I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

Why? Because clinton fights against the belief system of Putin and he doesn't like it.

Putin hates gays
Putin Hates what Clinton stands for and would whether have someone like Trump in power.

Oh fucking grow up. Possible gay and transgender dislike would cause the new cold war? Seriously get therapy Matthew.

You're the one that needs to pull your head out of your ass as Russia is freely attacking America. Attacking us for a lot of the same reasons as the isis and Bin laden did as they hate our culture and way of life.

Yet, you attack your follow American instead of seeing that we have enemies.

No proof that the "hackers" were Russian. Assange still claims it was a leaker from inside the DNC. I have no reason to doubt him.

Before the incident with the Ukraine and all the shit Obama/Clinton pulled in the ME the US was on pretty good terms with Russia.

Russia was playing by all the rules and was an excellent trading partner within the G8 and G20.

Clinton and then Nulan's actions of aggression particularly in the Ukraine turned Putin against Obama and Clinton. They brought it on themselves.

Glad to see them crushed.
Survival and respect. Don't tell the liberals, but Reagan won the cold war. Obama nearly rebuilt that cold war, and Hillary was an extension of Obama. They're viewed by the Russians as dishonest pussies and dangerous to our society and the world with their new world order. Trump is seen as similar Ronald Reagan, and that brings stability to the USA, Russia and the world.

Russians support someone they felt is a stronger leader and a lessor threat. As a result, they feel they'll have a stronger economy, better relations and a stronger country in the short and long term.

Russians are a very strong people. The left cannot relate to them. The Russians are unable to relate to the pussification, and they have no respect for the recent shit invented by the modern liberal, especially. They view liberals as weak-minded, disrespectful, chaotic and emotional wrecks. By nipping the BS in the bud, it benefits them in the short and long term.

What I win?
They don't give a rats ass. I think its an excuse conjured up by the media and DNC to limit the damage for blowing the election and all that money.
Remember the liberal mind is infallible, just, righteous, and when their cock and bull policies and programs fail its someone else fault.
SO WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE NOW??? Putin does not want Trump, he did not try to get Trump elected, that is a liberal oshitass doj lie. Putin wanted Clinton to win, because she has already given him TONS of NUCLEAR MATERIAL to upgrade his arsenal and he knew she would do any damn thing he wanted for money. He has NO IDEA what Trump will do just like you dumbass liberals have no idea what he will do you just throw shit and it constantly falls back on your dumbass heads, HAHAHAHAHA even the stupidest son of a bitch to ever inhabit the oval office knows that Putin wanted the vomit covered bitch. ELSTUPPO says "Oh I am gonna run your diplomats off after eight years of sucking you off daily and giving you control of everything you wanted. WAAAHHHH I thought you liked me!!!! I am so cool!!! VLAD waaaaahhhhhhh. He made me look like a fool so ill give him more leverage against Trump, and make it much harder for him to fix the shit and keep us safe. That way when they kill a few thousand here we can blame it on TRUMP and the REPUBLICANS, it doesn't matter if they kill a hundred or two hundred thousand we can blame it on them. HAHAA Now what TRUMP!!!!" Time to put that dumb son of a bitch out to pasture. The Republicans in congress need to file charges and stop him from taking anymore actions as president. It is incumbent on them to take power from an incompetent president and oshit-ma is definitely incompetent.
You have to wonder why an obsequious fanboi would want a mass murdering communist KGB thug to be his BFF.


What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Why could it be?

Perhaps because Clinton uncovers her own incompetence and lack of responsibility by attacking foreign nations. Funnily enough, that's exactly what the democrats are doing now.
It appears from this recent report that the Russians think of Hillary as a criminal just like many voters thought as they cast their ballots.

The KGB thug is continuing his mass murdering ways in Syria. He is indiscriminately slaughtering innocents by the tens of thousands.

The only fucking words coming out of Drumpf's fat mouth should be words of contempt and condemnation.

The evil empire lives on, boys and girls. Reagan is rolling in his grave. Wake the fuck up. You should be supremely embarrassed at Trump's sucking of Putins' cock.
Putin has years of experience as a spy and as an autocrat. He thinks a brash, vulgar, loudmouth, with no government background will be easy to manipulate. The Russians are the Republicans' friends now.

Bullshit. Putin and many others in Europe are thrilled to see a post Obama/ post Clinton era with them not stirring up shit in the world anymore.

Good riddance to very bad rubbish. They temporarily fucked up Egypt, destroyed Libya, went after Assad and caused thousands upon thousands of deaths by supporting terrorists and set the refugee nightmare in motion AND overthrew the government in the Ukraine.

