I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

For all of Russia's faults which are many, they still prefer stability over anarchy. I'm sure Putin saw what the democrat policy has brought about in Lybia, Syria and Egypt ( if not for the coup by the Egyptian military). They are probably more willing to take their chances with Trump for that reason
Because Trump is a buffoon. The world dislikes him and he has caused great division in this country. In the last 30 years there hasn't been a leader that has divided America like Trump.

Putin wants to see America in chaos. He wants America to fall. Trump is the perfect guy. He owes Putin and Putin will use that to his advantage.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Putin never said he supported any candidate. We all know the whole thing about them interfering in the election is fake news because the left needed some big excuse for why Hillary lost.

Obama is currently accusing Russia of interfering with our election and imposing sanctions and kicking their people out. If Hillary had won, would Russia still be accused of interference? Would Obama have made the same threats? I think the answer is no.

I think all our enemies prefer Dems because they know they don't do shit to those who seriously threaten our national security. I have no doubt that Russia, ISIS and other terrorists, China and the U.N. prefer our presidents to "lead from behind." The last thing any of them want is a president who stands up to them.

I am so sick of the left pretending that Russia somehow decided Trump should be president and helped make it happen. They just can't face the truth that Hillary, and therefore Obama, were rejected. Obama campaigned for her and told everyone that she would continue his policies. He and Hillary would rather lie about some conspiracy than to admit that they just aren't as good as they think they are.

You're definitely a Trump supporter. You ignore 17 different intelligence agencies, including the FBI, the CIA, & Republican Senate intelligence committee members. 99 Senators all agree that Russia interfered into this election to get Comrade Trump elected.
Lindsey Graham Ready for War with Russia, Says: 'Entire Senate Disagrees with Trump on Russia'
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks
Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum
CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks

What do you think the Joint Chiefs of Staff are going to "think" of their new cough-cough "Commander & Chief" when he ignores this kind of intelligence? How effective of a President do you think a Comrade is going to be with dealing with a Republican senate & congress, when it is NOW CONFIRMED that Russia did a cyber attack on the United States to help him win the election.


all agree that Russia interfered into this election to get Comrade Trump elected.
I know, reminding the voters about Hillary's and the DNC's corruption, just awful.

That stuff should have remained secret. The American people shouldn't have seen the crap
they pulled on poor Bernie. And her pay to play stuff.....shhhh.
Very interesting :)

In reality there are one objective reason and one psychologic...
On the contrary of your propaganda, real aggressor for all these years is US. Just look on map, there are an US units on post-soviet space, not a Russian units somewhere in Mexica or Canada. But it's not a serious problem for Russia. Russia is able to fight and win not only with US, but with all NATO coalition. We have enough air defence and tanks to eliminate all your superiority in planes and quantity of soldiers. You are very sensible to losses and moral climate in comparison with Russian forces. In additional, with a current image of US in Russian society you really don't have any chances to win.
Offcourse, it related only with Russian and border territories, but Russia don't seriously consider any other territories to fight, because we have enough to live, and hell may be with all others, just let them not to disturb us to live.
And offcourse, it related with convenient wars.

Hillary lied so much in her career. It's not a problem, Russian experience tells, all US politicians are permanent liars... But it seems Hillary started to believe in own lies - and it's a serious problem. We are ready to any form of conflict, but we're not a suicides and don't need a MAD. Hillary is blackmailed us by nuclear strike and evolve other tools of MAD - what we could say about her mentality?

Putin is very careful and cold-blooded player. But all humanism has a limits, and Russia WILL respond to any serious MAD attack. Democrats, have you still thought about it? If you're all suicides - find the nearest wall and break your head with it, don't involve other people on Earth in your dreams...
Terrorism and biological weapon (which sponsored by Hillary and developed in Georgia, close to Russia) - is a MAD things too.. If you even consider, 9/11 is a great, wonderful thing to US. needed to continue - we already know, terrorism in one country is a danger of terrorism all over the world.

