I asked for a woman's telephone number for the first time in over 30 years...

...she was delivering pizza to my house. I thought she was cute so I asked her if she was married. She said no.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said she did but her relationship was on the last legs.

I asked her if I asked her out would she go with me, and she said not right away because she doesn't want to be the "bad guy."

She asked me if I was married and I said "no, I'm not married."

I told her I thought she was cute, and she told me I'm not bad looking either.

I said, OK, well you know where I live, I know where you work and she left.

A friend said "It doesn't count if you don't get her number."

So I called the pizza restaurant and ordered three cheesecakes to get a minimum $10 order. I asked them to send the woman to deliver it, asking for her by name.

They asked if there was a problem with my order and I said "no."

The woman on the phone said "I'm the manager, is there a reason why you want her to deliver the cheese cake."

I said, "Yes, there is a reason."

They sent her with the cheese cake and I got her phone number.

We agreed that I will call her in two weeks, to give her time to break up with her boyfriend.

Sunday, the two weeks is up and I plan to call her.
She was trying to get out of an awkward situation.

Move on.
Had a long conversation today. On Tuesday she's coming over to binge watch "The Boys." We will order pizza from her restaurant.
...she was delivering pizza to my house. I thought she was cute so I asked her if she was married. She said no.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said she did but her relationship was on the last legs.

I asked her if I asked her out would she go with me, and she said not right away because she doesn't want to be the "bad guy."

She asked me if I was married and I said "no, I'm not married."

I told her I thought she was cute, and she told me I'm not bad looking either.

I said, OK, well you know where I live, I know where you work and she left.

A friend said "It doesn't count if you don't get her number."

So I called the pizza restaurant and ordered three cheesecakes to get a minimum $10 order. I asked them to send the woman to deliver it, asking for her by name.

They asked if there was a problem with my order and I said "no."

The woman on the phone said "I'm the manager, is there a reason why you want her to deliver the cheese cake."

I said, "Yes, there is a reason."

They sent her with the cheese cake and I got her phone number.

We agreed that I will call her in two weeks, to give her time to break up with her boyfriend.

Sunday, the two weeks is up and I plan to call her.

Best wishes . . . oh, and I hope you tipped her well. Delivery folks depend on those tip dollars.
Took her to dinner.

At the end of the date, we hugged and she said: "I love talking to you."
It's been difficult because she's so busy with her kids but I've decided to be patient and persistent and see how it goes. We've got a Saturday planned doing chores like car repairs and DMV which is a big step to have a date like that planned that isn't centered on going to a movie or a restaurant.
You're a smoother talker than me. First thing I ask cute delivery women is whether or not they like anal. For some reason every pizzeria in my area won't deliver to me anymore. :dunno:
My friend says I've been out of action so long, I don't know how the game is played.

But, here's the thing, I'm not playing a game.

I will court this woman with the same level of determination that I courted the woman who became my wife 30 years ago.
Never forget: For her, the kids come first. If you can accept that, and the kids...
...she was delivering pizza to my house. I thought she was cute so I asked her if she was married. She said no.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said she did but her relationship was on the last legs.

I asked her if I asked her out would she go with me, and she said not right away because she doesn't want to be the "bad guy."

She asked me if I was married and I said "no, I'm not married."

I told her I thought she was cute, and she told me I'm not bad looking either.

I said, OK, well you know where I live, I know where you work and she left.

A friend said "It doesn't count if you don't get her number."

So I called the pizza restaurant and ordered three cheesecakes to get a minimum $10 order. I asked them to send the woman to deliver it, asking for her by name.

They asked if there was a problem with my order and I said "no."

The woman on the phone said "I'm the manager, is there a reason why you want her to deliver the cheese cake."

I said, "Yes, there is a reason."

They sent her with the cheese cake and I got her phone number.

We agreed that I will call her in two weeks, to give her time to break up with her boyfriend.

Sunday, the two weeks is up and I plan to call her.

Hit that and broom it. Rebounders can be a pain in the ass.
...she was delivering pizza to my house. I thought she was cute so I asked her if she was married. She said no.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said she did but her relationship was on the last legs.

I asked her if I asked her out would she go with me, and she said not right away because she doesn't want to be the "bad guy."

She asked me if I was married and I said "no, I'm not married."

I told her I thought she was cute, and she told me I'm not bad looking either.

I said, OK, well you know where I live, I know where you work and she left.

A friend said "It doesn't count if you don't get her number."

So I called the pizza restaurant and ordered three cheesecakes to get a minimum $10 order. I asked them to send the woman to deliver it, asking for her by name.

They asked if there was a problem with my order and I said "no."

The woman on the phone said "I'm the manager, is there a reason why you want her to deliver the cheese cake."

I said, "Yes, there is a reason."

They sent her with the cheese cake and I got her phone number.

We agreed that I will call her in two weeks, to give her time to break up with her boyfriend.

Sunday, the two weeks is up and I plan to call her.
Your a introvert .nothing to be ashamed about
...she was delivering pizza to my house. I thought she was cute so I asked her if she was married. She said no.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said she did but her relationship was on the last legs.

I asked her if I asked her out would she go with me, and she said not right away because she doesn't want to be the "bad guy."

She asked me if I was married and I said "no, I'm not married."

