I came across this on Reddit. This is why America is fucked.


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
James Inhofe Says the Bible Refutes Climate Change | rightwingwatch.org

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) appeared on Voice of Christian Youth America’s radio program Crosstalk with Vic Eliason yesterday to promote his new book The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, where he repeated his frequent claim that human influenced climate change is impossible because “God’s still up there.” Inhofe cited Genesis 8:22 to claim that it is “outrageous” and arrogant for people to believe human beings are “able to change what He is doing in the climate.”

Eliason: Senator, we’re going to talk about your book for a minute, you state in your book which by the way is called The Greatest Hoax, you state in your book that one of your favorite Bible verses, Genesis 8:22, ‘while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease,’ what is the significance of these verses to this issue?

Inhofe: Well actually the Genesis 8:22 that I use in there is that ‘as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night,’ my point is, God’s still up there. The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous.

Inhofe also says that Richard Cizik, the former Vice President of the National Association of Evangelicals, was bought off by environmentalists and “has been exposed since then to be the liberal that he is”…because apparently liberals can’t be Christians?

He went on to cite Romans 1:25 to criticize people, particularly evangelicals like Cizik, who believe in climate change. Inhofe said that just as Scripture forecasted, people have now “worship the creation” when they support environmental protection, which seems to assume that humans won’t be negatively impacted by climate change.

Caller: Senator, do you quote any Scripture in your book?

Inhofe: Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. My favorite is Genesis 8:22 which is ‘as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night,’ you know, God’s still up there. There’s another piece of Scripture I’ll mention which I should’ve mentioned, no one seems to remember this, the smartest thing the activists did in trying to put their program through is try to get the evangelicals on their side, so they hired a guy named Cizik, and he had his picture in front of Vanity magazine dressed like Jesus walking on water. He has been exposed since then to be the liberal that he is. I would say that the other Scripture that I use quite frequently on this subject is Romans 1:25, ‘They give up the truth about God for a lie and they worship God’s creation instead of God, who will be praised forever.’ In other words, they are trying to say we should worship the creation. We were reminded back in Romans that this was going to happen and sure enough it’s happening.
God is responsible for the physics of the solar system and the earth?

Only if you believe he designed and created it all.
Even then it is just your belief, which is not proven fact.
James Inhofe Says the Bible Refutes Climate Change | rightwingwatch.org

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) appeared on Voice of Christian Youth America’s radio program Crosstalk with Vic Eliason yesterday to promote his new book The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future, where he repeated his frequent claim that human influenced climate change is impossible because “God’s still up there.” Inhofe cited Genesis 8:22 to claim that it is “outrageous” and arrogant for people to believe human beings are “able to change what He is doing in the climate.”

Eliason: Senator, we’re going to talk about your book for a minute, you state in your book which by the way is called The Greatest Hoax, you state in your book that one of your favorite Bible verses, Genesis 8:22, ‘while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease,’ what is the significance of these verses to this issue?

Inhofe: Well actually the Genesis 8:22 that I use in there is that ‘as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night,’ my point is, God’s still up there. The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous.

Inhofe also says that Richard Cizik, the former Vice President of the National Association of Evangelicals, was bought off by environmentalists and “has been exposed since then to be the liberal that he is”…because apparently liberals can’t be Christians?

He went on to cite Romans 1:25 to criticize people, particularly evangelicals like Cizik, who believe in climate change. Inhofe said that just as Scripture forecasted, people have now “worship the creation” when they support environmental protection, which seems to assume that humans won’t be negatively impacted by climate change.

Caller: Senator, do you quote any Scripture in your book?

Inhofe: Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. My favorite is Genesis 8:22 which is ‘as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night,’ you know, God’s still up there. There’s another piece of Scripture I’ll mention which I should’ve mentioned, no one seems to remember this, the smartest thing the activists did in trying to put their program through is try to get the evangelicals on their side, so they hired a guy named Cizik, and he had his picture in front of Vanity magazine dressed like Jesus walking on water. He has been exposed since then to be the liberal that he is. I would say that the other Scripture that I use quite frequently on this subject is Romans 1:25, ‘They give up the truth about God for a lie and they worship God’s creation instead of God, who will be praised forever.’ In other words, they are trying to say we should worship the creation. We were reminded back in Romans that this was going to happen and sure enough it’s happening.

Inhofe is a fundie retard, but I repeat myself.
rightwingwatch? :lmao:

How desperate are the left? :lol:

I am entertained. Thanks.

