I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 2.58.56 PM.png
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707
Dude you are schizophrenia, not even the police are saying that he had a knife prior to returning to the car, and in fact if he did he likely would have been shot earlier.

You are delusional and creating your own reality, you need to see a doctor
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707

Mr. Blake continued to ignore the officersā€™ commands, even with the threat of lethal force now present.ā€

Now folks... a cop tells you to do something. Almost 99.99% of us comply! WHY? Because we aren't stupid. Most of us have been taught to respect the person
in authority...be it a coach, a teacher, a boss... or in this case a cop.
Why then do some really, really dumb people...(MOST of them having had some defiance of authority experiences) continue to be so f...king D:U:M:B???
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707

Mr. Blake continued to ignore the officersā€™ commands, even with the threat of lethal force now present.ā€

Now folks... a cop tells you to do something. Almost 99.99% of us comply! WHY? Because we aren't stupid. Most of us have been taught to respect the person
in authority...be it a coach, a teacher, a boss... or in this case a cop.
Why then do some really, really dumb people...(MOST of them having had some defiance of authority experiences) continue to be so f...king D:U:M:B???
He had no knife before he returned to the vehicle, thus your version of the incident is a hallucination
And probably the most scary part is... why are there people that have donated to this mental retarded, criminal who put other people's lives at risk?
People like these !!!
Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 3.10.37 PM.png
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV

kaz: You watch a lot of TV

Blues: No YOU watch a lot of TV, kaz

Blues: healthmyths, wow, you watch a lot of TV

LOL, playground
Hey you're the guy who is comparing life to some TV show not me.

If you know characters names in a bunch of TV shows then you do watch a lot of TV.

But I guess you even got that name of the character wrong so you not only watch a lot of TV you're too dim to remember the characters

Yes, you are a firm playground denizen. No you are!

I said two of the stars of popular police dramas and got one of the names wrong. Wow, that's a lot of TV! Yeah, dumb ass. You really are lame. No wonder you're just protecting a sexual assaulter against the police
So tell me

if I don't know what police shows you are talking about or the characters or the actors who play those characters and you do then who watches more TV me or you?

And I have never said one single thing that could even be called a defense of Blake.

if you think I then please find the post and quote it. And when you can't find any post where I did come to the defense of Blake I wonder if you'll have the integrity to admit you just lied about what I have said in this thread.
She wonā€™t show anything. She makes false claims all the time and never back them up

LOL, now the leftist manly man used calling someone a "woman" as an insult. Of course you do. You're the knuckle dragging party who thinks women aren't smart enough to decide who to vote for on their own, so you pat them on the back if they are correct and destroy them like the bitches they are if they are wrong. Being called a woman by you is a badge of honor, Neanderthal
Huh? What do women have to do with any of this? I seriously have doubts about your mental stability.

Slade: What do women have to do that I'm protecting a guy who assaulted a woman and violated her restraining order?

I'll go with the butt obvious
Iā€™m not protecting anybody. You should stop making stuff up

Certainly if the cops were able to stop him they should have. Maybe you're right and they were Charles Bronson and Van Diesel and they could have stopped him and didn't.

That doesn't change that he did get to his car, he did reach into it and if there was a gun and the cops did nothing there was going to be a dead cop. If you said you don't think based on your extensive experience doing police work they tried hard enough to stop him, fine. You're the guy with 40 years on the force. But at that point where he reached into his car, he was a deadly threat to him and your answer is let the cop die
Heā€™s a threat if he has a weapon and is acting aggressively. You donā€™t have a problem with cops shooting people before they see a weapon?

Sounds like BS to me but we shall see

Of course it does, your bias is showing. The fact is Blake put the officer in a position where he felt it was necessary to discharge his weapon. Had Blake complied, K Harris et al would have posted his bail and he would be out assaulting women again.

