I am Seriously Puzzled about This...

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Joe Blowhard, the bloated, card carrying carrying commie, I am not so much a "rightwinger" as I am against limp-wristed commie fucks like yourself. You don't know diddly squat about the CFR or it's origins.

No, guy, whenever I hear people talking about CFR, Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Lizard People or any other crazy, I just can't take them seriously. Sadly, the Crazy has taken over the right, to where the next Congress is going to have a QAnon Caucus.

Neocons are just as pathetic as the fabian socialists and not a **** hairs worth a difference between the two and what the ultimate goal is. Are we clear, Joe Fat Fuck? Let me know if I used too many multi-syllable words.

Yes, you've made it very clear that you either seriously need to be medicated, or that your Russian Handlers really think this sort of thing matters to most Americans.

You really are a one trick pony, Joe Blowhard, the bloated commie fuck. I am not surprised at all that you are as clueless about the CFR , it's founding and the financial backers of it as you are about the major players in the Sandy Hoax scam and the S.S program you claim is an "entitlement".....not that you ever let it prevent you from spewing uninformed bullshit and then pretend that I didn't bitchslap you into next week while never addressing the salient points I made that you can't refute and will never be able too.

It must be quite a burden going through life as a short, obese blowhard that believes the world owes you a giving. In any other country, you would starve to death...at least until the blubber melted off.
The government and I signed a contract. We agreed that if I served the nation for 20 years, I'd have earned a pension.

Not my fault you couldn't or wouldn't do the same. You had the exact same offer.

But it says a lot about you that you see an earned pension as welfare.

You are getting money and not providing anything in return... that's welfare, buddy.

That you have a more sympathetic back story (not really) doesn't make it any less so. The government is paying you and getting nothing in return.

Which I'm mostly fine with. But you can't whine that about paying taxes, whine about how we are in debt, and then keep grabbing your check.. because it makes you... kind of a hypocrite.

Exactly. He uses the welfare thing to try and get under your skin. He does the same with me being on disability that I paid into my entire life until the age of 60. If I dare bring up my HUD neighbors who have been nothing but a problem for me and our neighborhood, he sticks up for those people because they're black.

Again, you and Dave had all the benefits of being white, and you are still collecting welfare...

I would love if we gave those folks renumerative jobs...

The problem with our current system is that we do have too many people taking money and not enough paying in. The problem is, most of those people taking out are white, middle class folks, not poor people of color you constantly complain about, Welfare Ray.
You really are a one trick pony, Joe Blowhard, the bloated commie fuck. I am not surprised at all that you are as clueless about the CFR ,

Again, only crazy people talk about CFR, Bilderbergers, Lizard People, etc.

major players in the Sandy Hoax scam and the S.S program you claim is an "entitlement"....

Wow, they were behind Sandy Hook, too? So they got thousands of "Crisis Actors" to pretend to be witnesses or victims, and every last one of these guys kept quiet about it for years and years and years....

You know, as opposed to one crazy person shooting up a school after stealing his mommy's guns. Because that could never possibly happen.

I didn't bitchslap you into next week while never addressing the salient points I made that you can't refute and will never be able too.

Guy, repeating other people's crazy does not make you smart. I'm really trying to help you out before you storm some pizza place looking for the secret dungeon.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
A whole lot of Republicans who haven't drunk the Kool Aid are voting Dem this time round
Again, you and Dave had all the benefits of being white, and you are still collecting welfare...

I would love if we gave those folks renumerative jobs...

The problem with our current system is that we do have too many people taking money and not enough paying in. The problem is, most of those people taking out are white, middle class folks, not poor people of color you constantly complain about, Welfare Ray.

No OCD Joe, we white people paid into the system our entire life, and only a handful take anything out. It's the people that pay nothing into the system and take out that's the problem. Payroll taxes don't support any welfare programs. Payroll taxes covers local expenses, Medicare and Social Security. Everything else is funded through income taxes which also pays a good percentage of our Medicare costs. However nearly half our population pays zero into income taxes. That's the problem.

