I Believe In UFO's.

This following is a fun piece I wrote and its total craziness nonsense, but it was
enjoyable writing it up nonetheless.
I didn't read your stupid long diatribe, but I thought I'd just add that four times in my life as a trained, skilled observer have I seen what appeared to be a UFO. One other time by a credible witness, a country aunt of mine who lived far out in the middle of nowhere who had absolutely no propensity nor reason to lie or exaggerate. And one other time by a best friend of 35 years who told me what he saw for the first time, just days before he died when he KNEW he was dying.

Of those four times of mine, two could be dismissed as weather balloons. One other I followed in broad daylight. It could have been anything, but it was so large and low and was tumbling head over heels so fast like a giant pill on a day with not even a breeze, that it couldn't have been a simple balloon driven by the wind but was moving along quite fast silently under some sort of power.

What about the forth time? In the late 60's I saw three UFO in a telescope at night very high up, no sound, moving together. Problem? They would often change speed and direction individually in ways that NO VEHICLE KNOWN TO SCIENCE TODAY CAN DO. Nothing.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to explain what I saw as anything other than a genuine UFO(s), operating by a science impossible by any technology known by man that would kill any human pilot. And that was over 50 years ago!
Thanks, tf. You once AGAIN bring truth and sensibility to a thread that SEVERELY lacks both of these.
Which for him,is a very rare moment. :biggrin:
This following is a fun piece I wrote and its total craziness nonsense, but it was
enjoyable writing it up nonetheless.

It is designed to poke harmless fun at people who believe in UFO's and other crazy
stuff like The American Government Is Putting Chemicals In Our Water To Control The
American Population . . .

. . . and stuff like The American Government Has Captured Aliens And Has Them
Locked Up In Secret Places.

If you are NOT in the mood to read pure insanity, then read no further.


I Believe In UFO's
by JAG

"There is good solid evidence for the reality of UFO's", say some people.

My reply to them is this:

I believe in UFO's. Just yesterday my wife and I were out in the back yard when
an Unidentified Flying Object landed on our patio table as we were relaxing sipping

Good Lands! I exclaimed, what can that be?

My wife immediately recognized it as a UFO.

I noticed that it was about 6 inches long and about 3 inches wide.

It made a humming sound as it landed. The humming sound continued for about
3 minutes and then began to slowly die down.

We didn't know what to think about that, so we just sat there flabbergasted and
bewildered staring at the UFO.

Suddenly we saw the door in the side of the UFO open, and out stepped 3
little orange colored men about 2 inches tall.

One of them said Hello JAG, how are you?

I'm doing just fine. I replied, and I hope you are doing well yourself.

Listen I said, is that a spaceship you all just landed on my patio table?

Yes it is, said one of the little orange men.

Then they introduced themselves.

The one who first spoke to me said he was the leader and that his name was
Qzxzzxzzxzqqqxq, but I could just called him Bob, because that would make things
much less complicated.

The other two introduced themselves as Henry and Tom.

Okay I said, and by the way, where are you all from?

We're from the Andromeda Galaxy some 2.5 million light years from Earth, said Bob.

Well I said, that's interesting Bob. What planet are you from?

Sorry, replied Bob, but we can't tell you that, its classified.

Okay Bob I said, can you tell me why you all have landed your spaceship on my patio table?

We were sent to Earth just to see you JAG, said Henry.

Good lands! I replied, why me? Why would you travel all that distance just to see me?

We came to tell you that Donald Trump is not really an Earthling.

What? I exclaimed, you mean he's not one of us?

That's right, said Henry. Donald Trump is from another planet and he was sent here to Earth
to prepare you Earthlings for more and more friendly visits from we visitors from Outer Space.

Really? I exclaimed, You mean they're coming here to be our friends? To help us?

Yes indeed, replied Bob. There is a lot we know that can help you Earthlings, a whole lot.

Can you give me an example, I asked.

Sure I can, replied Bob. You JAG are a Postmillennialist, and we can tell you that we know
for an absolute fact, that Postmillennialism is the absolute truth.

I always knew it was, I replied, but it makes my heart glad to hear it from you good folks out
there in the Andromeda Galaxy.

What else can you tell me that will cheer my heart, I asked.

We can tell you JAG, that you are a solid gold human being, and we have great hopes for you.

Thank you very much I replied, and may the Force be with you.

Thanks JAG, and may the Force be with you too, and the wifey as well.

My wife smiled at hearing that, and said, "Thanks guys, much appreciated."

