I argued against the impeachment of Biden....UNTIL NOW


You're paid to do this. No one else could be so dense.

If, and that is a big IF, the Dems themselves help remove him, or he resigns for health reasons, it is a political time thing, so they are being highly tactical right now. Let us not forget, that if the sitting President serves into his 25 month after being Inaugurated, his successor can not only serve out that term, but at that point in time run for 2 full terms of their own.

Now, you certainly will scoff at the notion of Harris for 10 years, but with a strong VP candidate, who does not see them trying to pull this off, especially if Harris temporarily becomes a moderate for 23 months to set the table for it! They won't be able to cram anything through congress anyway, so why not make pretend for such a short period of political time.

The Left are a bunch of PITAs for sure, but politically dumb PITAs they are not!
Do you really think he's being paid???

If he's getting paid for what his posts are worth, I doubt he can even afford Ramen noodles for lunch!!! :auiqs.jpg:

I don't think paid posters get $$ for quality just quantity. But who knows.
Thanks for proving yourself an idiot.
Biden’s not senile. Any casual review of his speeches, Q&A, or meetings would tell you that. He’s old though. For sure. Youre just a insecure person who has to belong to something to feel like you’re special and you’ve chosen the GOP as they eat those insecurities for lunch.
Says internet poster fooled by edited video who hasn’t watched a single Biden speech in its entirety.
Please to explain his low (across the board) approval numbers then.....Nobody woke up one morning and decided to loath Tater.....His slide started in August of last year.

I believe there should be some sort of "slaughter rule" law....If a POTUS goes two quarters at 42% or lower average approval rating then he must resign. ;)
Kameltoe is just to uncomfortable and incoherent when she's on her feet. If we could lay her down and put a dick in her mouth she'd be back in her element and I think she'd sound like William F Buckley (gagging on a dick).....

I realize how unconventional that is, but these are not normal times.

Here she is NOT on her back with her legs in the air:

No sir.... we don't deserve that. We're not that uncivilized, yet.
Please to explain his low (across the board) approval numbers then.....Nobody woke up one morning and decided to loath Tater.....His slide started in August of last year.

I believe there should be some sort of "slaughter rule" law....If a POTUS goes two quarters at 42% or lower average approval rating then he must resign. ;)
Asked and answered.

This thread is about the amazing work being done by Biden not the partisan country.
Please to explain his low (across the board) approval numbers then.....Nobody woke up one morning and decided to loath Tater.....His slide started in August of last year.

I believe there should be some sort of "slaughter rule" law....If a POTUS goes two quarters at 42% or lower average approval rating then he must resign. ;)

The US is experiencing the worst inflation and highest gas prices in decades.
The entire world is experiencing the same problems

But, as President, Biden gets the blame
Comes with the territory
Asked and answered.

This thread is about the amazing work being done by Biden not the partisan country.
Meh, if you willingly choose to remain obtuse then it's on you.
He’s the most popular president in nearly 6 years. What don’t you understand?
Biden is not just sitting idly by as the progressives destroy our nation, he is actively helping them because he doesn't know any better. The man shakes hands with ghosts and talks to flags for fucks sake.

The Right has been playing the ”Biden has Dementia” “Biden has no idea what is going on” card for over two years.

Time and again, when Biden is asked to respond on key issues he demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the issues and their consequences.

With the invasion of Ukraine, the World is on the brink of WWIII
Biden has demonstrated stable leadership at a time when a wrong move could escalate the war beyond the borders of Ukraine

Biden has carefully crafted an alliance both economically and militarily. This alliance is effectively countering the Russian invasion

Meanwhile, Donald J Trump, the man YOUR SIDE wanted to be President actively cheered Putin for invading Ukraine to the point he called him a Genius.

Sorry, Conservatives
But you have nothing to brag about

The world is lucky you didn’t get your way in 2020
Please to explain his low (across the board) approval numbers then.....Nobody woke up one morning and decided to loath Tater.....His slide started in August of last year.

I believe there should be some sort of "slaughter rule" law....If a POTUS goes two quarters at 42% or lower average approval rating then he must resign.
Then the Dems would just cheat with the polls.

I argued against the impeachment of Biden....UNTIL NOW​

Biden has enabled 2 MILLION illegals to flood across our border just in his first year. That alone warrants impeachment! Thousands of Americans have died as a result and more illegals have died than under any other president.

2 MILLION, by the end of his term it will be at least 8 MILLION.
Guess we’ll find out if he really was the “Big Guy”?

President Biden has released this years taxes like he has done 24 times before

His finances are for everyone to see

Meanwhile, your “Big Guy” has refused to release a single return

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