Everybody should be paying something. If it were up to me, I would have a consumption tax of ten cents on the dollar so everybody has a dog in the race. That would solve the problem.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
A whole lot of Republicans who haven't drunk the Kool Aid are voting Dem this time round

A goodly number of -

People who are first time voters
Blacks who did the walk away
Hispanics who do not want MS13 and others to have access to them
Suburban Women who do not believe the Democrats will keep them save.

Are voting to re-elect President Trump.
No OCD Joe, we white people paid into the system our entire life, and only a handful take anything out.

Uh, guy, if that were the case, the system wouldn't be going broke right now.

The reality- You'd get everything you ever paid in out in seven years... In your case, 66. Average lifespan for a white male in this society is 78. So you'll be living off the taxpayers for 12 years... And that's not even including Medicare for your multiple illnesses due to your bad health.

Everybody should be paying something. If it were up to me, I would have a consumption tax of ten cents on the dollar so everybody has a dog in the race. That would solve the problem.

Actually, here's what would solve the problem. Making the rich pay their fair share, and getting rid of the bloated Military-Industrial Complex
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Lifer politicians, like Biden but from either party, feel threatened by someone like the President who doesn't suck off the government teat as they do.
Uh, guy, if that were the case, the system wouldn't be going broke right now.

The reality- You'd get everything you ever paid in out in seven years... In your case, 66. Average lifespan for a white male in this society is 78. So you'll be living off the taxpayers for 12 years... And that's not even including Medicare for your multiple illnesses due to your bad health.

Well chances are given my health, I won't be around that long. Furthermore because the system was designed for failure is a perfect example why no more social programs need to be added to our country, particularly healthcare, because the same thing would happen.

Actually, here's what would solve the problem. Making the rich pay their fair share, and getting rid of the bloated Military-Industrial Complex

Joe, given our debt, you could take every single penny away from every citizen that makes over 200K a year, and not even come close to making a dent.

Also a fact is the top 20% of wage earners pay over 80% of all collected income taxes. having them pay 90% won't make much of a difference. Taxing them at 100% would give them reason to make no income at all, giving us an economic collapse.

Your claim is you write resumes for a living. What are you going to do when there are no jobs for people to submit resumes to?
Well chances are given my health, I won't be around that long. Furthermore because the system was designed for failure is a perfect example why no more social programs need to be added to our country, particularly healthcare, because the same thing would happen.

They weren't designed for failure.... Someone came in and fucked them up.

Social Security had enough money to last until 2043 or longer. Then Republicans came along and looted the trust fund to buy overpriced bombers and tax cuts for rich people.

Joe, given our debt, you could take every single penny away from every citizen that makes over 200K a year, and not even come close to making a dent.

Not true at all.


The top 1% hold 25 Trillion in wealth. If we liquidated all of their assets we could pay off the National Debt in one fell swoop. Obviously we can't.. because when your wealth is in a yacht or a dressage horse, you can't covert that into hard currency easily.

But a sensible structure of fair taxes on the top 20%, combined with sensible reform of entitlements, responsible spending and reform of government programs, we could easily get there.

Also a fact is the top 20% of wage earners pay over 80% of all collected income taxes. having them pay 90% won't make much of a difference. Taxing them at 100% would give them reason to make no income at all, giving us an economic collapse.

The top 20% have 87% of the wealth.. They aren't even paying their fair share on the basis of how much wealth they have.

I also reject the idea that we wouldn't have an economy without the investor class. They are parasites who have convinced you they are vital organs.

Your claim is you write resumes for a living. What are you going to do when there are no jobs for people to submit resumes to?

There will always be jobs because there will always be things that need to be done....

Again, the investor class isn't all that...

So let's say we go full communist and the state controls all investment and prioritization.

You'd still need people to write up your profile so the central committee can determine your work assignment.

again, not advocating this, but you shitheads are making this happen.
They weren't designed for failure.... Someone came in and fucked them up.