Well, said Bob, we have to be getting back home. It was nice chatting with you JAG,
and we'll be in touch.

Sounds good to me, you all take care now.

Goodbye JAG.

So long fellows, I said.

Then Bob, and Tom, and Henry returned to their spaceship and took off into the
blue yonder.

The end.

LOL . . .
UFO's DO exist, ya fartknocker. You're welcome.
Yeah this troll is obviously a shill on the governments payroll.this troll is a sockpuppet with many user names obviously.for someone who has been here since 2015 and only has 22 posts,it’s so freaking obvious he is a sockpuppet. :lmao:
The American Government Is Putting Chemicals In Our Water To Control The
American Population . . .

Some people aren't drinking enough water...

A UFO landed in my neighbor's backyard. The owner of the house and his wife saw a couple of aliens coming out of the spaceship.
-Greetings! said very friendly the male alien.
-Hi,- responded the couple, looking the weird metal color dress of the outer space visitors.
-We came in peace.
-Holy shit! -exclaimed as a murmur my neighbor, -the end of humanity is at hand...
-We are visiting as a test for future relationship between humans and us.
-And what are your plans?
-First, we would like to have interchange of wives and have sex.

My neighbor and his wife saw that the male space alien was handsome and the female very beautiful. Their green color skin was very attractive as well. So, after a short conversation, they accepted.

The male alien took my neighbor's wife to the spaceship and the female space alien went with the house owner to the bedroom.
When the space alien took off his pants, my neighbor's wife noticed that his penis was teeny meeny, smaller than one inch, and she felt very disappointed. The alien lied over her and while kissing her neck he told her as a secret:

-Pull slowly my ears and my penis will increase its size. Pull them as much as you want until you obtain the size that causes you better pleasure. -She did so, and effectively, the penis grew bigger at her wish.

Next morning, the space alien brought my neighbor's wife to the house, picked up his female and after a soft talk they departed back to the infinite cosmos.

Now, husband and wife went inside home and resting on the sofa they started to talk about last night.

-Oh, I had the greatest sex of my life- said the wife,- what a night!... aaahhhh!... and, darling, what about you?

-Me too -said my neighbor- the body of that female space alien was so sensual, so lean and soft... It makes me crazy just thinking about her... but please let me go and have some tylenol, I woke up with such a terrible pain in my ears....
This following is a fun piece I wrote and its total craziness nonsense, but it was
enjoyable writing it up nonetheless.
I didn't read your stupid long diatribe, but I thought I'd just add that four times in my life as a trained, skilled observer have I seen what appeared to be a UFO. One other time by a credible witness, a country aunt of mine who lived far out in the middle of nowhere who had absolutely no propensity nor reason to lie or exaggerate. And one other time by a best friend of 35 years who told me what he saw for the first time, just days before he died when he KNEW he was dying.

Of those four times of mine, two could be dismissed as weather balloons. One other I followed in broad daylight. It could have been anything, but it was so large and low and was tumbling head over heels so fast like a giant pill on a day with not even a breeze, that it couldn't have been a simple balloon driven by the wind but was moving along quite fast silently under some sort of power.

What about the forth time? In the late 60's I saw three UFO in a telescope at night very high up, no sound, moving together. Problem? They would often change speed and direction individually in ways that NO VEHICLE KNOWN TO SCIENCE TODAY CAN DO. Nothing.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to explain what I saw as anything other than a genuine UFO(s), operating by a science impossible by any technology known by man that would kill any human pilot. And that was over 50 years ago!
Thanks, tf. You once AGAIN bring truth and sensibility to a thread that SEVERELY lacks both of these.
Which for him,is a very rare moment. :biggrin:
FO, hali-asswipe. For you, it is an IMPOSSIBLE moment.
Yeah this troll is obviously a shill on the governments payroll. this troll
is a sockpuppet with many user names obviously.for someone who
has been here since 2015 and only has 22 posts,it’s so freaking
obvious he is a sockpuppet. :lmao:
Seriously, I don't understand the harsh insults and ugly name-calling
in this thread merely because I posted an all-in-fun story about UFO's.
I said at the very beginning that it was nothing but nonsense.

I have not called anyone ugly names and have not insulted anyone.
I am not a troll. I am not a sockpuppet. I have only one user name
and that is JAG.

Having a low post count does not mean that I am a sockpuppet,
it only means that I have not posted much here to date.

