I can get behind a lot of trumps agenda

This is the man we elected.... We knew what we were getting

We have to suffer the consequences

We dodged the Hillary The Hag bullet.
... and ya still wound up with a white house populated by Goldman Sachs, same as it ever was.

But no Hag, no Slick Willie, and no Clinton Crime Family Foundation = The Difference
The end result remains unaltered, your donor class always has it covered "either" way.
This is the man we elected.... We knew what we were getting

We have to suffer the consequences

We dodged the Hillary The Hag bullet.
... and ya still wound up with a white house populated by Goldman Sachs, same as it ever was.

But no Hag, no Slick Willie, and no Clinton Crime Family Foundation = The Difference

Epic! :lol:

From the guy who rents dark apartments.

All other things being equal.
This is the man we elected.... We knew what we were getting

We have to suffer the consequences

We dodged the Hillary The Hag bullet.

That's the best reason they can come up with for voting for Trump and that is hilarious.
Meanwhile the substantial people continue to economically cannibalize and redistribute societal wealth, just like they would have with Hilary, and did with Obama, Bush, Clinton, and on and on back to the 1980s.

If it is all the same the No Hag option is better.
If it is all the same it is all the same.
This is the man we elected.... We knew what we were getting

We have to suffer the consequences

We dodged the Hillary The Hag bullet.

That's the best reason they can come up with for voting for Trump and that is hilarious.
Meanwhile the substantial people continue to economically cannibalize and redistribute societal wealth, just like they would have with Hilary, and did with Obama, Bush, Clinton, and on and on back to the 1980s.

If it is all the same the No Hag option is better.
If it is all the same it is all the same.

Do you miss The Hag?
This is the man we elected.... We knew what we were getting

We have to suffer the consequences

We dodged the Hillary The Hag bullet.

That's the best reason they can come up with for voting for Trump and that is hilarious.
We could get nuked 1000 times because of something stupid Trump did, and they'd still say that.

lolol, yesterday a Trumpbot said that it was terrible of Corker to warn about the danger of Trump because he was speaking irresponsibly...oblivious to the fact that we have the King of irresponsible as president.

From The Original HillaryBot.....

Your need to lie is sad.
We dodged the Hillary The Hag bullet.

That's the best reason they can come up with for voting for Trump and that is hilarious.
Meanwhile the substantial people continue to economically cannibalize and redistribute societal wealth, just like they would have with Hilary, and did with Obama, Bush, Clinton, and on and on back to the 1980s.

If it is all the same the No Hag option is better.
If it is all the same it is all the same.

Do you miss The Hag?
Like I said, it is all the same. By the way, she's toast, and rightly so. But you, ya poor thing, even you can't support Don, all you can do is whine about a washed up never to be president once upon a time candidate.
Trump is just what America needed, he refuses to put on the fake statesman costume like politicians do and pretend to be someone he's not. Do you people think politicians are any different than trump behind closed doors? Come on get real. Would you rather have a politician faking it?
Yes, the thing is with politicians is that they are predictable. Predictability means less chance of mistakes. Less mistakes means more stability. More stability means a safer nation. For instance at the moment he's in a twitter war with NBC who report that Tillerson made his moron comment because Trump has the moronic idea to increase tenfold the US nuclear arsenal. If it's true which it more then likely is, then it shows a staggering lack of knowledge concerning a weapon system that can literally destroy humanity. If not true then a strong denial and just moving on is the traditional and the best option. Regardless, things like this carry the real risk of a new arms race with all the consequences this may entail. And it all starts with the president of the United States being not a fake statesman, actually not a statesman at all.
Trump is just what America needed, he refuses to put on the fake statesman costume like politicians do and pretend to be someone he's not. Do you people think politicians are any different than trump behind closed doors? Come on get real. Would you rather have a politician faking it?
Yes, the thing is with politicians is that they are predictable. Predictability means less chance of mistakes. Less mistakes means more stability. More stability means a safer nation. For instance at the moment he's in a twitter war with NBC who report that Tillerson made his moron comment because Trump has the moronic idea to increase tenfold the US nuclear arsenal. If it's true which it more then likely is, then it shows a staggering lack of knowledge concerning a weapon system that can literally destroy humanity. If not true then a strong denial and just moving on is the traditional and the best option. Regardless, things like this carry the real risk of a new arms race with all the consequences this may entail. And it all starts with the president of the United States being not a fake statesman, actually not a statesman at all.

Less chance of mistakes?? Politicians have started multiple wars, destroyed black families, and sunk us $20 trillion in debt that's what professional politicians have done for us.
That's the best reason they can come up with for voting for Trump and that is hilarious.
Meanwhile the substantial people continue to economically cannibalize and redistribute societal wealth, just like they would have with Hilary, and did with Obama, Bush, Clinton, and on and on back to the 1980s.

If it is all the same the No Hag option is better.
If it is all the same it is all the same.

Do you miss The Hag?
Like I said, it is all the same. By the way, she's toast, and rightly so. But you, ya poor thing, even you can't support Don, all you can do is whine about a washed up never to be president once upon a time candidate.

I am just reminding you all how we got here.

Beating Trump should have been a layup.

But you sent The Hag out and what did you expect bro?
I like Gorsuch, I like Harvey relief, I like the VA bill, and I like the debt ceiling hike.

The problem for me is that Trump's general incompetence has turned the WH and Congress into virtual policy-free zones.