Social Security had enough money to last until 2043 or longer. Then Republicans came along and looted the trust fund to buy overpriced bombers and tax cuts for rich people.

Every President has BORROWED SS money for decades. Need the link, just ask, but I'm not going out of my way to find it and post it if you're not going to read it.

The top 1% hold 25 Trillion in wealth. If we liquidated all of their assets we could pay off the National Debt in one fell swoop. Obviously we can't.. because when your wealth is in a yacht or a dressage horse, you can't covert that into hard currency easily.

But a sensible structure of fair taxes on the top 20%, combined with sensible reform of entitlements, responsible spending and reform of government programs, we could easily get there.

Yes, and in the process destroy jobs, have the wealthy move out of the country, stock market crash which would lead us into a depression. In that estimate they include all non-liquid assets. That means if Mr Richy rich would have to kick in part of this 25 trillion, he'd have to take every penny out of the market, sell his businesses, sell all his assets including his home and automobile.

Now even if we did that, it would stop the flow of all money going to the federal government from those people because you can only do that once, and you would still be short 2 trillion dollars to payoff the debt. The government is not going to cut spending period. I don't care if Democrats or Republicans are in charge. Our social programs are draining the country. They have to be funded no matter what because of the dependency class they created.

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

The top 20% have 87% of the wealth.. They aren't even paying their fair share on the basis of how much wealth they have.

I also reject the idea that we wouldn't have an economy without the investor class. They are parasites who have convinced you they are vital organs.

They are the virtual organs. If you take every poor person and moved them to an island somewhere, society wouldn't be affected. In fact we would be in much better shape. If you did the same with the wealthy, the country would collapse. Why is that? Because it's the wealthy that provide the funds for nearly every spending program we have. Once the rich are gone, there are few who could possibly contribute to the federal government to support all it's operations and programs.

There is no such thing as "the wealth." We do not have a finite amount of money in this country; we don't live in a bubble.

There will always be jobs because there will always be things that need to be done....

Again, the investor class isn't all that...

So let's say we go full communist and the state controls all investment and prioritization.

You'd still need people to write up your profile so the central committee can determine your work assignment.

again, not advocating this, but you shitheads are making this happen.

No, we support our successful capitalist system. It's you commies that want to see a failed state run country. Want to see what that's like? Move to Cuba and let us know how that works out for you. You won't have to risk your life on some makeshift raft to get there like Cubans do trying to escape their country to get to ours. We would welcome your departure, and they would welcome your new residency there. Cuba is a liberal utopia. Nobody is rich, everybody is equal; equally poor. Nobody has guns except the government. Free healthcare. Government takes care of everything. Government funded education including college. Everything the Democrats want in this country.
Every President has BORROWED SS money for decades. Need the link, just ask, but I'm not going out of my way to find it and post it if you're not going to read it.

You're right, I'm not going to bother if you keep missing the point.

Yes, and in the process destroy jobs, have the wealthy move out of the country, stock market crash which would lead us into a depression. In that estimate they include all non-liquid assets. That means if Mr Richy rich would have to kick in part of this 25 trillion, he'd have to take every penny out of the market, sell his businesses, sell all his assets including his home and automobile.

Yawn, guy, you guys say that every time a Democrat imposes some fiscal sanity and makes the rich pay their fair share, and it never happens.
They are the virtual organs. If you take every poor person and moved them to an island somewhere, society wouldn't be affected. In fact we would be in much better shape. If you did the same with the wealthy, the country would collapse.

Well, only if you let the fuckers take their wealth with them... that's the thing.

Rich people don't create jobs, consumer demand creates jobs.

For instance, you can take a million dollars opening a factory that makes Shit Sandwiches... You can get the best equipment, the fanciest packaging, but at the end of the day, no one wants to eat a literal shit sandwich. (Trump supporters are good at eating FIGURATIVE shit sandwiches, but that's another story.) You'd just run out of money, because no one wants to buy a shit sandwich.

