I demand a recount of EVERY STATE!

I demand calorie free Chocolate that tastes Excellent...and thinner thighs for everyone.
Nothing to be ashamed of, that's what losers do. Be careful what you wish for though, Hillary will probably end up looking like a bigger cry bay.
i made a thread about this last week, why just those three states?? no,,,we do all 57 states, or no states.
The candidate requesting a recount pays for it....

If Trumpbots want a recount in other states or all States, they could have requested it, but would have to pay for it.

She requested States that Trump should have lost in her opinion, with anomalies like the exit polling not matching the winner and some electronic voting anomalies, that all CAN BE EXPLAINED imo, for other logical reasons than the Russians hacked their systems...

But recounts ARE PART of the election process so let Jill Stein have them or it.

I'm not sure you are aware of this, but not a single penny is coming out of Steins pocket.
i made a thread about this last week, why just those three states?? no,,,we do all 57 states, or no states.
The candidate requesting a recount pays for it....

If Trumpbots want a recount in other states or all States, they could have requested it, but would have to pay for it.

She requested States that Trump should have lost in her opinion, with anomalies like the exit polling not matching the winner and some electronic voting anomalies, that all CAN BE EXPLAINED imo, for other logical reasons than the Russians hacked their systems...

But recounts ARE PART of the election process so let Jill Stein have them or it.

I'm not sure you are aware of this, but not a single penny is coming out of Steins pocket.
Yes, she had to dial for dollars... or in other words get campaign donations, same with any candidate wanting a national recount....

All I was trying to say is that the candidate calling for a recount, is the campaign/candidate paying for it out of their campaign funds, thus the reason they get to pick the State or states they want a recount in....
Chris Christie demands a recount of every steak and cheesburger !!!
What is it about the word Cheeseburger that makes us hungry?

I demand a recount of all McDonald's burgers sold...send me money
Why??? So I can sit back and watch the results come in all over again and watch Hillary lose, and listen the whiney fucking left start to cry all over again. Enjoyable!

I would like a recount of every state also, along with an audit of the vote. We need to insure that this election wasn't hacked, that voters didn't vote more than once, and that 3 million illegals didn't vote--LOL

So get in touch with Trump and ask him to challenge the entire election. Trump won by less than 100K accumulated votes out of 3 states--Democrat states by the way--(Michigan, Missouri, Pennyslvania.) Hillary Clinton is now leading in the popular vote by more than 2 million votes.

So HELL Yeah do a nationwide recount & AUDIT to insure that the vote is spot on.

However, my preference would be to do a Re-VOTE, because FBI director James Comey moved the goal posts 11 days prior to the election.
OP- Who cares? BFD. Something to bitch about on 24/7 punditry....How bout some news ferchrissake. In the sixties and seventies, each network had 20-30 reporters. Now 4. Al Jazeera has 77 offices. Ours, 2-3. lol. Big dumb lug of a country.....sigh. Especially the dupes. MY jackasses tho. Saves them a lot of time lol. See sig last line. Go Trump party.

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