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
Where can I see the cops yell drop the knife or Blake put the cops in a headlock? Cause the video I watched didnā€™t have either of those events

I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707

Mr. Blake continued to ignore the officersā€™ commands, even with the threat of lethal force now present.ā€

Now folks... a cop tells you to do something. Almost 99.99% of us comply! WHY? Because we aren't stupid. Most of us have been taught to respect the person
in authority...be it a coach, a teacher, a boss... or in this case a cop.
Why then do some really, really dumb people...(MOST of them having had some defiance of authority experiences) continue to be so f...king D:U:M:B???
He had no knife before he returned to the vehicle, thus your version of the incident is a hallucination
So what did the guy who took the video hear the cops say.."drop the sunglasses" or "drop the joint" or wait a minute ... he heard not one but the "cops".."drop the knife"!
That's not a hallucination on my part.
And this is not a hallucination... oh wait...maybe they are sunglasses ...that look like a knife..."drop the sunglasses!" Yea that's what the videographer heard!
Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 2.58.56 PM.png
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707

Mr. Blake continued to ignore the officersā€™ commands, even with the threat of lethal force now present.ā€

Now folks... a cop tells you to do something. Almost 99.99% of us comply! WHY? Because we aren't stupid. Most of us have been taught to respect the person
in authority...be it a coach, a teacher, a boss... or in this case a cop.
Why then do some really, really dumb people...(MOST of them having had some defiance of authority experiences) continue to be so f...king D:U:M:B???
He had no knife before he returned to the vehicle, thus your version of the incident is a hallucination
So what did the guy who took the video hear the cops say.."drop the sunglasses" or "drop the joint" or wait a minute ... he heard not one but the "cops".."drop the knife"!
That's not a hallucination on my part.
And this is not a hallucination... oh wait...maybe they are sunglasses ...that look like a knife..."drop the sunglasses!" Yea that's what the videographer heard!
View attachment 385717
The source that posted that photo with the circle got flagged for fake news on Facebook as it also claimed Blake had a gun and was waving a knife around during the attack.

I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707

Mr. Blake continued to ignore the officersā€™ commands, even with the threat of lethal force now present.ā€

Now folks... a cop tells you to do something. Almost 99.99% of us comply! WHY? Because we aren't stupid. Most of us have been taught to respect the person
in authority...be it a coach, a teacher, a boss... or in this case a cop.
Why then do some really, really dumb people...(MOST of them having had some defiance of authority experiences) continue to be so f...king D:U:M:B???
He had no knife before he returned to the vehicle, thus your version of the incident is a hallucination
So what did the guy who took the video hear the cops say.."drop the sunglasses" or "drop the joint" or wait a minute ... he heard not one but the "cops".."drop the knife"!
That's not a hallucination on my part.
And this is not a hallucination... oh wait...maybe they are sunglasses ...that look like a knife..."drop the sunglasses!" Yea that's what the videographer heard!
View attachment 385717
The source that posted that photo with the circle got flagged for fake news on Facebook as it also claimed Blake had a gun and was waving a knife around during the attack.

He was walking briskly
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707

Mr. Blake continued to ignore the officersā€™ commands, even with the threat of lethal force now present.ā€

Now folks... a cop tells you to do something. Almost 99.99% of us comply! WHY? Because we aren't stupid. Most of us have been taught to respect the person
in authority...be it a coach, a teacher, a boss... or in this case a cop.
Why then do some really, really dumb people...(MOST of them having had some defiance of authority experiences) continue to be so f...king D:U:M:B???
You answer yourself often?
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707

Mr. Blake continued to ignore the officersā€™ commands, even with the threat of lethal force now present.ā€

Now folks... a cop tells you to do something. Almost 99.99% of us comply! WHY? Because we aren't stupid. Most of us have been taught to respect the person
in authority...be it a coach, a teacher, a boss... or in this case a cop.
Why then do some really, really dumb people...(MOST of them having had some defiance of authority experiences) continue to be so f...king D:U:M:B???
He had no knife before he returned to the vehicle, thus your version of the incident is a hallucination
So what did the guy who took the video hear the cops say.."drop the sunglasses" or "drop the joint" or wait a minute ... he heard not one but the "cops".."drop the knife"!
That's not a hallucination on my part.
And this is not a hallucination... oh wait...maybe they are sunglasses ...that look like a knife..."drop the sunglasses!" Yea that's what the videographer heard!
View attachment 385717
The source that posted that photo with the circle got flagged for fake news on Facebook as it also claimed Blake had a gun and was waving a knife around during the attack.