So again, the Investor is a parasite who has convinced the world it's a vital organ.
You're right, I'm not going to bother if you keep missing the point.

Obviously you are. You are blaming Republicans for doing the exact same things Democrats do. It's a very common leftist trait.

Yawn, guy, you guys say that every time a Democrat imposes some fiscal sanity and makes the rich pay their fair share, and it never happens.

Watch what happens to our economy once Joe takes office. Hope you don't keep your money in the market.

Well, only if you let the fuckers take their wealth with them... that's the thing.

What do you think they'd do, leave it behind?

Rich people don't create jobs, consumer demand creates jobs.

For instance, you can take a million dollars opening a factory that makes Shit Sandwiches... You can get the best equipment, the fanciest packaging, but at the end of the day, no one wants to eat a literal shit sandwich. (Trump supporters are good at eating FIGURATIVE shit sandwiches, but that's another story.) You'd just run out of money, because no one wants to buy a shit sandwich.

So again, the Investor is a parasite who has convinced the world it's a vital organ.

No, the consumer creates the demand, the supplier creates the jobs. If there is nobody to create the products consumers want, then they don't get their product. In order to be able to supply the people, you need to be very wealthy to do it. A common worker is not going to be able to buy a building for several hundred thousand dollars, millions of dollars in equipment, Hundreds of thousands to have ready for payroll, unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, utilities, and open up the facility to produce those products.
Obviously you are. You are blaming Republicans for doing the exact same things Democrats do. It's a very common leftist trait.

Point was, we were posting surpluses in 2000, when Bush gave a huge tax cut to the rich and put a war on a credit card...

What do you think they'd do, leave it behind?

Why do you think they'd have a choice...

Watch what happens to our economy once Joe takes office. Hope you don't keep your money in the market.

Dow up 367 points yesterday.. the markets are fine with Biden... Probably happy to see some sanity.
Point was, we were posting surpluses in 2000, when Bush gave a huge tax cut to the rich and put a war on a credit card...

He was the President during the worst domestic attack in our history. He had to put a lot of things on the credit card.

Why do you think they'd have a choice...

Really looking forward to Nazism, ain't cha?

Dow up 367 points yesterday.. the markets are fine with Biden... Probably happy to see some sanity.

The election isn't decided yet. Huge problems in Michigan as they are trying to pull a Gore stunt by not allowing observers to oversee ballot counts; hundreds of ballots without one Trump vote. Even if Biden were to win, he doesn't get near the White House for over two months. Watch what happens then.
He was the President during the worst domestic attack in our history. He had to put a lot of things on the credit card.

Hey, you know what happened when FDR was the president during the WORST attack in our history. He made the rich pay their fair share, he didn't give them a tax cut. And those taxes stayed in place until 1960 until the credit card was paid off.

The election isn't decided yet. Huge problems in Michigan as they are trying to pull a Gore stunt by not allowing observers to oversee ballot counts; hundreds of ballots without one Trump vote. Even if Biden were to win, he doesn't get near the White House for over two months. Watch what happens then.

Oh, I am all for Trump throwing a fucking tantrum on his way out... I truly am.

Election gets called for Biden tomorrow. Depends which state puts him over 270 first - Nevada, Penn. or Georgia.
Hey, you know what happened when FDR was the president during the WORST attack in our history. He made the rich pay their fair share, he didn't give them a tax cut. And those taxes stayed in place until 1960 until the credit card was paid off.

The rich didn't have many other places to go. Today they do. Tax them too much, they'll leave, just like the many that left New York City among other high cost of living liberal states.

Oh, I am all for Trump throwing a fucking tantrum on his way out... I truly am.

Election gets called for Biden tomorrow. Depends which state puts him over 270 first - Nevada, Penn. or Georgia.

Don't count on that. Trump will be contesting those ballots. If they find fault in Arizona, that deducts from Slow Joe's column and puts it in Trump's.

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