I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

The drugs were more Bill and Roger.
Hillary just kept it simple. Booze and rage. So much booze.

I know. Terrible. Let's not also forget the undiagnosed megalomania. Or the dodgy heart condition. I think she also has issues with regard to hearing voices. But that's a guess!
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Bullfucking shit you lying piece of shit. Putin and Assad have rescued Syrians from the hell of al Qaeda known as Jabhat al Nusra in that city of Aleppo.

Oh and you know who collects the figures of the dead and or wounded? The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?

He's one guy in Coventry, England. One man band.That's who all the western media quotes. He's anti Assad. :lol: no bias there.

And he gets his numbers from people phoning him when he's at home. I believe his day job is as a tailor.

One guy.

You know, you're always saying shit like this and never backing it up. No links. Nothing.

And, yeah, Assad is such a nice guy. As is Putin. Fantastic guys...

What are you talking about? I dedicated a post to the SOHR and the one man anti Assad band.

It's a propaganda freaking joke of fake news extraordinaire. Here's a NYT link. And by the way compared to ISIS and al Nusra, Assad and Putin are bloody angels.

Middle East
A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count


"I am a simple citizen from a simple family who has managed to accomplish something huge using simple means," said Rami Abdul Rahman, founder of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Credit Andrew Testa for The New York Times
COVENTRY, England — Military analysts in Washington follow its body counts of Syrian and rebel soldiers to gauge the course of the war. The United Nations and human rights organizations scour its descriptions of civilian killings for evidence in possible war crimes trials.

Major news organizations, including this one, cite its casualty figures.

Yet, despite its central role in the savage civil war, the grandly named Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is virtually a one-man band. Its founder, Rami Abdul Rahman, 42, who fled Syria 13 years ago, operates out of a semidetached red-brick house on an ordinary residential street in this drab industrial city.

Using the simplest, cheapest Internet technology available, Mr. Abdul Rahman spends virtually every waking minute tracking the war in Syria, disseminating bursts of information about the fighting and the death toll.

What began as sporadic, rudimentary e-mails about protests early in the uprising has swelled into a torrent of statistics and details.

All sides in the conflict accuse him of bias, and even he acknowledges that the truth can be elusive on Syria’s tangled and bitter battlefields. "

It's all propaganda all the time. And our western media are aware of this bullshit and foist it on us.

Rami Abdul Rahman’s Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
1-the sanctions greatly reduced Russia's power

2-the over pumping of oil by our ally Saudi Arabia reduced oil prices, making Russia weaker

with Trump, they believe the sanctions will be dropped and oil prices will go up, as they always do, under republican leadership.... is my best guess...

speak softly, but carry a big stick

it may appear Obama was weak, but he really wasn't...
He really was - and is.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

They probably saw that Trump was going to win anyway, so why not make it look like they put him there and undermine his administration?
The drugs were more Bill and Roger.
Hillary just kept it simple. Booze and rage. So much booze.

I know. Terrible. Let's not also forget the undiagnosed megalomania. Or the dodgy heart condition. I think she also has issues with regard to hearing voices. But that's a guess!

Mostly the booze. And the only voice she hears is her own.
It usually says, "I need another drink"
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?
I assume there are very few blacks in Russia and there are few women in power.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

The New York State Attorney General's office put a cease & desist order on the Trump foundation 3 weeks prior to the election. They actually have cancelled checks in the amount of $258,000 in charitable donations that he used to settle non related legal claims, and purchase 2 full sized portraits of his greatness. FULL investigation ensuing.
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Putin never said he supported any candidate. We all know the whole thing about them interfering in the election is fake news because the left needed some big excuse for why Hillary lost.

Obama is currently accusing Russia of interfering with our election and imposing sanctions and kicking their people out. If Hillary had won, would Russia still be accused of interference? Would Obama have made the same threats? I think the answer is no.

I think all our enemies prefer Dems because they know they don't do shit to those who seriously threaten our national security. I have no doubt that Russia, ISIS and other terrorists, China and the U.N. prefer our presidents to "lead from behind." The last thing any of them want is a president who stands up to them.

I am so sick of the left pretending that Russia somehow decided Trump should be president and helped make it happen. They just can't face the truth that Hillary, and therefore Obama, were rejected. Obama campaigned for her and told everyone that she would continue his policies. He and Hillary would rather lie about some conspiracy than to admit that they just aren't as good as they think they are.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

And the Clinton Foundation, as well as Hillary's campaign, was funded by radicals in the Middle East.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Putin never said he supported any candidate. We all know the whole thing about them interfering in the election is fake news because the left needed some big excuse for why Hillary lost.

Obama is currently accusing Russia of interfering with our election and imposing sanctions and kicking their people out. If Hillary had won, would Russia still be accused of interference? Would Obama have made the same threats? I think the answer is no.

I think all our enemies prefer Dems because they know they don't do shit to those who seriously threaten our national security. I have no doubt that Russia, ISIS and other terrorists, China and the U.N. prefer our presidents to "lead from behind." The last thing any of them want is a president who stands up to them.

