I am quickly losing my patience with Donald Trump

His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Why doesnt Donald Trump have a right to an impartial judge in his trial?

How can a judge from a racist organization that is part of the racist la Raza movement even be remotely impartial toward a Gringo?

Well for the 600th time, it is not part of La Raza the activist group.

Can an anti-abortion judge be impartial towards a pro-abortion defendant?
Everyone says not voting for Trump is a vote for Hilary, which I concede is true, the problem is I dont know which candidate is worse. Im going to take a look at gary johnson, but ill probably end up staying home election day.
So if YOU don't vote for Hillary it must be a vote for Trump right. I mean why doesn't the logic work both ways?

I don't concede it to be true.

I think to some extent its true. There are only two viable candidates. If you're typically a republican and youre not voting for Trump, Hildebeast would be pleased with that...And vice versa if youre a typical democrat who's not voting the democratic ticket, then that helps Trump.

Right? I love all these "write in" idiots. Why bother getting up and voting? Complete waste of time.. and your vote.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Why doesnt Donald Trump have a right to an impartial judge in his trial?

How can a judge from a racist organization that is part of the racist la Raza movement even be remotely impartial toward a Gringo?

Well for the 600th time, it is not part of La Raza the activist group.

Can an anti-abortion judge be impartial towards a pro-abortion defendant?

Who the hell is in court on an abortion charge? And in what context would somebody's stance on abortion come up in a court hearing?

Christ almighty.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.
Why doesnt Donald Trump have a right to an impartial judge in his trial?

How can a judge from a racist organization that is part of the racist la Raza movement even be remotely impartial toward a Gringo?

Well for the 600th time, it is not part of La Raza the activist group.

Can an anti-abortion judge be impartial towards a pro-abortion defendant?

Who the hell is in court on an abortion charge? And in what context would somebody's stance on abortion come up in a court hearing?

Christ almighty.

Is Trump in court over a Mexican related lawsuit?
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

THat Paul Ryan has been stupid enough to accept that double standard and to try to play by those rules, does not make it right.
hillary is not bill bobo....AND the dot-com boom helped make bill look pretty good,he was president at a good time,if Bush1 would have won,he would be looking good.....hell if you were President at that time,they would calling you a good President......
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
thats funny bobo,the righties here say by me voting 3rd party im helping hillary,with you its trump.....hilarious.......the only person im helping by voting 3rd party is the person im voting for.....this is why i have been saying you party people have your heads up your ass.....that includes you bobo....and im dumb?.....hold on a second....
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
thats funny bobo,the righties here say by me voting 3rd party im helping hillary,with you its trump.....hilarious.......the only person im helping by voting 3rd party is the person im voting for.....this is why i have been saying you party people have your heads up your ass.....that includes you bobo....and im dumb?.....hold on a second....View attachment 77521

Harry, I've pointed out several times around here that for any of us who live in a lock-red or lock-blue state, our vote doesn't even count in a POTUS election given the Electoral College. That's why I went ahead and voted 3rd party in 2000, since I knew my state was going for Shrubya regardless whether I voted for him, for Gore, or 3rd party. So I chose the only thing that would make any kind of statement, drop in the bucket though it was.

You're in California, you've got a perfect position to go 3P. I'd say it's your duty.

Soggy, I might add, is in the same position. That's were I lived in 2000.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

No Stupid, that's what we call a "lie". Rump didn't say a "Hispanic hates him". He said he thinks the judge is "Mexican". Big difference, especially in its context.

Is there some reason you keep trying to change his words?
And this just in -- neither "Mexican" NOR "Hispanic" is a race anyway. I'm sure you didn't know that.

Dumb shit.

Mexican, in this context, is a subset of Hispanic.

You are quibbling over terminology and semantics to avoid the point.

Speaking of "Race" have you went and torn into G5000 for his misuse of the term Racist?

I warned him you would. Because this is NOT about partisan advantage for you.
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
thats funny bobo,the righties here say by me voting 3rd party im helping hillary,with you its trump.....hilarious.......the only person im helping by voting 3rd party is the person im voting for.....this is why i have been saying you party people have your heads up your ass.....that includes you bobo....and im dumb?.....hold on a second....View attachment 77521

Harry, I've pointed out several times around here that for any of us who live in a lock-red or lock-blue state, our vote doesn't even count in a POTUS election given the Electoral College. That's why I went ahead and voted 3rd party in 2000, since I knew my state was going for Shrubya regardless whether I voted for him, for Gore, or 3rd party. So I chose the only thing that would make any kind of statement, drop in the bucket though it was.

You're in California, you've got a perfect position to go 3P. I'd say it's your duty.

