I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.

And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.

I ain't the least bit confused. I wish I were, since ignorance is bliss, as I'm sure you know.

"Mexicans" qualifying as "Hispanic" does not give you licence to change the man-child's words into some other term you find more convenient. They're also a subset of "Americans" but that isn't what he said either. HAD he said "I think the judge might be American" there would be no story here whatsoever. But he didn't --- he said "Mexican". From Indiana. As if that's supposed to have some bearing on knowing how a fraud case works.

And yet ---- Rump took the opposite position --- I know, nothing new --- when the judge in question was his sister:

>> “When my sister Maryanne Trump Barry, one of the brightest and most capable people on the federal bench, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on her elevation to a federal judgeship in the Third Circuit Court, [New Hampshire Senator Bob] Smith insisted on asking her views on abortion,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.

“She patiently explained to the good senator that her personal views on the issue were meaningless; a federal judge’s job is to uphold the law as it is written, not to interpret from the bench based on his or her personal views. Maybe if my sister had spoken more slowly.” <<​

Again, having it both ways: Priceless.

And that sister he says is "one of the brightest and most capable people"? She described her little brother as "P.T. Barnum". So perhaps he's right about his assessment of her.

There are three points in your post, I will address them all.

1. I am not changing any words. YOu are pretending to be confused about what he said or meant. I am pointing out that he is saying exactly what you lefties have been screaming for months, ie that Hispanics, and THUS "Mexicans" hate him.

Your attempt to play dumb here has failed. YOu are obviously LYING.

2. Your constant use of Appeal to Ridicule is a Logical Fallacy, the use of which shows that A. you are a dishonest propagandist, B. you know that you can't win the argument based on the merits of your case, and C. you are a jerk.

3. Having it both ways it what you lefties are doing. HIs discussion of his sister is what Judges are SUPPOSED to do. Even in that scenario, Judges with personal involvement, such as being the member of an organization that is actively fighting the Defendant is still just cause for recusement.

Once again --- *I* am not a "plural". You're in absolutely no position to cite logical fallacies until you figure that out.
I won't wait around, since you're not even close.

If you really weren't a partisan hard left hack, you wouldn't be nitpicking about Trump's terminology, you would be viciously

ridiculing the massive hypocrisy of the Hard Left as they attack Trump for saying what they have been saying for months.
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...

The person voting third party is tossing his vote in the trash. He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system, because he is voting for somebody who will never win, and thus he will not be represented. I may disagree with socialist like Bernie, but I respect him more than anybody else in the race because he walks the walk of his beliefs. The pantsuit bull dyke and the big orange clown are liars who are essentially power hungry, but if those are the only 2 who have any chance of winning, then I am forced to vote for one of them. Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice. But hey, vote third party and then you can be a big man and say " I didn't vote for...." . Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward.
He may be thinking for himself, but clearly doesn't understand the system,
we understand something you party people dont or you just dont care....if you want real change you are going to have to vote for someone who is not a democrat or a republican otherwise you are getting the same old shit,talk about a vote going in the trash......
and thus he will not be represented.
will i be represented by trump or hillary?...i dont think so,maybe you think you will.....
then I am forced to vote for one of them
you are not forced to vote for anyone,thats your 2 party mentality taking over....and as long as so many people have that mentality not much is going to change....
Or I could be a "brave" free thinker like you and vote for somebody who has no shot, but I choose to have a voice.
i have a voice....i just said fuck the 2 parties,everything is not ok and im not supporting you assholes until you people start representing us,the people,you know the people you work for?.......,your voice just fell into a chorus with the other 2 party people saying "hey everything is ok....isnt it?"....."yea the parties say they got our backs,no need to worry"....and then they proceed to laugh behind your backs....minorities should not trust either one of these parties,but many of them have the 2 party disease too....
. Personally, I think the third party voter is either a coward or ignorant or possible an ignorant coward
yea like you party people are so brave,to fucking scared to tell that party to either change your ways or fuck you.....and anyone that calls themselves a buck tooth moron kind of sums up their IQ level....
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
Is the guy in the crazy hospital solitary ward thinking for himself? You got two choices fucko.
you know im right...otherwise you would have came back with something intelligent...
No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote

Careful there Bobo. When you say rich you are referring to folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and warren Buffett. I don't think they fit your profile.
I think you know who I mean. ALEC, koch brothers and the rich who own the GOP and have them pass their bad anti middle class agenda.

