I can't breathe...................

Gee Floyd was blabbing away too

Course George had claustrophobia also, but he didn't seem to have a problem sitting in the car with his drug dealer when the cops showed up. Guess his claustrophobia very specific to cop cars only.
lol you deliberately misquoted me to make your lame point. You said I said “shouldn’t”
but I clearly said “wouldn’t”.

Semantics, and in any event I never believe a word you type anyway.

You have high levels of disdain from me, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED levels of disdain.

This poor woman in a hospital was accosted by a hospital security guard, pinned to the floor, all forced to make her wear a mask even though she told them she could not breath.

The family is suing but nothing will be done about it. It is Trudy land after all.

Say, what story is similar to this?

That lady didn't follow the suppressing narrative. She was dealt with. Black...........say what? Just shows how shallow and hypocritical they are. Here's another black being pulled off a bus and yet......................no big news. Remember, it was all about the govt boot on that face forcing that mask.

It was all good when white cops were beating a black dude for not wearing a mask though.

If she had been Black, the outcome would have been far different

She would have taken Floyd's place as poster child for Victim of "Security" lawlessness and brutality
I don't think so.

The Left has proven over and over again they don't care about black deaths in democrat run cities all across America

They only care about one that die in such a way they can virtue signal and blame their political opponents.
I’m actually not defending anyone. I’m simply pointing out that if this woman was being forced to do anything that doesn’t relate to your whiny politics, none of you would give a flying fuck. You only pretend to care about her well being so you can whine about mask wearing.

What brought your whiney dumb ass into the post?
I only wore a mask once and only for20 minutes in the two years ( ?) that the craven Sheeple complied here in Merry England -- on that one occasion it was better to play along with a completely mad person whose professional assistance was valued and when I was in their office .
Just the three of us -- her , me and the unseen enemy fighters.

On the few times I was accosted for not wearing one I used the same story -- exempt because of COPD .
A total lie I admit .
But never queried .

How much more sane and calm we were here for 99% of time .
I only wore a mask once and only for20 minutes in the two years ( ?) that the craven Sheeple complied here in Merry England -- on that one occasion it was better to play along with a completely mad person whose professional assistance was valued and when I was in their office .
Just the three of us -- her , me and the unseen enemy fighters.

On the few times I was accosted for not wearing one I used the same story -- exempt because of COPD .
A total lie I admit .
But never queried .

How much more sane and calm we were here for 99% of time .

Lying is completely okay when dealing with demoncrats and whatever the unhinged equivalent is over there across the pond.

First rule of learning to deal with the vermin over here is you must remember that they lie continuously and nothing about them warrants they be treated with truth or honor.


This poor woman in a hospital was accosted by a hospital security guard, pinned to the floor, all forced to make her wear a mask even though she told them she could not breath.

The family is suing but nothing will be done about it. It is Trudy land after all.

Say, what story is similar to this?

If she could not breathe how is she still alive?
If she could not breathe how is she still alive?

The brutal death of Danielle Stephanie Warriner at Toronto General Hospital in May 2020 stands out as an example of what heinous behavior some people apparently felt was excusable on account of the pandemic.

She isn't.
The brutal death of Danielle Stephanie Warriner at Toronto General Hospital in May 2020 stands out as an example of what heinous behavior some people apparently felt was excusable on account of the pandemic.

She isn't.
That's more like it.

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