I am seeing more and more violatons of free speech

Typical Nazi reply.
The Nazis would be the ones telling corporations to bend their wills to serve the state.

Which is exactly what the thread is premised on.
No, the Nazis would be the ones controlling the information and destroying those who oppose the State.

The Nazi's are in the Republican Party - the party of lies, deception and conspiracy theories.
in fact, they are not. It is NOT the Republicans using force to enforce their will, it is the Democrat followers.

It is NOT the Republicans wearing brownshirts telling people what they can and cannot say against the State.

It is NOT the Republicans who rigidly and militantly control the flow of information.

By definition, if any group is Nazi-like, it is the Democrats.
Get used to it.

Americans made their choice. Freedom forfeited.

Americans have the freedom to tune out and turn the Trumpies off.

"This thread is about search engines keeping people from finding things they're looking for, so I'm going to post multiple times about you trying to force people to listen to you! Looking like a fucking moron is the sacrifice I make for my masters!!!"
LOL...you need an ID to rent a car but you don’t want one to vote?
That's the way it goes in the freest democracies. One doesn't need an ID to vote.

2020 Human freedom index
Democracy Index - Wikipedia

Excuse me, but can you show us where either of your links indicate that voting without ID is an indicate of "free democracy"? For that matter, can you name us some of these "freest democracies" that don't require ID to vote?

Or, alternatively, you could admit that you're just asserting your leftist wet dreams as fact.
Get used to it.

Americans made their choice. Freedom forfeited.

Americans have the freedom to tune out and turn the Trumpies off.

"This thread is about search engines keeping people from finding things they're looking for, so I'm going to post multiple times about you trying to force people to listen to you! Looking like a fucking moron is the sacrifice I make for my masters!!!"

Just stand in your front yard and spew your conspiracy theories. Social media doesn't have to carry you.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
"violations of free speech"? By the government? Because that's what the 1st Amendment applies to......NOT private companies.
Huge fallacy. Since the government is not allowed to suppress free speech, private entities are the primary ones who do this. Suppression of free speech is suppression of free speech, regardless of who does it or if anybody's rights are violated.

There is no such thing as "free speech". You are not allowed to incite riots, sedition, or
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
"violations of free speech"? By the government? Because that's what the 1st Amendment applies to......NOT private companies.
Exactly! However Republicans in Government have stripped US citizens of Freedom to Travel & Vote without showing your papers with Real Photo & RFID Tracking!
LOL...you need an ID to rent a car but you don’t want one to vote? You’re an idiot leftist.

It is not that hard to fake an ID, but a voter registration card is much harder to fake because it can be looked up at the polling place.

Americans slay me. They are SO obsessed with the idea of someone voting illegally. It simply DOES NOT HAPPEN. ILLEGALS ARE SIMPLY NOT VOTING IN ANY SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS. You're chasing solutions to a problem that DOES NOT EXIST WHILE IGNORING THE REAL PROBLEMS OF VOTER SUPPRESSION.


I am not so sure you are not allowed to incite riots, sedition, etc.
While those things could be infringe upon individual rights and therefore could be made illegally normally, they could still be legal if justified.
For example, shooting someone normally is murder and illegal, but not if that person is robbing or raping.
Riots and sedition no longer are inherently illegal if the government has a long standing history of abuse that makes these warranted.
That is what the Declaration of Independence says basically.

The tricky part is who gets to decide.
And that can't be Twitter and FaceBook.
They are inherently corrupt and can not be allowed to determine what we get to see and hear.

I do not like Trump, but the way to reduce his influence is to let him post as often as possible.
Censoring Trump only makes him look like a martyr.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.

Shameless hypocrits .. I don't get it.. In my family we are Christians but not super fundies or evangelicals .. Lying and slander are completely unacceptable for us.. like cheating or stealing.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.
You've been promoting a lying, libelous, slanderous, political media for at least the last 12 years and you have the unmitigated gall to accuse others. HaHaHa, you are a lying hypocrite.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.
You've been promoting a lying, libelous, slanderous, political media for at least the last 12 years and you have the unmitigated gall to accuse others. HaHaHa, you are a lying hypocrite.