It all comes down to this. If you follow politics, you either like Paul Ryan's agenda or you don't. I don't.

You and I sit down over beers and I'll bet we find a lot of common ground. There are many issues that the Federal government sticks it's nose in where it shouldn't, i.e. Social issues like abortion or transgenders in public restrooms, or education and healthcare. I think those things should be left to the states where the people can decide what they prefer.
why did you agree with this bobo?....you think the democrats should tell everyone what to do and how to live...so why lie here?.....
No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.

And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.

I ain't the least bit confused. I wish I were, since ignorance is bliss, as I'm sure you know.

"Mexicans" qualifying as "Hispanic" does not give you licence to change the man-child's words into some other term you find more convenient. They're also a subset of "Americans" but that isn't what he said either. HAD he said "I think the judge might be American" there would be no story here whatsoever. But he didn't --- he said "Mexican". From Indiana. As if that's supposed to have some bearing on knowing how a fraud case works.

And yet ---- Rump took the opposite position --- I know, nothing new --- when the judge in question was his sister:

>> “When my sister Maryanne Trump Barry, one of the brightest and most capable people on the federal bench, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on her elevation to a federal judgeship in the Third Circuit Court, [New Hampshire Senator Bob] Smith insisted on asking her views on abortion,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.

“She patiently explained to the good senator that her personal views on the issue were meaningless; a federal judge’s job is to uphold the law as it is written, not to interpret from the bench based on his or her personal views. Maybe if my sister had spoken more slowly.” <<​

Again, having it both ways: Priceless.

And that sister he says is "one of the brightest and most capable people"? She described her little brother as "P.T. Barnum". So perhaps he's right about his assessment of her.

There are three points in your post, I will address them all.

1. I am not changing any words. YOu are pretending to be confused about what he said or meant. I am pointing out that he is saying exactly what you lefties have been screaming for months, ie that Hispanics, and THUS "Mexicans" hate him.

Your attempt to play dumb here has failed. YOu are obviously LYING.

2. Your constant use of Appeal to Ridicule is a Logical Fallacy, the use of which shows that A. you are a dishonest propagandist, B. you know that you can't win the argument based on the merits of your case, and C. you are a jerk.

3. Having it both ways it what you lefties are doing. HIs discussion of his sister is what Judges are SUPPOSED to do. Even in that scenario, Judges with personal involvement, such as being the member of an organization that is actively fighting the Defendant is still just cause for recusement.

Once again --- *I* am not a "plural". You're in absolutely no position to cite logical fallacies until you figure that out.
I won't wait around, since you're not even close.

If you really weren't a partisan hard left hack, you wouldn't be nitpicking about Trump's terminology, you would be viciously

ridiculing the massive hypocrisy of the Hard Left as they attack Trump for saying what they have been saying for months.
i dont think pogo is a HARD left hack....he might be left but he has criticized the left.....but i have known him longer than you.....so there is that....
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote

Careful there Bobo. When you say rich you are referring to folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and warren Buffett. I don't think they fit your profile.
I think you know who I mean. ALEC, koch brothers and the rich who own the GOP and have them pass their bad anti middle class agenda.

It all comes down to this. If you follow politics, you either like Paul Ryan's agenda or you don't. I don't.

You and I sit down over beers and I'll bet we find a lot of common ground. There are many issues that the Federal government sticks it's nose in where it shouldn't, i.e. Social issues like abortion or transgenders in public restrooms, or education and healthcare. I think those things should be left to the states where the people can decide what they prefer.
why did you agree with this bobo?....you think the democrats should tell everyone what to do and how to live...so why lie here?.....
Not lying. When I talk to Republicans I agree with them 100% of the time on the main premise. It's when I say, "yea but" and they don't agree with the additional information that we split ways.

Sure on it's face "tax breaks for the rich" should create jobs. Right Harry? But did it work? Is that really a solution for creating jobs? Companies don't hire more people just because they have extra money. They only hire as many people as they need. No more no less. So giving tax breaks to rich people to me seems like a bad idea if you are trying to get out of a recession and the same time fighting a war and worrying about your debt. Don't you agree? Well Republicans can't seem to admit it when it comes from us but maybe the chameleon Trump will say it so they finally understand.