There are those out there who want the best for America without religion.

And there are those who follow a religion who also want the best for America. This country does not belong solely to either side. Get over it.

I agree.

Thats why this was created, because this guy can't keep his religion out of politics.

You can have your religion, but don't bring it into politics.
This country was founded for freedom of expression/relgious freedom.
So to have someone making political decisions influenced by religion will have rights taken away from the majority and go against what this country was founded for.
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So I take it YOU believe that
1) IN spite of NOT accounting for 12.5% of the Earth's land mass over the last 50 years of temperature taking that the world is growing warmer?
You do know that all the temperature recordings over the last 50 years had ONLY 4 reading
stations for 12.5% of the earth's land mass?

2) AND I bet you FEEL that when you heard 385 billion tons of glaciers melted each year (which by the way IS OFF BY 90%!!!) you said yup.. all that water is as Gore said will make the oceans rise!
You do know that with 343 QUINTILLION gallons of water in all the oceans adding 385 billion tons of melted ice is equal to adding A 24 oz cup of water into a 648,000 gallon swimming POOL?

So pardon ME if I'm a little skeptical about "global warming" and given the fact Greenland once was green??? AND more recently the fact that we are entering a mini-ice age???

But of course YOU are a GAIA believer that taking the scientist AlGORE's FACTUAL statement that
but two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, 'cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot ...

Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees' | NewsBusters.org
So I take it YOU believe that
1) IN spite of NOT accounting for 12.5% of the Earth's land mass over the last 50 years of temperature taking that the world is growing warmer?
You do know that all the temperature recordings over the last 50 years had ONLY 4 reading
stations for 12.5% of the earth's land mass?

2) AND I bet you FEEL that when you heard 385 billion tons of glaciers melted each year (which by the way IS OFF BY 90%!!!) you said yup.. all that water is as Gore said will make the oceans rise!
You do know that with 343 QUINTILLION gallons of water in all the oceans adding 385 billion tons of melted ice is equal to adding A 24 oz cup of water into a 648,000 gallon swimming POOL?

So pardon ME if I'm a little skeptical about "global warming" and given the fact Greenland once was green??? AND more recently the fact that we are entering a mini-ice age???

But of course YOU are a GAIA believer that taking the scientist AlGORE's FACTUAL statement that
but two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, 'cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot ...

Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees' | NewsBusters.org

Honestly, I don't really understand global warming too much. (never cared.)

But saying that religion says we cant do anything about it won't help. :lol:
rightwingwatch? :lmao:

How desperate are the left? :lol:

I am entertained. Thanks.

Do you dispute what Inhofe said? Is it misreported?


people like Inhofe sit around eagerly waiting for Jesus to come back and end it all for humanity. Why would they care about global warming one way or another.
So I take it YOU believe that
1) IN spite of NOT accounting for 12.5% of the Earth's land mass over the last 50 years of temperature taking that the world is growing warmer?
You do know that all the temperature recordings over the last 50 years had ONLY 4 reading
stations for 12.5% of the earth's land mass?

2) AND I bet you FEEL that when you heard 385 billion tons of glaciers melted each year (which by the way IS OFF BY 90%!!!) you said yup.. all that water is as Gore said will make the oceans rise!
You do know that with 343 QUINTILLION gallons of water in all the oceans adding 385 billion tons of melted ice is equal to adding A 24 oz cup of water into a 648,000 gallon swimming POOL?

So pardon ME if I'm a little skeptical about "global warming" and given the fact Greenland once was green??? AND more recently the fact that we are entering a mini-ice age???

But of course YOU are a GAIA believer that taking the scientist AlGORE's FACTUAL statement that
but two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, 'cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot ...

Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees' | NewsBusters.org

Honestly, I don't really understand global warming too much. (never cared.)

But saying that religion says we cant do anything about it won't help. :lol:

AND maybe you should CARE to understand that "global warming beliefs" has HIT you directly everytime you buy gas!
YOU NEED to know that due to the FEAR of global warming the EPA has been causing refineries to shut down because bringing compliance to the 99% of EPA concerns about effluence cost too much! St. Croix is closing a refinery that supplied 350,000 barrels a day of gas to East coast of USA BECAUSE This St. Croix refinery could NO LONGER AFFORD primarily due to $700 million more in pollution controls needed to meet EPA!!!

EPA shutting down 30 electric utilities because of "global warming"!!!

