I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

It's because your propaganda says, Russia is fighting with Ukraine :)))

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine. All people. fighting there - a CIVILIANS. Reservists, policemen, firefighters and foresters (former or in vacation)... Workers: miners, mechanics, peasants... With a weapon, they could BOUGHT from Ukrainian army :)

No, not because of that.
So, why hispanic prostitutes are protest from ukrainian girls, not russian? :)))

If it's true, how the hackers from this poor country could win against most powerful and finances security in whole world? :)

As for corruption index - be more attentive. It's not a index of corruption facts, it's and index of intolerance of society to existing corruption. Russian society more intolerate to corruption, than other EU and world countries - it's a true.

:rolleyes: I've spent enough time in Russia to know just how commonly expected and pervasive the corruption is there. You don't need to bullshit me about indexes.

On hackers - Russia has always been good with narrow, centrally commanded and funded purpose projects.

Russian cars, televisions and refrigerators were total garbage, but their fighter jets and space projects were tip top...it didn't help to put food on the table but Russian pride was always well fed.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?
When it comes to Russia Clinton is a hawk. Trump likely has unexposed Russian links. Obama took the Nobel Peace bribe and delivered. He has been great, anyway.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?
She's a hawk when it comes to Russia. Obama took the Nobel Peace bribe and delivered. Great President.
Does it means, after a decades of democrats rule US security

You don't know what you saying. There was no "decades of democrats rule US security", there was a constant change every 4-8 years in which party had congressional majority and control of the White House (executive).

That's what happens in real democracy - real political opposition and contest.

If this was the case in Russia Putin would be long kicked out of office for the role his administration played in landing Russia in a recession.

:) Ok, but I don't know about Putin. He's a compromise candidate, the majority upkeeps him... until the more professional candidate would come...

Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.

Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))
So, why hispanic prostitutes are protest from ukrainian girls, not russian? :)))

If it's true, how the hackers from this poor country could win against most powerful and finances security in whole world? :)

As for corruption index - be more attentive. It's not a index of corruption facts, it's and index of intolerance of society to existing corruption. Russian society more intolerate to corruption, than other EU and world countries - it's a true.

:rolleyes: I've spent enough time in Russia to know just how commonly expected and pervasive the corruption is there. You don't need to bullshit me about indexes.

Corruption always have the both sides :))) I'm not corrupted, and it not disturbs to me to live happy here...
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?
When it comes to Russia Clinton is a hawk. Trump likely has unexposed Russian links. Obama took the Nobel Peace bribe and delivered. He has been great, anyway.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?
She's a hawk when it comes to Russia. Obama took the Nobel Peace bribe and delivered. Great President.

Russian bear don't afraid any hawks :) Only MADness witches...
Why? Because clinton fights against the belief system of Putin and he doesn't like it.

Putin hates gays
Putin Hates what Clinton stands for and would whether have someone like Trump in power.

Oh fucking grow up. Possible gay and transgender dislike would cause the new cold war? Seriously get therapy Matthew.

You're the one that needs to pull your head out of your ass as Russia is freely attacking America. Attacking us for a lot of the same reasons as the isis and Bin laden did as they hate our culture and way of life.

Yet, you attack your follow American instead of seeing that we have enemies.

No proof that the "hackers" were Russian. Assange still claims it was a leaker from inside the DNC. I have no reason to doubt him. ...
In short, you believe Asange more than the CIA.
Does it means, after a decades of democrats rule US security

You don't know what you saying. There was no "decades of democrats rule US security", there was a constant change every 4-8 years in which party had congressional majority and control of the White House (executive).

That's what happens in real democracy - real political opposition and contest.

If this was the case in Russia Putin would be long kicked out of office for the role his administration played in landing Russia in a recession.

:) Ok, but I don't know about Putin. He's a compromise candidate, the majority upkeeps him... until the more professional candidate would come...

Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.

Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))

Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.
Does it means, after a decades of democrats rule US security

You don't know what you saying. There was no "decades of democrats rule US security", there was a constant change every 4-8 years in which party had congressional majority and control of the White House (executive).

That's what happens in real democracy - real political opposition and contest.

If this was the case in Russia Putin would be long kicked out of office for the role his administration played in landing Russia in a recession.