He was walking briskly
And naturally you shoot all the coons who walk briskly, right Adolph
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon

You can't spin your way out of that the sexual assaulter who violated his victim's restraining order that you're defending had the choice, not the cops you wanted to be killed for your leftist ideology
I donā€™t want any cops to be killed. Another ridiculous lie youā€™re telling
No but you also donā€™t want to give them credit for a difficult job
Iā€™ve worked with cops for years and they have an extremely difficult job and I give them a tremendous amount of credit. They have a huge responsibility but that doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t call out people who abuse their power

So it's OK then you want to get cops killed because you're protecting a guy who beats women then ignores the restraining order because you think it helps your political beliefs. Swell guy you are
No of course not. Do you have a learning deficiency? I never said anything close to what you pretend Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t want the cops to get killed and the only thing Iā€™m defending that guy of is from getting 7 bullets in the back. He should have been arrested

And the sexual assaulter you're protecting should have obeyed the cops. It's on him.

You'd suddenly get that if it weren't for the orange many you hate so much
In what way have I protected Blake?

I've also said that he should have obeyed the police and he should have been arrested for not obeying. I don't know what Trump has to do with any of this, are you bringing him up because you don't have anything else to fling at this debate?

Blake was being arrested if he obeyed. There was a warrant out for his arrest and he violated the restraining order to stay away from his sexual assault victim.

You're protecting the sexual predator by supporting him resisting arrest and blaming the cops for his choices
I donā€™t support him resisting arrest nor have I ever said anything of the sort. This is you lying again. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I supported him resisting arrest

You're word parsing. Of course you're supporting him resisting arrest. You're arguing that at the point he got into his car, the cops had to let him kill a cop and drive away
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m arguing. Thatā€™s a lie.

You've offered nothing else other than to keep saying you're batman and would have subdued him before he got in the car. That's still your answer to well, he did get into the car, well, it's their fault they should have stopped him first because you'd have used the Wonder Woman lasso on him.

You've said nothing other than that mantra about what they do since he did get to the car
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon

You can't spin your way out of that the sexual assaulter who violated his victim's restraining order that you're defending had the choice, not the cops you wanted to be killed for your leftist ideology
I donā€™t want any cops to be killed. Another ridiculous lie youā€™re telling
No but you also donā€™t want to give them credit for a difficult job
Iā€™ve worked with cops for years and they have an extremely difficult job and I give them a tremendous amount of credit. They have a huge responsibility but that doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t call out people who abuse their power

So it's OK then you want to get cops killed because you're protecting a guy who beats women then ignores the restraining order because you think it helps your political beliefs. Swell guy you are
No of course not. Do you have a learning deficiency? I never said anything close to what you pretend Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t want the cops to get killed and the only thing Iā€™m defending that guy of is from getting 7 bullets in the back. He should have been arrested

And the sexual assaulter you're protecting should have obeyed the cops. It's on him.

You'd suddenly get that if it weren't for the orange many you hate so much
In what way have I protected Blake?

I've also said that he should have obeyed the police and he should have been arrested for not obeying. I don't know what Trump has to do with any of this, are you bringing him up because you don't have anything else to fling at this debate?

Blake was being arrested if he obeyed. There was a warrant out for his arrest and he violated the restraining order to stay away from his sexual assault victim.

You're protecting the sexual predator by supporting him resisting arrest and blaming the cops for his choices
I donā€™t support him resisting arrest nor have I ever said anything of the sort. This is you lying again. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I supported him resisting arrest

You're word parsing. Of course you're supporting him resisting arrest. You're arguing that at the point he got into his car, the cops had to let him kill a cop and drive away
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m arguing. Thatā€™s a lie.

You've offered nothing else other than to keep saying you're batman and would have subdued him before he got in the car. That's still your answer to well, he did get into the car, well, it's their fault they should have stopped him first because you'd have used the Wonder Woman lasso on him.

You've said nothing other than that mantra about what they do since he did get to the car
Once he gets to the car the 3 officers pull him out of the car. If they see a weapon and he threatens them with it then it is justified to fire
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon

You can't spin your way out of that the sexual assaulter who violated his victim's restraining order that you're defending had the choice, not the cops you wanted to be killed for your leftist ideology
I donā€™t want any cops to be killed. Another ridiculous lie youā€™re telling
No but you also donā€™t want to give them credit for a difficult job
Iā€™ve worked with cops for years and they have an extremely difficult job and I give them a tremendous amount of credit. They have a huge responsibility but that doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t call out people who abuse their power

So it's OK then you want to get cops killed because you're protecting a guy who beats women then ignores the restraining order because you think it helps your political beliefs. Swell guy you are
No of course not. Do you have a learning deficiency? I never said anything close to what you pretend Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t want the cops to get killed and the only thing Iā€™m defending that guy of is from getting 7 bullets in the back. He should have been arrested

And the sexual assaulter you're protecting should have obeyed the cops. It's on him.

