I am truly honored

He let hillary slide when she obviously committed crimes.
Last time I checked intent isnt an excuse when you break the law.
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
There are people that desire to adopt Russian children and some people desire to have Russia's ban on adoption to USA citizens lifted, what exactly is your problem with that? Now how would you go about getting a ban lifted without having someone talk to a Russian? Can you tell us why Russia put that adoption ban in place?
Make excuses for this too herewego
Of course there was collusion going on. Everybody and his mother on the Trump team were talking with the Russians, and none of them could ever seem to remember having done so. They were talking about something. I say once Trump got wind that Russia was interfering with our election for the purposes of undermining Hillary and furthering him, one or more of his surrogates--with his knowledge and blessing--asked the Russians, "How can we help?" Now, he meets with Putin, accepts Putin's denial that there was any Russian interference in our elction, and proposes a USA/Russia Cyber Security team to protect future elections from hacking that Putin just got finished saying never happened! Look, some things in history are to remain as unsolved riddles. How did Oswald kill JFK all by himself and from multiple drections? Did Nixon conspire with South Vietnam to affect an election? Did Reagan's people meet with Iran to strike a deal to hold the hostages until after the election in exchange for a future arms deal? So, that Trump colluded with Russia to get himself elected might be self-evidently true, but will it ever be proven to the point where it bcomes an actionable event? Probably not, history and the American political system don't seem to operate that way. The American public is just not ready or willing to embrace how close we are to being a banana republic.

So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
There are people that desire to adopt Russian children and some people desire to have Russia's ban on adoption to USA citizens lifted, what exactly is your problem with that? Now how would you go about getting a ban lifted without having someone talk to a Russian? Can you tell us why Russia put that adoption ban in place?
i can't even give these people an iota of credit on this anymore. anytime ANYONE talks to ANY RUSSIAN it's a huge crime. but we fail to use that same standard on dems and simply say they were business as usual, nothing wrong here. there's more "WRONG" we see in what they did than anything we've made up on the R side here.

just sucks people can hate so much they put themselves and who they like on a different set of standards and cry out foul on the other side at every opportunity.
So I guess you have proof?
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
There are people that desire to adopt Russian children and some people desire to have Russia's ban on adoption to USA citizens lifted, what exactly is your problem with that? Now how would you go about getting a ban lifted without having someone talk to a Russian? Can you tell us why Russia put that adoption ban in place?
i can't even give these people an iota of credit on this anymore. anytime ANYONE talks to ANY RUSSIAN it's a huge crime. but we fail to use that same standard on dems and simply say they were business as usual, nothing wrong here. there's more "WRONG" we see in what they did than anything we've made up on the R side here.

just sucks people can hate so much they put themselves and who they like on a different set of standards and cry out foul on the other side at every opportunity.
I agree fully with that ice ,,,,,which brings to mind how the right treated Hill and her husband too over the past 30 or so years ........And what's going on now , maybe you're known by the friends you keep and if these folks keep hanging out with the Russkies ,,well people might get the wrong idea.....
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
There are people that desire to adopt Russian children and some people desire to have Russia's ban on adoption to USA citizens lifted, what exactly is your problem with that? Now how would you go about getting a ban lifted without having someone talk to a Russian? Can you tell us why Russia put that adoption ban in place?
i can't even give these people an iota of credit on this anymore. anytime ANYONE talks to ANY RUSSIAN it's a huge crime. but we fail to use that same standard on dems and simply say they were business as usual, nothing wrong here. there's more "WRONG" we see in what they did than anything we've made up on the R side here.

just sucks people can hate so much they put themselves and who they like on a different set of standards and cry out foul on the other side at every opportunity.
I agree fully with that ice ,,,,,which brings to mind how the right treated Hill and her husband too over the past 30 or so years ........And what's going on now , maybe you're known by the friends you keep and if these folks keep hanging out with the Russkies ,,well people might get the wrong idea.....

yea, so you're saying hill and her husband never did anything to warrant the criticism?

