I am Seriously Puzzled about This...

I didn't vote for Biden.

I never said you did. I was just making a comparison to our voting process that's happening today. We have too many voters who are basing their vote by how much they personally like the candidate instead of what the candidate can do. Nobody in their right mind would vote to destroy their own country yet alone half of the voters.
I didn't vote for Biden.

I never said you did. I was just making a comparison to our voting process that's happening today. We have too many voters who are basing their vote by how much they personally like the candidate instead of what the candidate can do. Nobody in their right mind would vote to destroy their own country yet alone half of the voters.

Trump isn't likeable nor did he do anything.

A bunch of EO's that are about to get overturned.
Our Amendments carry the same force as the original document. Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age for those above 18.

I was speaking of the original Constitution written by our founders.
Please allow me to develop another view. In the Declaration of Independence, the Founders made this declaration:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

Our Founders outlined the purpose of our government, to secure our rights, and where our government derives it's legitimacy, Our Consent, and what type of power that government would wield, Just Power.

Now our Framers carried this same thought forward a dozen years later in the preamble:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

So, forming a more perfect union is not a one shot deal and more completely securing the Blessings of Liberty is not a task that ended with the Framers, rather, it's a job that continues to this day. The Blessings of Liberty are more perfectly secured today for minorities, women, and those of fighting age are more perfectly secured than they were at the time of our framing.

We happily sit in judgement of every shortcoming of those that came before us, but, are there fundamental rights today that we could more perfectly secure? Anyone who has spent much time in an inner city would have to be Stevie Wonder not see some opportunities.
You and I both own widget companies and are looking for a CEO. I choose a CEO with a record of proven ability and experience. Somebody who can make my company the most productive, but he's a bit arrogant. You choose somebody with 50 years of accomplishing nothing, likely has dementia, associated with an FBI money laundering investigation, and all his plans will ruin your company, but he has a milder personality compared to my CEO.

Which company do you think will be the most successful?

That's simple. The one with the CEO who is a decent human being.

The thing is, Trump's "Success" has involved many bankruptcies, business failures, lawsuits and of course, embezzling from a charity for sick kids.

He lives in terror of his presidency ending because he knows he's going to prison.
That's simple. The one with the CEO who is a decent human being.

The thing is, Trump's "Success" has involved many bankruptcies, business failures, lawsuits and of course, embezzling from a charity for sick kids.

He lives in terror of his presidency ending because he knows he's going to prison.

There is no crime committed by the President in which to imprison him with.

Now when I speak of Trump's successes, I'm referring to his term as President. I don't think it's necessary to list all of them as it would be a waste of time on you. Show me one CEO that was successful for being a decent human being instead of outstanding performance.

Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 businesses. He filed bankruptcy five times which brings his failure rate at 1%. Show me any CEO or business owner that wouldn't' be happy with that record.
Please allow me to develop another view. In the Declaration of Independence, the Founders made this declaration:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
Our Founders outlined the purpose of our government, to secure our rights, and where our government derives it's legitimacy, Our Consent, and what type of power that government would wield, Just Power.

Now our Framers carried this same thought forward a dozen years later in the preamble:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
So, forming a more perfect union is not a one shot deal and more completely securing the Blessings of Liberty is not a task that ended with the Framers, rather, it's a job that continues to this day. The Blessings of Liberty are more perfectly secured today for minorities, women, and those of fighting age are more perfectly secured than they were at the time of our framing.

We happily sit in judgement of every shortcoming of those that came before us, but, are there fundamental rights today that we could more perfectly secure? Anyone who has spent much time in an inner city would have to be Stevie Wonder not see some opportunities.

My only point in all this is to highlight the brilliance of our founders. They simply knew we would always have a segment of our society incapable of rationally participating in the election process. Today we see why they had these concerns. There is no possible way that anybody can tell me that we have rational educated voters who would elect a clown associated with an FBI investigation of money laundering, a person who is highly suspected of having dementia, a person incapable of following his own thought process as President. How did this happen? Ignorant voters who have no stake in the fate of this country.
Trump isn't likeable nor did he do anything.

A bunch of EO's that are about to get overturned.

Didn't do anything? He didn't preside over the best economy we had in a half-century? He didn't preside when records were broken for the lowest unemployment rate in women and every minority group since records were kept? He didn't preside when we hit a new high in median household income? He didn't preside in such a huge decline of invaders from the south by threatening Mexico of foreign aid if they didn't do something about it? He didn't preside in an economy that had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans capable of doing them? He didn't preside in this worldwide pandemic by having the least GDP damage of all other G7 countries? He didn't preside when the stock market hit several new highs?