You'd suddenly get that if it weren't for the orange many you hate so much
In what way have I protected Blake?

I've also said that he should have obeyed the police and he should have been arrested for not obeying. I don't know what Trump has to do with any of this, are you bringing him up because you don't have anything else to fling at this debate?

Blake was being arrested if he obeyed. There was a warrant out for his arrest and he violated the restraining order to stay away from his sexual assault victim.

You're protecting the sexual predator by supporting him resisting arrest and blaming the cops for his choices
I donā€™t support him resisting arrest nor have I ever said anything of the sort. This is you lying again. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I supported him resisting arrest

You're word parsing. Of course you're supporting him resisting arrest. You're arguing that at the point he got into his car, the cops had to let him kill a cop and drive away
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m arguing. Thatā€™s a lie.

You've offered nothing else other than to keep saying you're batman and would have subdued him before he got in the car. That's still your answer to well, he did get into the car, well, it's their fault they should have stopped him first because you'd have used the Wonder Woman lasso on him.

You've said nothing other than that mantra about what they do since he did get to the car
Once he gets to the car the 3 officers pull him out of the car. If they see a weapon and he threatens them with it then it is justified to fire

You mean the ones that are still alive do that. Exactly, you want dead cops.

No one would be that stupid as to think that you can pull a guy with a gun out of a car and wait to see if he has a gun before you shoot him and he won't have started shooting already.

You want dead cops. Check and mate.

But you try that. I hope your kids like their new step dad
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707
Dude you are schizophrenia, not even the police are saying that he had a knife prior to returning to the car, and in fact if he did he likely would have been shot earlier.

You are delusional and creating your own reality, you need to see a doctor
The only thing I know is that Cop is a poor shot for sure.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon

You can't spin your way out of that the sexual assaulter who violated his victim's restraining order that you're defending had the choice, not the cops you wanted to be killed for your leftist ideology
I donā€™t want any cops to be killed. Another ridiculous lie youā€™re telling
No but you also donā€™t want to give them credit for a difficult job
Iā€™ve worked with cops for years and they have an extremely difficult job and I give them a tremendous amount of credit. They have a huge responsibility but that doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t call out people who abuse their power

So it's OK then you want to get cops killed because you're protecting a guy who beats women then ignores the restraining order because you think it helps your political beliefs. Swell guy you are
No of course not. Do you have a learning deficiency? I never said anything close to what you pretend Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t want the cops to get killed and the only thing Iā€™m defending that guy of is from getting 7 bullets in the back. He should have been arrested

And the sexual assaulter you're protecting should have obeyed the cops. It's on him.

You'd suddenly get that if it weren't for the orange many you hate so much
In what way have I protected Blake?

I've also said that he should have obeyed the police and he should have been arrested for not obeying. I don't know what Trump has to do with any of this, are you bringing him up because you don't have anything else to fling at this debate?

Blake was being arrested if he obeyed. There was a warrant out for his arrest and he violated the restraining order to stay away from his sexual assault victim.

You're protecting the sexual predator by supporting him resisting arrest and blaming the cops for his choices
I donā€™t support him resisting arrest nor have I ever said anything of the sort. This is you lying again. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I supported him resisting arrest

You're word parsing. Of course you're supporting him resisting arrest. You're arguing that at the point he got into his car, the cops had to let him kill a cop and drive away
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m arguing. Thatā€™s a lie.

You've offered nothing else other than to keep saying you're batman and would have subdued him before he got in the car. That's still your answer to well, he did get into the car, well, it's their fault they should have stopped him first because you'd have used the Wonder Woman lasso on him.

You've said nothing other than that mantra about what they do since he did get to the car
Once he gets to the car the 3 officers pull him out of the car. If they see a weapon and he threatens them with it then it is justified to fire

You mean the ones that are still alive do that. Exactly, you want dead cops.

No one would be that stupid as to think that you can pull a guy with a gun out of a car and wait to see if he has a gun before you shoot him and he won't have started shooting already.

You want dead cops. Check and mate.

But you try that. I hope your kids like their new step dad
No, last thing I want is dead cops. I have tremendous respect for the job they do.

