I can't believe the naïveté of some Fox anchors!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Listening to Neil Cavuto today and his long time known dislike for Trump (as well as Chris Wallace, Napolitano, ) I can understand the lack of sophisticated comprehension of other network personalities so I don't comment but Cavuto, who is an American television news anchor, commentator, and business journalist I would expect objectivity as a business journalist. But his continual attacking of Trump's personal characteristics which many of us like Neil abhor! But Cavuto, etc, are just as naive as the other MSM.

People who attack Trump on personal, human foibles, i.e. Trump is loud. Boisterous. Braggadocious.
Pompous. Self centered.
SO what? I have as I'm sure many of you have worked for bosses just like Trump. They like Trump have the above characteristics...PLUS one more characteristic in common.
They as well as Trump ACCOMPLISH what they set up to achieve.
They as well as Trump love America, love their families, love the military and law enforcement.

And so I am amazed at Cavuto, et.al. , (again I excuse the ignorant uninformed other MSM personalities),
that they seemingly are attentive to Trump's personal human foibles and seem to ignore Trump's
I'm especially amazed that Cavuto with a much broader access to the world than I have, Cavuto exhibits such naïveté! Neil, et.al... look beyond Trump's foibles at his accomplishments.
He truly has gotten more positive things for Americans than any of the previous presidents...even FDR!

Fox News anchor rips into Trump: 'We don’t work for you
Journalists … aren’t entitled to praise you. We are obligated to question you and always be fair to you. We will, even if it risks inviting your wrath,” Cavuto said. “You are free to rage. All we are free to do is report and let the viewers decide.”
Fox News' Neil Cavuto Defends Chris Wallace, Tells Trump That Journalists ‘Are Not Entitled to Praise You’ (Video)

Amazing. "Journalists" also don't pick and choose their reporting. They are objective and don't color
the "facts", with biased adjectives, etc.
Watch the below to see how these "objective" journalists color and bias the news!

Fox News anchor rips into Trump: 'We don’t work for you
Journalists … aren’t entitled to praise you. We are obligated to question you and always be fair to you. We will, even if it risks inviting your wrath,” Cavuto said. “You are free to rage. All we are free to do is report and let the viewers decide.”

Do you not agree?
Chrissy threw in with the marxists years ago..... he's probably a latent pole smoker. I love the subject matter.... some gossipy bullshit that might have been heard 4th hand over a cell phone that doesn't amount to jackshit. They have no idea how shameful and ridiculous they've become. Nobody believes a word they say. Fake News.
It’s best not to watch any MSM tv news. It makes one stupid and enraged. We see it’s many nefarious effects on posters to this forum every day.
Fox News anchor rips into Trump: 'We don’t work for you
Journalists … aren’t entitled to praise you. We are obligated to question you and always be fair to you. We will, even if it risks inviting your wrath,” Cavuto said. “You are free to rage. All we are free to do is report and let the viewers decide.”

Do you not agree?

NO I don't agree with the statement.."let the viewers decide" when you REALLY UNDERSTAND the below FACTS!

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Just how biased is the media against Trump?
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

Again responding to you question regarding the statement:" Journalists … aren’t entitled to praise you"
Chrissy threw in with the marxists years ago..... he's probably a latent pole smoker. I love the subject matter.... some gossipy bullshit that might have been heard 4th hand over a cell phone that doesn't amount to jackshit. They have no idea how shameful and ridiculous they've become. Nobody believes a word they say. Fake News.
He admitted to having been a radical in college the other day.

So far as Cavuto, he has an emotional bias to Trump because he doesn’t live up to his idea of being dignified. Disappoints me in him as he ignores what Trump has been subjected to since before his inauguration. I am pretty certain Neil would become indignant under similar circumstances.
I’m amazed at the slavish devotion some have to the President regardless of who they are

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Just how biased is the media against Trump?
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

Tell me how "slavish" the above so-called "journalists" are to Democrats when 96% of donations went to Clinton!
Really that isn't "slavish"????

I really don't understand people like you that when confronted with the FACTS, i.e. MSM biased reporting 80% against Trump,
you really believe these MSM hacks after proving to you they are biased and DONATED 96% to Trump's opponent!

It is just obvious that YOU are not an objective, honest American.
I’m amazed at the slavish devotion some have to the President regardless of who they are

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Just how biased is the media against Trump?
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

Tell me how "slavish" the above so-called "journalists" are to Democrats when 96% of donations went to Clinton!
Really that isn't "slavish"????

I really don't understand people like you that when confronted with the FACTS, i.e. MSM biased reporting 80% against Trump,
you really believe these MSM hacks after proving to you they are biased and DONATED 96% to Trump's opponent!

It is just obvious that YOU are not an objective, honest American.