You have no idea how good we had it. Wait until Creepy Joe gets in and you are paying $4.50 per gallon of gasoline. Your high natural gas or propane bill going from $100.00 a month to $225.00. Your average electric bill going from $60.00 a month to $120.00. If you live in a suburb, your property value going from $250.000 to $100,000. Your employer incapable of giving you a salary increase because his or her taxes went so high.

True, after Creepy Joe screws up this country enough, we can elect another Republican President. But there is only one Donald Trump, and nobody will ever takeover where he left off.
Please allow me to develop another view. In the Declaration of Independence, the Founders made this declaration:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
Our Founders outlined the purpose of our government, to secure our rights, and where our government derives it's legitimacy, Our Consent, and what type of power that government would wield, Just Power.

Now our Framers carried this same thought forward a dozen years later in the preamble:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
So, forming a more perfect union is not a one shot deal and more completely securing the Blessings of Liberty is not a task that ended with the Framers, rather, it's a job that continues to this day. The Blessings of Liberty are more perfectly secured today for minorities, women, and those of fighting age are more perfectly secured than they were at the time of our framing.

We happily sit in judgement of every shortcoming of those that came before us, but, are there fundamental rights today that we could more perfectly secure? Anyone who has spent much time in an inner city would have to be Stevie Wonder not see some opportunities.

My only point in all this is to highlight the brilliance of our founders. They simply knew we would always have a segment of our society incapable of rationally participating in the election process. Today we see why they had these concerns. There is no possible way that anybody can tell me that we have rational educated voters who would elect a clown associated with an FBI investigation of money laundering, a person who is highly suspected of having dementia, a person incapable of following his own thought process as President. How did this happen? Ignorant voters who have no stake in the fate of this country.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

What do you think is being communicated by "we are all created equal?"
My only point in all this is to highlight the brilliance of our founders. They simply knew we would always have a segment of our society incapable of rationally participating in the election process...
The severely retarded, those with advanced dementia likely don't participate.
... Today we see why they had these concerns. There is no possible way that anybody can tell me that we have rational educated voters who would elect a clown associated with an FBI investigation of money laundering, a person who is highly suspected of having dementia...
I think he was determined by either a majority, or near majority of the Electorate to be fit for the presidency.
... Ignorant voters who have no stake in the fate of this country.
I think they just evaluated him differently than we did. I'm not that affected by tone, so I can easily dismiss it in favor of results. Others are deeply tuned into tone, and they find Trump to be completely repulsive. I'm not comfortable with declaring my viewpoint to be superior.

Further, this was a pretty conservative electorate. We picked up House seats, looks like we held the Senate, through the State Legislatures we will control drawing the political maps on the great majority of Federal and State Legislative seats for the next five elections, and, we even swept most of the California Propositions! You have to go all the way back to 1960 to find an election with more minority voters voting GOP, so, we accomplished all this because a large segment of the Electorate is mentally unfit for self-government?
Trump isn't likeable nor did he do anything.

A bunch of EO's that are about to get overturned.

Didn't do anything? He didn't preside over the best economy we had in a half-century? He didn't preside when records were broken for the lowest unemployment rate in women and every minority group since records were kept? He didn't preside when we hit a new high in median household income? He didn't preside in such a huge decline of invaders from the south by threatening Mexico of foreign aid if they didn't do something about it? He didn't preside in an economy that had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans capable of doing them? He didn't preside in this worldwide pandemic by having the least GDP damage of all other G7 countries? He didn't preside when the stock market hit several new highs?

You have no idea how good we had it. Wait until Creepy Joe gets in and you are paying $4.50 per gallon of gasoline. Your high natural gas or propane bill going from $100.00 a month to $225.00. Your average electric bill going from $60.00 a month to $120.00. If you live in a suburb, your property value going from $250.000 to $100,000. Your employer incapable of giving you a salary increase because his or her taxes went so high.

True, after Creepy Joe screws up this country enough, we can elect another Republican President. But there is only one Donald Trump, and nobody will ever takeover where he left off.
If Joe does win, I don't expect Joe get a lot done that McConnell doesn't agree with, though he may be able to leverage McConnell, a little, by threatening to resign.

