I can solve all of America's problems in ONE sentence

Watts(ZAP!) this Paul & Cain stuff about??? It's supposed to be Paul/Johnson! Cain already beat us up with a national sales tax & he has not even got into the drivers seat yet!!!

Reduce taxes, eliminate spending that is not in the enumerated powers. There, I've solved it. Jobs are created, people go back to work. Done. The end.

yeah but Cain knows business and Ron doesn't...so thats why. :)
Reduce taxes, eliminate spending that is not in the enumerated powers. There, I've solved it. Jobs are created, people go back to work. Done. The end.

You’ll need to convene a constitutional convention first. Good luck with that.
Reduce taxes, eliminate spending that is not in the enumerated powers. There, I've solved it. Jobs are created, people go back to work. Done. The end.

You’ll need to convene a constitutional convention first. Good luck with that.

a constitutional convention to follow the constitution? Shows how sad this country has become.
Reduce taxes, eliminate spending that is not in the enumerated powers. There, I've solved it. Jobs are created, people go back to work. Done. The end.

Simpletons always come up with simple answers. Would be great if they actually worked.
Every simpleton has a simple solution that will not solve a complex problem.

Psychological studies inform us know that the less one knows about a complex subject the more confident the misinformed are that they understand that subject well.

Conversely, the more one knows about a complex subject, the less likely the well informed are to be confident that they understand the subject in question.

This board provides us daily with proof positive of that flawed characteristic of human nature.
Pubs out? For all the good they do, excellent idea. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine and intelligent political discourse would help. Cutting spending and taxes has been done to the ruin of the country. Corrupt Pub boom and bust has been going on FOREVER...great for rich insiders. Figure it out.
Well the cutting taxes part of that sentence has worked out really well.

no it hasn't because we haven't done it. it would be simple ass math to figure out what we spend on the non-constitutional bureaucracies, on military spending overseas, and then figure out how much in taxes we need to actually run the government. Not only will the budget be balanced, we will have an extreme surplus in just a decade. Maybe THEN the government can consider paying Americans back...or save it for the next World War. None of these ideas have been tried...capitalism has not failed, capitalism is not the problem, ITS THE GOD DAMN SOLUTION WE HAVENT HAD CAPITALISM IN 100 YEARS!!!!!
Pubs out? For all the good they do, excellent idea. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine and intelligent political discourse would help. Cutting spending and taxes has been done to the ruin of the country. Corrupt Pub boom and bust has been going on FOREVER...great for rich insiders. Figure it out.

Yeah. More government tyranny. That will work. I will never understand why the left does not value freedom. We don't need a government to dictate our lives, plunder our savings, use hidden taxes (inflation), and bother innocent people in other countries. We need less taxes, less government in our lives, more local government authority, decentralization, and would it hurt to actually have liberty?
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Actually my suggestion is simpler.
Obama should play golf every day for the remaining days in office!
The first step in solving your problem is to know what your problem is.

The politicians are creating the problems so a simple solution in the right direction would be to vote out every politician currently in office. Give the government a complete blood transfusion so to speak.

These crony politicians we have in office right now, expect to drop over dead from old age while still seated. They are bought and paid for by the lobbyists and Special Interest Groups. The politicians couldn’t change their stance on anything even if they wanted to. If they did they would probably fear that they would end up swimming with the fishes.

So, we voting Americans have to give them a break and vote all of them out of office that way they have an excuse and won’t be harmed by their corporate masters.

The longer the politicians stay in office the more corrupt they become. So, the solution is to NEVER let any politician have more than one term in office. It’s not like were giving up democracy it’s more like “Out with the old and in with the new.”

America needs politicians that listen to the Will of the People. We need politicians who put their own country above foreign countries. We need politicians that demand everyone obey the Rule of Law and that includes themselves and the illegal aliens.

“Nobody would need a PHD in Physics if I held a bowling ball out over your foot and let go.

Simple Truths of Economics

1. Production drives the economy not spending. That’s the engine that pulls the train, spending is the caboose. So we don’t want to put fuel in the caboose thinking that it pushes the train down the tracks.

2. Risk taking drives growth you need an environment that rewards and encourages risk taking.

3. A dollar always has to equal a dollar in value. The same way an hour always equals 60 minutes, a foot always equals 12 inches. A dollar has to be a dollar.

Get those 3 principles right and we will return to our natural state of economy which is prosperity.”
Make the politicians pass one item in a bill at a time. That way they can't bribe each other with our money. That ought to slow them down on their reckless spending habits.

Let's try the trickle "UP" effect.
I can solve all of Aamericas problems in one sentence

Vote all Republicans out of office

That's only marginally less stupid than the OP's approach.

It was meant to be just as stupid......I need to try harder

well idiots....how's that "Hope and Change" working for ya......? :lol:

hmm...."hope and change".....a "solution" composed of just 2 words....not even one intelligent sentence.....now that's what i call STUPID....and you yokels fell for it...


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