I blame the democrats for blacks being disadvantaged


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
I blame the democratic mayors controlling our cities for turning them into hell holes towards the disadvantaged throughout America. They control most of our inner-cities and they sit on their asses, and do nothing to improve the life's of millions of blacks. YET they have the nerve to point at republicans????:mad::mad::mad: Takes some serious fucking nerve.

They control Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Mobile and most of the most violent shit holes in this country. What do they do??? They cut education funding in the case of Chicago...This was directed at the black community.

I bet 90% of the most violent and run down minority areas in this country are being ran by democrats. Shame on you. :mad: Blacks need to wake the fuck up.


You are the ones that have the power within our inner-cities
You are the ones that cut funding for our schools
You are the ones that cut police funding and allow gangs to run our streets

You people are hypocrites. Shame, Shame on you!!!
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Nearly every last one of the most violent, poor and screwed up places in America are DEMOCRAT!

WTF has democrats done to stop the slaughter?
WTF has the democrats done to pull these people up?


One of the main reasons they're spinning is because they know that they're to blame and they can lose votes.

I may point out the crime stats from this mess but you're the ones with the power. You choose to let it happen.
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6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_C._Gray
7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro_Segarra
8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Landrieu
9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_Clinton_Jones

Two things pop out with these violent runned down places.
1. They're ran by democrats and 2. They have at least 1/3rd black populations(and more).

Most of the blacks in this country live under democrats....The democrats seem to have brainwashed them into believing that the REPUBLICAN that don't have power over more them = bad guy. How sick
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Takes a LOT of nerve to accuse Republicans for the problem that you do nothing about. You have the power but you allow it.

You democrats are the most disgusting thing imaginable.
Whaaaat,this is pure boolshit.You are mad cause Black folks dont pay you or your people any mind.They are living out their lives in joy.So some of them are poor,but so is a lot of whites. Black neighborhoods have more money to spend then whites.So they run around saying all sorts of nasty things about Blacks. whites need to remember they dont have the "me,me," thing so live with it.
I blame the democrats for blacks being disadvantaged

Of course. White wingers think blacks had it best when they were slaves. Didn't have to think. Able to eat slop. Were treated as good as horses or hunting dogs.
Democrats like to point out the republicans for causing black problems. Well, 90% of blacks live within democrat cities....

Democrats defund black schools...Chicago.
Democrats don't enforce crime within black area's.

Show me where republicans cause 1/10th of the damage to blacks as democrats.
Democrats like to point out the republicans for causing black problems. Well, 90% of blacks live within democrat cities....

Democrats defund black schools...Chicago.
Democrats don't enforce crime within black area's.

Show me where republicans cause 1/10th of the damage to blacks as democrats.


America's "angriest" theologian faces lynching tree : CNN Belief - CNN.com

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

Conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the 60's and joined the Republican Party which is why that odious party is 90% white today. Grow the fuck up.
Takes a LOT of nerve to accuse Republicans for the problem that you do nothing about. You have the power but you allow it.

You democrats are the most disgusting thing imaginable.

that's a lot of bigotry, bro.
Why these white wingers are such tards is because they don't understand that blacks being part of the Democratic Party aren't being "led". The Democratic Party is a coalition party made up of lots of minorities. Blacks, browns, Asians, whites and so one. Even the whites are different minorities Republicans don't want. Gays, feminists, college professors, scientists, atheists and so on.

Republicans think because they are deranged Nazi like Lemmings who follow crazies, they just assume everyone does.

Blacks are an integral part of the Democratic Party. You fuckers try to take away their integrity because you have none.
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I blame the democrats for blacks being disadvantaged

Of course. White wingers think blacks had it best when they were slaves. Didn't have to think. Able to eat slop. Were treated as good as horses or hunting dogs.

not now

they drive cadillacs, live in the white house and bad mouth whitey
Democrats like to point out the republicans for causing black problems. Well, 90% of blacks live within democrat cities....

Democrats defund black schools...Chicago.
Democrats don't enforce crime within black area's.

Show me where republicans cause 1/10th of the damage to blacks as democrats.


America's "angriest" theologian faces lynching tree : CNN Belief - CNN.com

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

Conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the 60's and joined the Republican Party which is why that odious party is 90% white today. Grow the fuck up.

New Nation News - Black-on-White Crime
Who's to say that a lot of those lynching's weren't because of crimes???? This was the way of executing people in the old days.

Not to say that a lot of innocent blacks weren't lynched and mistreated. This was wrong....

I am not talking about 60-70 years ago.....I AM TALKING ABOUT NOW. Get your head out of the damn past.

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