I asked a few weeks ago what the left exactly want in regards global warming. Not much response.

The leftwits want all the evil fossil fuel corporations to be destroyed and their leaders sent to prison. Then THEY want to take over fossil fuels and reap the profits.
The leftwits want all the evil fossil fuel corporations to be destroyed and their leaders sent to prison. Then THEY want to take over fossil fuels and reap the profits.
So, you're saying democrats want to diversify their portfolio of baby part profits...fascinating....:lol:

Liberals hate that in socialist countries government owns all the fossil fuels and government reaps all the profits and doles out the government free shit with the money. Libs role out one scheme after another trying to attack corporations and they hate fossil fuel corporations the most. Global warming is just the latest in a long string of schemes they have used to attack fossil fuel corporations.

One dumb ass lib the other day was trying to convince me Exxon Mobile is guilty of mass murder, claimed he read it on the internet :cuckoo:
We still added 11 million jobs and added $50 trillion to the economy

I call "Bullshit"

Prove your outrageous assertion!

Total national assets today........$126.6 trillion
Total national assets on this day 2008..........$71.7 trillion

That's $54.9 trillion added under Obama

Ready to concede your ass has been beaten?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
U.S. National Debt Clock 2008


Some morons are unable to read economic figures
And yet still, some morons can't read economics.....

The leftwits want all the evil fossil fuel corporations to be destroyed and their leaders sent to prison. Then THEY want to take over fossil fuels and reap the profits.

Where has anyone ever said that?

We don't need Big Oil destroyed, we only need to reduce our overwhelming reliance on oil to make us less reliant on market fluctuations and to save the planet

Make you sleep better?
you know if you read more or went out to a progressive state or used something called google, you'd see that there has been new technology that looks like giant fans, and window panes that point out to the sun, and huge machines with water rushing through them, and technology harvesting energy from the heat of the earth. really, you're bringing down the curve for the whole country.

What are petroleum products, and what is petroleum used for? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
"Petroleum products include transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil, and feedstocks for making the chemicals, plastics, and synthetic materials that are in nearly everything we use today. Of the 7.13 billion barrels of total U.S. petroleum product consumption in 2015, 47% was motor gasoline (includes ethanol), 20% was distillate fuel (heating oil and diesel fuel), and 8% was jet fuel."

75% used for fuel and heating.

The other 25% are used to make chemicals, plastics, and synthetic materials.

how do we make those items without petroleum?

They have absolutely no idea. Maybe one day technology will be better but we still need oil for the next couple hundred years at least. They just want to shut it all down in the mean time or cripple the economy because they think that will speed up the transformation to alternative energy.
you know if you read more or went out to a progressive state or used something called google, you'd see that there has been new technology that looks like giant fans, and window panes that point out to the sun, and huge machines with water rushing through them, and technology harvesting energy from the heat of the earth. really, you're bringing down the curve for the whole country.

What are petroleum products, and what is petroleum used for? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
"Petroleum products include transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil, and feedstocks for making the chemicals, plastics, and synthetic materials that are in nearly everything we use today. Of the 7.13 billion barrels of total U.S. petroleum product consumption in 2015, 47% was motor gasoline (includes ethanol), 20% was distillate fuel (heating oil and diesel fuel), and 8% was jet fuel."

75% used for fuel and heating.

The other 25% are used to make chemicals, plastics, and synthetic materials.

how do we make those items without petroleum?

They have absolutely no idea. Maybe one day technology will be better but we still need oil for the next couple hundred years at least. They just want to shut it all down in the mean time or cripple the economy because they think that will speed up the transformation to alternative energy.
Why do you guys always go all batshit crazy?
They want to shut down all oil production and leave us with nothing

Environmentalists are looking at a reduction in our dependence on oil and the development of alternative energy sources

Why does that scare the shit out of you?
DiCaprio took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award then flew home the next day.
You Doomsdayers don't believe your own bullshit.
So what?