Russia now is open to trade, to cooperate... to all things, allow us to restore economics, seriously broken after "blind friendship with US". But don't worry about any deals. We only need US not to be involved to MAD suicide. Trump seems to able to keep own US interests - perfect, it's enough to love him :)

A psychologic reason - we have a similar politic in Russia, loved by people but not a president. Trump's victory - it's an embodyment of cheerful dream of many Russian people :)))

About "brutality" - I think, no. Russia is knows a price of real and imaging "force" - it's not a serious reason to love or hate. We prefer our rulers strong just because they usually don't allow regional leaders not to opress simple people...

About Ukraine - it's a big problem, but it seems like EU project, instead of Nuland activity. Anyway, it's a territory of serious crime now and if Russia would include it as a part - it would be fatal increase of criminality inside Russia... Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

About sanctions - they're have effect on people, but in reality making Russian economics stronger. Russia have ALL needed technologies but cannot evolve many of them because of world competition. Which resorce outside of Russia is really needed for us? Maybe, only money - just because we're in world economics now...

That's how I seeing this situation from provincial Russia :)
Hillary lied so much in her career. It's not a problem, Russian experience tells, all US politicians are permanent liars... But it seems Hillary started to believe in own lies - and it's a serious problem. We are ready to any form of conflict, but we're not a suicides and don't need a MAD. Hillary is blackmailed us by nuclear strike and evolve other tools of MAD - what we could say about her mentality?

A psychologic reason - we have a similar politic in Russia, loved by people but not a president. Trump's victory - it's an embodyment of cheerful dream of many Russian people

And there you have it - US Politicians are liars, Russian oligarchs that have full control of most Russian media and right about ZERO real political opposition are awesome and truthful....and oh by the way, Trump is a dream come true.

Thank you token Rusky, your contribution is invaluable, you can get back to your happy days in backward, corrupt autocracy with pretenses to real democracy.
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Probably because Trump is their best bet for reducing US power. Hillary is a continuation of US power, Trump is an unknown.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Putin never said he supported any candidate. We all know the whole thing about them interfering in the election is fake news because the left needed some big excuse for why Hillary lost.

Obama is currently accusing Russia of interfering with our election and imposing sanctions and kicking their people out. If Hillary had won, would Russia still be accused of interference? Would Obama have made the same threats? I think the answer is no.

I think all our enemies prefer Dems because they know they don't do shit to those who seriously threaten our national security. I have no doubt that Russia, ISIS and other terrorists, China and the U.N. prefer our presidents to "lead from behind." The last thing any of them want is a president who stands up to them.

I am so sick of the left pretending that Russia somehow decided Trump should be president and helped make it happen. They just can't face the truth that Hillary, and therefore Obama, were rejected. Obama campaigned for her and told everyone that she would continue his policies. He and Hillary would rather lie about some conspiracy than to admit that they just aren't as good as they think they are.

You're definitely a Trump supporter. You ignore 17 different intelligence agencies, including the FBI, the CIA, & Republican Senate intelligence committee members. 99 Senators all agree that Russia interfered into this election to get Comrade Trump elected.
Lindsey Graham Ready for War with Russia, Says: 'Entire Senate Disagrees with Trump on Russia'
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks
Key GOP senators join call for bipartisan Russia election probe, even as their leaders remain mum
CIA Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks

What do you think the Joint Chiefs of Staff are going to "think" of their new cough-cough "Commander & Chief" when he ignores this kind of intelligence? How effective of a President do you think a Comrade is going to be with dealing with a Republican senate & congress, when it is NOW CONFIRMED that Russia did a cyber attack on the United States to help him win the election.


all agree that Russia interfered into this election to get Comrade Trump elected.
I know, reminding the voters about Hillary's and the DNC's corruption, just awful.

That stuff should have remained secret. The American people shouldn't have seen the crap
they pulled on poor Bernie. And her pay to play stuff.....shhhh.