In the House, not a single Republican, running for re-election, lost.

All this Blue Wave crap? A now debunked myth. They aren't going to be able to implement all their Socialist crap. Even if Biden wins, he will immediately be a lame duck, in a care taker role until the results of the 2024 election are in.
Trump isn't likeable nor did he do anything.

A bunch of EO's that are about to get overturned.

Didn't do anything? He didn't preside over the best economy we had in a half-century? He didn't preside when records were broken for the lowest unemployment rate in women and every minority group since records were kept? He didn't preside when we hit a new high in median household income? He didn't preside in such a huge decline of invaders from the south by threatening Mexico of foreign aid if they didn't do something about it? He didn't preside in an economy that had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans capable of doing them? He didn't preside in this worldwide pandemic by having the least GDP damage of all other G7 countries? He didn't preside when the stock market hit several new highs?

You have no idea how good we had it. Wait until Creepy Joe gets in and you are paying $4.50 per gallon of gasoline. Your high natural gas or propane bill going from $100.00 a month to $225.00. Your average electric bill going from $60.00 a month to $120.00. If you live in a suburb, your property value going from $250.000 to $100,000. Your employer incapable of giving you a salary increase because his or her taxes went so high.

True, after Creepy Joe screws up this country enough, we can elect another Republican President. But there is only one Donald Trump, and nobody will ever takeover where he left off.

The reason gas is so low is because people aren't driving because of the pandemic. Are you saying Trump caused that?
Trump isn't likeable nor did he do anything.

A bunch of EO's that are about to get overturned.

Didn't do anything? He didn't preside over the best economy we had in a half-century? He didn't preside when records were broken for the lowest unemployment rate in women and every minority group since records were kept? He didn't preside when we hit a new high in median household income? He didn't preside in such a huge decline of invaders from the south by threatening Mexico of foreign aid if they didn't do something about it? He didn't preside in an economy that had 1.5 million more jobs than Americans capable of doing them? He didn't preside in this worldwide pandemic by having the least GDP damage of all other G7 countries? He didn't preside when the stock market hit several new highs?

You have no idea how good we had it. Wait until Creepy Joe gets in and you are paying $4.50 per gallon of gasoline. Your high natural gas or propane bill going from $100.00 a month to $225.00. Your average electric bill going from $60.00 a month to $120.00. If you live in a suburb, your property value going from $250.000 to $100,000. Your employer incapable of giving you a salary increase because his or her taxes went so high.

True, after Creepy Joe screws up this country enough, we can elect another Republican President. But there is only one Donald Trump, and nobody will ever takeover where he left off.
If Joe does win, I don't expect Joe get a lot done that McConnell doesn't agree with, though he may be able to leverage McConnell, a little, by threatening to resign.

In the House, not a single Republican, running for re-election, lost.

All this Blue Wave crap? A now debunked myth. They aren't going to be able to implement all their Socialist crap. Even if Biden wins, he will immediately be a lame duck, in a care taker role until the results of the 2024 election are in.

What are you claiming? That we are going to end the socialist corporate bail outs?
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Sounds like a false case scenario engineered by Jesus-hating socialist truth-is-optional advocates. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. /tossing tethered life-saving tubes overboard into troubled waters. /snicker
You and I both own widget companies and are looking for a CEO. I choose a CEO with a record of proven ability and experience. Somebody who can make my company the most productive, but he's a bit arrogant. You choose somebody with 50 years of accomplishing nothing, likely has dementia, associated with an FBI money laundering investigation, and all his plans will ruin your company, but he has a milder personality compared to my CEO.

Which company do you think will be the most successful?

That's simple. The one with the CEO who is a decent human being.

The thing is, Trump's "Success" has involved many bankruptcies, business failures, lawsuits and of course, embezzling from a charity for sick kids.

He lives in terror of his presidency ending because he knows he's going to prison.
Case numbers of incarcerations, plz. Thx.
There is no crime committed by the President in which to imprison him with.

So you are admitting he committed crimes? Fraud is still a crime. Tax evasion is still a crime.

Now when I speak of Trump's successes, I'm referring to his term as President. I don't think it's necessary to list all of them as it would be a waste of time on you. Show me one CEO that was successful for being a decent human being instead of outstanding performance.

Name a CEO who killed 230,000 of his customers and still got to keep his job.

Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 businesses. He filed bankruptcy five times which brings his failure rate at 1%. Show me any CEO or business owner that wouldn't' be happy with that record.

So how many of those 500 businesses are still in business today? Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump Vodka... they didn't go bankrupt, but they didn't make any money, either.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Deutsche Bank!
Deutsche Bank who?
Deutsche Bank wants if fucking money!
So you are admitting he committed crimes? Fraud is still a crime. Tax evasion is still a crime.

Which Trump did neither and no evidence to support it. The commies making idle threats as usual.

Name a CEO who killed 230,000 of his customers and still got to keep his job.

That would be Barack Obama when he killed over 200,000 Americans with the flu.
The reason gas is so low is because people aren't driving because of the pandemic. Are you saying Trump caused that?

It went lower, but it's been relatively low for the past couple of years. This is due to fracking, which both Creepy Joe and Whorris stated they would eliminate. They lied when they said alternative energy would create new jobs. That's a lie because it may replace the jobs lost in the fossil fuel industry. Thanks to fracking, not only do we have the jobs and lower prices, but we became the worlds largest exporter of energy. There would be jobs lost because you can't export green energy, and even if we could, nobody would want it because of the price.
If Joe does win, I don't expect Joe get a lot done that McConnell doesn't agree with, though he may be able to leverage McConnell, a little, by threatening to resign.

In the House, not a single Republican, running for re-election, lost.

All this Blue Wave crap? A now debunked myth. They aren't going to be able to implement all their Socialist crap. Even if Biden wins, he will immediately be a lame duck, in a care taker role until the results of the 2024 election are in.

Too many stupid people voting. We have a large percentage of our society that's voting on personality instead of accomplishments. It's why Ears won a second term. People liked him on a personal basis, but hated his policies. That's why we had a red wave through Congress. They wanted DumBama as President but not be able to push through his agendas.

Watching the news last night, I learned that there was a software glitch in Michigan that turned over 6,000 Trump votes into Biden votes in just one county. Not only was that same software used in over half their countries, but it was used in over 30 states across the country. This is getting to be a huge mess. Trump has a good case for a total recount in every state he loses that used this software. If they just give it to Joe, without a doubt he will be our first illegitimate President in history.
The severely retarded, those with advanced dementia likely don't participate.

True but some of them voted this election since the Democrats plopped a ballot right in front of them on their kitchen table. That's one of the many problems with mail in voting. I'm speaking beyond people with mental disabilities, I"m talking about the Obama Phone and Obama money people. Voters who are totally ignorant of politics, policies, or even how our country operates.

I think he was determined by either a majority, or near majority of the Electorate to be fit for the presidency.

And that's not a problem?

Further, this was a pretty conservative electorate. We picked up House seats, looks like we held the Senate, through the State Legislatures we will control drawing the political maps on the great majority of Federal and State Legislative seats for the next five elections, and, we even swept most of the California Propositions! You have to go all the way back to 1960 to find an election with more minority voters voting GOP, so, we accomplished all this because a large segment of the Electorate is mentally unfit for self-government?

I didn't say a large segment were unfit, I said we have a large segment that votes on a President using the same criteria they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant. We have a large enough group of politically ignorant people enough to put the Democrats over the top though.
Which Trump did neither and no evidence to support it. The commies making idle threats as usual.

Trump wouldn't be so keen to hide his tax records if he didn't have something to hide.

Here's the reality- He probably wouldn't be under as much scrutiny if he hadn't ticked off 60% of the country.

That would be Barack Obama when he killed over 200,000 Americans with the flu.

Total deaths from H1N1 was 12,000. That was with 60 million cases and we had a vaccine.

This is what sending the right message looks like.



Trump wouldn't be so keen to hide his tax records if he didn't have something to hide.

Here's the reality- He probably wouldn't be under as much scrutiny if he hadn't ticked off 60% of the country.

Trump never hid his records. The IRS has every single one of them. He didn't make them available to the general public. It doesn't mean he's hiding something.

Total deaths from H1N1 was 12,000. That was with 60 million cases and we had a vaccine.

This is what sending the right message looks like.

I'm not talking about H1N1, I'm talking about influenza. Over his two terms, over 200,000 Americans died from it. So if Trump is responsible for the Covid deaths, then logic assumes that Hussein was responsible for the influenza deaths. What's wrong? Are you starting to see how stupid that claim looks with the shoe on the other foot?

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