I asked a few weeks ago what the left exactly want in regards global warming. Not much response.

you know if you read more or went out to a progressive state or used something called google, you'd see that there has been new technology that looks like giant fans, and window panes that point out to the sun, and huge machines with water rushing through them, and technology harvesting energy from the heat of the earth. really, you're bringing down the curve for the whole country.
i rest my case.
You really are a fucking moron. With all due disrespect.
You don't have a mirror? LOL!

Don't understand alternative, environment-friendly energy production?
Don't know how to google, or too lazy and biased?
Ever take a science class?
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
DiCaprio took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award then flew home the next day.
You Doomsdayers don't believe your own bullshit.
You really are a fucking moron. With all due disrespect.

clever. not really. but yeah, you're dumb (no offense).
Yeah, the giant fans....

No really.

Brilliant. That is something that powers cars, planes, boats?

If stupid were stink, you would be an old mans fart passing through an onion.

idk if you are aware but there are vehicles powered by electricity. a plane flew across the pacific using the energy of the sun. idk where you're going with this but your pathetic attempt was . . . pathetic. so go read a book or something, educate yourself. you don't even have to read, on TV there are stations that broadcast real information called news.
I have read you fucking useless kuunt. Read all of the great things about wind turbines.

Wind Turbines are a Huge Disaster….the Whole World Over!
The Germans went into wind power harder and faster than anyone else – and the cost of doing so is catching up with a vengeance. The subsidies have been colossal, the impacts on the electricity market chaotic and – contrary to the environmental purpose of the policy – CO2 emissions are rising fast: if “saving” the planet is – as we are repeatedly told – all about reducing man-made emissions of an odourless, colourless, naturally occurring trace gas, essential for all life on earth – then German energy/environmental policy has manifestly failed (see our post here).

Some 800,000 German homes have been disconnected from the grid – victims of what is euphemistically called “fuel poverty”. In response, Germans have picked up their axes and have headed to their forests in order to improve their sense of energy security – although foresters apparently take the view that this self-help measure is nothing more than blatant timber theft (see our post here).

German manufacturers – and other energy intensive industries – faced with escalating power bills are packing up and heading to the USA – where power prices are 1/3 of Germany’s (see our posts here and hereand here). And the “green” dream of creating thousands of jobs in the wind industry has to turned out to be just that: a dream (see our post here).

Now, Germans are fast waking up the unassailable fact that wind power is not only insanely expensive, it’s utterly meaningless as a power source.

Another story from Australia and their wind farms disaster.

Another Statewide Blackout: South Australia’s Wind Power Disaster Continues
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
I haven't heard anybody call for the complete banishment of oil... where are you getting that from?

I believe they are wanting to reduce oil and coal dependency and transition to clearer more sustainable energy sources... and you think this is a bad idea, why?
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
I haven't heard anybody call for the complete banishment of oil... where are you getting that from?

I believe they are wanting to reduce oil and coal dependency and transition to clearer more sustainable energy sources... and you think this is a bad idea, why?

OK, you fucking progressives pay for it then don't expect others to pay for your trial and error… Dip shit
i rest my case.
You really are a fucking moron. With all due disrespect.

clever. not really. but yeah, you're dumb (no offense).
Yeah, the giant fans....

No really.

Brilliant. That is something that powers cars, planes, boats?

If stupid were stink, you would be an old mans fart passing through an onion.

idk if you are aware but there are vehicles powered by electricity. a plane flew across the pacific using the energy of the sun. idk where you're going with this but your pathetic attempt was . . . pathetic. so go read a book or something, educate yourself. you don't even have to read, on TV there are stations that broadcast real information called news.
I have read you fucking useless kuunt. Read all of the great things about wind turbines.

Wind Turbines are a Huge Disaster….the Whole World Over!
The Germans went into wind power harder and faster than anyone else – and the cost of doing so is catching up with a vengeance. The subsidies have been colossal, the impacts on the electricity market chaotic and – contrary to the environmental purpose of the policy – CO2 emissions are rising fast: if “saving” the planet is – as we are repeatedly told – all about reducing man-made emissions of an odourless, colourless, naturally occurring trace gas, essential for all life on earth – then German energy/environmental policy has manifestly failed (see our post here).

Some 800,000 German homes have been disconnected from the grid – victims of what is euphemistically called “fuel poverty”. In response, Germans have picked up their axes and have headed to their forests in order to improve their sense of energy security – although foresters apparently take the view that this self-help measure is nothing more than blatant timber theft (see our post here).

German manufacturers – and other energy intensive industries – faced with escalating power bills are packing up and heading to the USA – where power prices are 1/3 of Germany’s (see our posts here and hereand here). And the “green” dream of creating thousands of jobs in the wind industry has to turned out to be just that: a dream (see our post here).