Does it means, after a decades of democrats rule US security don't able to keep free the most important process in US??? I think, it's a final sentence to all democrats administration and their competency...
Does it means, after a decades of democrats rule US security

You don't know what you saying. There was no "decades of democrats rule US security", there was a constant change every 4-8 years in which party had congressional majority and control of the White House (executive).

That's what happens in real democracy - real political opposition and contest.

If this was the case in Russia Putin would be long kicked out of office for the role his administration played in landing Russia in a recession.
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Hillary lied so much in her career. It's not a problem, Russian experience tells, all US politicians are permanent liars... But it seems Hillary started to believe in own lies - and it's a serious problem. We are ready to any form of conflict, but we're not a suicides and don't need a MAD. Hillary is blackmailed us by nuclear strike and evolve other tools of MAD - what we could say about her mentality?

A psychologic reason - we have a similar politic in Russia, loved by people but not a president. Trump's victory - it's an embodyment of cheerful dream of many Russian people

And there you have it - US Politicians are liars, Russian oligarchs that have full control of most Russian media and right about ZERO real political opposition are awesome and truthful....and oh by the way, Trump is dream come true.

Thank you token Rusky, your contribution is invaluable.

Russian oligarchs are don't have a decisive control since a Putin's rule - how do you think, why Khodorkovsky, the former leader of olygarchs, is so angry? The "force block" now have a control of situation.

And about political opposition... Do you think, country, where you cannot to stop up political discussions by any terror, don't have a real opposition? :) The opposition, you know - is just a puppets of foreign organization, grant-eaters, some hipsters, uncompetent (but loud) politicians and some fooled people from Moscow and other big cities. And - yes - they have a great support from media... Without media they're just a pool of permanent losers.

In reality, in Russia is a growing conflict of "billionaires" and "millionaires".
On the first side are olygarchs (which privatize a lot of soviet property and own a large corporations), force block, administratives of all level and much of politicians (doesn't mean, left or right, communist or liberal or so on)...
At the second side - "patriotic" forces, middle and small business, workers, cossacs, nationalists, some religious formations and so on...
All this sides are united in voting for Putin. For a general interests to defend Russia against aggression from all sides and to develop industry by all means. When the political situation for Russia would not be so hard - you'll see the real opposition, real struggle for authority and so on..

P.S. You could see the difference of this sides in Ukraine conflict. While "official" side is trying to stop all civilian activity in Ukraine, maybe, except humanitarian - another side equip volunteers to fight for Donbass against nazi, upkeep them by resources and by another ways, they can.
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Probably because Trump is their best bet for reducing US power. Hillary is a continuation of US power, Trump is an unknown.

No. If we would see any ways to avoid MAD, it would be better to upkeep Hillary in her senseless spending of US resources by feeding stupid ideology. It's more guarantied way to reduce power of US.

The power of US doesn't have any sense for Russians. WE have enough power - so, you could do anything you want, even masturbate dancing - it's not our deals.. We have too many own deals to take part n yours...
Hillary lied so much in her career. It's not a problem, Russian experience tells, all US politicians are permanent liars... But it seems Hillary started to believe in own lies - and it's a serious problem. We are ready to any form of conflict, but we're not a suicides and don't need a MAD. Hillary is blackmailed us by nuclear strike and evolve other tools of MAD - what we could say about her mentality?

A psychologic reason - we have a similar politic in Russia, loved by people but not a president. Trump's victory - it's an embodyment of cheerful dream of many Russian people

And there you have it - US Politicians are liars, Russian oligarchs that have full control of most Russian media and right about ZERO real political opposition are awesome and truthful....and oh by the way, Trump is dream come true.

Thank you token Rusky, your contribution is invaluable.

Russian oligarchs are don't have a decisive control since a Putin's rule - how do you think, why Khodorkovsky, the former leader of olygarchs, is so angry? The "force block" now have a control of situation.

