I Blame The Liberal Media For The Mess We are In

The biggest supporters of the media are the American Corporations.

So what does that tell you?

Hey, Malcom Ditz: You sound like a Trump supporter.

Betta check yoself fool.

After all, if you support the Left - in 2023 - guess what?

You support the corporations who control the vast majority of the mainstream information.
Fact check true.

The "media" is pure evil.

That said, I have kinda run out of patience for the people still being led around the nose by their deception at this late stage.

I know reasonably intelligent people can be fooled.

But after COVID mandates, lockdowns and violent mass riots/lawlessness - you have to be asleep at the fucking wheel to still be buying the crock of manure the media's selling.
The problem are these fools still get a vote. Look at what we ended up with as president.
They supported Uncle Jojo with their propaganda and lies about Trump in 2020. Blame CNN, MSNBC, CBS and ABC.

Raging Inflation
High Gas Prices
High Crime
Open Border
Armed Taliban

Like a true partisan, you blame the other side for everything. Your own side of course is PERFECK
My experience with voters is they tend to stay with one political party for life, no matter how many lies and BS their politicians tell. It makes no sense to me.
My experience is that most of them couldn't make a decent argument if one hit them on the head.
They supported Uncle Jojo with their propaganda and lies about Trump in 2020. Blame CNN, MSNBC, CBS and ABC.

Raging Inflation
High Gas Prices
High Crime
Open Border
Armed Taliban
What liberal media? All the US media is owned by 5 Wallstreet elite companies.

You need to start by telling the truth. Trump printed 500% more inflationary US dollars as all prior presidents COMBINED!!!
Like a true partisan, you blame the other side for everything. Your own side of course is PERFECK
He listed five things that ARE the fault of the other side, and never said our side is perfect.

You, on the other hand, deny the very obvious crises that ARE the fault of your side. You honestly claim that the high crime rate isn’t due to the Dems’ soft-on-crime and bail removal approach? That Biden didn’t make the border 10x worse by advertising how welcome illegals are? That gas prices aren’t soaring due to Biden’s war-on-gas?

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