I am starting to wonder how many illegal aliens and criminals are posting on these forums?

I heard they give them cell phones and have internet even in the detention centers.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .

I honestly had no idea just how horrible your illegal immigration situation was until the 2016 campaign when Trump made it a major focus and discussed the wall and the numbers. How America would allow this is beyond me. Massive expenses to illegal immigration is economic and sovereignty suicide.
The establishment, aided by the media have for decades avoiding even talking about the dark side of illegal aliens. Illegals have committed crimes against thousands of Americans, killed more Americans than were killed in the world trade center attacks. They rape, they assault, they rob, they commit $5 billion a year in tax fraud, they traffic drugs into our country, are these really the lawless crime committing immigrants we want in our country? Hell no.
When the young American woman was shot dead in front of her father by an illegal San Fancisco was protecting in their sanctuary city, and Trump called them out on this, the left shit themselves. Had Trump not been running for president government and the media would have paid no attention to this tragedy. Trump has given voice to the thousands of American victims of illegal alien crimes.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .
I'm sure you will make up a number at some point, or someone like you will, and then it will be stated as fact.

I bet you already have a number in your mind.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .
I think fewer than the number of Russians.

Mexico is the number one, two or three trading partner with every state in the Union. More Mexicans have been leaving than coming here. Is it really good for America you want to ruin the American economy simply because you hate brown people?
Probably more than you'd think.

And it's pretty obvious who they might be.....

The better question is how many RUSSIANS are posting here, pretending to be american or european?


We have a winner! This forum is loaded with Russian trolls.

Says the illegal criminal...

This is exactly what it's all about, illegal aliens and criminals saying there is RUSSIAN trolls on here.
You fuckers need to read this book. You are seriously in danger of being hoodwinked.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .
I think fewer than the number of Russians.

Mexico is the number one, two or three trading partner with every state in the Union. More Mexicans have been leaving than coming here. Is it really good for America you want to ruin the American economy simply because you hate brown people?

Why do you hate a living wage for Americans? Kick out 20 million illegals and we wouldn't keep on having the discussion of raising the minimum wage.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .
I think fewer than the number of Russians.

Mexico is the number one, two or three trading partner with every state in the Union. More Mexicans have been leaving than coming here. Is it really good for America you want to ruin the American economy simply because you hate brown people?

Why do you hate a living wage for Americans? Kick out 20 million illegals and we wouldn't keep on having the discussion of raising the minimum wage.

Wrong. Learn something. Then post.
What else could if be? How can anyone be against finishing the wall with Mexico, against voter I'D, for criminal sanctuary cities, pro kneeling before the national anthem ... .

Liberals don't think on their own, their politicians and MSM do their thinking for them. They are merely following orders because brainwashing works.

The better question is how many RUSSIANS are posting here, pretending to be american or european?

See what I mean? They didn't become obsessed with Russia on their own, they were instructed to be obsessed with Russia and to parrot what they've been told about it. They don't even know why they are doing it.


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