first, i don't get why the russians are the evil being you say they are. it seems convenient that once losing an election they became evil encarnate but now please SHOW ME where they were this evil beforehand?

then explain to me how obama can make comments about flexibility after he wins another election and that doesn't raise an eyebrow.

but "they talked and we don't know about what" concerns the left much more than obama's flexibility AND hillaries uranium deals OF WHICH we know are in fact true.

but to the left, not a crime. to the right, holy hell look at that!

now trumps peeps talk to russians - we have nothing more than that and the left - major crime!!!

don't even know what they talked about but INVESTIGATION speaks volumes.

unless it was hillary.

so don't bother running to me saying the right is mixed up in why they hate when you can't even keep it straight on your side either.
Herewego I'm a dem but I have a republican memory I can't remember talking to all those russians Sorry

So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
There are people that desire to adopt Russian children and some people desire to have Russia's ban on adoption to USA citizens lifted, what exactly is your problem with that? Now how would you go about getting a ban lifted without having someone talk to a Russian? Can you tell us why Russia put that adoption ban in place?
i can't even give these people an iota of credit on this anymore. anytime ANYONE talks to ANY RUSSIAN it's a huge crime. but we fail to use that same standard on dems and simply say they were business as usual, nothing wrong here. there's more "WRONG" we see in what they did than anything we've made up on the R side here.

just sucks people can hate so much they put themselves and who they like on a different set of standards and cry out foul on the other side at every opportunity.
I agree fully with that ice ,,,,,which brings to mind how the right treated Hill and her husband too over the past 30 or so years ........And what's going on now , maybe you're known by the friends you keep and if these folks keep hanging out with the Russkies ,,well people might get the wrong idea.....
When the Clinton's and their crews decided that they were above the law they deserved to become targets. skirting congress in acts of war - Google Search
My self am disappointed with both major political party's. every little thing is blown up, not even counting the straight up lie's. both party's continue to do what ever the hell they want, with no regards for the vast majority of Americans. sorry left side' to much PC shoved down our throats. and right America' while we fight each other big company's gobble up little ones all becomes global . sorry Nationalism be dammed, Globalism is here and growing daily. with the full support of current & past administrations.
My self am disappointed with both major political party's. every little thing is blown up, not even counting the straight up lie's. both party's continue to do what ever the hell they want, with no regards for the vast majority of Americans. sorry left side' to much PC shoved down our throats. and right America' while we fight each other big company's gobble up little ones all becomes global . sorry Nationalism be dammed, Globalism is here and growing daily. with the full support of current & past administrations.
Agreed some of the giants are way out of control and need to be tightly reigned in too but only the people can do that as many in congress seems to be unwilling.
So you're saying with your excellent republican memory you still have no proof.
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
There are people that desire to adopt Russian children and some people desire to have Russia's ban on adoption to USA citizens lifted, what exactly is your problem with that? Now how would you go about getting a ban lifted without having someone talk to a Russian? Can you tell us why Russia put that adoption ban in place?
i can't even give these people an iota of credit on this anymore. anytime ANYONE talks to ANY RUSSIAN it's a huge crime. but we fail to use that same standard on dems and simply say they were business as usual, nothing wrong here. there's more "WRONG" we see in what they did than anything we've made up on the R side here.

just sucks people can hate so much they put themselves and who they like on a different set of standards and cry out foul on the other side at every opportunity.
I agree fully with that ice ,,,,,which brings to mind how the right treated Hill and her husband too over the past 30 or so years ........And what's going on now , maybe you're known by the friends you keep and if these folks keep hanging out with the Russkies ,,well people might get the wrong idea.....

yea, so you're saying hill and her husband never did anything to warrant the criticism?

first, i don't get why the russians are the evil being you say they are. it seems convenient that once losing an election they became evil encarnate but now please SHOW ME where they were this evil beforehand?

then explain to me how obama can make comments about flexibility after he wins another election and that doesn't raise an eyebrow.

but "they talked and we don't know about what" concerns the left much more than obama's flexibility AND hillaries uranium deals OF WHICH we know are in fact true.

