I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

1. I didn't say that Trump said that. I said that. Because it is true.

No, Wrong --- You DID say Rump said that. And I quote:

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

--- which, again, for the shortbus kids, is (a) not what he said, and (b) can't be "racist" since "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race, and the judge is from fucking Indiana anyway so it doesn't even apply.

Besides, Rump hisself tells us "the Hispanics love me" (isn't that precious--- "the Hispanics", like "I have a great relationship with the blacks", what a loser) --- so he'd be contradicting himself.

The point STILL isn't that Rump is a bigot -- again he may be but that's not the issue. The point is that he's deliberately appealing *TO* the bigots, and they're just obediently salivating in lockstep like Pavlov's Fucking Dogs, because they apparently don't have the mental capacity to hear themselves being played like a three dollar banjo. Like you're doing right now.

4. None of this addresses the fact that for months and still and again in the future, you lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump, and that was fine, but when Trump says that one specific Hispanic hates, him, suddenly it is "racist".

Which just shows what dishonest hypocrites the Left is.

Actually all it shows is how much you lean on the Strawman in lieu of a valid argument. You've got two of them right there, wrapped around a chewy creamy center of Hasty Generalization. And you're apparently too dim to think your way out of it.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....

So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....

So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
Yea, ID just stay home. Harry might as well put his ballot in a shredder after filling it out
cut the cord bobo....think for yourself.....one minute your for bernie and now you are backing the person he was saying you should be wary of...you party people are why this Country is going downhill.....vote for the same shit over and over,no matter what,as long as they are from my precious little party....you should consider throwing your vote in a shredder too,at least im voting to get rid of the same fucking people who got us where we are today dumbass....
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....
Who are you voting for Senate and house? Is a 3rd party running? Since you won't vote d or r what do you do when you have to vote for governor dummy?
i guess you live in one of those tiny States that have a pretty slim list.....in California my ballot always has more than enough people to pick from....its no longer a rumor....you are a dumbass....
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....
Who are you voting for Senate and house? Is a 3rd party running? Since you won't vote d or r what do you do when you have to vote for governor dummy?
i guess you live in one of those tiny States that have a pretty slim list.....in California my ballot always has more than enough people to pick from....its no longer a rumor....you are a dumbass....
You don't even know who you are voting for. What an under informed voter you are Harry.

Over the years, Trump has publicly measured the worth of women by their physical appearance. Of GOP rival Carly Fiorina, he said: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” He humiliated a former Miss Universe contestant, sending a film crew to watch her work out and called her “Miss Piggy.” He suggested tough questioning by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a symptom of menstruation. After a March meeting with The Washington Post editorial board, he remarked to a female editor, “I really hope I answered your question,” then paused and said, “Beautiful.” He was also accused of rape by his first wife during divorce proceedings (she later recanted).

Now, 70 percent of American women view him unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll released in April

Trump is also fueling the despair of the working class by fanning the flames of racial resentment. He has actually called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; suggested that a judge’s race or ethnicity prevents him from issuing fair rulings; proposed the U.S., which was founded on the core principle of religious freedom, actually ban an entire religious group from entering the country. He’s also made bizarre comments calling one rally attendee “my African-American.”

Trump’s working class appeal is really just a white male working-class appeal.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

The worst part is that every time he does it, he goes UP in the polls...
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....
Who are you voting for Senate and house? Is a 3rd party running? Since you won't vote d or r what do you do when you have to vote for governor dummy?
i guess you live in one of those tiny States that have a pretty slim list.....in California my ballot always has more than enough people to pick from....its no longer a rumor....you are a dumbass....
You don't even know who you are voting for. What an under informed voter you are Harry.

Over the years, Trump has publicly measured the worth of women by their physical appearance. Of GOP rival Carly Fiorina, he said: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” He humiliated a former Miss Universe contestant, sending a film crew to watch her work out and called her “Miss Piggy.” He suggested tough questioning by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a symptom of menstruation. After a March meeting with The Washington Post editorial board, he remarked to a female editor, “I really hope I answered your question,” then paused and said, “Beautiful.” He was also accused of rape by his first wife during divorce proceedings (she later recanted).

Now, 70 percent of American women view him unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll released in April

Trump is also fueling the despair of the working class by fanning the flames of racial resentment. He has actually called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; suggested that a judge’s race or ethnicity prevents him from issuing fair rulings; proposed the U.S., which was founded on the core principle of religious freedom, actually ban an entire religious group from entering the country. He’s also made bizarre comments calling one rally attendee “my African-American.”