Now, Germans are fast waking up the unassailable fact that wind power is not only insanely expensive, it’s utterly meaningless as a power source.

Another story from Australia and their wind farms disaster.

Another Statewide Blackout: South Australia’s Wind Power Disaster Continues

your sources . . . you need to adjust where you get your information because they're giving you the wrong impression. i live among wind farms i've seen them first hand. get a grip and read the new york times.

you know if you read more or went out to a progressive state or used something called google, you'd see that there has been new technology that looks like giant fans, and window panes that point out to the sun, and huge machines with water rushing through them, and technology harvesting energy from the heat of the earth. really, you're bringing down the curve for the whole country.

i rest my case.
You really are a fucking moron. With all due disrespect.

clever. not really. but yeah, you're dumb (no offense).
Yeah, the giant fans....

No really.

Brilliant. That is something that powers cars, planes, boats?

If stupid were stink, you would be an old mans fart passing through an onion.


Those are powered by solar panels.
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
DiCaprio took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award then flew home the next day.
You Doomsdayers don't believe your own bullshit.
So what?

Why is cutting back on emissions by ten percent so outrageous to conservatives?
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
I haven't heard anybody call for the complete banishment of oil... where are you getting that from?

I believe they are wanting to reduce oil and coal dependency and transition to clearer more sustainable energy sources... and you think this is a bad idea, why?

Conservation and efficiency can handle most of our reductions. Yet, conservatives look at any cut in oil profits as sacrilege
if you're asking this question, you don't understand the issue quite frankly. fossil fuels = pollution, which in turn = an increased rate of climate change which furthermore = environmental devastation. so what is the logical solution to this problem?

Throw money at it?

move away from fossil fuels, gradually wean the country from that to clean energy, in other words, sources that do not rely so heavily on fossil fuels.

Nuclear energy can be done right now, and far more efficiently...No more "BIG SEXY" though...ok
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I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Since it's obvious you have a learning disability, what kind of answer are you looking for?
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
Tell your high priests Big Ears and Fat Albert to curtail their energy use and let us know their response.
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Since it's obvious you have a learning disability, what kind of answer are you looking for?
No one here expects ANSWERS from you.
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
Tell your high priests Big Ears and Fat Albert to curtail their energy use and let us know their response.

Again, you are full of shit

We are looking at a ten percent reduction in carbon emissions. It is not the end of the world.....unless you have all your money invested in oil
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
Tell your high priests Big Ears and Fat Albert to curtail their energy use and let us know their response.

Again, you are full of shit

We are looking at a ten percent reduction in carbon emissions. It is not the end of the world.....unless you have all your money invested in oil
And you can bet your high priests won't cut anything. Dupe!
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
Tell your high priests Big Ears and Fat Albert to curtail their energy use and let us know their response.

Again, you are full of shit

We are looking at a ten percent reduction in carbon emissions. It is not the end of the world.....unless you have all your money invested in oil
And you can bet your high priests won't cut anything. Dupe!
The already have

Obama has cut emissions more than any other president. We still added 11 million jobs and added $50 trillion to the economy
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
Tell your high priests Big Ears and Fat Albert to curtail their energy use and let us know their response.

Again, you are full of shit

We are looking at a ten percent reduction in carbon emissions. It is not the end of the world.....unless you have all your money invested in oil
And you can bet your high priests won't cut anything. Dupe!
The already have

Obama has cut emissions more than any other president. We still added 11 million jobs and added $50 trillion to the economy
Apparently English is not your first language. Your leaders will never curtail their personal energy use. They will force the rest of us to because they are tyrants
I will ask it again. If the left had their wet dream and drilling and the use of oil was completely banned......


Is that the real wet dream. No more power at all?

Can they articulate what exactly they want?

Ever? Seriously. Just let one of them explain it to us.

I am asking please. Pretty please?
Why is everything so binary with conservatives?

It has to be burn all the oil and coal you want or completely ban oil and coal

Why is the concept of curtailing your emissions and opening opportunities for alternative energy so difficult to grasp?
DiCaprio took his private jet 8,000 miles to get an environmental award then flew home the next day.
You Doomsdayers don't believe your own bullshit.
So what?

Why is cutting back on emissions by ten percent so outrageous to conservatives?

Trustfundie Treehuggers Playing Class Warfare

Typical dishonest rhetoric learned in your leaders' prep schools, which, like Eco-Eunuchs, have no right to exist. You austerity fascists hide the fact that we could say the same to you if we take the megaphone and ask you to compromise by letting us increase emissions by 10%. Don't pretend you're anything but a fad follower of whatever retrograde craze pushy spoiled brats are into.

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