:) Ok, but I don't know about Putin. He's a compromise candidate, the majority upkeeps him... until the more professional candidate would come...

Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.

Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))

Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.

Could you, at least, to list media under Putin's control? A newspaper "Soviet Russia" too? And a channel "Star" too?
It's irrespectively of "Dozhd"...
Why? Because clinton fights against the belief system of Putin and he doesn't like it.

Putin hates gays
Putin Hates what Clinton stands for and would whether have someone like Trump in power.

Oh fucking grow up. Possible gay and transgender dislike would cause the new cold war? Seriously get therapy Matthew.

You're the one that needs to pull your head out of your ass as Russia is freely attacking America. Attacking us for a lot of the same reasons as the isis and Bin laden did as they hate our culture and way of life.

Yet, you attack your follow American instead of seeing that we have enemies.

No proof that the "hackers" were Russian. Assange still claims it was a leaker from inside the DNC. I have no reason to doubt him. ...
In short, you believe Asange more than the CIA.
You mean more,than Obama...
You don't know what you saying. There was no "decades of democrats rule US security", there was a constant change every 4-8 years in which party had congressional majority and control of the White House (executive).

That's what happens in real democracy - real political opposition and contest.

If this was the case in Russia Putin would be long kicked out of office for the role his administration played in landing Russia in a recession.

:) Ok, but I don't know about Putin. He's a compromise candidate, the majority upkeeps him... until the more professional candidate would come...

Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.

Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))

Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.

Could you, at least, to list media under Putin's control? A newspaper "Soviet Russia" too? And a channel "Star" too?
It's irrespectively of "Dozhd"...

Read up

How Russia's independent media was dismantled piece by piece

tiny sample of unhinged Czarism no western country would ever tollerate:

RIA Novosti - December 2013
On the 9 December 2013 Putin unexpectedly issued an executive order liquidating Russia’s largest news agency.

With Putin’s decree, the state, which owns RIA Novosti, set about building an entirely new news organisation in its place. The new outfit was called Rossiya Segodnya (the Russian translation of “Russia Today”), and Dmitry Kisleyov, the country’s best known pro-Kremlin commentator, was appointed as general director.
:) Ok, but I don't know about Putin. He's a compromise candidate, the majority upkeeps him... until the more professional candidate would come...

Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.

Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))

Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.

Could you, at least, to list media under Putin's control? A newspaper "Soviet Russia" too? And a channel "Star" too?
It's irrespectively of "Dozhd"...

Read up

How Russia's independent media was dismantled piece by piece

Some months ago here someone tried to prove me, Putin is dictator, having total control and smothering all opposition, repressing all and so on.

I said "fuck the Putin". I'm still here, and not in prison. Which total control of Putin do you mean to discuss?
Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.

Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))

Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.

Could you, at least, to list media under Putin's control? A newspaper "Soviet Russia" too? And a channel "Star" too?
It's irrespectively of "Dozhd"...

Read up

How Russia's independent media was dismantled piece by piece

Some months ago here someone tried to prove me, Putin is dictator, having total control and smothering all opposition, repressing all and so on.

I said "fuck the Putin". I'm still here, and not in prison. Which total control of Putin do you mean to discuss?

Oh, well since you were allowed to say those politically inconsequential words then obviously Putin is not a de-facto autocrat. :rolleyes:
Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again

What are you talking about? I dedicated a post to the SOHR and the one man anti Assad band.

It's a propaganda freaking joke of fake news extraordinaire. Here's a NYT link. And by the way compared to ISIS and al Nusra, Assad and Putin are bloody angels.

Assad is responsible for the deaths of 10s of 1000s of his fellow citizens and this before the civil war.

Yeah, Putin is such a nice guy, that instead of trying to find the Russian-backed rebels who shot down the Malaysian Airlines flight over the Ukraine last year, he tried to blame the Ukraine. I won't even go into how he subverted the Russian constitution so he could serve again as president, or the ex-judicial killings that happen to his enemies in Russia.

What? You think that Assad killing people by bombs is better than being shot by ISIS?

As for the piece you linked. Thanks for your opinion on it. But that is all it is. An opinion.
Putin has years of experience as a spy and as an autocrat. He thinks a brash, vulgar, loudmouth, with no government background will be easy to manipulate. The Russians are the Republicans' friends now.