Why is cutting back on emissions by ten percent so outrageous to conservatives?
The only thing outrageous is the doomsdayers like Obama buying a 11,000 sq ft home for $40M and telling me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

When the Doomsdayers start acting like its a crisis I MIGHT start listening.
What does one have to do with the other?

We are looking at a nationwide policy
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed nor has anyone ever claimed it will never change in the future. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?

To claim today's climate is optimum and must be preserved is anti-Science and pure hysterics.
Last edited:
So what?

Why is cutting back on emissions by ten percent so outrageous to conservatives?
The only thing outrageous is the doomsdayers like Obama buying a 11,000 sq ft home for $40M and telling me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

When the Doomsdayers start acting like its a crisis I MIGHT start listening.
What does one have to do with the other?

We are looking at a nationwide policy
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?
Oh yes......the old
We need to wait ten thousand years before we can decide we need to do something

Scientists have linked specific man made activities that have accelerated climate change in the last 100 years

93% of scientists concur in manmade global warming.

Only those protecting the profits of the oil companies disagree
The only thing outrageous is the doomsdayers like Obama buying a 11,000 sq ft home for $40M and telling me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

When the Doomsdayers start acting like its a crisis I MIGHT start listening.
What does one have to do with the other?

We are looking at a nationwide policy
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?
Oh yes......the old
We need to wait ten thousand years before we can decide we need to do something

Scientists have linked specific man made activities that have accelerated climate change in the last 100 years

93% of scientists concur in manmade global warming.

Only those protecting the profits of the oil companies disagree

Has nothing to do with man. The climate has been changing for millions of years. We arent the cause. To suggest that we are is pure arrogance. You may want to direct your attention to the science that is showing gravitational effects on the planets in our solar system. There are extreme changes that are occuring on all of the planets in our solar system.
We still added 11 million jobs and added $50 trillion to the economy

I call "Bullshit"

Prove your outrageous assertion!

Total national assets today........$126.6 trillion
Total national assets on this day 2008..........$71.7 trillion

That's $54.9 trillion added under Obama

Ready to concede your ass has been beaten?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
U.S. National Debt Clock 2008


Some morons are unable to read economic figures

How appropriate that you quoted YOURSELF when you made that statement.
The only thing outrageous is the doomsdayers like Obama buying a 11,000 sq ft home for $40M and telling me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

When the Doomsdayers start acting like its a crisis I MIGHT start listening.
What does one have to do with the other?

We are looking at a nationwide policy
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?
Oh yes......the old
We need to wait ten thousand years before we can decide we need to do something

Scientists have linked specific man made activities that have accelerated climate change in the last 100 years

93% of scientists concur in manmade global warming.

Only those protecting the profits of the oil companies disagree

That 93% meme has been disproven many, many times, leftwingnutjob. Best find another lie.
Tell your high priests Big Ears and Fat Albert to curtail their energy use and let us know their response.

Again, you are full of shit

We are looking at a ten percent reduction in carbon emissions. It is not the end of the world.....unless you have all your money invested in oil
And you can bet your high priests won't cut anything. Dupe!
The already have

Obama has cut emissions more than any other president. We still added 11 million jobs and added $50 trillion to the economy
Apparently English is not your first language. Your leaders will never curtail their personal energy use. They will force the rest of us to because they are tyrants

Straw.....meet man
Subliminal Serfdom

For 60 years, advertising on children's TV was designed to make kids hate their fathers for not becoming rich and buying them expensive toys. This wannabe Preppy self-image carries over from childhood, long after the original indoctrination is forgotten.
you know if you read more or went out to a progressive state or used something called google, you'd see that there has been new technology that looks like giant fans, and window panes that point out to the sun, and huge machines with water rushing through them, and technology harvesting energy from the heat of the earth. really, you're bringing down the curve for the whole country.

