I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

Funny you're still willing to give the creep a chance. Republican primary voters must have buyers remorse.

Just wait. Trump thinks the scrutiny is unfair? This is how we pick our president and he's failed. What can he say to win you back? And you'll know if he behaves it's only temporary.

1992-1999 were good years. I'm voting clinton
hillary is not bill bobo....AND the dot-com boom helped make bill look pretty good,he was president at a good time,if Bush1 would have won,he would be looking good.....hell if you were President at that time,they would calling you a good President......
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
The problem with Trump is what you see IS what you get. If you have a problem with it, don't expect any major changes should he be elected. He's incapable of being anything other than himself and that is the self you see on display all the time.
In 2010, the extremists who took over the base of the GOP nominated crazies like Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell,
and lost two winnable Senate seats as a consequence. Several others were also lost because the so-called Tea Party used the primaries to choose unelectable candidates.

Six years later, Donald Trump is the product of the same phenomenon, taken to the highest level.
In 2010, the extremists who took over the base of the GOP nominated crazies like Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell,
and lost two winnable Senate seats as a consequence. Several others were also lost because the so-called Tea Party used the primaries to choose unelectable candidates.

Six years later, Donald Trump is the product of the same phenomenon, taken to the highest level.

Man, wrong again. Donald Trump is the product of the Democrats and the GOP establishment.. the Boehner's, McConnell's, Obama, etc.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
Write in the name of the person you think is doing right. That's what I do these days.
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
So if YOU don't vote for Hillary it must be a vote for Trump right. I mean why doesn't the logic work both ways?

I don't concede it to be true.

I think to some extent its true. There are only two viable candidates. If you're typically a republican and youre not voting for Trump, Hildebeast would be pleased with that...And vice versa if youre a typical democrat who's not voting the democratic ticket, then that helps Trump.
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The problem with Trump is what you see IS what you get. If you have a problem with it, don't expect any major changes should he be elected. He's incapable of being anything other than himself and that is the self you see on display all the time.

Ditto for "vast right wing conspiracy" Hillary.

He ain't perfect, but Gary Johnson is a vastly superior option...
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
So in other words you'd rather him act like the old crop of Republican pussies and just shut his mouth while he gets gratuitously fucked? Sorry man, he needed to call it out and throw some light on it.
The problem with Trump is what you see IS what you get. If you have a problem with it, don't expect any major changes should he be elected. He's incapable of being anything other than himself and that is the self you see on display all the time.

Ditto for "vast right wing conspiracy" Hillary.

He ain't perfect, but Gary Johnson is a vastly superior option...

Folks may not like her, but she's got a considerable public record to judge her by and is by far more competent.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
So in other words you'd rather him act like the old crop of Republican pussies and just shut his mouth while he gets gratuitously fucked? Sorry man, he needed to call it out and throw some light on it.

All he did was make himself look even more like a dickhead than he already did. But hey, if you think he oughtta keep it up, that's cool.

His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

Maybe he says stupid shit all the time because he's stupid. If he shuts up, he'll still be stupid.

You want to vote for a stupid man for president?
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
So in other words you'd rather him act like the old crop of Republican pussies and just shut his mouth while he gets gratuitously fucked? Sorry man, he needed to call it out and throw some light on it.

Call what out?
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Why doesnt Donald Trump have a right to an impartial judge in his trial?

How can a judge from a racist organization that is part of the racist la Raza movement even be remotely impartial toward a Gringo?
One problem, Vigilante

Why did Trump mention the judge in the first place? Trump university was an insignificant topic until Trump called the judge a Mexican.

I just don't get it.

The Trump University lawsuit has been a recurring theme with Rubio, Cruz and Romney attacking him on it as well as Clinton. Not insignificant at all. Especially after the La Raza Judge granted the release of documents to the Washington Post at the end of May.

Remember Romney especially calling Trump a con man?
Political lies and slander, standard bilge.

Out of tens of thousands of peo;le who have gone through Trump University, only 5 or 6 have joined these piss ant lawsuits and two of them are on the record ss saying that they actually were quite pleased with the courses and what they learned, but are griping about trivial things like whether Trump hand picked the instructors or not.

And in a day and time when TAs teach most university classes in most universities while the Professors hit on freshman students in the teachers lounge.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Why doesnt Donald Trump have a right to an impartial judge in his trial?

How can a judge from a racist organization that is part of the racist la Raza movement even be remotely impartial toward a Gringo?

The judge has nothing to do with a racist organization.

Character assassination. Nutbags love it.

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