I argued against the impeachment of Biden....UNTIL NOW

The Right has been playing the ”Biden has Dementia” “Biden has no idea what is going on” card for over two years.

Time and again, when Biden is asked to respond on key issues he demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the issues and their consequences.

With the invasion of Ukraine, the World is on the brink of WWIII
Biden has demonstrated stable leadership at a time when a wrong move could escalate the war beyond the borders of Ukraine

Biden has carefully crafted an alliance both economically and militarily. This alliance is effectively countering the Russian invasion

Meanwhile, Donald J Trump, the man YOUR SIDE wanted to be President actively cheered Putin for invading Ukraine to the point he called him a Genius.

Sorry, Conservatives
But you have nothing to brag about

The world is lucky you didn’t get your way in 2020

Those who advocate a removal of Biden are the same ones who voted for a second term for Donald J Trump

A President who was impeached TWICE
A President who refused a peaceful transfer of power
A President who created a lie that fueled the Jan 6 Insurrection

Those who question Biden’s competency also support a man who actively CHEERED when Russia invaded Ukraine. A man who refuses to call Putin Evil and instead calls him a Genius
Biden’s not senile. Any casual review of his speeches, Q&A, or meetings would tell you that. He’s old though. For sure. Youre just a insecure person who has to belong to something to feel like you’re special and you’ve chosen the GOP as they eat those insecurities for lunch.
He tried to shake an invisible man's hand on live TV. So show me the video that hasn't been messed with.
Again, the burden of proof is on you to show any unreported income.
Biden made around $750,000 last year

Not close to the millions you keep claiming

Show me the money
Burden of proof is on me? What are you talking about? Do you believe he is the “Big Guy”? Yes or no?
a new investigation into REAL wrongdoing will commence

I wouldn't count on that, as necessary as it is; the Party hacks Trump appointed as AGs didn't do squat about anything. If you're going to clean house you have to go all the way. Just because some hack has an R by its name doesn't mean much any more, as we've seen since, well, 1865..
I have no idea and neither do you

Unless you can show any actual money channeled to President Biden, you are just ranting conspiracies
I said do you “believe” not do you know. I believe he is and further investigation into Hunter and his laptop will illustrate that. Tick Tock…
Democrats have facts and evidence Republicans tried to steal the election.
All Republicans have is lies to support their wild claims

View attachment 631437

Only a few dozen assholes were directly disrupting the Certification counts (for around hours) while the rest who entered the building just walked around some doing vandalism in various parts of the building.

Many republicans are unable to let it go because they got too invested with Trump to let him go.

You should stop lying now.
Only a few dozen assholes were directly disrupting the Certification counts (for around hours) while the rest who entered the building just walked around some doing vandalism in various parts of the building.

Many republicans are unable to let it go because they got too invested with Trump to let him go.

You should stop lying now.
Sorry Skippy

But I don’t engage in Stolen Election Fantasies
I said do you “believe” not do you know. I believe he is and further investigation into Hunter and his laptop will illustrate that. Tick Tock…

Actually, I don’t believe any of it
President Biden has very simple income streams and is not afraid to report them.
YOUR Candidate refused to reveal any of his income streams.

Laundering the MILLIONS of dollars you are claiming would result in some flaky investments showing up on his return

I can only conclude you are full of shit
Those who advocate a removal of Biden are the same ones who voted for a second term for Donald J Trump

A President who was impeached TWICE
A President who refused a peaceful transfer of power
A President who created a lie that fueled the Jan 6 Insurrection

Those who question Biden’s competency also support a man who actively CHEERED when Russia invaded Ukraine. A man who refuses to call Putin Evil and instead calls him a Genius

Both impeachments were based on partisan politics which were never close to being reasonable charges since no actual crimes existed leftists tried to lie him out of the White House.

When he was elected some democrats talked about impeachment and one even BEFORE he was elected brought up impeachment something YOU ignore because you like to lie a lot.

No, he never refused a transfer of power as he left on time without resistance, but leftists sure like to lie anyway because they hate his guts.

There was no insurrection a common lie leftists push many times as the FBI and DOJ never charged anyone of it, they have been charged for Vandalism, Trespassing and other non-insurrection crimes.

You really should stop lying.
Sorry Skippy

But I don’t engage in Stolen Election Fantasies
You are in delusion since I don't support stolen election claims.

I haven't been a supporter of stolen elections and stated several times that Pence had NO power to hold up the certification process and that Trump should have stopped after his numerous lawsuit failures and the SCOTUS decision to drop the multiple states lawsuit on December 12, 2019.

I am a Free-Thinking Independent.

I stand by my post that you didn't counter.
Both impeachments were based on partisan politics which were never close to being reasonable charges since no actual crimes existed leftists tried to lie him out of the White House.

When he was elected some democrats talked about impeachment and one even BEFORE he was elected brought up impeachment something YOU ignore because you like to lie a lot.

No, he never refused a transfer of power as he left on time without resistance, but leftists sure like to lie anyway because they hate his guts.

There was no insurrection a common lie leftists push many times as the FBI and DOJ never charged anyone of it, they have been charged for Vandalism, Trespassing and other non-insurrection crimes.

