenge because of that would be a mistake.

Once again I find myself hoping the RNC doesn't look to sabotage the will of the people who voted for Donald Trump. But right now, Donald Trump is not making me a happy camper. He needs to shut his mouth and quit saying stupid crap.

What makes you think he's even capable of that?
One problem, Vigilante

Why did Trump mention the judge in the first place? Trump university was an insignificant topic until Trump called the judge a Mexican.

I just don't get it.

The only thing worse than them talking about you, is when they are NOT talking about you!.... One of the first things you learn in Public Relations.....

There are 5 primaries for the DemoRATS tonight, and TRUMP has effectively placed them on PAGE 2 of almost all media outlets.... Besides, it's now being shown that his assessment of the Judge is correct. Trump is a marketing genius!

Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.
http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/ ^ | 6/7/2016 | Paul Bedard
The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.com has published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Why am I supposed to care? If I wanted "Destroy people's lives" National Enquirer politics, I'd become a liberal, the way you did.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.

The only vote for Hillary is an actual vote for Hillary. Don't let people pull you into this binary gridlock mindset that has only ever gotten us more of the same old, same old from both sides. It's not your job to prevent someone from taking office by voting for "anyone but . . .". It's your job to vote for the best person for the job as best you can determine, and whatever the establishment in both the major parties tells you (and yes, Trumpettes, you are now the hated, bullying establishment you railed against just a few months ago, congratulations), there ARE more than two choices on the ballot.

There are only 2 choices who have a chance of winning however.

So? That's also all there's ever going to be as long as people think "I'm on the biggest bandwagon!" is the operative point.

I'm just being realistic. I have no issue with someone voting third party. I just prefer to pick between one of the canidates who will actually win.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

I totally get your sentiment about the orange clown, but politics is all about compromise. Every time I cringe at the idiocy coming from his pie hole, I look to the left and see the pantsuit bull dyke. As horrible the orange clown is at politics there is no way I will do anything to help Hellary get elected, and the fact is, a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
bullshit....if i vote for say Gary Johnson,how is that helping Clinton?.....its a vote neither of them are getting....if either one of them cant convince people to vote for them,thats on them.........

Some people can't grasp that the voters are not obligated to the candidates; the candidates are obligated to the voters. Any candidate who says, "You have to vote for me to vote against my opponent" has just told me that he has no reason why he should win.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

I totally get your sentiment about the orange clown, but politics is all about compromise. Every time I cringe at the idiocy coming from his pie hole, I look to the left and see the pantsuit bull dyke. As horrible the orange clown is at politics there is no way I will do anything to help Hellary get elected, and the fact is, a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
bullshit....if i vote for say Gary Johnson,how is that helping Clinton?.....its a vote neither of them are getting....if either one of them cant convince people to vote for them,thats on them.........

Some people can't grasp that the voters are not obligated to the candidates; the candidates are obligated to the voters. Any candidate who says, "You have to vote for me to vote against my opponent" has just told me that he has no reason why he should win.

I get that, and as I said, if you can't bring yourself to voting for either of these pathetic canidates, I get that too. My hatred and contempt for the pant suit bull dyke however makes me want to do what I can to keep her from the White House, even voting for an orange clown. Unfortunately I live in a purple state which Hellary will likely win, but as long as there is a chance I will swallow hard a vote for Donald Duck.
One problem, Vigilante

Why did Trump mention the judge in the first place? Trump university was an insignificant topic until Trump called the judge a Mexican.

I just don't get it.

The only thing worse than them talking about you, is when they are NOT talking about you!.... One of the first things you learn in Public Relations.....

There are 5 primaries for the DemoRATS tonight, and TRUMP has effectively placed them on PAGE 2 of almost all media outlets.... Besides, it's now being shown that his assessment of the Judge is correct. Trump is a marketing genius!

Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.
The only thing worse than them talking about you, is when they are NOT talking about you!.... One of the first things you learn in Public Relations.....