Bullshit. Putin and many others in Europe are thrilled to see a post Obama/ post Clinton era with them not stirring up shit in the world anymore. ...
Your profanity aside, why should any reader here think you have any knowledge of what European opinion is about the brash vulgar Trump. You provided not a single link to support your claim that "many" in Europe are happy to see the minority president-elect about to be president of the United States. Living in Europe, as I do, I can assure you that supporters of the loudmouth braggart are thin on the ground.
"Iceland watched along with the world as the USA determined its political future for the next four years. The US Embassy in Iceland invited to an election night at Hilton Nordica Hotel in Reykjavik last night open to all the public and the guests also casted their vote. Had the result of that election determined the outcome in the US Hillary would have had 85% of the vote."
#Icenews A Trump presidency – Reactions in Iceland | IceNews - Daily News
Spain has hit out at the US election victory of Donald Trump with a Catalan daily posting a picture of him on its website above the words: "God Forgive America."
'God Forgive America' Spain hits out at US election of Donald Trump

In Ireland you can pee on Trump's face in a pub or order a Trump sandwich which consists of "White bread full of boloney, Russian dressing, a small pickle."
15 very Irish responses to Donald Trump running for President
In Greece, "The ruling Radical Left Coalition Government was shocked by Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory during the U.S. Presidential elections."
Greek Political Parties React to Donald Trump's Victory | GreekReporter.com
In Germany, "Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump's election rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll's reckoning) wanted him in the White House."
Trump's rude awakening for Germany - BBC News
In Lithuania, people are scared because "Trump has declared he would not necessarily challenge Russian aggression -- particularly in the Baltic states."
Why the people of the Baltic states are fearful of a President Trump | Radvile Kasperaviciute
"Several of Portugal’s better known figures on an international level reacted with shock, taking to social media to express their dismay at Tuesday’s election results."
Portugal reacts to Trump victory

Just a sample, mind you, of how wrong you are to invent all the Europeans who are thrilled with Trump.
Putin has years of experience as a spy and as an autocrat. He thinks a brash, vulgar, loudmouth, with no government background will be easy to manipulate. The Russians are the Republicans' friends now.

Bullshit. Putin and many others in Europe are thrilled to see a post Obama/ post Clinton era with them not stirring up shit in the world anymore. ...
Your profanity aside, why should any reader here think you have any knowledge of what European opinion is about the brash vulgar Trump. You provided not a single link to support your claim that "many" in Europe are happy to see the minority president-elect about to be president of the United States. Living in Europe, as I do, I can assure you that supporters of the loudmouth braggart are thin on the ground.
"Iceland watched along with the world as the USA determined its political future for the next four years. The US Embassy in Iceland invited to an election night at Hilton Nordica Hotel in Reykjavik last night open to all the public and the guests also casted their vote. Had the result of that election determined the outcome in the US Hillary would have had 85% of the vote."
#Icenews A Trump presidency – Reactions in Iceland | IceNews - Daily News
Spain has hit out at the US election victory of Donald Trump with a Catalan daily posting a picture of him on its website above the words: "God Forgive America."
'God Forgive America' Spain hits out at US election of Donald Trump

In Ireland you can pee on Trump's face in a pub or order a Trump sandwich which consists of "White bread full of boloney, Russian dressing, a small pickle."
15 very Irish responses to Donald Trump running for President
In Greece, "The ruling Radical Left Coalition Government was shocked by Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory during the U.S. Presidential elections."
Greek Political Parties React to Donald Trump's Victory | GreekReporter.com
In Germany, "Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump's election rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll's reckoning) wanted him in the White House."
Trump's rude awakening for Germany - BBC News
In Lithuania, people are scared because "Trump has declared he would not necessarily challenge Russian aggression -- particularly in the Baltic states."
Why the people of the Baltic states are fearful of a President Trump | Radvile Kasperaviciute
"Several of Portugal’s better known figures on an international level reacted with shock, taking to social media to express their dismay at Tuesday’s election results."
Portugal reacts to Trump victory

Just a sample, mind you, of how wrong you are to invent all the Europeans who are thrilled with Trump.
What's a "minority president-elect?"

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