Seriously, can you explain the harsh insults and name calling
merely because I wrote a nonsense story about UFO's and
also in light of the fact that I have not insulted anyone and
have not called anyone insulting names.

I don't understand the insults and harsh name calling. Can
you explain why?

You wanna talk serious about UFO's Queer Boy, or you got some more?


Seriously, I don't understand the harsh insults and ugly name-calling
in this thread from you and from others merely because I posted
an all-in-fun story about UFO's.

I said at the very beginning that it was nothing but nonsense.

I have no serious objections to the belief in UFO's. Anyone who
seriously wishes to believe they are real, has my blessings.

If we're talking serious about UFO's I admit they may be real.
I don't know if they are real or if they are not real? But either
way, its not some major issue, is it?

I have not called you are anyone else ugly names and have not
insulted you or anyone else

For your information I am not a troll. I am not a sockpuppet.

Seriously, can you explain the harsh insults and name calling
merely because I wrote a nonsense story about UFO's and
also in light of the fact that I have not insulted you are
anyone else in this thread. and have not called anyone
insulting names.

I don't understand the insults and harsh name calling. Can
you explain why?

You wanna talk serious about UFO's Queer Boy, or you got some more?


Seriously, I don't understand the harsh insults and ugly name-calling
in this thread from you and from others merely because I posted
an all-in-fun story about UFO's.

Seriously, man, you take yourself way too serious. Try to laugh a little. Whatever your intentions, I came on here to give a serious accounting of first hand experiences I've had that are impossible to explain away as anything other than genuine, and not only didn't you even ask for more details on the account or show the slightest curiosity, but you just dissed them all and ridiculed them as proving nothing. So don't ask me to contribute farther to your thread. You have your mind made up and have closed it to all possibilities.
You wanna talk serious about UFO's Queer Boy, or you got some more?


Seriously, I don't understand the harsh insults and ugly name-calling
in this thread from you and from others merely because I posted
an all-in-fun story about UFO's.

Seriously, man, you take yourself way too serious. Try to laugh a little. Whatever your intentions, I came on here to give a serious accounting of first hand experiences I've had that are impossible to explain away as anything other than genuine, and not only didn't you even ask for more details on the account or show the slightest curiosity, but you just dissed them all and ridiculed them as proving nothing. So don't ask me to contribute farther to your thread. You have your mind made up and have closed it to all possibilities.

Okay lets start over.
I will take your advice.
I will not take myself so serious.
I will laugh a little.
I will apologize that I "dissed" what you presented.
I should not have done that. Sorry.
I will apologize for "ridiculing" what you wrote.
I should not have done that. Sorry.
My mind is open to your first hand experiences.
And I will be glad to read more details regarding UFO's.
If we approach this subject seriously, I will admit that there
are a lot of people who have seen UFO's

My mind is open to your first hand experiences.
Not sure why you care, Jag, as you obviously don't take the topic seriously.

FWIW, I'm a retired scientist/engineer, not at all prone to hairbrain nonsense or conspiracy theories. I'm also a trained and skilled observer and very familiar with aircraft, weather balloons and just about anything else that might be up there. I won't go into what my friend told me because that is subjective and personal. But he knew he was dying, kept that fact from me, and died a week later after telling me something he kept secret for 35 years.

My aunt had absolutely no reason to make stuff up, it was not like her at all to tell "stories." They lived on a farm in a remote area with woods way in the back. Her account to me was that one night they saw a light come down and hover over the trees for a bit, give off no sound, then it grew bright orange and shot up into the sky and disappeared.

That "pill" I saw tumbling silently through the sky, was big and gray, hard to say the size but I'd say at least 30 feet long, maybe 60 feet. It had no particular features, no seams, so rope tied to it, nothing to indicate it was man made, inflated, or anything. I've never seen anything else like it since, not even in stories or photos. I caught sight of it as a boy, it was so low, I had a hard time catching it all above houses nearby and ran up the street to keep it in sight as long as I could. Like I said, it was doing a full 360° tumble maybe once every 2 seconds, and moving right along. The air was calm. No physical process I can think of to move it so, much less cause it to keep tumbling.

But the one experience I found most troubling was maybe 1966-68, I was in the backyard one night using my first telescope, a 3" Newtonian with 25mm Huygens eyepiece, so about 30X. I was panning about the sky one warm, calm night looking at the stars overhead trying to see what was up there when all of a sudden, three stars came into view that were all side by side moving together.

Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 3.57.34 PM.png

They were point-like, so very high, I'd estimate at least a mile up to possibly 10 miles, all moving along in a row together at the exact same speed as the backdrop of stars moved by. I followed them manually. It was dead quiet, I heard absolutely no sound from these, my impression is that they must have been going along pretty fast, I had to constantly keep pushing the scope to keep them in the view, and they must have either been self-luminous or lit by the sun visible up there from below the horizon on the ground as it was hours after dark. There was no other details, no running lights, no blinking lights, nothing to indicate aircraft, just three tiny, star-like white dots.

Suddenly, the one in the middle shot far ahead.

Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 3.57.52 PM.png

It did this in about a SECOND, more so, it did it almost INSTANTANEOUSLY, meaning that its jump to about double the previous speed occurred instantly, and in a second, it was way ahead then instantly stopped its position, resuming its previous speed, the three now in a rather triangular formation. Such instant speed change is IMPOSSIBLE for anything known to science, by any propulsion or physics we know and would immediately kill any pilot aboard.

They flew on this way for a few seconds, then just as abruptly, the middle one suddenly made a 90° right angle turn.

Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 3.58.03 PM.png

Again, nothing known to science can make instant speed changes or instant changes in direction. There was no arc, no curve, it just suddenly was going to the right. Any person aboard would be bug juice splattered against the walls doing that.

About a second after the turn, the other two followed suit somehow and they all resumed a triangular or straight formation. I don't exactly remember which. I can't be sure now, It has been so long, but I think the other two "caught up to" the middle one and they returned to the original formation and speed just now in a new direction about 90° to the original.

I continued to follow them for several more minutes watching to see anything else they did but they just continued in the new direction. They didn't grow brighter or fainter as something moving into or out of the Sun's light though they were now traveling approx. towards the Sun (west). After several minutes of seeing nothing further, I lost interest in following them.

None of this was visible naked eye.

Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 3.58.25 PM.png

That is it. I can't prove a thing but I know what I saw. Nothing on this Earth can do that. There were no clouds, no fogs, no lapses, and I wasn't on drugs or hallucinating or dreaming. And these certainly were not meteors, asteroids, comets, shooting stars, or Santa Claus. Take it for what you wish.
Last edited:
My mind is open to your first hand experiences.
Not sure why you care, Jag, as you obviously don't take the topic seriously.

FWIW, I'm a retired scientist/engineer, not at all prone to hairbrain nonsense or conspiracy theories. I'm also a trained and skilled observer and very familiar with aircraft, weather balloons and just about anything else that might be up there. I won't go into what my friend told me because that is subjective and personal. But he knew he was dying, kept that fact from me, and died a week later after telling me something he kept secret for 35 years.

My aunt had absolutely no reason to make stuff up, it was not like her at all to tell "stories." They lived on a farm in a remote area with woods way in the back. Her account to me was that one night they saw a light come down and hover over the trees for a bit, give off no sound, then it grew bright orange and shot up into the sky and disappeared.

That "pill" I saw tumbling silently through the sky, was big and gray, hard to say the size but I'd say at least 30 feet long, maybe 60 feet. It had no particular features, no seams, so rope tied to it, nothing to indicate it was man made, inflated, or anything. I've never seen anything else like it since, not even in stories or photos. I caught sight of it as a boy, it was so low, I had a hard time catching it all above houses nearby and ran up the street to keep it in sight as long as I could. Like I said, it was doing a full 360° tumble maybe once every 2 seconds, and moving right along. The air was calm. No physical process I can think of to move it so, much less cause it to keep tumbling.

But the one experience I found most troubling was maybe 1966-68, I was in the backyard one night using my first telescope, a 3" Newtonian with 25mm Huygens eyepiece, so about 30X. I was panning about the sky one warm, calm night looking at the stars overhead trying to see what was up there when all of a sudden, three stars came into view that were all side by side moving together.

View attachment 345076

They were point-like, so very high, I'd estimate at least a mile up to possibly 10 miles, all moving along in a row together at the exact same speed as the backdrop of stars moved by. I followed them manually. It was dead quiet, I heard absolutely no sound from these, my impression is that they must have been going along pretty fast, I had to constantly keep pushing the scope to keep them in the view, and they must have either been self-luminous or lit by the sun visible up there from below the horizon on the ground as it was hours after dark. There was no other details, no running lights, no blinking lights, nothing to indicate aircraft, just three tiny, star-like white dots.

Suddenly, the one in the middle shot far ahead.

