I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.
The GOP have no reason to change their agenda/tactics/policies as long as people in your state vote 3rd party or not at all. The worst thing they can see is they are losing votes to their real opponents. Your state will stay red with that attitude.

Oh, and Texas might go blue this year

Good point, voting third party marginalizes your state. But I can't see Texas going for Hellary anymore than Cali going for Trump.
With Hispanics women and changing demographics hillary might win texas

Look, she is likely going to win based on the electoral map, but Not Texas. That would be too embarrassing for the Cruzatics.
We will see. Trumps had a very bad week
Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.
The GOP have no reason to change their agenda/tactics/policies as long as people in your state vote 3rd party or not at all. The worst thing they can see is they are losing votes to their real opponents. Your state will stay red with that attitude.

Oh, and Texas might go blue this year

Good point, voting third party marginalizes your state. But I can't see Texas going for Hellary anymore than Cali going for Trump.
With Hispanics women and changing demographics hillary might win texas

Look, she is likely going to win based on the electoral map, but Not Texas. That would be too embarrassing for the Cruzatics.
We will see. Trumps had a very bad week

And it's only the beginning. Heheheh.
For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.

And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.

I ain't the least bit confused. I wish I were, since ignorance is bliss, as I'm sure you know.

"Mexicans" qualifying as "Hispanic" does not give you licence to change the man-child's words into some other term you find more convenient. They're also a subset of "Americans" but that isn't what he said either. HAD he said "I think the judge might be American" there would be no story here whatsoever. But he didn't --- he said "Mexican". From Indiana. As if that's supposed to have some bearing on knowing how a fraud case works.

And yet ---- Rump took the opposite position --- I know, nothing new --- when the judge in question was his sister:

>> “When my sister Maryanne Trump Barry, one of the brightest and most capable people on the federal bench, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on her elevation to a federal judgeship in the Third Circuit Court, [New Hampshire Senator Bob] Smith insisted on asking her views on abortion,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.

“She patiently explained to the good senator that her personal views on the issue were meaningless; a federal judge’s job is to uphold the law as it is written, not to interpret from the bench based on his or her personal views. Maybe if my sister had spoken more slowly.” <<​

Again, having it both ways: Priceless.

And that sister he says is "one of the brightest and most capable people"? She described her little brother as "P.T. Barnum". So perhaps he's right about his assessment of her.

There are three points in your post, I will address them all.

1. I am not changing any words. YOu are pretending to be confused about what he said or meant. I am pointing out that he is saying exactly what you lefties have been screaming for months, ie that Hispanics, and THUS "Mexicans" hate him.

Your attempt to play dumb here has failed. YOu are obviously LYING.

2. Your constant use of Appeal to Ridicule is a Logical Fallacy, the use of which shows that A. you are a dishonest propagandist, B. you know that you can't win the argument based on the merits of your case, and C. you are a jerk.

3. Having it both ways it what you lefties are doing. HIs discussion of his sister is what Judges are SUPPOSED to do. Even in that scenario, Judges with personal involvement, such as being the member of an organization that is actively fighting the Defendant is still just cause for recusement.
The GOP have no reason to change their agenda/tactics/policies as long as people in your state vote 3rd party or not at all. The worst thing they can see is they are losing votes to their real opponents. Your state will stay red with that attitude.

Oh, and Texas might go blue this year

Good point, voting third party marginalizes your state. But I can't see Texas going for Hellary anymore than Cali going for Trump.
With Hispanics women and changing demographics hillary might win texas

Look, she is likely going to win based on the electoral map, but Not Texas. That would be too embarrassing for the Cruzatics.
We will see. Trumps had a very bad week

And it's only the beginning. Heheheh.

It's true.

Hillary has completely given up on winning on the issues, and has gone Full Godwin.

This will be quite effective, I am sure.

The street violence is a gamble.

Back in the 60s such Brown Shirt tactics turned off America.

BUT, America has been radically transformed.

Maybe America is ready for political violence as a valid campaign strategy.
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote

The Rich don't want you to vote for Trump.

THey are doing fine under the current system. That's that growing income inequality you lefties have been complaining about.

They don't WANT to have to pay American workers American wages.

They WANT cheap Third World labor, over there, AND here.
“Written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy. You ought to see this guy.”
Nov. 24, 2015

While under scrutiny for his claim that he saw thousands of Muslims cheering 9/11, Trump cited a 2001 Washington Post story reporting that officials had investigated reports of some people celebrating the attacks. The story, by reporter Serge Kovaleski, had mentioned “some” people, not “thousands” — and the reports of celebrations were not substantiated. But never mind that.When Trump was telling a South Carolina audience about the article, he digressed and started talking about Kovaleski: “Written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy. You ought to see this guy.” And as Trump was saying these things, he contorted his face and moved his arms and hands around awkwardly.

Kovaleski has arthrogryposis, a congenital condition that can limit joint movement or lock limbs in place.
Is he supposed to sit back and eat the shit thrown at him like Romney and McCain did?

