I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....

So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
there is that great attitude again...."hey i can only vote for one of the big 2, even if they suck"....

So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
Yes idiot! LOL. If Trump wins by 1 vote and you voted 3rd party, you gave Trump the White House.

That's a weird assed way to look at it, and makes no sense at all unless you know for sure that Clinton was the 3rd party voter's second choice.

In any case, approval voting would resolve these kinds of voting dysfunctions.
Harry's not half as dumb as a middle class person who votes gop
So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Well if you decide to vote libertarian, there is some great news. Gary Johnson just said he promises to stop smoking weed if elected President. :lol:
So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote

Careful there Bobo. When you say rich you are referring to folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and warren Buffett. I don't think they fit your profile.
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.
I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote

Careful there Bobo. When you say rich you are referring to folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and warren Buffett. I don't think they fit your profile.
I think you know who I mean. ALEC, koch brothers and the rich who own the GOP and have them pass their bad anti middle class agenda.

It all comes down to this. If you follow politics, you either like Paul Ryan's agenda or you don't. I don't.
I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.
The GOP have no reason to change their agenda/tactics/policies as long as people in your state vote 3rd party or not at all. The worst thing they can see is they are losing votes to their real opponents. Your state will stay red with that attitude.

Oh, and Texas might go blue this year
I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.

I wouldnt say the vote is wasted, but I understand your sentiment. If you live in California and you know that the dem is going to win that state, but you prefer the GOP, then you still can vote for who will eventually be president if the GOP canidate wins more electoral votes across the nation. Vote for Nader and you know you are not voting for the winner.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.
The GOP have no reason to change their agenda/tactics/policies as long as people in your state vote 3rd party or not at all. The worst thing they can see is they are losing votes to their real opponents. Your state will stay red with that attitude.

Oh, and Texas might go blue this year

Good point, voting third party marginalizes your state. But I can't see Texas going for Hellary anymore than Cali going for Trump.
So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
Is the guy in the crazy hospital solitary ward thinking for himself? You got two choices fucko.
No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.
The GOP have no reason to change their agenda/tactics/policies as long as people in your state vote 3rd party or not at all. The worst thing they can see is they are losing votes to their real opponents. Your state will stay red with that attitude.

Oh, and Texas might go blue this year

Good point, voting third party marginalizes your state. But I can't see Texas going for Hellary anymore than Cali going for Trump.
With Hispanics women and changing demographics hillary might win texas
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.

I wouldnt say the vote is wasted, but I understand your sentiment. If you live in California and you know that the dem is going to win that state, but you prefer the GOP, then you still can vote for who will eventually be president if the GOP canidate wins more electoral votes across the nation. Vote for Nader and you know you are not voting for the winner.

--- which is exactly what I did in 2000, when I was living in Louisiana. In effect it was not so much a vote for Nader as a vote against the Duopoly.

If you already know your state is going red, or blue --- then what's the point? Your time going to the polls, at least for the POTUS election, is entirely wasted, no matter which one you want. But refusing to go along and voting 3P is at least a way of saying, "I exist".
No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.

I wouldnt say the vote is wasted, but I understand your sentiment. If you live in California and you know that the dem is going to win that state, but you prefer the GOP, then you still can vote for who will eventually be president if the GOP canidate wins more electoral votes across the nation. Vote for Nader and you know you are not voting for the winner.

--- which is exactly what I did in 2000, when I was living in Louisiana. In effect it was not so much a vote for Nader as a vote against the Duopoly.

If you already know your state is going red, or blue --- then what's the point?
If you don't like the color it's turning then let them know your color still showed up to represent.

When a politician wins by a landslide, that's a mandate.

Also, who are you to know what color your States going to vote? Is this why red states stay red? Have they convinced all you poor saps that your vote don't matter?
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.

I wouldnt say the vote is wasted, but I understand your sentiment. If you live in California and you know that the dem is going to win that state, but you prefer the GOP, then you still can vote for who will eventually be president if the GOP canidate wins more electoral votes across the nation. Vote for Nader and you know you are not voting for the winner.

--- which is exactly what I did in 2000, when I was living in Louisiana. In effect it was not so much a vote for Nader as a vote against the Duopoly.

If you already know your state is going red, or blue --- then what's the point?
If you don't like the color it's turning then let them know your color still showed up to represent.

When a politician wins by a landslide, that's a mandate.

Also, who are you to know what color your States going to vote? Is this why red states stay red? Have they convinced all you poor saps that your vote don't matter?

I was right, wasn't I?

OK then.

It wasn't "turning" -- it was lock-red before I moved there. I'd rather have my vote count for something.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote

Careful there Bobo. When you say rich you are referring to folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and warren Buffett. I don't think they fit your profile.
I think you know who I mean. ALEC, koch brothers and the rich who own the GOP and have them pass their bad anti middle class agenda.

It all comes down to this. If you follow politics, you either like Paul Ryan's agenda or you don't. I don't.

You and I sit down over beers and I'll bet we find a lot of common ground. There are many issues that the Federal government sticks it's nose in where it shouldn't, i.e. Social issues like abortion or transgenders in public restrooms, or education and healthcare. I think those things should be left to the states where the people can decide what they prefer.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.

Never heard of the Electoral College I take it?

For anybody who lives in a lock-blue or lock-red state, that vote is ALREADY wasted. If I already know George Bush is going to win my state, then it makes zero difference whether I vote for him, vote for his Democrat opponent, or don't vote at all. All three have exactly the same result. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

That's why I go vote for Nader -- it's all the voice I have left.
The GOP have no reason to change their agenda/tactics/policies as long as people in your state vote 3rd party or not at all. The worst thing they can see is they are losing votes to their real opponents. Your state will stay red with that attitude.

Oh, and Texas might go blue this year

Good point, voting third party marginalizes your state. But I can't see Texas going for Hellary anymore than Cali going for Trump.
With Hispanics women and changing demographics hillary might win texas

Look, she is likely going to win based on the electoral map, but Not Texas. That would be too embarrassing for the Cruzatics.

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