I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

One problem, Vigilante

Why did Trump mention the judge in the first place? Trump university was an insignificant topic until Trump called the judge a Mexican.

I just don't get it.

The Trump University lawsuit has been a recurring theme with Rubio, Cruz and Romney attacking him on it as well as Clinton. Not insignificant at all. Especially after the La Raza Judge granted the release of documents to the Washington Post at the end of May.

Remember Romney especially calling Trump a con man?
This is all part of the same group vowing to bring Trump down under any circumstances.
Has anyone thought about the fact that the judge helped Trump out a great deal by setting the trial date for November? If he had really wanted to screw the guy, he'd have set it for October.

It actually won't matter when he sets the date. You forget he unsealed the documents, right in the thick of it all.
Then when that cholo judge realized there were affidavits, declarations and letters from successful students, he tried to seal them back.
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

Really funny that you should mention that, because Rump's father's middle name literally WAS "Christ", and he earned a rep for racist housing policies in his FHA-aided developments. Woody Guthrie, who was a tenant there, rewrote one of his own songs about him:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
I just cain't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain!
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!​

Guthrie's notes read:
I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

(way more here)

Thanks for that opening. :thup:

BUT Pogo, Old Fool, Obama's mentor, was noted Communist member Frank Marshall Davis, as he mentioned in his book, "Dreams of My Father!"...Thanks for the opening!
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Join us Libertarians where all the cool kids are at...

Being serious and the reality is Trump and Clinton are the best two candidates to help the Libertarian and Green Party Ticket... This has to be the first time since 1992 where the American Public can not hold their nose and vote for the best of the worst but instead might just say of hell no and vote third party...

If that happens it will be a wake up call for the two bigger political parties and in 2020 they better run a better candidate than a loud mouth shock jock and a has been First Lady that was not good in the Senate nor as Secretary of State...
Has anyone thought about the fact that the judge helped Trump out a great deal by setting the trial date for November? If he had really wanted to screw the guy, he'd have set it for October.

It actually won't matter when he sets the date. You forget he unsealed the documents, right in the thick of it all.

He already set it. And it matters. It absolutely matters.

I forgot nothing.
However, while I feel people like Lindsey Graham and Mark Kirk may or may not be justified in their criticism of Donald Trump's comments, encouraging the party to once again disunify itself via rescinding endorsements or threatening a convention challenge because of that would be a mistake.

Once again I find myself hoping the RNC doesn't look to sabotage the will of the people who voted for Donald Trump. But right now, Donald Trump is not making me a happy camper. He needs to shut his mouth and quit saying stupid crap.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
I like Gary Johnson.

IF Trump and lawyers believed this judge Curiel was truly unfair and treating him unjustly, then WHY OH WHY haven't his lawyers simply file with the court, a legal Recusal of the judge request?

WHY did Trump not do this and decide to play this case out in the public arena, playing the race card, instead of doing the one thing that he could do, request the recusal of this judge for specific reasons of unfairness?
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

Really funny that you should mention that, because Rump's father's middle name literally WAS "Christ", and he earned a rep for racist housing policies in his FHA-aided developments. Woody Guthrie, who was a tenant there, rewrote one of his own songs about him:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
I just cain't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain!
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!​

Guthrie's notes read:
I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

(way more here)

Thanks for that opening. :thup:

BUT Pogo, Old Fool, Obama's mentor, was noted Communist member Frank Marshall Davis, as he mentioned in his book, "Dreams of My Father!"...Thanks for the opening!

Yet another deflection. Hear "Rump", change subject to "Clinton" or "Obama" or "Coconuts".
Sorry, Woody Guthrie wrote no songs about "Obama". Nor is he even running for anything.

Must suck to have nothing to say.
Ex-KKK leader David Duke blames ‘Blitzer and the Jews’ for Trump’s troubles in wild rant
Former KKK leader David Duke came to the defense of one of his political idols Tuesday, blaming Donald Trump’s legal problems over his scandal-plagued Trump University on a new culprit. “Jewish agent” Wolf Blitzer and the Jewish-owned media.
Seems you've been, "brought to heal" by Hillary Clinton ...:lol:
Vig this is what conservatives NEED in a candidate. Let's face it right from the get go any R candidate even for dog catcher is touted by the left as being racist and sexist. As I said in another thread you could nominate Christ Almighty and some left wing whacko will tag the good Lord as sexist/racist/throw grandma off the cliff.

Really funny that you should mention that, because Rump's father's middle name literally WAS "Christ", and he earned a rep for racist housing policies in his FHA-aided developments. Woody Guthrie, who was a tenant there, rewrote one of his own songs about him:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
I just cain't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain!
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!​

Guthrie's notes read:
I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

(way more here)

Thanks for that opening. :thup:

BUT Pogo, Old Fool, Obama's mentor, was noted Communist member Frank Marshall Davis, as he mentioned in his book, "Dreams of My Father!"...Thanks for the opening!

Yet another deflection. Hear "Rump", change subject to "Clinton" or "Obama" or "Coconuts".
Sorry, Woody Guthrie wrote no songs about "Obama". Nor is he even running for anything.

Must suck to have nothing to say.
You talk about Trumps father and I talk about Obuma's mentor... I know that's a hard configuration for you to put inside that pea sized brain of yours, BUT others understand..... The question is how do you breath and type at the same time?

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