He is an Orange goon who has been saying all kinds of things about others ...get ready there is a truck load of shit coming for the Orange Poltroon...no whining now he is an "Alpha Male " LOL
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor

Grassley Walks Back Likening Trump Attacks To 'Wise Latina' Comment

Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Wednesday told NBC News that he didn't mean to "equate" Donald Trump's attacks on a federal judge's "Mexican heritage" with Supreme ..

- See more at: Grassley Walks Back Likening Trump Attacks To 'Wise Latina' Comment : Related Articles | OOYUZ

WATCH: Elizabeth Warren turns Trump into an albatross for Ryan and McConnell

Anti-Trump Effort Has One Last Chance
June 10, 2016

“The faction of the GOP that is unhappy with Donald Trump as the party’s presumptive nominee has one last plan to stop the mogul: staging an all-out delegate revolt at the Republican National Convention,” CNN reports.

“The far-fetched idea is the latest reflection of a campaign cycle that has been anything but ordinary, and stems from a continuing dissatisfaction among some conservative stalwarts with how Trump is behaving and running his campaign.”

Meanwhile, a Politico survey of GOP insiders finds that nearly 4 in 10 want to derail Trump at the convention.

A Referendum on Donald Trump

First Read
: “Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine if Marco Rubio, not Donald Trump, were the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee. There would be considerable more attention to the Hillary email story, which still hasn’t gone away. We’d be highlighting how Bernie Sanders still hasn’t quit his race, creating a fissure inside the party. And we’d be fixated on Clinton’s all-time low favorability numbers. Instead, the current stories are Trump attacking a federal judge, how the Republican Party is truly divided over its presumptive nominee… and Trump having even worse favorability numbers than Clinton.”

“Bottom line: This 2016 presidential race could have been a referendum on Clinton and the Obama White House, even with the president’s 50%-plus approval rating. Instead, it has turned into a referendum on Trump.”
I sure can relate to the sentiment expressed in the opening post. In 6 of 11 presidential elections I said to heck with the 2 major parties and voted for a minor party candidate. Not that I thought they had any chance to win but I felt it was the only means to register a protest against the 2 major parties.
I sure can relate to the sentiment expressed in the opening post. In 6 of 11 presidential elections I said to heck with the 2 major parties and voted for a minor party candidate. Not that I thought they had any chance to win but I felt it was the only means to register a protest against the 2 major parties.

Indeed. It's the only protest they will ever hear.
I still don't get why anyone ever had any patience with Trump to begin with.

WATCH: Elizabeth Warren turns Trump into an albatross for Ryan and McConnell

Anti-Trump Effort Has One Last Chance
June 10, 2016

“The faction of the GOP that is unhappy with Donald Trump as the party’s presumptive nominee has one last plan to stop the mogul: staging an all-out delegate revolt at the Republican National Convention,” CNN reports.

“The far-fetched idea is the latest reflection of a campaign cycle that has been anything but ordinary, and stems from a continuing dissatisfaction among some conservative stalwarts with how Trump is behaving and running his campaign.”

Meanwhile, a Politico survey of GOP insiders finds that nearly 4 in 10 want to derail Trump at the convention.

As usual, she did a BANG UP job. Trump wanted to play in the big leagues, well now he'll have to tussle with the Democratic pit bull.

He won't fare well.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.

And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.

I ain't the least bit confused. I wish I were, since ignorance is bliss, as I'm sure you know.

"Mexicans" qualifying as "Hispanic" does not give you licence to change the man-child's words into some other term you find more convenient. They're also a subset of "Americans" but that isn't what he said either. HAD he said "I think the judge might be American" there would be no story here whatsoever. But he didn't --- he said "Mexican". From Indiana. As if that's supposed to have some bearing on knowing how a fraud case works.

And yet ---- Rump took the opposite position --- I know, nothing new --- when the judge in question was his sister:

>> “When my sister Maryanne Trump Barry, one of the brightest and most capable people on the federal bench, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on her elevation to a federal judgeship in the Third Circuit Court, [New Hampshire Senator Bob] Smith insisted on asking her views on abortion,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.

“She patiently explained to the good senator that her personal views on the issue were meaningless; a federal judge’s job is to uphold the law as it is written, not to interpret from the bench based on his or her personal views. Maybe if my sister had spoken more slowly.” <<​

Again, having it both ways: Priceless.

And that sister he says is "one of the brightest and most capable people"? She described her little brother as "P.T. Barnum". So perhaps he's right about his assessment of her.

There are three points in your post, I will address them all.

1. I am not changing any words. YOu are pretending to be confused about what he said or meant. I am pointing out that he is saying exactly what you lefties have been screaming for months, ie that Hispanics, and THUS "Mexicans" hate him.

Your attempt to play dumb here has failed. YOu are obviously LYING.

2. Your constant use of Appeal to Ridicule is a Logical Fallacy, the use of which shows that A. you are a dishonest propagandist, B. you know that you can't win the argument based on the merits of your case, and C. you are a jerk.

3. Having it both ways it what you lefties are doing. HIs discussion of his sister is what Judges are SUPPOSED to do. Even in that scenario, Judges with personal involvement, such as being the member of an organization that is actively fighting the Defendant is still just cause for recusement.

Once again --- *I* am not a "plural". You're in absolutely no position to cite logical fallacies until you figure that out.
I won't wait around, since you're not even close.

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