Windmills are ancient technology dude. If that is what you think is good you need to have your head examined.
Peasants Were Hanged for Hunting in a Noble's Forest

Retrograde Eco-Eunuchs have a romantic view of the horrible Middle Ages.
What does one have to do with the other?

We are looking at a nationwide policy
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?
Oh yes......the old
We need to wait ten thousand years before we can decide we need to do something

Scientists have linked specific man made activities that have accelerated climate change in the last 100 years

93% of scientists concur in manmade global warming.

Only those protecting the profits of the oil companies disagree

Has nothing to do with man. The climate has been changing for millions of years. We arent the cause. To suggest that we are is pure arrogance. You may want to direct your attention to the science that is showing gravitational effects on the planets in our solar system. There are extreme changes that are occuring on all of the planets in our solar system.

It has been accelerating in the last 100 years corresponding with our industrial expansion
Again, you are full of shit

We are looking at a ten percent reduction in carbon emissions. It is not the end of the world.....unless you have all your money invested in oil
And you can bet your high priests won't cut anything. Dupe!
The already have

Obama has cut emissions more than any other president. We still added 11 million jobs and added $50 trillion to the economy
Apparently English is not your first language. Your leaders will never curtail their personal energy use. They will force the rest of us to because they are tyrants

Straw.....meet man
Subliminal Serfdom

For 60 years, advertising on children's TV was designed to make kids hate their fathers for not becoming rich and buying them expensive toys. This wannabe Preppy self-image carries over from childhood, long after the original indoctrination is forgotten.
Tell us more Oedipus
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?
Oh yes......the old
We need to wait ten thousand years before we can decide we need to do something

Scientists have linked specific man made activities that have accelerated climate change in the last 100 years

93% of scientists concur in manmade global warming.

Only those protecting the profits of the oil companies disagree

Has nothing to do with man. The climate has been changing for millions of years. We arent the cause. To suggest that we are is pure arrogance. You may want to direct your attention to the science that is showing gravitational effects on the planets in our solar system. There are extreme changes that are occuring on all of the planets in our solar system.

It has been accelerating in the last 100 years corresponding with our industrial expansion
Liar using the 93% scientists agree BS.
Their agenda REQUIRES they must lie.
The only thing outrageous is the doomsdayers like Obama buying a 11,000 sq ft home for $40M and telling me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

When the Doomsdayers start acting like its a crisis I MIGHT start listening.
What does one have to do with the other?

We are looking at a nationwide policy
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?
Oh yes......the old
We need to wait ten thousand years before we can decide we need to do something

Scientists have linked specific man made activities that have accelerated climate change in the last 100 years

93% of scientists concur in manmade global warming.

Only those protecting the profits of the oil companies disagree
Socialist says we don't need no stinking science, we must act NOW cause I'm using the 93% of all scientists agree LIE!
A nationwide policy built upon lies.
If Obama wants to aircondition his 11,050 sq ft mansion he has zero right to tell me I need to reduce my carbon footprint.

Stop with your propaganda
Global warming is a reality. It is recognized as legitimate science by 93% of scientists around the world. The only place it is denied is among republicans who are in the pocket of big oil
Again with the strawmman arguement. No one has ever claimed the climate has never changed. And your 93% arguement is proven bullshit. And then the hilarious BIG OIL! hysterical rant.

So why does your agenda always require you to lie so often?
Oh yes......the old
We need to wait ten thousand years before we can decide we need to do something

Scientists have linked specific man made activities that have accelerated climate change in the last 100 years

93% of scientists concur in manmade global warming.

Only those protecting the profits of the oil companies disagree

Has nothing to do with man. The climate has been changing for millions of years. We arent the cause. To suggest that we are is pure arrogance. You may want to direct your attention to the science that is showing gravitational effects on the planets in our solar system. There are extreme changes that are occuring on all of the planets in our solar system.

It has been accelerating in the last 100 years corresponding with our industrial expansion

PROVABLY false. Extensive historical data shows that the Arctic ice melt was significantly higher in the late 1800's than the last 40 years.


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