I told her I thought she was cute, and she told me I'm not bad looking either.

I said, OK, well you know where I live, I know where you work and she left.

A friend said "It doesn't count if you don't get her number."

So I called the pizza restaurant and ordered three cheesecakes to get a minimum $10 order. I asked them to send the woman to deliver it, asking for her by name.

They asked if there was a problem with my order and I said "no."

The woman on the phone said "I'm the manager, is there a reason why you want her to deliver the cheese cake."

I said, "Yes, there is a reason."

They sent her with the cheese cake and I got her phone number.

We agreed that I will call her in two weeks, to give her time to break up with her boyfriend.

Sunday, the two weeks is up and I plan to call her.

Well, that's great. However if I were that manager I would have said, "I will give the delivery lady this message and have her call you back." I would NEVER have sent her back to your house with those cheesecakes. That has nothing to do with you, personally and everything to do with "a man" calling the store and asking for a female delivery person to come to his door.
By your logic women should never deliver food to people, and yet, they do.

Uh-huh and that's already dangerous in my opinion, going up to people's doors as a woman alone and delivering stuff. To have a man call and ask for a specific delivery person? I don't blame you for doing it; you didn't have nefarious intentions. But the manager did not KNOW that and she sent her delivery person out. I'm saying it was then a personal contact and she should have said, "Give me your number and I'll tell ____ to call you if she wants to." Then the woman could have proceeded as she wanted and the manager/business would not be liable for that. See what I mean?
I see what you mean but you are assuming that there is something dangerous in women delivering food and I disagree, in my neighborhood it is not.

But I didn't want this thread to devolve into an argument.

I don't want to argue either I'm just surprised that manager sent her back out. Again that is not on you, it's on her. I have a college age daughter who works as a server and her managers are thankfully always looking out for her, so that's my paradigm (it's a nice restaurant, not Hooters or anything, but still, some guys can really be jerks. No reflection on you.)

Anyway I hope it works out--good for you for stepping out there!
You are 100% right. Something bad could have happened.
Well, that's great. However if I were that manager I would have said, "I will give the delivery lady this message and have her call you back." I would NEVER have sent her back to your house with those cheesecakes. That has nothing to do with you, personally and everything to do with "a man" calling the store and asking for a female delivery person to come to his door.
By your logic women should never deliver food to people, and yet, they do.

Uh-huh and that's already dangerous in my opinion, going up to people's doors as a woman alone and delivering stuff. To have a man call and ask for a specific delivery person? I don't blame you for doing it; you didn't have nefarious intentions. But the manager did not KNOW that and she sent her delivery person out. I'm saying it was then a personal contact and she should have said, "Give me your number and I'll tell ____ to call you if she wants to." Then the woman could have proceeded as she wanted and the manager/business would not be liable for that. See what I mean?
I see what you mean but you are assuming that there is something dangerous in women delivering food and I disagree, in my neighborhood it is not.

But I didn't want this thread to devolve into an argument.

I don't want to argue either I'm just surprised that manager sent her back out. Again that is not on you, it's on her. I have a college age daughter who works as a server and her managers are thankfully always looking out for her, so that's my paradigm (it's a nice restaurant, not Hooters or anything, but still, some guys can really be jerks. No reflection on you.)

Anyway I hope it works out--good for you for stepping out there!
You are 100% right. Something bad could have happened.
She later told me that the manager was concerned and asked her if she really wanted to deliver to me, saying she didn't have to.

But she said yes.
Well, I am here to report that this relationship is probably over.

Between her crazy boyfriend, who still stalks her, and her three adult children, who still act like non-adult children, she really has too much to handle in her life.

Also, I discovered I'm not really sexually attracted to her. She held onto my arm during a movie and I felt nothing.
Well, I am here to report that this relationship is probably over.

Between her crazy boyfriend, who still stalks her, and her three adult children, who still act like non-adult children, she really has too much to handle in her life.

Also, I discovered I'm not really sexually attracted to her. She held onto my arm during a movie and I felt nothing.

mmm, looks like a win win then a oh well, don't give up the search and hey .. an ego boost never hurts. :thup:
...she was delivering pizza to my house. I thought she was cute so I asked her if she was married. She said no.

I asked her if she had a boyfriend, she said she did but her relationship was on the last legs.

I asked her if I asked her out would she go with me, and she said not right away because she doesn't want to be the "bad guy."

She asked me if I was married and I said "no, I'm not married."

I told her I thought she was cute, and she told me I'm not bad looking either.

I said, OK, well you know where I live, I know where you work and she left.

A friend said "It doesn't count if you don't get her number."

So I called the pizza restaurant and ordered three cheesecakes to get a minimum $10 order. I asked them to send the woman to deliver it, asking for her by name.

They asked if there was a problem with my order and I said "no."

The woman on the phone said "I'm the manager, is there a reason why you want her to deliver the cheese cake."

I said, "Yes, there is a reason."

They sent her with the cheese cake and I got her phone number.

We agreed that I will call her in two weeks, to give her time to break up with her boyfriend.

Sunday, the two weeks is up and I plan to call her.
You handled that well. I generally ask them if they want to get laid. I might not be as statistically successful, but I more than make up for it with my increased volume.

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