If middle class people are struggling, shouldn't the tax breaks go to them? Then they go out and spend that money which increases demand which in turn makes rich people want to hire more people to gobble up that disposable income.
The Donald talks NON PC as most American's do...it might not be as ARTICULATE as some may like, BUT it doesn't BULLSHIT you with lawyer talk!...FYI Trump was right!

Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

“By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable but outright wrong,” the press release states. “His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.”

The press release adds:

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

“Now, I doubt you could find a more conformational reason for Donald Trump to be concerned about a Judge overseeing the Trump University lawsuit, which everyone admits is based on some sketchy legal standing, than Judge Curiel specifically belonging to a legal enterprise of affiliates who have clearly stated their intent to target Trump’s business interests,” the Conservative Review writes.

Trump has been criticized for suggesting Curiel is biased against him because of Curiel’s Mexican heritage due to Trump’s plan to build a wall along the southern border and his stance against illegal immigration.

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses

Have you ever heard of the boundaries between personal and professional lives?
So is your "attitude" I can vote or whomever I want, and it doesn't matter if they have no chance to win because ...........please finish with your own "logic".
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
No you are not thinking for yourself. You must be a complete moron. The country is either going to head in one of 3 directions. Hard right, middle or hard left. We know it won't go hard left because the GOP won't even allow us to be middle of the road. The GOP control the house and senate (at least for now they do) and the next president is going to appoint the next Supreme Court justice. If you are risking the chance that the GOP control all three branches and you are comfortable with that happening, that makes you a god damn clueless moron IMO. But that's just me.
You think you are so clever but the rich want you to do one of three things.

1. Vote GOP.
2. Vote 3rd party
3. Don't vote

Careful there Bobo. When you say rich you are referring to folks like Bill Gates, George Soros and warren Buffett. I don't think they fit your profile.
I think you know who I mean. ALEC, koch brothers and the rich who own the GOP and have them pass their bad anti middle class agenda.

It all comes down to this. If you follow politics, you either like Paul Ryan's agenda or you don't. I don't.

You and I sit down over beers and I'll bet we find a lot of common ground. There are many issues that the Federal government sticks it's nose in where it shouldn't, i.e. Social issues like abortion or transgenders in public restrooms, or education and healthcare. I think those things should be left to the states where the people can decide what they prefer.
why did you agree with this bobo?....you think the democrats should tell everyone what to do and how to live...so why lie here?.....
Not lying. When I talk to Republicans I agree with them 100% of the time on the main premise. It's when I say, "yea but" and they don't agree with the additional information that we split ways.

Sure on it's face "tax breaks for the rich" should create jobs. Right Harry? But did it work? Is that really a solution for creating jobs? Companies don't hire more people just because they have extra money. They only hire as many people as they need. No more no less. So giving tax breaks to rich people to me seems like a bad idea if you are trying to get out of a recession and the same time fighting a war and worrying about your debt. Don't you agree? Well Republicans can't seem to admit it when it comes from us but maybe the chameleon Trump will say it so they finally understand.

If middle class people are struggling, shouldn't the tax breaks go to them? Then they go out and spend that money which increases demand which in turn makes rich people want to hire more people to gobble up that disposable income.
no argument from me.....
at least im not afraid to cut the cord and think for myself....how about you?...or is that party mentality still ingrained?...

I don't belong to a party. I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash, but hey, whatever makes you feel special is fine with me.
I don't consider thinking for yourself tossing your vote in the trash
oh really?... but yet you said "Why bother voting for anybody other than the Rep or Dem? Your vote essentially ends up in the trash if you vote somewhere else"....is not the person voting for someone else thinking for themselves?....

No, the person voting 3rd party is someone who doesn't have an understanding of the system we employ. Do you have core values and core beliefs? If so, you better vote either dem or rep which best represents your values. Otherwise you are marginalized with no representation.
quite dancing around the question....is the person who votes 3rd party thinking for himself or not?....as compared to you party people who cant see nothing but what is put in front of you and abide by what they tell you?...
No you are not thinking for yourself. You must be a complete moron. The country is either going to head in one of 3 directions. Hard right, middle or hard left. We know it won't go hard left because the GOP won't even allow us to be middle of the road. The GOP control the house and senate (at least for now they do) and the next president is going to appoint the next Supreme Court justice. If you are risking the chance that the GOP control all three branches and you are comfortable with that happening, that makes you a god damn clueless moron IMO. But that's just me.
yes thats you....someone who either does not read previous posts,or does but doesnt retain anything....which one are you bobo?....
And he said that because it has been a discussion of nation wide scale, that Hispanics hate him.