And about political opposition... Do you think, country, where you cannot to stop up political discussions by any terror, don't have a real opposition? :) The opposition, you know - is just a puppets of foreign organization, grant-eaters, some hipsters, uncompetent (but loud) politicians and some fooled people from Moscow and other big cities. And - yes - they have a great support from media... Without media they're just a pool of permanent losers.

In reality, in Russia is a growing conflict of "billionaires" and "millionaires".
On the first side are olygarchs (which privatize a lot of soviet property and own a large corporations), force block, administratives of all level and much of politicians (doesn't mean, left or right, communist or liberal or so on)...
At the second side - "patriotic" forces, middle and small business, workers, cossacs, nationalists, some religious formations and so on...
All this sides are united in voting for Putin. For a general interests to defend Russia against aggression from all sides and to develop industry by all means. When the political situation for Russia would not be so hard - you'll see the real opposition, real struggle for authority and so on..

LOL - you are disputing that Russia is an oligachy...by saying it's an autocracy, as if that is somehow better. :coffee:

To Americans you sound like a person from stone age and it's a sad fact that Russians have not been able to socially evolve past their primitive Czar fetishes.
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Probably because Trump is their best bet for reducing US power. Hillary is a continuation of US power, Trump is an unknown.

No. If we would see any ways to avoid MAD, it would be better to upkeep Hillary in her senseless spending of US resources by feeding stupid ideology. It's more guarantied way to reduce power of US.

The power of US doesn't have any sense for Russians. WE have enough power - so, you could do anything you want, even masturbate dancing - it's not our deals.. We have too many own deals to take part n yours...

Ideology like building up Nuclear weapons and otherwise increasing military spending while skyrocketing national debt?...because those are not Hillary's proposals, they are Trump's policies.
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

Oh the Ukraine is in economic turmoil and decline after making their deal with the EU after the violent coup our western leaders backed.

I put up a thread about it. Source? The New York Times. The quota system by the EU is absolutely killing the agriculture sector which accounted pre coup for about 40% of the economy.

The Ukraine is FUBAR'D.
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

Oh the Ukraine is in economic turmoil and decline after making their deal with the EU after the violent coup our western leaders backed.

I put up a thread about it. Source? The New York Times. The quota system by the EU is absolutely killing the agriculture sector which accounted pre coup for about 40% of the economy.

The Ukraine is FUBAR'D.

Russia is a near third world country which consistently places towards the bottom on corruption indexes (bellow Ukraine even), bested only by India perhaps. It's top exports are oil and women.

Yea, kinda ironic.
Does it means, after a decades of democrats rule US security

You don't know what you saying. There was no "decades of democrats rule US security", there was a constant change every 4-8 years in which party had congressional majority and control of the White House (executive).

That's what happens in real democracy - real political opposition and contest.

If this was the case in Russia Putin would be long kicked out of office for the role his administration played in landing Russia in a recession.

:) Ok, but I don't know about Putin. He's a compromise candidate, the majority upkeeps him... until the more professional candidate would come...
Very interesting :)

In reality there are one objective reason and one psychologic...
On the contrary of your propaganda, real aggressor for all these years is US. Just look on map, there are an US units on post-soviet space, not a Russian units somewhere in Mexica or Canada. But it's not a serious problem for Russia. Russia is able to fight and win not only with US, but with all NATO coalition. We have enough air defence and tanks to eliminate all your superiority in planes and quantity of soldiers. You are very sensible to losses and moral climate in comparison with Russian forces. In additional, with a current image of US in Russian society you really don't have any chances to win.
Offcourse, it related only with Russian and border territories, but Russia don't seriously consider any other territories to fight, because we have enough to live, and hell may be with all others, just let them not to disturb us to live.
And offcourse, it related with convenient wars.

Hillary lied so much in her career. It's not a problem, Russian experience tells, all US politicians are permanent liars... But it seems Hillary started to believe in own lies - and it's a serious problem. We are ready to any form of conflict, but we're not a suicides and don't need a MAD. Hillary is blackmailed us by nuclear strike and evolve other tools of MAD - what we could say about her mentality?