So maybe you should get your head out of the sand and at least DEFEND the people that are trying to keep YOUR standard of living because YOU KNOCKING people like me who are trying to get some common sense into people like you specifically regarding the fallacy of MAN MADE global warming???
I mean you knock Imhof for what you consider a fairy tale??? AND YOU don't know about GAIA the goddess of the earth that Gore and other "environomentalist" quack scientists believe in???
How stupid does one have to be to imagine that mankind cannot alter the earth's atmosphere?

I mean honestly you faith-based anti-science guys are predictably stupid.

Anything that you don't like, fear or don't understand or cannot explain becomes a religious issue with you.

What an embarrassment you must be to your fellow Republicans.

Sorta like my clueless leftwinger chums, you continue to seek simply answers to complex questions.
So I take it YOU believe that
1) IN spite of NOT accounting for 12.5% of the Earth's land mass over the last 50 years of temperature taking that the world is growing warmer?
You do know that all the temperature recordings over the last 50 years had ONLY 4 reading
stations for 12.5% of the earth's land mass?

2) AND I bet you FEEL that when you heard 385 billion tons of glaciers melted each year (which by the way IS OFF BY 90%!!!) you said yup.. all that water is as Gore said will make the oceans rise!
You do know that with 343 QUINTILLION gallons of water in all the oceans adding 385 billion tons of melted ice is equal to adding A 24 oz cup of water into a 648,000 gallon swimming POOL?

So pardon ME if I'm a little skeptical about "global warming" and given the fact Greenland once was green??? AND more recently the fact that we are entering a mini-ice age???

But of course YOU are a GAIA believer that taking the scientist AlGORE's FACTUAL statement that
but two kilometers or so down in most places there are these incredibly hot rocks, 'cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees, and the crust of the earth is hot ...

Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees' | NewsBusters.org

Honestly, I don't really understand global warming too much. (never cared.)

But saying that religion says we cant do anything about it won't help. :lol:

Global warming is irrelevant. Conservatives and the money interests behind them want to be free to pollute the air, the water, and the land,

as long as it means higher profits, more money.

They need to be kept in check even if there is no such thing as global warming. There are more than enough other reasons to stop the polluters.
There are those out there who want the best for America without religion.

And there are those who follow a religion who also want the best for America. This country does not belong solely to either side. Get over it.

I agree.

Thats why this was created, because this guy can't keep his religion out of politics.

You can have your religion, but don't bring it into politics.
This country was founded for freedom of expression/relgious freedom.
So to have someone making political decisions influenced by religion will have rights taken away from the majority and go against what this country was founded for.

And you can stuff your atheism up your ass! There is NOTHING in the founding of this nation that says religious thought is not welcome in the marketplace of ideas. Your desire for censorship is duly noted and promptly disregarded!
Actually, there have been 4 major earth warming events and cooling periods over the last 3.3 billion years of the Earth's 4.2 billion year life span. This is normal for a planet body such as ours and the inner 4 "rocky" planet systems per se, also.

We are in the "prima" zone around Sol, thus we have liquid water and thus, a preponderance of water, salt, H, O, and oceans, that all encourage micro organisms to develop and evolve. So, what has been, lines up with Genesis 1 and 2 fairly close.

Just a thought of reason, in the whirlwind of opinion.

The major issue now is the fact of Universe expansion and why? Why is everything in the cosmos racing away from each other and us at 3% the speed of light? And where is everything going and what is out there for which it is heading?

Almost as fanciful as $15,000,000,000,000.


And there are those who follow a religion who also want the best for America. This country does not belong solely to either side. Get over it.

I agree.

Thats why this was created, because this guy can't keep his religion out of politics.

You can have your religion, but don't bring it into politics.
This country was founded for freedom of expression/relgious freedom.
So to have someone making political decisions influenced by religion will have rights taken away from the majority and go against what this country was founded for.

And you can stuff your atheism up your ass! There is NOTHING in the founding of this nation that says religious thought is not welcome in the marketplace of ideas. Your desire for censorship is duly noted and promptly disregarded!

lol, then why were the founding fathers of this nation against organized religion in general (and any religion in politics?)

It's not censorship. I fully explained why religion is not welcome in politics here.
You are looking to join politics in other nations which are religiously motivated.

Look at Romney and Santorum. They aren't really getting anywhere by making religiously motivated political decisions. Like force a separation on all gay marriages? really?

And more wars on other nations for religion?

Teaching their religion in schools?

teaching others not to think for themselves?

It goes against what this nation was founded for.

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