I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to say that cops should see a weapon or be mortally threatened by a perp before killing them
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
LOL the FBI already took me on and got kicked to the curb
View attachment 385671
Yo did you shoot anyone in the back 7 times yet today?
What a dumb ass comment! I am NOT surprised though because people like you do NOT have a connection to reality!
Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife. .. why else would the cops yell this:
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So are you calling people that WERE actually there LIARS because YOU say so?
If you could translate this into English from retard, perhaps I might be able to understand you?

"Blake evidently to multiple cops at the scene had a knife."
OK from 1st grade reader...
See Blake running.
See cops running after Blake.
See cops yelling "drop the knife".
He never had a knife until he got back to the car so you are proved delusional. There is video to back me up as well doofus

Now go play with your xbox

NO your video does NOT show Blake without something in his hand.
Remember the guy taking the video says he heard the cops yell ā€˜Drop the Knifeā€™
So there are two events that are evidence there was something in Blake's hand:
1) The guy taking the video says he heard cops yell "drop the knife".... NOW why would they yell that not one guy but cops yelling "drop the knife"?
2) The video shows something in Blake's hand!
View attachment 385707
Dude you are schizophrenia, not even the police are saying that he had a knife prior to returning to the car, and in fact if he did he likely would have been shot earlier.

You are delusional and creating your own reality, you need to see a doctor
The only thing I know is that Cop is a poor shot for sure.
Most 10 year old super dweebs are
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he ā€œraced to the car.ā€œ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and Iā€™ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didnā€™t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns arenā€™t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Donā€™t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No Iā€™m it word parsing Iā€™m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he ā€œraced to the carā€ thatā€™s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...itā€™s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he ā€œraced around the carā€ and that the cops had a ā€œbad angleā€ to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Donā€™t hate the player hate the game. Police officers arenā€™t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Donā€™t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
Iā€™ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said ā€œtackleā€ and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you donā€™t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon

You can't spin your way out of that the sexual assaulter who violated his victim's restraining order that you're defending had the choice, not the cops you wanted to be killed for your leftist ideology
I donā€™t want any cops to be killed. Another ridiculous lie youā€™re telling
No but you also donā€™t want to give them credit for a difficult job
Iā€™ve worked with cops for years and they have an extremely difficult job and I give them a tremendous amount of credit. They have a huge responsibility but that doesnā€™t mean I wonā€™t call out people who abuse their power

So it's OK then you want to get cops killed because you're protecting a guy who beats women then ignores the restraining order because you think it helps your political beliefs. Swell guy you are
No of course not. Do you have a learning deficiency? I never said anything close to what you pretend Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t want the cops to get killed and the only thing Iā€™m defending that guy of is from getting 7 bullets in the back. He should have been arrested

And the sexual assaulter you're protecting should have obeyed the cops. It's on him.

You'd suddenly get that if it weren't for the orange many you hate so much
In what way have I protected Blake?

I've also said that he should have obeyed the police and he should have been arrested for not obeying. I don't know what Trump has to do with any of this, are you bringing him up because you don't have anything else to fling at this debate?

Blake was being arrested if he obeyed. There was a warrant out for his arrest and he violated the restraining order to stay away from his sexual assault victim.

You're protecting the sexual predator by supporting him resisting arrest and blaming the cops for his choices
I donā€™t support him resisting arrest nor have I ever said anything of the sort. This is you lying again. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I supported him resisting arrest

You're word parsing. Of course you're supporting him resisting arrest. You're arguing that at the point he got into his car, the cops had to let him kill a cop and drive away
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m arguing. Thatā€™s a lie.

You've offered nothing else other than to keep saying you're batman and would have subdued him before he got in the car. That's still your answer to well, he did get into the car, well, it's their fault they should have stopped him first because you'd have used the Wonder Woman lasso on him.

You've said nothing other than that mantra about what they do since he did get to the car
Once he gets to the car the 3 officers pull him out of the car. If they see a weapon and he threatens them with it then it is justified to fire

You mean the ones that are still alive do that. Exactly, you want dead cops.

No one would be that stupid as to think that you can pull a guy with a gun out of a car and wait to see if he has a gun before you shoot him and he won't have started shooting already.

You want dead cops. Check and mate.

But you try that. I hope your kids like their new step dad
No, last thing I want is dead cops. I have tremendous respect for the job they do.

I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to say that cops should see a weapon or be mortally threatened by a perp before killing them
But that is subjective. Is a rock ā€œmortally threateningā€?
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