Trump’s working class appeal is really just a white male working-class appeal.
your problem bobo is that you think i give a fuck about trump....hold on a second.....i just told my buddy George this......
Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....
Who are you voting for Senate and house? Is a 3rd party running? Since you won't vote d or r what do you do when you have to vote for governor dummy?
i guess you live in one of those tiny States that have a pretty slim list.....in California my ballot always has more than enough people to pick from....its no longer a rumor....you are a dumbass....
You don't even know who you are voting for. What an under informed voter you are Harry.

Over the years, Trump has publicly measured the worth of women by their physical appearance. Of GOP rival Carly Fiorina, he said: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” He humiliated a former Miss Universe contestant, sending a film crew to watch her work out and called her “Miss Piggy.” He suggested tough questioning by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a symptom of menstruation. After a March meeting with The Washington Post editorial board, he remarked to a female editor, “I really hope I answered your question,” then paused and said, “Beautiful.” He was also accused of rape by his first wife during divorce proceedings (she later recanted).

Now, 70 percent of American women view him unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll released in April

Trump is also fueling the despair of the working class by fanning the flames of racial resentment. He has actually called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; suggested that a judge’s race or ethnicity prevents him from issuing fair rulings; proposed the U.S., which was founded on the core principle of religious freedom, actually ban an entire religious group from entering the country. He’s also made bizarre comments calling one rally attendee “my African-American.”

Trump’s working class appeal is really just a white male working-class appeal.
your problem bobo is that you think i give a fuck about trump....hold on a second.....i just told my buddy George this......View attachment 77600
You don't worry about the GOP being in charge of the House, Senate and White House and Supreme Court. That to me makes you a very dumb person.
The Donald talks NON PC as most American's do...it might not be as ARTICULATE as some may like, BUT it doesn't BULLSHIT you with lawyer talk!...FYI Trump was right!

Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

“By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable but outright wrong,” the press release states. “His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.”

The press release adds:

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

“Now, I doubt you could find a more conformational reason for Donald Trump to be concerned about a Judge overseeing the Trump University lawsuit, which everyone admits is based on some sketchy legal standing, than Judge Curiel specifically belonging to a legal enterprise of affiliates who have clearly stated their intent to target Trump’s business interests,” the Conservative Review writes.

Trump has been criticized for suggesting Curiel is biased against him because of Curiel’s Mexican heritage due to Trump’s plan to build a wall along the southern border and his stance against illegal immigration.

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses
It troubles you that Drumpf couldn't bribe him too.....
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....
Who are you voting for Senate and house? Is a 3rd party running? Since you won't vote d or r what do you do when you have to vote for governor dummy?
i guess you live in one of those tiny States that have a pretty slim list.....in California my ballot always has more than enough people to pick from....its no longer a rumor....you are a dumbass....
You don't even know who you are voting for. What an under informed voter you are Harry.

Over the years, Trump has publicly measured the worth of women by their physical appearance. Of GOP rival Carly Fiorina, he said: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” He humiliated a former Miss Universe contestant, sending a film crew to watch her work out and called her “Miss Piggy.” He suggested tough questioning by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a symptom of menstruation. After a March meeting with The Washington Post editorial board, he remarked to a female editor, “I really hope I answered your question,” then paused and said, “Beautiful.” He was also accused of rape by his first wife during divorce proceedings (she later recanted).

Now, 70 percent of American women view him unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll released in April

Trump is also fueling the despair of the working class by fanning the flames of racial resentment. He has actually called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; suggested that a judge’s race or ethnicity prevents him from issuing fair rulings; proposed the U.S., which was founded on the core principle of religious freedom, actually ban an entire religious group from entering the country. He’s also made bizarre comments calling one rally attendee “my African-American.”

Trump’s working class appeal is really just a white male working-class appeal.
your problem bobo is that you think i give a fuck about trump....hold on a second.....i just told my buddy George this......View attachment 77600
You don't worry about the GOP being in charge of the House, Senate and White House and Supreme Court. That to me makes you a very dumb person.
yes i do....unlike you i have many a post in here expressing the dangers of one party rule.....i have never seen you say that....so who is stupid?....keep eating what they tell you bobo....oh and how come when i asked twice i believe,you could not tell me how me voting 3rd party helps either trump or hillary?...i notice you just ignored that after you made the statement,twice i believe how i was.....maybe you are not bright enough to handle the question?.....dont have an answer?....just like to talk?.... which is it?.....
Who are you voting for Senate and house? Is a 3rd party running? Since you won't vote d or r what do you do when you have to vote for governor dummy?
i guess you live in one of those tiny States that have a pretty slim list.....in California my ballot always has more than enough people to pick from....its no longer a rumor....you are a dumbass....
You don't even know who you are voting for. What an under informed voter you are Harry.