There are 5 primaries for the DemoRATS tonight, and TRUMP has effectively placed them on PAGE 2 of almost all media outlets.... Besides, it's now being shown that his assessment of the Judge is correct. Trump is a marketing genius!

Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

That was a little uncalled for. Cecilie has a right to feel the way she wants to about Trump. We have the right to feel the way we do about Trump.

Trump is by far not the ultimate savior of America. He isn't prefect. In some ways I can't stand him. But I'm not going to blindly follow him off a cliff. If he is, I won't vote for him either. I'll vote for no one. And a friendly piece of advice, Dale, Cecilie is something akin to a board assassin. It would be unwise to cross her in a one on one debate.
Last edited:
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

That was a little uncalled for. Cecilie has a right to feel the way she wants to about Trump. We have the right to feel the way we do about Trump.

Trump is by far not the ultimate savior of America. And a friendly piece of advice, Dale, is Cecilie is something akin to a board assassin. It would be unwise to cross her in a one on one debate.

I have the right to feel the way that I do and if Cecile was so fucking smart, she would know what Hitlery is all about and her background. As far as her being some type of "master debater"? Let her bring her best game.....there isn't anyone here that can out "flame" me or out "debate" me. I have no clue as to whether Trump is legit or not and frankly I have no say whatsoever but I know exactly what Americans are getting with the CFR member, Trilateral committee and Bilderburg attendee and launderer of drug money you will be getting with Hitlery. I would take my chance with an outsider like Trump any day of the week than I would that Sal Alinskyite Hitlery Clinton....any fucking day of the week and twice on Sunday.
However, while I feel people like Lindsey Graham and Mark Kirk may or may not be justified in their criticism of Donald Trump's comments, encouraging the party to once again disunify itself via rescinding endorsements or threatening a convention challenge because of that would be a mistake.

Once again I find myself hoping the RNC doesn't look to sabotage the will of the people who voted for Donald Trump. But right now, Donald Trump is not making me a happy camper. He needs to shut his mouth and quit saying stupid crap.

What makes you think he's even capable of that?

I don't understand the question.
I have the right to feel the way that I do and if Cecile was so fucking smart, she would know what Hitlery is all about and her background.

She does. But she has a set of values that she won't compromise by voting for Trump. I admire and respect that. You? You're imposing your beliefs onto hers. We have two morally disreputable people running for president right now. Some of us will hold our nose and vote for Trump, some of us won't. Her being smart has zero to do with whether she votes for Trump or not.

None of us are obligated/duty bound to support one candidate or the other. Even if we do know how destructive one or the other might be to America.
I have the right to feel the way that I do and if Cecile was so fucking smart, she would know what Hitlery is all about and her background.

She does. But she has a set of values that she won't compromise by voting for Trump. I admire and respect that. You? You're imposing your beliefs onto hers. We have two morally disreputable people running for president right now. Some of us will hold our nose and vote for Trump, some of us won't. Her being smart has zero to do with whether she votes for Trump or not.

None of us are obligated/duty bound to support one candidate or the other. Even if we do know how destructive one or the other might be to America.

You totally missed the point of my post. People are waking up to this debt slavery system. They are waking up to the fact that they no longer live in a republic and they don't even live under a democracy anymore. We are under an oligarchy that uses the Federal Reserve printing press and the military might to enforce it's will on other countries that do not have the resources to fight it off. They are learning that this "war on terror" is a total fucking sham and it has done nothing but oppress LEGAL citizens of this country while leaving the southern border totally wide open. They are learning that the offshoring of jobs was and has always been an orchestrated plan to turn this country from an industrialist industry to that of one that is a "service" industry" and they have allowed illegals to flood into this country for three very important reasons.

#1 When they squirt out an illegal, the birth certificate of that illegal is "monetized" and used as a financial and negotiable instrument that enables this corporate "gubermint" to pledge the labor of this US. citizen as a surety against the debt.

#2 It drives down the wages of honest back breaking labor like carpentry and brick laying because illegals will work under the table and they have no problem living in a house of ten people that should only accommodate four and use the food stamp program and other entitlement programs to subsidize their living.