Soggy, I might add, is in the same position. That's were I lived in 2000.
im way ahead of you Pogo....the last major party person i voted for was Clinton....since 2000 i have voted 3rd party every time....and will do so once again....according to bobo that means im helping trump and according too about 10 righties here i will be helping hillary.....the only person i will be helping is the person i will be voting for.....
Mexican, in this context, is a subset of Hispanic.

Oh IS IT now.

Where did Rump say "Hispanic"? Where did he make any allusion to the idea that Curiel's parents might have spoken Spanish? And how does any of THAT relate to whether a fraud case can proceed? Is "fraud" a different concept in Spanish?

Don't try to bullshit me, I know what he said and what he didn't say, and it was neither "Hispanic" nor "Brown". But if you're actually going to try to make the case that Rump wants a judge removed because he's "brown", then just like I told Mac, be my jest.
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
thats funny bobo,the righties here say by me voting 3rd party im helping hillary,with you its trump.....hilarious.......the only person im helping by voting 3rd party is the person im voting for.....this is why i have been saying you party people have your heads up your ass.....that includes you bobo....and im dumb?.....hold on a second....View attachment 77521

Harry, I've pointed out several times around here that for any of us who live in a lock-red or lock-blue state, our vote doesn't even count in a POTUS election given the Electoral College. That's why I went ahead and voted 3rd party in 2000, since I knew my state was going for Shrubya regardless whether I voted for him, for Gore, or 3rd party. So I chose the only thing that would make any kind of statement, drop in the bucket though it was.

You're in California, you've got a perfect position to go 3P. I'd say it's your duty.

Soggy, I might add, is in the same position. That's were I lived in 2000.
im way ahead of you Pogo....the last major party person i voted for was Clinton....since 2000 i have voted 3rd party every time....and will do so once again....according to bobo that means im helping trump and according too about 10 righties here i will be helping hillary.....the only person i will be helping is the person i will be voting for.....

Summa these wags don't seem to grok how the Electrical College works. Shocking.

Bottom line, only those in contested states actually get a vote that means anything. I'm in one of them now though, so I may have to eventually pull the chain.
ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
thats funny bobo,the righties here say by me voting 3rd party im helping hillary,with you its trump.....hilarious.......the only person im helping by voting 3rd party is the person im voting for.....this is why i have been saying you party people have your heads up your ass.....that includes you bobo....and im dumb?.....hold on a second....View attachment 77521

Harry, I've pointed out several times around here that for any of us who live in a lock-red or lock-blue state, our vote doesn't even count in a POTUS election given the Electoral College. That's why I went ahead and voted 3rd party in 2000, since I knew my state was going for Shrubya regardless whether I voted for him, for Gore, or 3rd party. So I chose the only thing that would make any kind of statement, drop in the bucket though it was.

You're in California, you've got a perfect position to go 3P. I'd say it's your duty.

Soggy, I might add, is in the same position. That's were I lived in 2000.
im way ahead of you Pogo....the last major party person i voted for was Clinton....since 2000 i have voted 3rd party every time....and will do so once again....according to bobo that means im helping trump and according too about 10 righties here i will be helping hillary.....the only person i will be helping is the person i will be voting for.....

Summa these wags don't seem to grok how the Electrical College works. Shocking.

Bottom line, only those in contested states actually get a vote that means anything. I'm in one of them now though, so I may have to eventually pull the chain.
I learned that V =IR in electrical college.
Mexican, in this context, is a subset of Hispanic.

Oh IS IT now.

Where did Rump say "Hispanic"? Where did he make any allusion to the idea that Curiel's parents might have spoken Spanish? And how does any of THAT relate to whether a fraud case can proceed?

Don't try to bullshit me, I know what he said and what he didn't say, and it was neither "Hispanic" nor "Brown". But if you're actually going to try to make the case that Rump wants a judge removed because he's "brown", then just like I told Mac, be my jest.

1. I didn't say that Trump said that. I said that. Because it is true.

2. Mexican in this context is a subset of Hispanic.

3. Don't know. Why do you care?

4. None of this addresses the fact that for months and still and again in the future, you lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump, and that was fine, but when Trump says that one specific Hispanic hates, him, suddenly it is "racist".

Which just shows what dishonest hypocrites the Left is.
His comments about Judge Gonzalo Curio, whether racist or not, right or wrong, are ill advised. He says stupid shit all the time. I'm getting to a point where I can no longer listen to the news anymore without him popping off at the mouth. I'm sorry, I've had just about enough of it. He needs to get it in gear, or I will seriously consider voting on the libertarian ticket this year. Straight ballot if possible.

That is all.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?


Here is the Truth.

NO matter what Republicans say or do, the Lying Left will put on a show and pretend that it was the worst thing that was ever done/said.

Your reaction is one of the outcomes they are going for.

You are allowing those fear mongering assholes to define your reality.

