I am so sick of hearing about this equal pay shit from women. What the fuck does it even mean?

There is no wage discrimination against women. And women do not earn less when you compare apples to apples.
For instance, when you measure college educated men and women, who have no children and never married... guess what? Women out earn men.
When you compare NON college educated men and women, who have no children...wait for it... there is no measurable difference.
I was promoted to full stack developer so I think I Dell is satisfied with me. My goal is to be software Architect one day.
No female coworker is ever going to know what I am paid and I am never going to ask her what she is paid. And honestly no one should want to be equal in PAY to no one whether the person is a man or woman. I dont want to be equal with no one.

Ok my rant is over
It means hundreds of thousands of men get fired and then the average pay is equal.
Then comes the divorces.

because I would be stuck working store all day.
I expect to fire the bloated buffoon in 10 days

Funny on Thursday: I had a few Jews speaking Yiddish then an hour later 2 Israel’s speaking Hebrew

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