#3 It waters down the nationalism of this country and gives people that have no intention of assimilating into American culture and the traditions of it's heritage just like it was written in the CFR papers back in the 1970's. Here is but one quote but there are many others.....

The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.
Author: CFR member Richard Gardner, Source: Foreign Affairs (CFR's journal), April l974

Hitlery and Bill "drop trou" are CFR members, they are globalists....they do not believe in America's sovereignty. They want to play their part to make sure that America is merged in to a socialist/communist, totalitarian system financed by the same banking oligarchs that have placed them in the position that they are and that is a fucking fact....it's not up for reputable debate nor is it refutable.
The only thing worse than them talking about you, is when they are NOT talking about you!.... One of the first things you learn in Public Relations.....

There are 5 primaries for the DemoRATS tonight, and TRUMP has effectively placed them on PAGE 2 of almost all media outlets.... Besides, it's now being shown that his assessment of the Judge is correct. Trump is a marketing genius!

Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

I would like to draw everyone's attention to the above post. There are words to describe people who behave like this. Which one would you choose?
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.

I know what a globalist joke Hitlery Clinton is...but rest assured, she was promised the job of being the face of the franchise of USA.INC if she agreed to drop out of the race in 2008. I have serious doubts that USA.INC will even have an election because the bottom is going to drop out from under this debt ridden fiat system that creates money from nothing. Morons like you will be sitting on the curb when the collapse happens wondering where your beloved "gubermint" is to come and save you. I'd love to watch your reaction when the help you expect doesn't arrive....all the temper tantrums you will throw isn't going to feed you are enable to flush your shit down the toilet when the water is shut off.....good luck, klunt... (snicker)

At the point where you simply assume that I'm a liberal Clintonista because I don't have my gilt-and-sequin Trump kneepads like you, you lose not only the argument, but all credibility as a poster, a human being, and a primate. Toddle along back to your primordial ooze, and let us know when your IQ gets all the way up to two digits, Trumpstain.

I am simply assuming that you are a blithering idiot and your reply didn't disappointment me at all. I know more than you, kiddo. I have no dog in this fight either way. I opted out of the UCC system that makes one a "U.S federal citizen" beholding to the corporate entity whose headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C and I reclaimed my pre-14th amendment birthright and did so at great cost but it was well worth it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to why Trump appeals to the masses because you are just that fucking stupid. You believe in the "establishment" and only "establishment" and career politicians should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC that owns your ass from head to toe. Don't fuck with me, you fucking klunt...I will verbally beat the shit out of you with facts and data that you could never refute on the best day you ever had. I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have attained because of reading and research.....keep your shit up, bitch. My tolerance for stupid klunts like you seems to be at an all time low these days.

That was a little uncalled for. Cecilie has a right to feel the way she wants to about Trump. We have the right to feel the way we do about Trump.

Trump is by far not the ultimate savior of America. He isn't prefect. In some ways I can't stand him. But I'm not going to blindly follow him off a cliff. If he is, I won't vote for him either. I'll vote for no one. And a friendly piece of advice, Dale, Cecilie is something akin to a board assassin. It would be unwise to cross her in a one on one debate.

You are correct. He is not prefect. His only chance of becoming prefect is if he buys an island nation somewhere.
Most Valuable Protester

MVP MVP to heck with Lebron and Curry MVP MVP

"Trump Sucks" Shirtless Fan Gets Tackled In Game 4 Of NBA Finals After Running On To Court

A fan decided to make a political statement in Game 4 of the NBA Finals. It likely didn't go as he planned.

Running on to the court in the fourth quarter, a shirtless man with the words "Trump Sucks" written on his body was quickly tackled by arena security before he could reach any players. He was also carrying something in his hand (perhaps his phone) which went flying down the court after being taken down.