I am so sick of the left pretending that Russia somehow decided Trump should be president and helped make it happen. They just can't face the truth that Hillary, and therefore Obama, were rejected. Obama campaigned for her and told everyone that she would continue his policies. He and Hillary would rather lie about some conspiracy than to admit that they just aren't as good as they think they are.

You're definitely a Trump supporter. You ignore 17 different intelligence agencies, including the FBI, the CIA, & Republican Senate intelligence committee members. 99 Senators all agree that Russia interfered into this election to get Comrade Trump elected.
Lindsey Graham Ready for War with Russia, Says: 'Entire Senate Disagrees with Trump on Russia'
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks
Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum
CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks

What do you think the Joint Chiefs of Staff are going to "think" of their new cough-cough "Commander & Chief" when he ignores this kind of intelligence? How effective of a President do you think a Comrade is going to be with dealing with a Republican senate & congress, when it is NOW CONFIRMED that Russia did a cyber attack on the United States to help him win the election.

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What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

And the Clinton Foundation, as well as Hillary's campaign, was funded by radicals in the Middle East.

This thread is not about Hillary Clinton, it is about the Russian cyber attack on the United States to help Donald Trump win. He is the President elect of this country. Hillary Clinton is out of the picture.

What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

And the Clinton Foundation, as well as Hillary's campaign, was funded by radicals in the Middle East.

This thread is NOT about Hillary Clinton. If you want to start a thread about Hillary Clinton's foundation feel free to do so.

I can see that a lot of you are new on this board. A couple of tips for you. There are people on this board that have been here for years, and have thousands of political post topics discussions that they have been involved in, that know a lot more than you. This is an all inclusive board both conservative and liberal. If you feel it's too much for you to handle, you can find an all Riech wing board more suitable to your I.Q. level.

If you think you're going to come on this board and try and deflect topics, make accusations without verifiable trusted links, you immediately out yourself as being very under informed.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

That's chump change compared to the quizzillions his foundation has given to the Clinton foundation They've known each other for years. Pinchuk, Spielberg, Soros, Gates and the Clintons all hang in the same social circles.

Also Hillary while SofS allowed Victor to deal with Iran. I've got so very much on their very, very special relationship. This is because of the special relationship that allowed the overthrow of the Ukrainian President and his government that was pro Russian so that Victor and other Oligarchs could supposedly benefit from dealing with the EU. I'm Ukrainian. / Irish. :)

And I'm still really really pissed off that the US and other western nations encouraged and backed the violent coup that brought back in neo nazis.

Make note that in total the US gave 5 billion dollars to the opposition maniacs to overthrow the government. The State department.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

And the Clinton Foundation, as well as Hillary's campaign, was funded by radicals in the Middle East.

This thread is NOT about Hillary Clinton. If you want to start a thread about Hillary Clinton's foundation feel free to do so.

I can see that a lot of you are new on this board. A couple of tips for you. There are people on this board that have been here for years, and have thousands of political post topics discussions that they have been involved in, that know a lot more than you. This is an all inclusive board both conservative and liberal. If you feel it's too much for you to handle, you can find an all Riech wing board more suitable to your I.Q. level.

If you think you're going to come on this board and try and deflect topics, make accusations without verifiable trusted links, you immediately out yourself as being very under informed.

This thread has to be about Hillary Clinton. The OP asked why Putin would prefer Trump over Clinton.

Two reasons for starters. The Ukraine and Syria. It's why he detests her especially knowing that her Hawk in Chief would be Nuland.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Trump has praised Putin through-out the campaign, even basically thanked Russia for doing a cyber attack on the United States, and then stating "If that's you Russia, could you release those other emails of Hillary Clinton, encouraging another cyber attack on the United States." He also has some Russian mob construction connections from New York City, and he has married two women who speak fluent Russian and were born in that region.

Russia wants all U.S. sanctions lifted, and I am certain that Comrade Trump has aspirations of expanding his hotels, golf courses, and casino's into Moscow. Trump would be a huge job creator there, and Putin knows that, and they are suffering an economic downturn right now. There are several ties to Russia and Trump's money. Trump's conflict's of interest come out of every single door.

The truth, as several columnists and reporters have painstakingly shown since the first hack of a Clinton-affiliated group took place in late May or early June, is that several of Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

It was Hillary Clinton that warned G.W. Bush about Putin, basically stating watch him, he is former KGB. You can say anything you want to about Hillary Clinton, but she is a true patriot of this country. Russia, she would never trust.

Pffft.More spin and lies from you. Of course Trump and other American businessmen have business ties to Russia. It was legal. And many Russian businessmen have ties to America. It's called doing business.

Russia was part of the G8 and is still a member of the G20.

Now Hillary did a big favor for a Clinton Foundation donor. Uranium. Russia.

Hillary took millions from Victor Pinchuk a Ukrainian oligarch who she did a yuuuuuuuuuge favor for. She let his pipeline industry deal with Iran.

Don't try to make the criminal bitch into Mother Theresa.

Not business. Straight pay to play.
Donald Trump foundation took money from Victor Pinchuk....