Over the years, Trump has publicly measured the worth of women by their physical appearance. Of GOP rival Carly Fiorina, he said: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” He humiliated a former Miss Universe contestant, sending a film crew to watch her work out and called her “Miss Piggy.” He suggested tough questioning by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a symptom of menstruation. After a March meeting with The Washington Post editorial board, he remarked to a female editor, “I really hope I answered your question,” then paused and said, “Beautiful.” He was also accused of rape by his first wife during divorce proceedings (she later recanted).

Now, 70 percent of American women view him unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll released in April

Trump is also fueling the despair of the working class by fanning the flames of racial resentment. He has actually called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; suggested that a judge’s race or ethnicity prevents him from issuing fair rulings; proposed the U.S., which was founded on the core principle of religious freedom, actually ban an entire religious group from entering the country. He’s also made bizarre comments calling one rally attendee “my African-American.”

Trump’s working class appeal is really just a white male working-class appeal.
your problem bobo is that you think i give a fuck about trump....hold on a second.....i just told my buddy George this......View attachment 77600
You don't worry about the GOP being in charge of the House, Senate and White House and Supreme Court. That to me makes you a very dumb person.
yes i do....unlike you i have many a post in here expressing the dangers of one party rule.....i have never seen you say that....so who is stupid?....keep eating what they tell you bobo....oh and how come when i asked twice i believe,you could not tell me how me voting 3rd party helps either trump or hillary?...i notice you just ignored that after you made the statement,twice i believe how i was.....maybe you are not bright enough to handle the question?.....dont have an answer?....just like to talk?.... which is it?.....
Yes idiot! LOL. If Trump wins by 1 vote and you voted 3rd party, you gave Trump the White House.

You clearly don't get it that Paul Ryan's agenda is not good for you. Not good at all. If you ask me I think the Clinton's were great. About as great as any politician can be really. The only one greater is Obama and he can't run again. You've swallowed the right wing talking points. Not enough to vote GOP but subconsciously they've conned you into thinking both parties are just as bad.

If you don't get it by now, I don't expect you to ever get it, and I've explained till I'm blue in the face. And I've heard your comebacks for long enough I know what you are going to say back. And sorry but if it's not, "I've wised up and I'm voting Hillary", then what you have to say is squat.

You may as well stay home. 3rd party. LOL
i guess you live in one of those tiny States that have a pretty slim list.....in California my ballot always has more than enough people to pick from....its no longer a rumor....you are a dumbass....
You don't even know who you are voting for. What an under informed voter you are Harry.

Over the years, Trump has publicly measured the worth of women by their physical appearance. Of GOP rival Carly Fiorina, he said: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” He humiliated a former Miss Universe contestant, sending a film crew to watch her work out and called her “Miss Piggy.” He suggested tough questioning by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a symptom of menstruation. After a March meeting with The Washington Post editorial board, he remarked to a female editor, “I really hope I answered your question,” then paused and said, “Beautiful.” He was also accused of rape by his first wife during divorce proceedings (she later recanted).

Now, 70 percent of American women view him unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll released in April

Trump is also fueling the despair of the working class by fanning the flames of racial resentment. He has actually called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; suggested that a judge’s race or ethnicity prevents him from issuing fair rulings; proposed the U.S., which was founded on the core principle of religious freedom, actually ban an entire religious group from entering the country. He’s also made bizarre comments calling one rally attendee “my African-American.”

Trump’s working class appeal is really just a white male working-class appeal.
your problem bobo is that you think i give a fuck about trump....hold on a second.....i just told my buddy George this......View attachment 77600
You don't worry about the GOP being in charge of the House, Senate and White House and Supreme Court. That to me makes you a very dumb person.
yes i do....unlike you i have many a post in here expressing the dangers of one party rule.....i have never seen you say that....so who is stupid?....keep eating what they tell you bobo....oh and how come when i asked twice i believe,you could not tell me how me voting 3rd party helps either trump or hillary?...i notice you just ignored that after you made the statement,twice i believe how i was.....maybe you are not bright enough to handle the question?.....dont have an answer?....just like to talk?.... which is it?.....
Yes idiot! LOL. If Trump wins by 1 vote and you voted 3rd party, you gave Trump the White House.

You clearly don't get it that Paul Ryan's agenda is not good for you. Not good at all. If you ask me I think the Clinton's were great. About as great as any politician can be really. The only one greater is Obama and he can't run again. You've swallowed the right wing talking points. Not enough to vote GOP but subconsciously they've conned you into thinking both parties are just as bad.

