I believe corporal punishment for girls should be banned!


And that's the problem...

... for girls, discipline stops...

... at a point in life where...

... it is sorely needed most...

... giving them the impression...

... that they are exempt from...

... rules that govern an orderly society.
I made my mission in life to discipline grown women whenever I saw they needed it without extra service fees.

this is about the correction of high school women not about spanking fantasies
The problem is that they only punish the student who breaks the rules. That does not instill a sense of group responsibility. Your actions reflect on your family, friends, community, etc. The paddling must be administered to the entire class. You not only paddle the child, you make him watch along with the rest of the class while every student in the class is punished because of HIM and the entire class of students who are being punished because of HIM are watching. He does not want to be THAT GUY again.

It is an extension of the concept of group responsibility that he learns when he or one of his brothers breaks the rules at home.

needs to be done in private. I watched an 18 year old woman coming out of the vice principal's office crying after she had been paddled. The child required correction but it is not something done in front of everybody
Men should not strike girls.

I think the woman is more concerned that it hurts, why she's getting, and that she will think a little harder before she does it again and not so much that it is a man punishing her
"Girls" is the operative term. A woman, a mature female, can be another case. To defend himself, a man could reasonably strike back at a woman. Under no case, in my opinion, should a man strike a girl. Even if attacked by an immature female, any man could restrain her without striking her.
The psychological ramifications are too serious for men to be doling out corporal punishment to young females.
The problem is that they only punish the student who breaks the rules. That does not instill a sense of group responsibility. Your actions reflect on your family, friends, community, etc. The paddling must be administered to the entire class. You not only paddle the child, you make him watch along with the rest of the class while every student in the class is punished because of HIM and the entire class of students who are being punished because of HIM are watching. He does not want to be THAT GUY again.

It is an extension of the concept of group responsibility that he learns when he or one of his brothers breaks the rules at home.

needs to be done in private. I watched an 18 year old woman coming out of the vice principal's office crying after she had been paddled. The child required correction but it is not something done in front of everybody
I'll tell you that if that had been done to my sister, my father would have been all over whoever did the paddling and the paddle would wind up in an anatomically uncomfortable place for the paddler.
"Girls" is the operative term. A woman, a mature female, can be another case. To defend himself, a man could reasonably strike back at a woman. Under no case, in my opinion, should a man strike a girl. Even if attacked by an immature female, any man could restrain her without striking her.
The psychological ramifications are too serious for men to be doling out corporal punishment to young females.[/QUOTE]

Most high school age women have close to the strength of adult women. So you should be able to restrain an adult women just as easily as you would a teenager. In the scenario where a female high school student physically attacks you (I am assuming this happens at school) I do agree restraint needs to be exercised during the altercation. Following it though after proper deliberation I see no compelling reason not to apply the strap to the woman's buttocks. Or as is done in most high schools the paddle. In mine the strap was used. Probably better if you don't administer the spanking but if proper decorum and demeanor are followed there is no reason a man couldn't do it. If it is an issue a man doing it the same applies to M/m, F/f, and F/m. There are potential sexual connotations in all of those
I'll tell you that if that had been done to my sister, my father would have been all over whoever did the paddling and the paddle would wind up in an anatomically uncomfortable place for the paddler.[/QUOTE]

What there are about 30 in a class. Under the scenario 29 are being unfairly punished. I think you father wouldn't be the only parent upset
I'll tell you that if that had been done to my sister, my father would have been all over whoever did the paddling and the paddle would wind up in an anatomically uncomfortable place for the paddler.

What there are about 30 in a class. Under the scenario 29 are being unfairly punished. I think you father wouldn't be the only parent upset[/QUOTE]

That's the point. The kid then has to face the rest of the class. The way I was taught to look at it is like this. Let's say one of your brothers screws up. All the boys get the belt because if one of you f***ed up, you all f***ed up. The boy that screwed up does not owe his brothers or his father an apology. They owe him an apology because they have failed him. They have failed to help him understand what is expected of him and the situation needs to be remedied. To think anything else is to think your brother is irredeemable. The value in question simply has not been driven home hard enough for him to remember yet.

In a classroom scenario, I'm not sure how the girls would be punished. Perhaps the boys would get paddled and the girls would get their hand thrashed with a ruler. The kid who misbehaved would get punished last after he has to watch the entire class get punished because of him, has to remain silent the entire time, and finally gets paddled himself.
I'll tell you that if that had been done to my sister, my father would have been all over whoever did the paddling and the paddle would wind up in an anatomically uncomfortable place for the paddler.

What there are about 30 in a class. Under the scenario 29 are being unfairly punished. I think you father wouldn't be the only parent upset

That's the point. The kid then has to face the rest of the class. The way I was taught to look at it is like this. Let's say one of your brothers screws up. All the boys get the belt because if one of you f***ed up, you all f***ed up. The boy that screwed up does not owe his brothers or his father an apology. They owe him an apology because they have failed him. They have failed to help him understand what is expected of him and the situation needs to be remedied. To think anything else is to think your brother is irredeemable. The value in question simply has not been driven home hard enough for him to remember yet.

In a classroom scenario, I'm not sure how the girls would be punished. Perhaps the boys would get paddled and the girls would get their hand thrashed with a ruler. The kid who misbehaved would get punished last after he has to watch the entire class get punished because of him, has to remain silent the entire time, and finally gets paddled himself.[/QUOTE]

I could conceivably see your scheme working in a small closely knit and very cohesive unit. But in a larger more diverse setting with members coming from different background with different goals the chance of it working is about ZERO. But lets say it could work -- the setting a class of 30 high school seniors 15 boys 15 girls. One of the boys skips class not an uncommon occurrence especially toward the end of the school year. The punishment is to be a paddling. Now under your plan all the students have to be punished because they for whatever reason failed dissuade the offending student from skipping class.

I would start by paddling the women first. I think it would be best to get it out of the way and then do the male students. I might do it when a woman is paddled where it can't be seen but heard by the class. But it doesn't seem to be a very appropriate or any other way a good idea and frankly it's a terrible idea

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