And because of that his die hards say, "We won the election." Bro, that was eleven months ago. When is the governing going to start.
Meanwhile the substantial people continue to economically cannibalize and redistribute societal wealth, just like they would have with Hilary, and did with Obama, Bush, Clinton, and on and on back to the 1980s.

If it is all the same the No Hag option is better.
If it is all the same it is all the same.

Do you miss The Hag?
Like I said, it is all the same. By the way, she's toast, and rightly so. But you, ya poor thing, even you can't support Don, all you can do is whine about a washed up never to be president once upon a time candidate.

I am just reminding you all how we got here.

Beating Trump should have been a layup.

But you sent The Hag out and what did you expect bro?

Beating? Ya got Goldman Sachs in the white house like you always do, like you would have with her.

I didn't send anyone anywhere bro, you chose Don, I, recognizing the ruse, chose neither.
Trump is just what America needed, he refuses to put on the fake statesman costume like politicians do and pretend to be someone he's not. Do you people think politicians are any different than trump behind closed doors? Come on get real. Would you rather have a politician faking it?
Yes, the thing is with politicians is that they are predictable. Predictability means less chance of mistakes. Less mistakes means more stability. More stability means a safer nation. For instance at the moment he's in a twitter war with NBC who report that Tillerson made his moron comment because Trump has the moronic idea to increase tenfold the US nuclear arsenal. If it's true which it more then likely is, then it shows a staggering lack of knowledge concerning a weapon system that can literally destroy humanity. If not true then a strong denial and just moving on is the traditional and the best option. Regardless, things like this carry the real risk of a new arms race with all the consequences this may entail. And it all starts with the president of the United States being not a fake statesman, actually not a statesman at all.
Politicians gave you nuclear arms reductions, politicians gave you the longest period in history without full scale war between major nations, politicians postponed nuclear proliferation. Politics is not perfect, but it is preferable to running a state by the seat of your pants, trying to substitute knowledge by a massive ego and the hope your instincts are right.
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If it is all the same the No Hag option is better.
If it is all the same it is all the same.

Do you miss The Hag?
Like I said, it is all the same. By the way, she's toast, and rightly so. But you, ya poor thing, even you can't support Don, all you can do is whine about a washed up never to be president once upon a time candidate.

I am just reminding you all how we got here.

Beating Trump should have been a layup.

But you sent The Hag out and what did you expect bro?

Beating? Ya got Goldman Sachs in the white house like you always do, like you would have with her.

I didn't send anyone anywhere bro, you chose Don, I, recognizing the ruse, chose neither.

Who would you rather have as POTUS?
If it is all the same it is all the same.

Do you miss The Hag?
Like I said, it is all the same. By the way, she's toast, and rightly so. But you, ya poor thing, even you can't support Don, all you can do is whine about a washed up never to be president once upon a time candidate.

I am just reminding you all how we got here.

Beating Trump should have been a layup.

But you sent The Hag out and what did you expect bro?

Beating? Ya got Goldman Sachs in the white house like you always do, like you would have with her.

I didn't send anyone anywhere bro, you chose Don, I, recognizing the ruse, chose neither.

Who would you rather have as POTUS?
Pffffffffffffffffffft, you really have no clue do you. Your political system is an utterly corrupt ruse. Watch your next election, you will elect Goldman Sachs to the white house again.
This is the man we elected.... We knew what we were getting

We have to suffer the consequences

We dodged the Hillary The Hag bullet.
And stepped on the Trump landmine.

You miss The Hag?
Don't like her and didn't vote for her. I have to admit that she'd be far better than Trump as POTUS though.

She has to be able to win = FAIL.
I just wish he would stfu and stop trying to micromanage private entities. I don't need to hear juvenile bullshit on Twitter. I don't need to be told who to boycott. I don't need to be told what news is honest.

I'm not fucking stupid. You do your job & I'll do mine. Deal?

I don't think you get that all this petty, inane, insane crap that Trump engages in every day IS his agenda.
I outlined the portion of his agenda I support. That is all that matters to me, as evidenced by the rest of my op.
I just wish he would stfu and stop trying to micromanage private entities. I don't need to hear juvenile bullshit on Twitter. I don't need to be told who to boycott. I don't need to be told what news is honest.

I'm not fucking stupid. You do your job & I'll do mine. Deal?

I don't think you get that all this petty, inane, insane crap that Trump engages in every day IS his agenda.
I outlined the portion of his agenda I support. That is all that matters to me, as evidenced by the rest of my op.

He systematically undermines himself.
I just wish he would stfu and stop trying to micromanage private entities. I don't need to hear juvenile bullshit on Twitter. I don't need to be told who to boycott. I don't need to be told what news is honest.

I'm not fucking stupid. You do your job & I'll do mine. Deal?

I don't think you get that all this petty, inane, insane crap that Trump engages in every day IS his agenda.
I outlined the portion of his agenda I support. That is all that matters to me, as evidenced by the rest of my op.

He systematically undermines himself.
And? Don't you think that's part of the reason some what him to focus on the job and not this Jerry Springer bullshit?
I just wish he would stfu and stop trying to micromanage private entities. I don't need to hear juvenile bullshit on Twitter. I don't need to be told who to boycott. I don't need to be told what news is honest.

I'm not fucking stupid. You do your job & I'll do mine. Deal?
Trump's base wants to be told what to do. So get used to it.

If we wanted that, then we wouldn't have voted for Trump.
Have you checked twitter to see what Trump wants you to care about today, sheep?

I never check twitter, I don't even have an account. I think for myself. How about you, have you received today's talking points from CNN?

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