Putin is very careful and cold-blooded player. But all humanism has a limits, and Russia WILL respond to any serious MAD attack. Democrats, have you still thought about it? If you're all suicides - find the nearest wall and break your head with it, don't involve other people on Earth in your dreams...
Terrorism and biological weapon (which sponsored by Hillary and developed in Georgia, close to Russia) - is a MAD things too.. If you even consider, 9/11 is a great, wonderful thing to US. needed to continue - we already know, terrorism in one country is a danger of terrorism all over the world.

Russia now is open to trade, to cooperate... to all things, allow us to restore economics, seriously broken after "blind friendship with US". But don't worry about any deals. We only need US not to be involved to MAD suicide. Trump seems to able to keep own US interests - perfect, it's enough to love him :)

A psychologic reason - we have a similar politic in Russia, loved by people but not a president. Trump's victory - it's an embodyment of cheerful dream of many Russian people :)))

About "brutality" - I think, no. Russia is knows a price of real and imaging "force" - it's not a serious reason to love or hate. We prefer our rulers strong just because they usually don't allow regional leaders not to opress simple people...

About Ukraine - it's a big problem, but it seems like EU project, instead of Nuland activity. Anyway, it's a territory of serious crime now and if Russia would include it as a part - it would be fatal increase of criminality inside Russia... Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

About sanctions - they're have effect on people, but in reality making Russian economics stronger. Russia have ALL needed technologies but cannot evolve many of them because of world competition. Which resorce outside of Russia is really needed for us? Maybe, only money - just because we're in world economics now...

That's how I seeing this situation from provincial Russia :)

I was reading that the French are about to pivot back to Russia and away from sanctions. And Hungary believes that Trump will be great for the whole world.

Putin has scored well with this cease fire in Syria and keeping Assad in power despite Obama and Clinton and Kerry trying desperately to overthrow him

Only thing I would disagree with you on is Nuland. She was going to be Hillary's Hawk in waiting by the way. Her family and her associates are serious neo cons and they all believe in perpetual war.

Thank heavens Trump beat Hillary.

Here's a great link with Nuland's profile and it includes how involved she was with the coup in the Ukraine. I loathe the woman for what she did.

Clinton’s Hawk-in-Waiting

Clinton’s Hawk-in-Waiting
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

It's because your propaganda says, Russia is fighting with Ukraine :)))

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine. All people. fighting there - a CIVILIANS. Reservists, policemen, firefighters and foresters (former or in vacation)... Workers: miners, mechanics, peasants... With a weapon, they could BOUGHT from Ukrainian army :)
Does it means, after a decades of democrats rule US security

You don't know what you saying. There was no "decades of democrats rule US security", there was a constant change every 4-8 years in which party had congressional majority and control of the White House (executive).

That's what happens in real democracy - real political opposition and contest.

If this was the case in Russia Putin would be long kicked out of office for the role his administration played in landing Russia in a recession.

:) Ok, but I don't know about Putin. He's a compromise candidate, the majority upkeeps him... until the more professional candidate would come...

Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

Oh the Ukraine is in economic turmoil and decline after making their deal with the EU after the violent coup our western leaders backed.

I put up a thread about it. Source? The New York Times. The quota system by the EU is absolutely killing the agriculture sector which accounted pre coup for about 40% of the economy.

The Ukraine is FUBAR'D.

Russia is a near third world country which consistently places towards the bottom on corruption indexes (bellow Ukraine even), bested only by India perhaps. It's top exports are oil and women.

Yea, kinda ironic.

So, why hispanic prostitutes are protest from ukrainian girls, not russian? :)))

If it's true, how the hackers from this poor country could win against most powerful and finances security in whole world? :)

As for corruption index - be more attentive. It's not a index of corruption facts, it's and index of intolerance of society to existing corruption. Russian society more intolerate to corruption, than other EU and world countries - it's a true.

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