View attachment 345077

It did this in about a SECOND, more so, it did it almost INSTANTANEOUSLY, meaning that its jump to about double the previous speed occurred instantly, and in a second, it was way ahead then instantly stopped its position, resuming its previous speed, the three now in a rather triangular formation. Such instant speed change is IMPOSSIBLE for anything known to science, by any propulsion or physics we know and would immediately kill any pilot aboard.

They flew on this way for a few seconds, then just as abruptly, the middle one suddenly made a 90° right angle turn.

View attachment 345084

Again, nothing known to science can make instant speed changes or instant changes in direction. There was no arc, no curve, it just suddenly was going to the right. Any person aboard would be bug juice splattered against the walls doing that.

About a second after the turn, the other two followed suit somehow and they all resumed a triangular or straight formation. I don't exactly remember which. I can't be sure now, It has been so long, but I think the other two "caught up to" the middle one and they returned to the original formation and speed just now in a new direction about 90° to the original.

I continued to follow them for several more minutes watching to see anything else they did but they just continued in the new direction. They didn't grow brighter or fainter as something moving into or out of the Sun's light though they were now traveling approx. towards the Sun (west). After several minutes of seeing nothing further, I lost interest in following them.

None of this was visible naked eye.

View attachment 345086

That is it. I can't prove a thing but I know what I saw. Nothing on this Earth can do that. There were no clouds, no fogs, no lapses, and I wasn't on drugs or hallucinating or dreaming. And these certainly were not meteors, asteroids, comets, shooting stars, or Santa Claus. Take it for what you wish.

"Not sure why you care, Jag, as you obviously don't take the topic seriously.

FWIW, I'm a retired scientist/engineer, not at all prone to hair brain nonsense or
conspiracy theories. I'm also a trained and skilled observer and very familiar
with aircraft, weather balloons and just about anything else that might be up
there. "___Toobfreak

I care once I come to believe that the writer is truly serious.
I am now convinced that you saw what you said you saw.
And I care because I have respect for other people's serious views.
I make an effort to follow the Golden Rule and treat others as I want to be treated.
I sometimes fail to do that.
I would not want anyone to ridicule or mock my serious beliefs.
I apologize again for mocking and dissing what you previously wrote.
At first I carelessly neglected to observe that you were serious.
I read every word that you wrote up there in your last post and I think you did an excellent job of writing that up.
It was very impressive.
The screen shots made it very interesting and even more impressive.
Earlier today I googled UFO's and pulled up some serious write-ups about them.
Wikipedia has a serious article documenting what appears to be a huge list of UFO sightings.
Toobfreak, thank you for taking the time to write that up -- much appreciated.

Earlier today I googled UFO's and pulled up some serious write-ups about them.
Wikipedia has a serious article documenting what appears to be a huge list of UFO sightings.
Like I said, Jag, I'm not prone to most of the rubbish that is out there, made up videos And there are people on this board that piss be off occasionally claiming the Moon is a hollow metal ball and other nonsense, it takes from the legitimate stuff out there.

Just a few months ago, the Navy released some formerly classified video to the public taken by pilots:

Like I said, Jag, I'm not prone to most of the rubbish that is out there, made
up videos And there are people on this board that piss be off occasionally
claiming the Moon is a hollow metal ball and other nonsense, it takes from
the legitimate stuff out there.

Just a few months ago, the Navy released some formerly classified video to
the public taken by pilots:

Toobfreak, thanks for posting those videos.
Both fascinating and interesting.
Like I said, Jag, I'm not prone to most of the rubbish that is out there, made
up videos And there are people on this board that piss be off occasionally
claiming the Moon is a hollow metal ball and other nonsense, it takes from
the legitimate stuff out there.

Just a few months ago, the Navy released some formerly classified video to
the public taken by pilots:

Toobfreak, thanks for posting those videos.
Both fascinating and interesting.
Here's a couple pictures I took in around 2004. When I was in my early teens, I saw a bright dot in the sky after sundown. Sky was still pretty bright blue. In my telescope, it appeared a round, clear orb with two "headlights" on it, and an antenna on top. My dad was there. While looking at it, it "blew up." Followed sparks down toward the ground quite a way. Certainly was likely some sort of weather balloon or package or something though not sure why it would explodes with a shower of sparks! But certainly man-made.

In 2004 I saw a similar "star" in the sky after sundown. Had a bigger much more powerful telescope out. Was able to take pictures afocally at the eyepiece. Totally different looking item that slowly changed side of face towards me. Again, aliens from space? Certainly not. Had to be some kind of balloon or something, but here are two of the better pictures I got of it: anyone's guess what it was doing up there. It was quite high up.