You are objective? Lol

All your stats show is that FOX “journalist” are cheapskates.

Or maybe people didn’t think the professed billionaire wasn’t needing money?

Your slavish devotion to the blob is an admirable quality in a dog. Do you also roll over and fetch?
Washington is a pit of snakes and vipers. Some want president Trump to play nice and tone it down with these snakes, what like Bush did, he let them savage him without mercy and never hit back and look what that got him. You have to fight fire with fire in that town.
I’m amazed at the slavish devotion some have to the President regardless of who they are

So did a thrill run down your leg like it did for Chris Matthews for Bambi?

I have No idea what you’re talking about.

LOL, the Leftwing media worshiped him.
You and Chris

Chris Matthews: “I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg” As Obama Spoke"

Chris Matthews: "I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg" As Obama Spoke | HuffPost
I’m amazed at the slavish devotion some have to the President regardless of who they are

So did a thrill run down your leg like it did for Chris Matthews for Bambi?

I have No idea what you’re talking about.

LOL, the Leftwing media worshiped him.
You and Chris

Chris Matthews: “I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg” As Obama Spoke"

Chris Matthews: "I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg" As Obama Spoke | HuffPost

Not sure about Chris Matthews...don’t watch him. I was quite critical of Obama at times. As a search of my posting history would inform you.

Here is a sample.
Petraeus Scandal Could Bring Obama Down
I’m amazed at the slavish devotion some have to the President regardless of who they are

So did a thrill run down your leg like it did for Chris Matthews for Bambi?

I have No idea what you’re talking about.

LOL, the Leftwing media worshiped him.
You and Chris

Chris Matthews: “I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg” As Obama Spoke"

Chris Matthews: "I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg" As Obama Spoke | HuffPost

Not sure about Chris Matthews...don’t watch him. I was quite critical of Obama at times. As a search of my posting history would inform you.

Here is a sample.
Petraeus Scandal Could Bring Obama Down

You do realize you are missing the point....right? You and nearly ALL of the Media were (and still are are) slavishly devoted to Obambi.
I’m amazed at the slavish devotion some have to the President regardless of who they are

So did a thrill run down your leg like it did for Chris Matthews for Bambi?

I have No idea what you’re talking about.

LOL, the Leftwing media worshiped him.
You and Chris

Chris Matthews: “I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg” As Obama Spoke"

Chris Matthews: "I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg" As Obama Spoke | HuffPost

Not sure about Chris Matthews...don’t watch him. I was quite critical of Obama at times. As a search of my posting history would inform you.

Here is a sample.
Petraeus Scandal Could Bring Obama Down

You do realize you are missing the point....right? You and nearly ALL of the Media were (and still are are) slavishly devoted to Obambi.

In my case you’re simply wrong. In the media’s case here is what I stated more than once:

“The media is biased in some cases. Obama was on the cover of Time Magazine something like 20 times in 3 years of so; a lot of that before he was President. The Reverend Wright affair was nonsense; do you really believe that he and Obama didn’t talk politics enough to know where the reverend stood on race?

The position the righties have taken to not believe any derogatory information, however, is just as biased...”

That was in 2018.

For the comparison between your blob and Obama....

The media being in favor of a qualified decent President compared to your blob who is a lying whoremonger isn’t bias...it’s common sense.
Washington is a pit of snakes and vipers. Some want president Trump to play nice and tone it down with these snakes, what like Bush did, he let them savage him without mercy and never hit back and look what that got him. You have to fight fire with fire in that town.

You are so right about GWB! He came from Texas where as a Texas Governor he dealt with honorable Democrats.
They were fair and honest with him. I know I live in Texas. GWB even had Democrats' endorsement!
Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock a Democrat endorsed him for President.
Democrats for Bush: 2013
But when he became President, he naively thought Tom Daschle, then speaker of the House was like Texas Democrats.
Opponents but still honorable and honest. But Washington Democrats are not.
These TX Dems were principled first, put their country first and then their party.
But GWB found out that DC Dems put Power first, then party then country.
I’m amazed at the slavish devotion some have to the President regardless of who they are

In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

Just how biased is the media against Trump?
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

Tell me how "slavish" the above so-called "journalists" are to Democrats when 96% of donations went to Clinton!
Really that isn't "slavish"????

I really don't understand people like you that when confronted with the FACTS, i.e. MSM biased reporting 80% against Trump,
you really believe these MSM hacks after proving to you they are biased and DONATED 96% to Trump's opponent!

It is just obvious that YOU are not an objective, honest American.

Where do you get that 80% negative reporting against Trump?
This link shows 98% negative, the lowest I found is 96% negative, which matches their donations

Harvard Study Shows Overwhelming Anti-Trump Media Bias

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