You follow Trump in belief. You can't accuse anyone else of lying, cheating or slander.
Riots and sedition no longer are inherently illegal if the government has a long standing history of abuse that makes these warranted.
That is what the Declaration of Independence says basically.

No it doesn't say that basically.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

You've been reduced to sniveling about losing a close election with a 50/50 Senate and a small Dem majority in the House, Not reduced to living under absolute despotism!

And that can't be Twitter and FaceBook.
They are inherently corrupt and can not be allowed to determine what we get to see and hear.

Twitter and Fakebook control what you get to see and hear?
No, the Nazis would be the ones controlling the information and destroying those who oppose the State.
No one is controlling information. Some idiots opposed the state and were arrested for violent rioting. That’s not fascism.
Follow the money. The major search engines are not serving up results based on political bias because the priority of the search results is not determined by a human being. Rather, there is an AI constantly analyzing which pages cause eyeballs to linger and can generate ad sales. Thus, if you live in a liberal cesspool your Google search results will make you believe Google is a liberal cesspool, because the majority of the people making searches in your area linger on liberal hit pieces. Likewise, if you live in a sane conservative enclave, your search results will be far different because the AI has noticed that most of the people in your area stop and stay on sane web pages. If you want to influence a search engine's results, get several million people to coordinate their actions and everyone leave up conservative pages for far longer than liberal ones and presto, Google will start serving them up at the head of the line because ad revenue is higher for them.
Typical Nazi reply.
The Nazis would be the ones telling corporations to bend their wills to serve the state.

Which is exactly what the thread is premised on.
No, the Nazis would be the ones controlling the information and destroying those who oppose the State.

The Nazi's are in the Republican Party - the party of lies, deception and conspiracy theories.
Wow, talking points abound.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven

Leave it to a conservative to believe that lying, slander, and libel should be protected speech as long as it furthers their agenda.

Yeah, they'll go to their evangelical church on Sunday morning, raise their hands in praise to the Lord and the 10 Commandments. Then they'll go home, boot up their computers and shamelessly and unapologetically bear false witness for several hours.

It's difficult to know if they're worse at being good Christians or worse and being decent human beings.
You've been promoting a lying, libelous, slanderous, political media for at least the last 12 years and you have the unmitigated gall to accuse others. HaHaHa, you are a lying hypocrite.

The MSM has standards. For one thing, the fact check their articles. Secondly, they get sources for their articles, and having more than once source to act as a confirmation is SOP. That wasn't difficult during the Trump administration because the Trump administration, unlike the Biden Administration, leaked like the Titanic.

Trump was the perfect president for conservatives because he was as much of a shameless liar as his on-line supporters are. But when it comes to websites like Breitbart or "news outlets" like OAN, the also shamelessly like about everything. Personally, I'm not sure why that is. It's either because they know their listeners are gullible rubes who will believe anything they print or broadcast which means they don't respect their audience, or it's because they know that their readers and listeners don't give a rat's ass about what is or isn't true. Regardless, they're all reprehensible lowlifes.
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
"violations of free speech"? By the government? Because that's what the 1st Amendment applies to......NOT private companies.
Huge fallacy. Since the government is not allowed to suppress free speech, private entities are the primary ones who do this. Suppression of free speech is suppression of free speech, regardless of who does it or if anybody's rights are violated.

There is no such thing as "free speech". You are not allowed to incite riots, sedition, or
Particuarly with search engines.....at one time it was primarily google that was guilty of this....but now its spreading....more and more controversial topics are being banned and I often get my online connection interuppted when I try and copy controversial topics.......this effort to curb free speech is massive and corporate driven
"violations of free speech"? By the government? Because that's what the 1st Amendment applies to......NOT private companies.
Exactly! However Republicans in Government have stripped US citizens of Freedom to Travel & Vote without showing your papers with Real Photo & RFID Tracking!
LOL...you need an ID to rent a car but you don’t want one to vote? You’re an idiot leftist.