Here's another angle, which shows the sheer number of security guards that surrounded the anti-Trump protester:

Kudos to the Quicken Loans Arena security staff who quickly took the man down before he could get to any of the players. However, how he even got on the court is still puzzling. The NBA takes player security very seriously and this is the second time in three years that a fan has run on to the court in Cleveland. Coupled with a young boy running onto the court in New Orleans and another child getting on the court in Miami, the NBA may ask teams to beef up courtside security next season as it seems like fans somehow keep getting past guards throughout the league.


Read more: WATCH: Shirtless fan gets tackled in Game 4 of NBA Finals after running on to court
And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.

I ain't the least bit confused. I wish I were, since ignorance is bliss, as I'm sure you know.

"Mexicans" qualifying as "Hispanic" does not give you licence to change the man-child's words into some other term you find more convenient. They're also a subset of "Americans" but that isn't what he said either. HAD he said "I think the judge might be American" there would be no story here whatsoever. But he didn't --- he said "Mexican". From Indiana. As if that's supposed to have some bearing on knowing how a fraud case works.

And yet ---- Rump took the opposite position --- I know, nothing new --- when the judge in question was his sister:

>> “When my sister Maryanne Trump Barry, one of the brightest and most capable people on the federal bench, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on her elevation to a federal judgeship in the Third Circuit Court, [New Hampshire Senator Bob] Smith insisted on asking her views on abortion,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.

“She patiently explained to the good senator that her personal views on the issue were meaningless; a federal judge’s job is to uphold the law as it is written, not to interpret from the bench based on his or her personal views. Maybe if my sister had spoken more slowly.” <<​

Again, having it both ways: Priceless.

And that sister he says is "one of the brightest and most capable people"? She described her little brother as "P.T. Barnum". So perhaps he's right about his assessment of her.

There are three points in your post, I will address them all.

1. I am not changing any words. YOu are pretending to be confused about what he said or meant. I am pointing out that he is saying exactly what you lefties have been screaming for months, ie that Hispanics, and THUS "Mexicans" hate him.

Your attempt to play dumb here has failed. YOu are obviously LYING.

2. Your constant use of Appeal to Ridicule is a Logical Fallacy, the use of which shows that A. you are a dishonest propagandist, B. you know that you can't win the argument based on the merits of your case, and C. you are a jerk.

3. Having it both ways it what you lefties are doing. HIs discussion of his sister is what Judges are SUPPOSED to do. Even in that scenario, Judges with personal involvement, such as being the member of an organization that is actively fighting the Defendant is still just cause for recusement.

Once again --- *I* am not a "plural". You're in absolutely no position to cite logical fallacies until you figure that out.
I won't wait around, since you're not even close.

If you really weren't a partisan hard left hack, you wouldn't be nitpicking about Trump's terminology, you would be viciously

ridiculing the massive hypocrisy of the Hard Left as they attack Trump for saying what they have been saying for months.
i dont think pogo is a HARD left hack....he might be left but he has criticized the left.....but i have known him longer than you.....so there is that....

His pretense that The doesn't get the connection between a judge being "Mexican" and "Hispanics hating Trump" is obviously dishonest.

He is here carrying water for the Hard Left, and doing so in the most partisan manner possible.

If he has any real independence, he has hidden it very well in this thread.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.

The only vote for Hillary is an actual vote for Hillary. Don't let people pull you into this binary gridlock mindset that has only ever gotten us more of the same old, same old from both sides. It's not your job to prevent someone from taking office by voting for "anyone but . . .". It's your job to vote for the best person for the job as best you can determine, and whatever the establishment in both the major parties tells you (and yes, Trumpettes, you are now the hated, bullying establishment you railed against just a few months ago, congratulations), there ARE more than two choices on the ballot.

There are only 2 choices who have a chance of winning however.

So? That's also all there's ever going to be as long as people think "I'm on the biggest bandwagon!" is the operative point.

I'm just being realistic. I have no issue with someone voting third party. I just prefer to pick between one of the canidates who will actually win.
no you have no issue....you just think they are ignorant cowards...no wonder you called yourself a moron....

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