"Mexicans" are part of the group HIspanic.

Your pretense that this is somehow confusing to you is absurd.

Even libs are not that dim.

I ain't the least bit confused. I wish I were, since ignorance is bliss, as I'm sure you know.

"Mexicans" qualifying as "Hispanic" does not give you licence to change the man-child's words into some other term you find more convenient. They're also a subset of "Americans" but that isn't what he said either. HAD he said "I think the judge might be American" there would be no story here whatsoever. But he didn't --- he said "Mexican". From Indiana. As if that's supposed to have some bearing on knowing how a fraud case works.

And yet ---- Rump took the opposite position --- I know, nothing new --- when the judge in question was his sister:

>> “When my sister Maryanne Trump Barry, one of the brightest and most capable people on the federal bench, appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in a hearing on her elevation to a federal judgeship in the Third Circuit Court, [New Hampshire Senator Bob] Smith insisted on asking her views on abortion,” Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve.

“She patiently explained to the good senator that her personal views on the issue were meaningless; a federal judge’s job is to uphold the law as it is written, not to interpret from the bench based on his or her personal views. Maybe if my sister had spoken more slowly.” <<​

Again, having it both ways: Priceless.

And that sister he says is "one of the brightest and most capable people"? She described her little brother as "P.T. Barnum". So perhaps he's right about his assessment of her.

There are three points in your post, I will address them all.

1. I am not changing any words. YOu are pretending to be confused about what he said or meant. I am pointing out that he is saying exactly what you lefties have been screaming for months, ie that Hispanics, and THUS "Mexicans" hate him.

Your attempt to play dumb here has failed. YOu are obviously LYING.

2. Your constant use of Appeal to Ridicule is a Logical Fallacy, the use of which shows that A. you are a dishonest propagandist, B. you know that you can't win the argument based on the merits of your case, and C. you are a jerk.

3. Having it both ways it what you lefties are doing. HIs discussion of his sister is what Judges are SUPPOSED to do. Even in that scenario, Judges with personal involvement, such as being the member of an organization that is actively fighting the Defendant is still just cause for recusement.

Once again --- *I* am not a "plural". You're in absolutely no position to cite logical fallacies until you figure that out.
I won't wait around, since you're not even close.

If you really weren't a partisan hard left hack, you wouldn't be nitpicking about Trump's terminology, you would be viciously

ridiculing the massive hypocrisy of the Hard Left as they attack Trump for saying what they have been saying for months.
i dont think pogo is a HARD left hack....he might be left but he has criticized the left.....but i have known him longer than you.....so there is that....

Thanks Harry. :thup:

The more of that clown's posts I read the dumber he gets. Still can't figure out the difference between "an individual" and "the massive collective label he sees in his own head". It's like trying to have rational coversation with The Borg.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.

The only vote for Hillary is an actual vote for Hillary. Don't let people pull you into this binary gridlock mindset that has only ever gotten us more of the same old, same old from both sides. It's not your job to prevent someone from taking office by voting for "anyone but . . .". It's your job to vote for the best person for the job as best you can determine, and whatever the establishment in both the major parties tells you (and yes, Trumpettes, you are now the hated, bullying establishment you railed against just a few months ago, congratulations), there ARE more than two choices on the ballot.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Is he supposed to sit back and eat the shit thrown at him like Romney and McCain did? I find so called "R's" flipping out about Trump laying it on the line in a multi million dollar lawsuit against him fucking crazy.

Romney didn't even fight back when the press and pundits were mocking his wife having a dressage horse for her multiple sclerosis. Pathetic.

And he didn't pop off at the mouth. He was telling the truth that this was a political witch hunt against him using the judiciary.

I just heard "The only person who is ever justified in saying anything is Donald Trump. No one is ever allowed to criticize him, but everything he says about others is ALWAYS what they deserve for daring to open their mouths about The Great One."
One problem, Vigilante

Why did Trump mention the judge in the first place? Trump university was an insignificant topic until Trump called the judge a Mexican.

I just don't get it.