You really should stop lying.
Ukraine is showing how disgraceful Trump was as President

His attempt to extort Zelensky by withholding critical defensive weapons unless he provided Trump with personal favors was impeachable

As was his behavior on Jan 6

Anyone watching the horrors unfolding in Ukraine must be thankful a man like Trump is no longer President

Rather than support his country, Trump chose to CHEER a for Putin as he invaded Ukraine. When given a chance to call Putin EVIL, he instead calls the man a Genius
Actually, I don’t believe any of it
President Biden has very simple income streams and is not afraid to report them.
YOUR Candidate refused to reveal any of his income streams.

Laundering the MILLIONS of dollars you are claiming would result in some flaky investments showing up on his return

I can only conclude you are full of shit
So you believe that Bobulinski lied and that Hunter got his jobs and payday with Ukraine and China on his own and not on his last name? That is your right. I believe differently. The truth will eventually come out. You’re the biggest full of shit poster on this board. So shut the fuck up, snowflake.
We don't need to be playing tit for tat with the left. Aka do as they did to Trump for no reason.

Having said that it has become increasingly clear that Biden is "NOT BIDEN"
The powers that be need to invoke the 25th amendment to protect us but they are failing to do their duty. I suppose having a puppet fall guy (BIDEN) to take all the blame for your anti American progressive policies you inact is better than strengthening our nation.
Biden is not just sitting idly by as the progressives destroy our nation, he is actively helping them because he doesn't know any better. The man shakes hands with ghosts and talks to flags for fucks sake.

At this point we must take our chances with Kamala. Joe Must Go

Chant that shit all summer!


That is so much bullshit. Progressive politics is not anti-American. Right wing policies are anti-America. While I do not totally agree with progressive solutions, I do believe that we can compromise. Not so much with the far right. They are intolerant. If anyone should be impeached it should be six Republicans on the Supreme Court who are Republicans first.
Ukraine is showing how disgraceful Trump was as President

His attempt to extort Zelensky by withholding critical defensive weapons unless he provided Trump with personal favors was impeachable

As was his behavior on Jan 6

Anyone watching the horrors unfolding in Ukraine must be thankful a man like Trump is no longer President

Rather than support his country, Trump chose to CHEER a for Putin as he invaded Ukraine. When given a chance to call Putin EVIL, he instead calls the man a Genius

You are LYING like hell heck you I KNOW you are LYING because I researched it at the time where the Two Premiers of Ukraine and the Ambassador all stated they were never pressured by Trump over it, the actual phone call transcript makes that clear I posted all this stuff at the time.

Your profound ignorance of what Trump did to Putin that hurt Russia is inexcusable and the evidence is all over the internet I posted it about 10 times because leftists like YOU ignored it over and over.

Brookings Institute showed all 52 Sanctions by Trump and his administration were against Russia some that hurt, again I post it to see if you will ignore too:

Here are the first few starting in 2017,

Aug 2 Legislation – President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law (CAATSA)
President Trump signed into law the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions act (CAATSA), enacting new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Oct 27 Release – Guidance on CAATSA Section 231(d)
The Department of State issued public guidance on the implementation of Section 231 of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act of 2017 (CAATSA). The guidance specified 39 entities that the Department of State determined are part of – or are operating on behalf of – the Russian defense or intelligence sectors.

Dec 18 Release – National Security Strategy
The White House released its National Security Strategy, identifying Russia and China as adversarial to the United States.

Dec 19 Export restrictions – In response to INF Treaty violation
The Department of Commerce announced new licensing and export restrictions on Russian companies Novator and Titan-Barrikady over production of a cruise missile prohibited by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

Dec 20 Sanctions – Global Magnitsky Act
52 people and entities from Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and elsewhere were sanctioned for alleged human rights violations and corruption.

Dec 22 Announcement – Provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine
The U.S. administration approved a plan to provide Ukraine with enhanced defensive capabilities to help it fight off Russia-backed separatists.

LINK to many more direct sanctions against Russia

Don't bother trying to lie on it. Trump was NEVER a friend of Russia.

NATO applauds Trump for getting the members to pony up more money to the NATO military budget which weakens Russian influence in the region.

USA Today

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost

You can't lie on this either as many media outlets reported the same thing and directly quoted the NATO Chief who makes it clear Trump made NATO stronger.

You are one lazy thinker with a lot of partisan prejudice behind it.
Cackles is the perfect example of why we have the 25th amendment. She’d be history within three months.

And we simply cannot allow a president who is working AGAINST America’s interests to cause as much chaos as possible in order to collapse it to continue simply because the VP is an empty-headed Affirmative Action case.

In other words this is political. It is Trump and the Republicans who are working AGAINST America. You are the ones creating chaos to take over this country and turn it into a dictatorship.
All I can say to Republicans is….

How DARE you question the competence of President Biden while the man you tried to force on the American people publicly CHEERED Putin’s invasion and called him a Genius for doing so?

Trump has repeatedly taken sides against both the United States and NATO for defending Ukraine
Meanwhile he has refused to characterize Putin as EVIL for what he is doing in Ukraine

All I can say is that I am thrilled that Joe Biden is our President during this crisis instead of Donald J Trump
EU leaders visited Kyiv to show real leadership, they don't shake hands with air...
Sanctions are being undercut by China, so what does Joe do....remove tariffs from Chinese goods???
Trump isn't president, he always blows smoke up dictators asses....its his flattering style...while undercutting them....

Trump admires dictators and he helps them because he wants to be one.

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