Nice fucking track record. Who the hell wouldn't want to see the assholes gone.
The KGB thug is continuing his mass murdering ways in Syria. He is indiscriminately slaughtering innocents by the tens of thousands.

The only fucking words coming out of Drumpf's fat mouth should be words of contempt and condemnation.

The evil empire lives on, boys and girls. Reagan is rolling in his grave. Wake the fuck up. You should be supremely embarrassed at Trump's sucking of Putins' cock.
Maybe you should wake up and tell them peoples over there to quit killing one another over their ignorant Islamic religion.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?

Knock Knock! Who is there?

Putin's lapdog Trump and good fried Rex reporting for sanction lifting duty.

You seriously don't get it?
The KGB thug is continuing his mass murdering ways in Syria. He is indiscriminately slaughtering innocents by the tens of thousands.

The only fucking words coming out of Drumpf's fat mouth should be words of contempt and condemnation.

The evil empire lives on, boys and girls. Reagan is rolling in his grave. Wake the fuck up. You should be supremely embarrassed at Trump's sucking of Putins' cock.

Bullfucking shit you lying piece of shit. Putin and Assad have rescued Syrians from the hell of al Qaeda known as Jabhat al Nusra in that city of Aleppo.

Oh and you know who collects the figures of the dead and or wounded? The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?

He's one guy in Coventry, England. One man band.That's who all the western media quotes. He's anti Assad. :lol: no bias there.

And he gets his numbers from people phoning him when he's at home. I believe his day job is as a tailor.

One guy.
If you ever want to see fake news at its finest check out the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. I am certain you have all seen the hehehehehe "representative" quoted in all the western media as if he is a valid source of information.

:lmao: I still crack up at the scam. NYT even admits he's funded by the EU.

"One could not fathom a more unreliable, compromised, biased source of information, yet for the past two years, his “Observatory” has served as the sole source of information for the endless torrent of propaganda emanating from the Western media.

Perhaps worst of all, is that the United Nations uses this compromised, absurdly overt source of propaganda as the basis for its various reports – at least, that is what the New York Times now claims in their recent article, “A Very Busy Man Behind the Syrian Civil War’s Casualty Count.”

The NYT piece admits:

Military analysts in Washington follow its body counts of Syrian and rebel soldiers to gauge the course of the war. The United Nations and human rights organizations scour its descriptions of civilian killings for evidence in possible war crimes trials.

Major news organizations, including this one, cite its casualty figures.

Yet, despite its central role in the savage civil war, the grandly named Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is virtually a one-man band. Its founder, Rami Abdul Rahman, 42, who fled Syria 13 years ago, operates out of a semidetached red-brick house on an ordinary residential street in this drab industrial city [Coventry, England].

The New York Times also for the first time reveals that Abdul Rahman’s operation is indeed funded by the European Union and a “European country” he refuses to identify:

Money from two dress shops covers his minimal needs for reporting on the conflict, along with small subsidies from the European Union and one European country that he declines to identify."


One anti Assad man getting phone calls from anti Assad people. That everyone quotes. What a joke.

Abdelrahman is not the “head” of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, he is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, run out of his UK-based house as a one-man operation.

Here's some emotional rant for you. On one hand the Libs play the Trump will start WWIII card. With the other play the Putin and Trump are in cahoots card.

I've always said Trump was a wild card. Looks like libs. have their own, and really, they've been playing the same one on all kinds of topics since the election.
If you were a traditional enemy of the US who would you rather have in charge? An experienced hardened campaigner who doesn't suffer fools, or an Orange Buffoon who's into grabbing women's pussies? Not to mention Putin's now got his hand up The Orange One's arse treating him like the puppet he is about to be.

An experienced hardened campaigner who doesn't suffer fools...

And could die of alcohol related brain damage in the next 12 months.
And she loves the bribes!! And hates the FOIA.

I thought she has Alzheimers? Parkinson's? High blood pressure? Was dying of some tropical disease?

I guess all the fake news aficionados couldn't keep up with...well, the fake news. It was happening so fast that all the fake news outlets couldn't keep up with each other's lies...

Her afflictions are all aggravated by the alcohol. So much alcohol.
Bullfucking shit you lying piece of shit. Putin and Assad have rescued Syrians from the hell of al Qaeda known as Jabhat al Nusra in that city of Aleppo.

Oh and you know who collects the figures of the dead and or wounded? The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights?

He's one guy in Coventry, England. One man band.That's who all the western media quotes. He's anti Assad. :lol: no bias there.

And he gets his numbers from people phoning him when he's at home. I believe his day job is as a tailor.

One guy.

You know, you're always saying shit like this and never backing it up. No links. Nothing.

And, yeah, Assad is such a nice guy. As is Putin. Fantastic guys...

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