If you don't get it by now, I don't expect you to ever get it, and I've explained till I'm blue in the face. And I've heard your comebacks for long enough I know what you are going to say back. And sorry but if it's not, "I've wised up and I'm voting Hillary", then what you have to say is squat.

You may as well stay home. 3rd party. LOL
thats your answer?....and im stupid?....you know what bobo?....if that very unrealistic situation actually happened....maybe hillary should have worked harder to convince more people she should be president...and ive swallowed the right wing talking points?,but yet you cant come up with me supporting them.....oh wait thats right,if anyone doesnt agree with you they must be a righty.....hey bobo what kind of person backs bernie who has spent the last few months telling us how clinton is bought and sold by wall street and she should not be trusted to lead us,but as soon as bernie goes down they jump over to the hillary bandwagon, character be damned?....the answer?....people like you who need a party to lead them...grow a pair bobo,maybe you can then by a bigger pair of underpants.....
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.

And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.
You don't even know who you are voting for. What an under informed voter you are Harry.

Over the years, Trump has publicly measured the worth of women by their physical appearance. Of GOP rival Carly Fiorina, he said: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” He humiliated a former Miss Universe contestant, sending a film crew to watch her work out and called her “Miss Piggy.” He suggested tough questioning by Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a symptom of menstruation. After a March meeting with The Washington Post editorial board, he remarked to a female editor, “I really hope I answered your question,” then paused and said, “Beautiful.” He was also accused of rape by his first wife during divorce proceedings (she later recanted).

Now, 70 percent of American women view him unfavorably, according to a Gallup poll released in April

Trump is also fueling the despair of the working class by fanning the flames of racial resentment. He has actually called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals; suggested that a judge’s race or ethnicity prevents him from issuing fair rulings; proposed the U.S., which was founded on the core principle of religious freedom, actually ban an entire religious group from entering the country. He’s also made bizarre comments calling one rally attendee “my African-American.”

Trump’s working class appeal is really just a white male working-class appeal.
your problem bobo is that you think i give a fuck about trump....hold on a second.....i just told my buddy George this......View attachment 77600
You don't worry about the GOP being in charge of the House, Senate and White House and Supreme Court. That to me makes you a very dumb person.
yes i do....unlike you i have many a post in here expressing the dangers of one party rule.....i have never seen you say that....so who is stupid?....keep eating what they tell you bobo....oh and how come when i asked twice i believe,you could not tell me how me voting 3rd party helps either trump or hillary?...i notice you just ignored that after you made the statement,twice i believe how i was.....maybe you are not bright enough to handle the question?.....dont have an answer?....just like to talk?.... which is it?.....
Yes idiot! LOL. If Trump wins by 1 vote and you voted 3rd party, you gave Trump the White House.

You clearly don't get it that Paul Ryan's agenda is not good for you. Not good at all. If you ask me I think the Clinton's were great. About as great as any politician can be really. The only one greater is Obama and he can't run again. You've swallowed the right wing talking points. Not enough to vote GOP but subconsciously they've conned you into thinking both parties are just as bad.

If you don't get it by now, I don't expect you to ever get it, and I've explained till I'm blue in the face. And I've heard your comebacks for long enough I know what you are going to say back. And sorry but if it's not, "I've wised up and I'm voting Hillary", then what you have to say is squat.

You may as well stay home. 3rd party. LOL
thats your answer?....and im stupid?....you know what bobo?....if that very unrealistic situation actually happened....maybe hillary should have worked harder to convince more people she should be president...and ive swallowed the right wing talking points?,but yet you cant come up with me supporting them.....oh wait thats right,if anyone doesnt agree with you they must be a righty.....hey bobo what kind of person backs bernie who has spent the last few months telling us how clinton is bought and sold by wall street and she should not be trusted to lead us,but as soon as bernie goes down they jump over to the hillary bandwagon, character be damned?....the answer?....people like you who need a party to lead them...grow a pair bobo,maybe you can then by a bigger pair of underpants.....
Personally this is what I prefer you do in order. Vote Hillary, vote 3rd party, don't vote at all then vote GOP last.

But I preach vote no matter what because then at least you are weighing in.

I'm just trying to convince you trump shouldn't win the white house. You need to realize that'll be a huge mistake.

And hillary isn't as bad as the corporate media and Republicans tell you she is. They pulled the same thing on bill and AL gore and Obama. You're just brainwashed. Clinton's rule no lie.

