I am "vegan" for life.

Thats what happens when you believe all the bullshit....................then finally "get a clue" as to what reality really is, and find out its all lies being forcefed into your empty heads.

The Asian cultures have it down..........they use meat as a flavor enhancer to veggies. Their main dishes are usually rice, noodles, or veggies, with a bit of meat on the side or a few pieces thrown in for flavor. If they eat a big hunk of meat, it's usually fish.

The problem with most Americans, especially the blue/purple/green haired loonies, is that they have no clue what making a concession or collaboration is. It's either THIS way or THAT way..........there is no inbetween. And thats why they are all so freeking miserable.
Examples of what arrogant know it alls look like when they are humbled.

I understand what motivates you to post this stuff.

Examine your heart.

Better yet, ask God to show you your true motivation.

"The heart is deceitful above all things. Desperately wicked. Who can know it?"

Your motivation in posting this stuff is EXACTLY what motivates the God haters to haunt the religion forum.

In your heart you know that animal torture is evil. You are desperate to justify your wickedness.

It's the same reason someone thought to start a thread ATTACKING a woman who DIED because you were so butthurt by what she ATE
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And thats why they are all so freeking miserable
I'm afraid it's miserable people like yourself who feel the need to create these threads

How miserable do you have to be to keep looking for opportunities to post these threads? The answer is VERY.

Have you read the Parable of the Sower? More importantly, do you understand it?
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That could be. I don't do Tiktok, Twitter or FB. This one is enough for me.
I get it....and tiktok isn't exactly "Godly." It's pretty bad in A LOT OF WAYS.


Everything is tracking you. Your phone....so many things.

There was propaganda put out by the media, politicians controlled by silicon valley, and other entities that claims tiktok is some CHINA CONTROL PLATFORM.

That was ALL because tiktok was eating silicon valley's lunch. Taking mega advertising dollars. Silicon valley Bank crashed.

The politicians on BOTH SIDES bought and paid for through donations teamed up and perpetuated the myth.

Tiktok isn't a clean place, however there is information that is put out that the other platforms won't.

I'm on a conservative algorithm right now. So that's what i see. Only a matter of time and already happening where they will be also crushed by the left.

Until then, I will post useful information I come across on tiktok etc.
I get it....and tiktok isn't exactly "Godly." It's pretty bad in A LOT OF WAYS.


Everything is tracking you. Your phone....so many things.

There was propaganda put out by the media, politicians controlled by silicon valley, and other entities that claims tiktok is some CHINA CONTROL PLATFORM.

That was ALL because tiktok was eating silicon valley's lunch. Taking mega advertising dollars. Silicon valley Bank crashed.

The politicians on BOTH SIDES bought and paid for through donations teamed up and perpetuated the myth.

Tiktok isn't a clean place, however there is information that is put out that the other platforms won't.

I'm on a conservative algorithm right now. So that's what i see. Only a matter of time and already happening where they will be also crushed by the left.

Until then, I will post useful information I come across on tiktok etc.
Our own government is very deceptive. They were not honest with us about their desire to regulate tiktok. They want absolute control over your access to information. TikTok was their "demon" to gain control
I get it....and tiktok isn't exactly "Godly." It's pretty bad in A LOT OF WAYS.


Everything is tracking you. Your phone....so many things.

There was propaganda put out by the media, politicians controlled by silicon valley, and other entities that claims tiktok is some CHINA CONTROL PLATFORM.

That was ALL because tiktok was eating silicon valley's lunch. Taking mega advertising dollars. Silicon valley Bank crashed.

The politicians on BOTH SIDES bought and paid for through donations teamed up and perpetuated the myth.

Tiktok isn't a clean place, however there is information that is put out that the other platforms won't.

I'm on a conservative algorithm right now. So that's what i see. Only a matter of time and already happening where they will be also crushed by the left.

Until then, I will post useful information I come across on tiktok etc.
Google hoovers up far more data than TikTok ever dreamt of...
I'm afraid it's miserable people like yourself who feel the need to create these threads
As long as you do not try to shove your cultist ideas on others , that is fine . But bear in mind that living your cult rules can be physically quite dangerous for some and utterly disgusting for others particularly when you bring in your God beliefs . A real Hate stance .

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