It is not that hard to fake an ID, but a voter registration card is much harder to fake because it can be looked up at the polling place.

Americans slay me. They are SO obsessed with the idea of someone voting illegally. It simply DOES NOT HAPPEN. ILLEGALS ARE SIMPLY NOT VOTING IN ANY SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS. You're chasing solutions to a problem that DOES NOT EXIST WHILE IGNORING THE REAL PROBLEMS OF VOTER SUPPRESSION.


I am not so sure you are not allowed to incite riots, sedition, etc.
While those things could be infringe upon individual rights and therefore could be made illegally normally, they could still be legal if justified.
For example, shooting someone normally is murder and illegal, but not if that person is robbing or raping.
Riots and sedition no longer are inherently illegal if the government has a long standing history of abuse that makes these warranted.
That is what the Declaration of Independence says basically.

The tricky part is who gets to decide.
And that can't be Twitter and FaceBook.
They are inherently corrupt and can not be allowed to determine what we get to see and hear.

I do not like Trump, but the way to reduce his influence is to let him post as often as possible.
Censoring Trump only makes him look like a martyr.
They are private organizations, but when they are in bed with a political party, there's an inherent conflict of interest. It is the definition of fascism.
No, the Nazis would be the ones controlling the information and destroying those who oppose the State.
No one is controlling information. Some idiots opposed the state and were arrested for violent rioting. That’s not fascism.
Follow the money. The major search engines are not serving up results based on political bias because the priority of the search results is not determined by a human being. Rather, there is an AI constantly analyzing which pages cause eyeballs to linger and can generate ad sales. Thus, if you live in a liberal cesspool your Google search results will make you believe Google is a liberal cesspool, because the majority of the people making searches in your area linger on liberal hit pieces. Likewise, if you live in a sane conservative enclave, your search results will be far different because the AI has noticed that most of the people in your area stop and stay on sane web pages. If you want to influence a search engine's results, get several million people to coordinate their actions and everyone leave up conservative pages for far longer than liberal ones and presto, Google will start serving them up at the head of the line because ad revenue is higher for them.
Or-----Don't use Google. Problem solved. Duck Duck Go, Startpage, Firefox, all possibilities that don't track where you go.
the fact check their articles.
They haven't fact checked anything in years. Politifact and Snopes are owned by them and very politicized.
Trump was the perfect president for conservatives
True, however it is irrelevant. Trump lives only in your head. He likes the roomy digs, nothing else in there. If you knew one scintilla about objective journalism, I might stay here and discuss, but you haven't got a clue and I'm not in the mood to educate you.
No, the Nazis would be the ones controlling the information and destroying those who oppose the State.
No one is controlling information. Some idiots opposed the state and were arrested for violent rioting. That’s not fascism.
Follow the money. The major search engines are not serving up results based on political bias because the priority of the search results is not determined by a human being. Rather, there is an AI constantly analyzing which pages cause eyeballs to linger and can generate ad sales. Thus, if you live in a liberal cesspool your Google search results will make you believe Google is a liberal cesspool, because the majority of the people making searches in your area linger on liberal hit pieces. Likewise, if you live in a sane conservative enclave, your search results will be far different because the AI has noticed that most of the people in your area stop and stay on sane web pages. If you want to influence a search engine's results, get several million people to coordinate their actions and everyone leave up conservative pages for far longer than liberal ones and presto, Google will start serving them up at the head of the line because ad revenue is higher for them.
Or-----Don't use Google. Problem solved. Duck Duck Go, Startpage, Firefox, all possibilities that don't track where you go.
Just keep in mind that every for profit search engine will analyze your patterns of usage (whether it records your identity or not) to maximize ad revenue, so if the results seem lopsidedly one way or the other, take a look at your zip code.

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