The only thing worse than them talking about you, is when they are NOT talking about you!.... One of the first things you learn in Public Relations.....

There are 5 primaries for the DemoRATS tonight, and TRUMP has effectively placed them on PAGE 2 of almost all media outlets.... Besides, it's now being shown that his assessment of the Judge is correct. Trump is a marketing genius!

Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

It's their playbook. I do like how Gingrich is giving constructive criticism though. Check this out.

"Here's what Newt told me:

Trump is going to be fine as a candidate. He is learning very rapidly. When [Ted] Cruz dropped out so early it took away the 60 days Trump and his campaign needed to get organized to lead the entire party and a general election campaign.

As someone who never ran for office before and who has had an amazing 11-month run (replacing 16 more seasoned candidates including a number the Washington elite would have bet on), Trump has shown a remarkable ability to perform and to learn.

Trump's complaints about the judge and the law firm in the Trump University case are valid and reflect a growing pattern of politicized "justice." Criticizing the judge for his membership in a radical La Raza San Diego group would have been legitimate. Focusing on ethnicity was not.

I am confident the Trump campaign from the convention on will be remarkably inclusive and will do much better with minorities than [Mitt] Romney did in 2012."

Newt Gingrich wants you to know Donald Trump is still doing great!

Oh, goody. The "anti-establishment" candidate being soul-kissed by Mr. Establishment.

You people don't even realize what a joke you are.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.

The only vote for Hillary is an actual vote for Hillary. Don't let people pull you into this binary gridlock mindset that has only ever gotten us more of the same old, same old from both sides. It's not your job to prevent someone from taking office by voting for "anyone but . . .". It's your job to vote for the best person for the job as best you can determine, and whatever the establishment in both the major parties tells you (and yes, Trumpettes, you are now the hated, bullying establishment you railed against just a few months ago, congratulations), there ARE more than two choices on the ballot.

There are only 2 choices who have a chance of winning however.
I'm curious...

Am I to solely focus on the stupid stuff Hillary and her cronies say, and completely ignore what Trump says? Can anyone tell me how that works?

Uh, well, that was it. That's how it works. If Donald Trump does it, it's brilliant, golden, gospel-written-in-stone-by-the-finger-of-God, and if Hillary does it, it's eeeeevil and indefensible . . . even if it's the same damned thing.

And God forbid they ever actually TALK about Trump. The defense to any criticism of him is "But HILLARY!"

Oh, and now the new thing is to basically lift talking points directly out of Hillary Clinton quotes, change the names and political affiliations, and then regurgitate them back as though no one's going to notice.
I'm curious...

Am I to solely focus on the stupid stuff Hillary and her cronies say, and completely ignore what Trump says? Can anyone tell me how that works?

Pointing out that the Judge is La Raza and the two law firms for the plaintiffs gave close to a million bucks to the Clintons for speeches and that this is just a political witch hunt using the judiciary is stupid?

Seriously, are you just cutting and pasting from Hillary interviews now?
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.

The only vote for Hillary is an actual vote for Hillary. Don't let people pull you into this binary gridlock mindset that has only ever gotten us more of the same old, same old from both sides. It's not your job to prevent someone from taking office by voting for "anyone but . . .". It's your job to vote for the best person for the job as best you can determine, and whatever the establishment in both the major parties tells you (and yes, Trumpettes, you are now the hated, bullying establishment you railed against just a few months ago, congratulations), there ARE more than two choices on the ballot.

There are only 2 choices who have a chance of winning however.

So? That's also all there's ever going to be as long as people think "I'm on the biggest bandwagon!" is the operative point.
Look. I voted for Trump in the primary, I probably still might in the general election. However, I'm not going to be in such a rush to defend what he says.

Personally, I don't vote for people I can't and won't defend, because that's basically saying, "Sorry, America. I knew he was shit, and I decided you deserved shit, and I gave you shit." Nope. Uh uh. If I vote for someone, then I'm responsible for them and whatever asinine things they do, and I flatly refuse to make myself responsible for Donald Trump.
Has anyone thought about the fact that the judge helped Trump out a great deal by setting the trial date for November? If he had really wanted to screw the guy, he'd have set it for October.

It actually won't matter when he sets the date. You forget he unsealed the documents, right in the thick of it all.
Then when that cholo judge realized there were affidavits, declarations and letters from successful students, he tried to seal them back.


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