I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton

Perhaps you should review Hillary, Bill's and Democratic Socialist Party members very long list of racist quotes so you don't appear so myopic, unbalanced and obviously hypocritical... just sayin
Paul Ryan said it best. You don't care how much of a scumbag trump is, he's more likely to pass his conservative agenda and appoint conservative judges.

This is exactly why trump can't win. I've never seen such a half hearted endorsement.

At least Ryan is honest about it. Have you heard the GOP plan for 2017? They can't even reveal it because trumps such an embarrassment and distraction.

Paul Ryan is part of the problem, bought off by the establishment to a lesser degree than Hillary but still willing to continue screwing over the middleclass and poor.

Gads man, quit being a dupe running on emotion instead of critical thought and knowledge.
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His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton

Perhaps you should review Hillary, Bill's and Democratic Socialist Party members very long list of racist quotes so you don't appear so myopic, unbalanced and obviously hypocritical... just sayin
Paul Ryan said it best. You don't care how much of a scumbag trump is, he's more likely to pass his conservative agenda and appoint conservative judges.

This is exactly why trump can't win. I've never seen such a half hearted endorsement.

At least Ryan is honest about it. Have you heard the GOP plan for 2017? They can't even reveal it because trumps such an embarrassment and distraction.

Paul Ryan is part of the problem, bought off by the establishment to a lesser degree than Hillary but still willing to continue screwing over the middleclass and poor.

Gads man, quit being a dupe running on emotion instead of critical thought and knowledge.
To a lesser degree? How do figure that?
Has anyone thought about the fact that the judge helped Trump out a great deal by setting the trial date for November? If he had really wanted to screw the guy, he'd have set it for October.

It actually won't matter when he sets the date. You forget he unsealed the documents, right in the thick of it all.
Then when that cholo judge realized there were affidavits, declarations and letters from successful students, he tried to seal them back.
you dont even know what a cholo is do ya?....
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

I totally get your sentiment about the orange clown, but politics is all about compromise. Every time I cringe at the idiocy coming from his pie hole, I look to the left and see the pantsuit bull dyke. As horrible the orange clown is at politics there is no way I will do anything to help Hellary get elected, and the fact is, a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton
hillary is not bill bobo....AND the dot-com boom helped make bill look pretty good,he was president at a good time,if Bush1 would have won,he would be looking good.....hell if you were President at that time,they would calling you a good President......
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
There are a few on this site who refuse to admit that he's saying anything embarrassing or (add your own adjective here) at all.

This whole thing has been amazing to watch.

First Dubya, then Palin, now Trump. The party appears to have turned aggressively anti-intellectual, as if being intelligent, dignified and articulate are negatives.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
So if YOU don't vote for Hillary it must be a vote for Trump right. I mean why doesn't the logic work both ways?

I don't concede it to be true.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

I totally get your sentiment about the orange clown, but politics is all about compromise. Every time I cringe at the idiocy coming from his pie hole, I look to the left and see the pantsuit bull dyke. As horrible the orange clown is at politics there is no way I will do anything to help Hellary get elected, and the fact is, a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
bullshit....if i vote for say Gary Johnson,how is that helping Clinton?.....its a vote neither of them are getting....if either one of them cant convince people to vote for them,thats on them.........
The Donald talks NON PC as most American's do...it might not be as ARTICULATE as some may like, BUT it doesn't BULLSHIT you with lawyer talk!...FYI Trump was right!

Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse.

“By his recent derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants, Donald Trump’s disrespect of such a large segment of the population of America is not only unbelievable but outright wrong,” the press release states. “His comment that Mexico only sends rapists and criminals to the United States reveals a racist nature that cannot and will not go unnoticed by the Hispanic National Bar Association nor the Latino community.”

The press release adds:

The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

“Now, I doubt you could find a more conformational reason for Donald Trump to be concerned about a Judge overseeing the Trump University lawsuit, which everyone admits is based on some sketchy legal standing, than Judge Curiel specifically belonging to a legal enterprise of affiliates who have clearly stated their intent to target Trump’s business interests,” the Conservative Review writes.

Trump has been criticized for suggesting Curiel is biased against him because of Curiel’s Mexican heritage due to Trump’s plan to build a wall along the southern border and his stance against illegal immigration.

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses

Sure, he had a legitimate beef. The problem is he has no filter and speaks too much off the cuff. Had he never mentioned the judges ethnicity, but rather made his case based on the guys affiliations, he'd be fine.
The Donald talks NON PC as most American's do...it might not be as ARTICULATE as some may like, BUT it doesn't BULLSHIT you with lawyer talk!...FYI Trump was right!

