I bet this guy never sleeps around again

^^^ Well if a person doesn't do anything in response to a wrong, the person who did the wrong will then think that they can get away with whatever it is that they did and eventually go on to do it again later.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. That right there is why it is okay for parents to punish their kids. That is how the kids learn right from wrong. When they do something wrong, they lose their privileges for however long the parents think that they should lose them.

Okay. And how would you 'punish' a woman (or man I assume) who has cheated on his or her partner? Beat them unconscious like the guy in the article did?
^^^ Well if a person doesn't do anything in response to a wrong, the person who did the wrong will then think that they can get away with whatever it is that they did and eventually go on to do it again later.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. That right there is why it is okay for parents to punish their kids. That is how the kids learn right from wrong. When they do something wrong, they lose their privileges for however long the parents think that they should lose them.

Okay. And how would you 'punish' a woman (or man I assume) who has cheated on his or her partner? Beat them unconscious like the guy in the article did?

I would make her read Quantum Windbag's entire archive of posts.

Okay, that's mean... :redface:
I wonder what the boyfriend did to his girlfriend....beat her up too? He sounds like a very violent guy and should be in jail. Finding your lover with another person is a reason to end the relationship not to beat someone unconscious and then light them on fire.
I wouldn't be surprised if he never laid a hand on her because beating her would have added to his list of charges.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. To me something should have been done to her because she was just as guilty if not more.

Uh...WHUT? "Something should have been done to her because she was just as guilty if not more?". And before that, God Bless??
Sorry, but lady, you are warped.
I smoke. All my lighters are the el cheapo kind. They all have adjustable flames. High, or low.
^^^ Well if a person doesn't do anything in response to a wrong, the person who did the wrong will then think that they can get away with whatever it is that they did and eventually go on to do it again later.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. That right there is why it is okay for parents to punish their kids. That is how the kids learn right from wrong. When they do something wrong, they lose their privileges for however long the parents think that they should lose them.

Okay. And how would you 'punish' a woman (or man I assume) who has cheated on his or her partner? Beat them unconscious like the guy in the article did?

I would make her read Quantum Windbag's entire archive of posts.

Okay, that's mean... :redface:

:eek: :lmao:
I'm still reeling at the God Bless and then the evil cackle of judgement as she thinks of something awful the woman should have received as well.

Oh. I know. Miss God Bless probably wishes the girlfriend got her nipples burned off.
I am still peeved. Sitting on my hands. Or trying to.

I think I will just give an eye roll instead. For now.
The man ran to a laundromat at 44th Street and Ashland Avenue, where police found him applying Vaseline to the burned area in an attempt to sooth the pain, according to the police report.

They haven't found the girlfriend yet. You know, the one that was "just as guilty" according to the "news" reporting what little they know. Maybe she was stoned in the back yard somewhere and they haven't found parts of her broken to pieces head yet. Or two little round burned nipples.

God Bless!!
They haven't found the girlfriend yet. You know, the one that was "just as guilty" according to the "news" reporting what little they know. Maybe she was stoned in the back yard somewhere and they haven't found parts of her broken to pieces head yet. Or two little round burned nipples.

God Bless!!

Maybe she knows her boyfriend is a psychotic, violent imbecile and is keeping well out of his reach! He seems terrifying to me. Is he in custody? Chances are if he was arrested, he's been bailed. I'd be hiding too
We might hear more of this story eventually. Meanwhile,.......she can hide but she still need PUNISHED!! Oh yes!

Guess I am still a bit peeved at the hypocracy. WWJD?
You only need an adjustable flame if you are smoking crack or lighting someone's balls on fire. ;)

As someone who smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years, I can say for certain that isn't true. A bigger flame can make lighting a smoke much easier, especially in windy weather.

More, a bigger flame can make things like lighting a candle easier if the wick isn't so easily accessed. It also feels a bit safer lighting a grill or a fire which is using lighter fluid.

I still think the crack thing is just being silly. :D

The funny thing is that drug users, as a rule, prefer a smaller flame than Bic lighters provide.

Bic is the smaller flame ;)
And it depends on the drug. Don't pretend to know anything this time.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crack lighter

A clear lighter, typically made by ACE with an adjustable flame switch. Often used for lighting cigarettes, blunts or of course, crack cocaine. Made with a notoriously cheap flint wheel that often locks up. Not very useful in areas with high winds.
Person 1:"Man, I need a smoke.. Can I borrow your lighter?"
Person 2: "Yea, sure.. here."
Person 1: "Aw man, what the fuck? a crack lighter? Fuck this shit; I'll just go buy a Bic at the bodega."
Urban Dictionary: crack lighter

A clear lighter, typically made by ACE with an adjustable flame switch. Often used for lighting cigarettes, blunts or of course, crack cocaine. Made with a notoriously cheap flint wheel that often locks up. Not very useful in areas with high winds.
Person 1:"Man, I need a smoke.. Can I borrow your lighter?"
Person 2: "Yea, sure.. here."
Person 1: "Aw man, what the fuck? a crack lighter? Fuck this shit; I'll just go buy a Bic at the bodega."

I guess it's usually for when someone opens the lighter up and adjusts it higher than designed. :smoke:

I still think it's a ridiculous name. :)
As someone who smoked cigarettes for more than 20 years, I can say for certain that isn't true. A bigger flame can make lighting a smoke much easier, especially in windy weather.

More, a bigger flame can make things like lighting a candle easier if the wick isn't so easily accessed. It also feels a bit safer lighting a grill or a fire which is using lighter fluid.

I still think the crack thing is just being silly. :D

The funny thing is that drug users, as a rule, prefer a smaller flame than Bic lighters provide.

Bic is the smaller flame ;)
And it depends on the drug. Don't pretend to know anything this time.

Look up needle lighters.
Okay. And how would you 'punish' a woman (or man I assume) who has cheated on his or her partner? Beat them unconscious like the guy in the article did?
Letting the whole world know that she is a cheating sack of bones (SOB for short) I believe would be sufficient and if that were to damage her character, persona, reputation, etc. it would be no one's fault but her own because her decision to cheat would be what started the whole thing anyway.

Uh...WHUT? "Something should have been done to her because she was just as guilty if not more?". And before that, God Bless??
Sorry, but lady, you are warped.
I say "God bless you always!!!" because I wish you nothing but good things in your life whether we agree on whatever we are talking about or not.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


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