As long as you do that, you and we will ALWAYS lose.

Paul Ryan said that Trump's statements about Curiel were textbook racism. That's what the Republicans are now saying.

A lot of republicans have bought into the Conventional Wisdom that the LEftist dominated media and pop culture have created.

For example.

For months lefties have been saying that Hispanics hate Trump.

Trump says that one hispanic hates him, and suddenly that's racist?

That is a double standard.

THat Paul Ryan has been stupid enough to accept that double standard and to try to play by those rules, does not make it right.

When you say a judge can't be fair because he's Mexican, that is in fact textbook racism.

If that isn't, what is?
Blablabla, Bill was a great president and Hillary will too.


Here is why I'm voting Democratic Harry Balls. I don't like Paul Ryan's agenda. I prefer the Democratic agenda, however flawed it may be in your mind. But keep in mind you did pretty well in the kind of society you and Paul Ryan want to do away with. Pauls rich so I get him. It's you I don't get. Do you like medicare? Then don't vote GOP.

You have proved you've swallowed the GOP's talking points with that dot com bullshit. Great is great and compared to even Reagan Clinton was best.

Bill Clinton ranks high in new historical presidents study

Suck it Harry. Vote Libertarian you stupid bastard. Or Green party. Or whatever.
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
thats funny bobo,the righties here say by me voting 3rd party im helping hillary,with you its trump.....hilarious.......the only person im helping by voting 3rd party is the person im voting for.....this is why i have been saying you party people have your heads up your ass.....that includes you bobo....and im dumb?.....hold on a second....View attachment 77521
And those Republicans are right if you prefer conservatives and you vote 3rd party you are helping hillary.

If I thought you'd vote trump ID encourage you to vote 3rd party too.

We have a two party system and you vote 3rd party. Funny
was it something i said?.....
Yes! And this needs to sink into your thick head. Your dumb ass is going to help Trump win and Paul Ryan pass his agenda. But I suspect deep down you want that because you too are a Republican.

Paul Ryan’s comments yesterday are exactly why I am voting for Hillary and you are either too stupid to not do so yourself, or, as I suspect, you are a closeted Republican which is what I suspected all along. You lean right buddy. You’d rather a Republican in the White House than a Democrat. Admit it. Or you are completely stupid and believe it doesn’t matter. That's the angle you mostly try to sell. You don't try to convince us the GOP is better. Your angle is "there is no difference" and "it doesn't matter". If you believe that you are stupid and if you don't believe it but say it you are a liar. I suspect you are a little of both.

Because yesterday Paul Ryan proved to you it does matter and there are clear differences. And no matter what Trump does, Ryan is going to support him and why? Because Trump is more likely to pass Paul Ryan’s conservative agenda. So if you are not voting for Hillary, you must like and want Paul Ryan’s agenda to pass.

Which essentially makes you and Paul Ryan no different than Trump's stupid supporters. Paul Ryan proved yesterday that Trump could walk up to someone on 5th avenue, shoot them dead, and he wouldn’t lose Ryan's endorsement. And that's the fact, jack.

ill tell you what bobo, i have many posts here,why dont you show me saying anything nice about any republican including trump......you wont be able to.....and thats a fact jack....
You completely missed my point. You voting 3rd party or not at all is like helping Trump/Paul Ryan/The Republicans. I guess it's better than you voting for them but still you don't get how you could be helping the GOP.

And if you don't think it matters then you are dumber than I thought. And if you don't care either way you are why the GOP have been able to take so many social services and programs away from America. Services that other countries get. My British boss was telling me how stupid us Americans are. You go to europe and see how good they have it over there and you realize that America once had all those same things but slowly but surely the Republicans have convinced you the government is evil and they have chipped away at all those programs that made America great. They've convinced you that's not what made America great. That these programs bankrupted America. You're just dumb Harry. Sorry.
thats funny bobo,the righties here say by me voting 3rd party im helping hillary,with you its trump.....hilarious.......the only person im helping by voting 3rd party is the person im voting for.....this is why i have been saying you party people have your heads up your ass.....that includes you bobo....and im dumb?.....hold on a second....View attachment 77521
And those Republicans are right if you prefer conservatives and you vote 3rd party you are helping hillary.

If I thought you'd vote trump ID encourage you to vote 3rd party too.

We have a two party system and you vote 3rd party. Funny
unlike you and your fellow party people bobo,if i dont care for the person running,or i dont care for what the parties have become....i aint going to support them,just because,like you and so many others do.....how many times i have read here concerning trump and clinton...."they both suck,but you have to vote for the "lessor of 2 evils"....what a crock of shit....those 2 half-assed candidates are there BECAUSE of that attitude.................now explain to me how by me voting 3rd party im helping either trump or hillary?...if they dont get my vote,then im helping none of them.....

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