You're a die-hard Trump fan. No doubt about it. You must really want Hillary to win this Fall.
Is La Raza a racist organization or not?

Which La Raza organization? There are many and they are NOT Affiliates.

Yup, they all have La Raza in there title but they're not connected, that makes perfect sense....:laugh:
The Community Drug Store
The Community Dentist Association
The Community Lawyer Association
The Community Police Association
The Community Grocery Store
The community Shoe outlet
The community 5 & 10

Just because community is in the title of these groups or stores, does NOT in any way, make them affiliates of one another.
Yep, just like these guys
Acme Manufacturing Company
View attachment 77413
have nothing to do with these guys
View attachment 77414
and when I grew up ACME was the local Grocery Store! :lol:
when i grew up it was this....

and this...

His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

I totally get your sentiment about the orange clown, but politics is all about compromise. Every time I cringe at the idiocy coming from his pie hole, I look to the left and see the pantsuit bull dyke. As horrible the orange clown is at politics there is no way I will do anything to help Hellary get elected, and the fact is, a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
bullshit....if i vote for say Gary Johnson,how is that helping Clinton?.....its a vote neither of them are getting....if either one of them cant convince people to vote for them,thats on them.........

It essentially negates your vote. A lot depends on the state you live in. If you live in California for example, then it makes no difference, because Hellary will win Cali no matter how you vote. But if you are in a swing state and vote for a anybody other than the GOP or Dem then your vote is essentially silent. And if you lean right, then your vote is thrown into a pile with all the other votes that don't count. I am in a purple state which Hellary will likely win (BO won it twice), but I am not going to toss my vote in the trash as long as there is a small chance to keep that creature out of office.
I hear ya, but he was right about this Judge. The Judge is a 'La Raza' extremist. It's equal to a KKK member being a prominent Judge. I don't believe Trump was being racist. He was just pointing out that the Judge is a La Raza racist who is likely biased against him for his stance on Immigration. But i agree, he has to get it under control. Big fish to fry. He has to get it together.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

I know the feeling....
Just yesterday I was telling people the same thing...
Trying to figure out if Trump is throwing stuff out there trying to throw the election.

And the alternative is Clinton who will do all she can to stifle and smother any chance we have to get the economy
going with more regulations,higher taxes,forcing companies to have higher labor costs....

What the hell.....
With Clinton the economy is stuck in the mud...
With Trump we have a chance but he comes along with bags of crap.....

This election is going to be tough....
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton
hillary is not bill bobo....AND the dot-com boom helped make bill look pretty good,he was president at a good time,if Bush1 would have won,he would be looking good.....hell if you were President at that time,they would calling you a good President......
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

I totally get your sentiment about the orange clown, but politics is all about compromise. Every time I cringe at the idiocy coming from his pie hole, I look to the left and see the pantsuit bull dyke. As horrible the orange clown is at politics there is no way I will do anything to help Hellary get elected, and the fact is, a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
a vote for anybody but Trump helps her.
bullshit....if i vote for say Gary Johnson,how is that helping Clinton?.....its a vote neither of them are getting....if either one of them cant convince people to vote for them,thats on them.........

It essentially negates your vote. A lot depends on the state you live in. If you live in California for example, then it makes no difference, because Hellary will win Cali no matter how you vote. But if you are in a swing state and vote for a anybody other than the GOP or Dem then your vote is essentially silent. And if you lean right, then your vote is thrown into a pile with all the other votes that don't count. I am in a purple state which Hellary will likely win (BO won it twice), but I am not going to toss my vote in the trash as long as there is a small chance to keep that creature out of office.
It essentially negates your vote
thats your opinion....if i vote for Gary Johnson and not hillary or trump,its because i wont vote for that so called "lessor evil" like so many do,which is still KNOWINGLY voting for a shit person...that is negating your vote....when trump or hillary get in and if this country goes further down the tubes,i can at least say i did not vote for them,YOU did,now you can live with it....
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton
hillary is not bill bobo....AND the dot-com boom helped make bill look pretty good,he was president at a good time,if Bush1 would have won,he would be looking good.....hell if you were President at that time,they would calling you a good President......
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
was it something i said?.....
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton
hillary is not bill bobo....AND the dot-com boom helped make bill look pretty good,he was president at a good time,if Bush1 would have won,he would be looking good.....hell if you were President at that time,they would calling you a good President......
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton
hillary is not bill bobo....AND the dot-com boom helped make bill look pretty good,he was president at a good time,if Bush1 would have won,he would be looking good.....hell if you were President at that time,they would calling you a good President......
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....

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