Like I said, Jag, I'm not prone to most of the rubbish that is out there, made
up videos And there are people on this board that piss be off occasionally
claiming the Moon is a hollow metal ball and other nonsense, it takes from
the legitimate stuff out there.

Just a few months ago, the Navy released some formerly classified video to
the public taken by pilots:

Toobfreak, thanks for posting those videos.
Both fascinating and interesting.
Here's a couple pictures I took in around 2004. When I was in my early teens, I saw a bright dot in the sky after sundown. Sky was still pretty bright blue. In my telescope, it appeared a round, clear orb with two "headlights" on it, and an antenna on top. My dad was there. While looking at it, it "blew up." Followed sparks down toward the ground quite a way. Certainly was likely some sort of weather balloon or package or something though not sure why it would explodes with a shower of sparks! But certainly man-made.

In 2004 I saw a similar "star" in the sky after sundown. Had a bigger much more powerful telescope out. Was able to take pictures afocally at the eyepiece. Totally different looking item that slowly changed side of face towards me. Again, aliens from space? Certainly not. Had to be some kind of balloon or something, but here are two of the better pictures I got of it: anyone's guess what it was doing up there. It was quite high up.

View attachment 345605

View attachment 345607

Toobfreak, that's truly interesting. Thanks for posting it.

I will have to admit that I never realized there was serious evidence for UFO's until I did some googling
yesterday and today. I previously believed that UFO sightings was not a serious subject. Live and learn.
I was reading earlier today and came across this passage from an article on Huff Post.

"Furthermore, Thomas Bullard notes in The Myth and Mystery of UFOs: “Far from being eccentric or
marginal people, UFO witnesses register normal scores on psychological tests and come from all
walks of life. Among the observers are trustworthy, high-functioning people like airline pilots and
aviation crews, police officers, military personnel, business executives, college professors, and
astronomers.” ___Scott S. Smith "Is There Credible Evidence For UFO's"? {Huff Post}


The same article also gave a fairly detailed explanation of the following:

Start quote.
Helicopter Crew, Mansfield, Ohio 1973
Most of the details of this case are taken from A Helicopter-UFO Encounter Over
and The Mansfield Helicopter Case by Hynek’s former research assistant, Jennie
Zeidman.___Scott S. Smith "Is There Credible Evidence For UFO's"? { Huff Post}
End quote.

The explanation and details of the incident in Ohio 1973 was very impressive.

Yeah this troll is obviously a shill on the governments payroll. this troll
is a sockpuppet with many user names obviously.for someone who
has been here since 2015 and only has 22 posts,it’s so freaking
obvious he is a sockpuppet. :lmao:
Seriously, I don't understand the harsh insults and ugly name-calling
in this thread merely because I posted an all-in-fun story about UFO's.
I said at the very beginning that it was nothing but nonsense.

I have not called anyone ugly names and have not insulted anyone.
I am not a troll. I am not a sockpuppet. I have only one user name
and that is JAG.

Having a low post count does not mean that I am a sockpuppet,
it only means that I have not posted much here to date.

Seriously, can you explain the harsh insults and name calling
merely because I wrote a nonsense story about UFO's and
also in light of the fact that I have not insulted anyone and
have not called anyone insulting names.

I don't understand the insults and harsh name calling. Can
you explain why?

Oh sorry about the name calling and insults.you got to understand there ARE a lot of government paid shills that have penetrated this site that have been sent here to troll,they come here in this section all the time making fun of people who expose government corruption of 9/11 being an inside job by the cia and mossad and crap that Oswald was the lone assassin of jfk and crap like that that I was mistaken you for one of those not realizing you were open minded about ufos and extra terrestrial life existing so I apologize for my mistake thinking you were one of them. You are obviously not here to fart like those other trolls I mentioned always do. :biggrin:
Having a low post count does not mean that I am a sockpuppet,
it only means that I have not posted much here to date.
you got to understand there ARE a lot of government paid shills that have penetrated this site that have been sent here to troll,they come here in this section all the time making fun of people who expose government corruption of 9/11 being an inside job by the cia
Speaking of mindfart trolls who come here to denounce all the "crackpots" who DON'T believe 9/11 was an insider covert job in order to take all the oil in Iraq while advancing his pet theory that Tom Brady is really a space alien sent here to take over the NFL . . .

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