but to the left, not a crime. to the right, holy hell look at that!

now trumps peeps talk to russians - we have nothing more than that and the left - major crime!!!

don't even know what they talked about but INVESTIGATION speaks volumes.

unless it was hillary.

so don't bother running to me saying the right is mixed up in why they hate when you can't even keep it straight on your side either.
I can only answer the part where you don't get why the Russians are evil??? For starters they've been hacking us for years , they want the worst for the USA so they can step into the breech we've left ,they want to f us up anyway they can
I said repubs have zero memory of speaking with the russians until they are caught NOW we have trump jr and kirshner talking about LOL adoption with the lawyer for the Kremlin??? You gotta be kidding me?
There are people that desire to adopt Russian children and some people desire to have Russia's ban on adoption to USA citizens lifted, what exactly is your problem with that? Now how would you go about getting a ban lifted without having someone talk to a Russian? Can you tell us why Russia put that adoption ban in place?
i can't even give these people an iota of credit on this anymore. anytime ANYONE talks to ANY RUSSIAN it's a huge crime. but we fail to use that same standard on dems and simply say they were business as usual, nothing wrong here. there's more "WRONG" we see in what they did than anything we've made up on the R side here.

just sucks people can hate so much they put themselves and who they like on a different set of standards and cry out foul on the other side at every opportunity.
I agree fully with that ice ,,,,,which brings to mind how the right treated Hill and her husband too over the past 30 or so years ........And what's going on now , maybe you're known by the friends you keep and if these folks keep hanging out with the Russkies ,,well people might get the wrong idea.....

yea, so you're saying hill and her husband never did anything to warrant the criticism?

first, i don't get why the russians are the evil being you say they are. it seems convenient that once losing an election they became evil encarnate but now please SHOW ME where they were this evil beforehand?

then explain to me how obama can make comments about flexibility after he wins another election and that doesn't raise an eyebrow.

but "they talked and we don't know about what" concerns the left much more than obama's flexibility AND hillaries uranium deals OF WHICH we know are in fact true.

but to the left, not a crime. to the right, holy hell look at that!

now trumps peeps talk to russians - we have nothing more than that and the left - major crime!!!

don't even know what they talked about but INVESTIGATION speaks volumes.

unless it was hillary.

so don't bother running to me saying the right is mixed up in why they hate when you can't even keep it straight on your side either.
I can only answer the part where you don't get why the Russians are evil??? For starters they've been hacking us for years , they want the worst for the USA so they can step into the breech we've left ,they want to f us up anyway they can
great. so are you saying we are not also hacking other countries for more or less the same reasons?

all those out there shocked this could happen - i wonder if they ever stop to wonder if we're doing too and to what extent.

since we already know the FBI can make hacks appear from Russia, we know we're hacking so maybe being so "innocent talking" isn't helpful in the reality of what is going on.
If you're not blaming him for the hacking then there is nothing else to blame him for Dumb ass. It's the only possible thing you can blame the Russians for when it comes to the election.

My, my you're dumber than a spent box of matches.......yes, I'm NOT blaming Trump (he's too fucking dumb....as you are)......BUT Putin wanted a stooge in the oval office and yes, I'm blaming Putin for fucking with us.....(but trump kissed his ass.)

And yet you can't point to one thing Putin did (with evidence) that put Trump in the White House.

Hillary and her toy server contained vital, confidential, and classified material likely hacked by the Russians. That would mean if she was elected, her puppet strings could have been pulled by anybody who hacked that information from that sever that didn't even have the basic encryption protection.

What benefit would Putin have by putting Trump in office? They had nothing (and still have nothing) on him for a blackmail situation. He would have had that situation with Hil-Liar. So if Russians did do something, they would have done it in her favor--not Trumps.

Putin provided leaked emails that Trump used on a weekly basis to support his "crooked Hillary" claims
If it was of no value to Trump....why did he repeatedly use the information that Putin was providing?

They didn't provide it to Trump, they provided it to the American public. Trump just used that public information to show the voters what Hillary and her party were all about.

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