I liked Bernie cause he's more liberal than hillary but now hillary is least likely to rubber stamp Paul Ryan's agenda. But voting 3rd party I don't think you understand how bad for America that would be.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....

So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.

And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.

I ain't the least bit confused. I wish I were, since ignorance is bliss, as I'm sure you know.

"Mexicans" qualifying as "Hispanic" does not give you licence to change the man-child's words into some other term you find more convenient. They're also a subset of "Americans" but that isn't what he said either. HAD he said "I think the judge might be American" there would be no story here whatsoever. But he didn't --- he said "Mexican". From Indiana. As if that's supposed to have some bearing on knowing how a fraud case works.

And yet ---- Rump took the opposite position --- I know, nothing new --- when the judge in question was his sister:

>> “When my sister Maryanne Trump Barry, one of the brightest and most capable people on the federal bench, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on her elevation to a federal judgeship in the Third Circuit Court, [New Hampshire Senator Bob] Smith insisted on asking her views on abortion,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.

“She patiently explained to the good senator that her personal views on the issue were meaningless; a federal judge’s job is to uphold the law as it is written, not to interpret from the bench based on his or her personal views. Maybe if my sister had spoken more slowly.” <<​

Again, having it both ways: Priceless.

And that sister he says is "one of the brightest and most capable people"? She described her little brother as "P.T. Barnum". So perhaps he's right about his assessment of her.
your problem bobo is that you think i give a fuck about trump....hold on a second.....i just told my buddy George this......View attachment 77600
You don't worry about the GOP being in charge of the House, Senate and White House and Supreme Court. That to me makes you a very dumb person.
yes i do....unlike you i have many a post in here expressing the dangers of one party rule.....i have never seen you say that....so who is stupid?....keep eating what they tell you bobo....oh and how come when i asked twice i believe,you could not tell me how me voting 3rd party helps either trump or hillary?...i notice you just ignored that after you made the statement,twice i believe how i was.....maybe you are not bright enough to handle the question?.....dont have an answer?....just like to talk?.... which is it?.....
Yes idiot! LOL. If Trump wins by 1 vote and you voted 3rd party, you gave Trump the White House.

You clearly don't get it that Paul Ryan's agenda is not good for you. Not good at all. If you ask me I think the Clinton's were great. About as great as any politician can be really. The only one greater is Obama and he can't run again. You've swallowed the right wing talking points. Not enough to vote GOP but subconsciously they've conned you into thinking both parties are just as bad.

If you don't get it by now, I don't expect you to ever get it, and I've explained till I'm blue in the face. And I've heard your comebacks for long enough I know what you are going to say back. And sorry but if it's not, "I've wised up and I'm voting Hillary", then what you have to say is squat.

You may as well stay home. 3rd party. LOL
thats your answer?....and im stupid?....you know what bobo?....if that very unrealistic situation actually happened....maybe hillary should have worked harder to convince more people she should be president...and ive swallowed the right wing talking points?,but yet you cant come up with me supporting them.....oh wait thats right,if anyone doesnt agree with you they must be a righty.....hey bobo what kind of person backs bernie who has spent the last few months telling us how clinton is bought and sold by wall street and she should not be trusted to lead us,but as soon as bernie goes down they jump over to the hillary bandwagon, character be damned?....the answer?....people like you who need a party to lead them...grow a pair bobo,maybe you can then by a bigger pair of underpants.....
Personally this is what I prefer you do in order. Vote Hillary, vote 3rd party, don't vote at all then vote GOP last.

But I preach vote no matter what because then at least you are weighing in.

I'm just trying to convince you trump shouldn't win the white house. You need to realize that'll be a huge mistake.

And hillary isn't as bad as the corporate media and Republicans tell you she is. They pulled the same thing on bill and AL gore and Obama. You're just brainwashed. Clinton's rule no lie.

I liked Bernie cause he's more liberal than hillary but now hillary is least likely to rubber stamp Paul Ryan's agenda. But voting 3rd party I don't think you understand how bad for America that would be.
thats ok....ill vote for someone other than hillary or trump....and if i dont like either side,who has brainwashed me?..now you, someone who does whatever the democrats tell you to do?....you are probably brainwashed bobo,someone had to tell you,might as well be me,i probably have known you longer than most here....and voting 3rd party is no where near as bad as voting for the same shit over and over again....
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....

So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....
Yes idiot! LOL. If Trump wins by 1 vote and you voted 3rd party, you gave Trump the White House.

That's a weird assed way to look at it, and makes no sense at all unless you know for sure that Clinton was the 3rd party voter's second choice.

In any case, approval voting would resolve these kinds of voting dysfunctions.

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