Trump Foundation Took Donations From Controversial Ukrainian Clinton Donor

A Ukrainian steel magnate, Victor Pinchuk, paid $150,000 to Donald Trump’s charity to book the then-presidential candidate to speak via satellite at a conference held in Kiev in the early days of the presidential campaign.

“Victor is a very, very special man. A special entrepreneur,” Trump told the gathering.

In September 2015, when Pinchuk paid the money to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Ukrainian billionaire was also one of the largest donors to the Clinton Foundation. The payment to the Trump Foundation went undisclosed until this week, when it surfaced on newly-filed tax records for Donald Trump’s charitable foundation, raising alarms from some of the Clintons' most vocal critics.

“I think it is troubling,” said Peter Schweizer, author of the book Clinton Cash, which documented the blending of the Clinton’s charitable and political interests. “He’s somebody that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and this is a problem…I think there's no other way to read it other than they are hoping to get some favor in return.”\

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation offices told ABC News on Wednesday the contribution was made to bolster its efforts to persuade Western governments to help protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the face of Russian incursions.

“The sole reason the Victor Pinchuk Foundation has reached out to President-elect Trump -- as well as other world leaders -- has been to promote strengthened and enduring ties between Ukraine and the West,” a spokeswoman for the Pinchuk foundation said in an emailed response to questions.

“Mr Pinchuk had met Mr Trump some years ago in New York, this is how the invitation for Mr Trump to speak at the YES meeting came about,” the spokeswoman said.

Ultimately, Trump delivered a speech that attacked President Obama for not doing enough to support Ukraine

That's chump change compared to the quizzillions his foundation has given to the Clinton foundation They've known each other for years. Pinchuk, Spielberg, Soros, Gates and the Clintons all hang in the same social circles.

Also Hillary while SofS allowed Victor to deal with Iran. I've got so very much on their very, very special relationship. This is because of the special relationship that allowed the overthrow of the Ukrainian President and his government that was pro Russian so that Victor and other Oligarchs could supposedly benefit from dealing with the EU. I'm Ukrainian. / Irish. :)

And I'm still really really pissed off that the US and other western nations encouraged and backed the violent coup that brought back in neo nazis.

Make note that in total the US gave 5 billion dollars to the opposition maniacs to overthrow the government. The State department.

Here's what the Russians did to the Pentagon. Basically brought it to it's knees--they had to shut it down, order new hardware & software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

The difference in this attack is they used criminal hackers to get into DNC databases to rig the election for Comrade Trump, that were already on the most wanted FBI list and apparently former Russian diplomats.

"Among them are two men who were already on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Evgeniy Bogachev is wanted for a number of charges, including conspiracy, bank fraud, wire fraud, computer fraud, money laundering, and identity theft. He was indicted under an online nickname in 2012, and again under his real name in 2014There is a reward of up to $3 million for information leading to his arrest.

Alexsey Belan is wanted for computer intrusion, aggravated identity theft, and fraud in connection with a computer. Federal warrants were issued for him in June 2012 and September 2013, and the FBI is offering up to $100,000 for information leading to his arrest."
Two Expelled Russian Diplomats Were On FBI Most Wanted List

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What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?
There is a very simple reason why Putin fucked Hillary.

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.

Why Putin hates Hillary

The bold part sounds an awful lot like what Obama is now saying. Hillary fucked Putin, so he fucked her back.
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What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Putin never said he supported any candidate. We all know the whole thing about them interfering in the election is fake news because the left needed some big excuse for why Hillary lost.

Obama is currently accusing Russia of interfering with our election and imposing sanctions and kicking their people out. If Hillary had won, would Russia still be accused of interference? Would Obama have made the same threats? I think the answer is no.

I think all our enemies prefer Dems because they know they don't do shit to those who seriously threaten our national security. I have no doubt that Russia, ISIS and other terrorists, China and the U.N. prefer our presidents to "lead from behind." The last thing any of them want is a president who stands up to them.

I am so sick of the left pretending that Russia somehow decided Trump should be president and helped make it happen. They just can't face the truth that Hillary, and therefore Obama, were rejected. Obama campaigned for her and told everyone that she would continue his policies. He and Hillary would rather lie about some conspiracy than to admit that they just aren't as good as they think they are.

You're definitely a Trump supporter. You ignore 17 different intelligence agencies, including the FBI, the CIA, & Republican Senate intelligence committee members. 99 Senators all agree that Russia interfered into this election to get Comrade Trump elected.
Lindsey Graham Ready for War with Russia, Says: 'Entire Senate Disagrees with Trump on Russia'
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks
Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum
CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks

What do you think the Joint Chiefs of Staff are going to "think" of their new cough-cough "Commander & Chief" when he ignores this kind of intelligence? How effective of a President do you think a Comrade is going to be with dealing with a Republican senate & congress, when it is NOW CONFIRMED that Russia did a cyber attack on the United States to help him win the election.


No proof of Russian hacking. Means jack shit until proof is provided.

Graham and McCain are anti Trump and want to smear his win. McCain is a pro war whack job who really does want WWIII. And McConnell doesn't want another probe by Mr. Mavericky and Mr. Side Kick because there is already a Senate committee that will already be hearing evidence.

No need for a separate one.

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