I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

I am addressing the OP. It is why they wanted Trump and not Hillary. Rather simple if you ask me if you look at world politics and not look at just American politics; which is what the left would have you do!
Well, it was my post that was last was quoted, so...

Anyways, Putin could well have had nearly everything that you mentioned, merely by blackmailing Hillary with all the dirt he got from her unlawful private server. So he wins either way.
What’s always puzzled me is why would Putin want Trump to win all that bad over Hillary? Aside from the fact he probably hates Hillary’s guts, it is the democrats who are the cowards when it comes to serious combat with other nations. Reagan and Bush were willing to fight (spare me the ill fated Iraq 2 war) meanwhile Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Africa for his show of force, and Obama has red lines drawn here and there for what, a hopscotch game? Face it, Obama is a coward and a Muslim lover, combine those two and he lets everyone out there get away with murder.

Oh, we know about the drones that kill and the latest aerial bombings but so what? He had to absolutely do something to make it look good. He is not intent on any mission but to look good. So to my point --- Wouldn’t Putin prefer phonies and cowards and self-aggrandizing crooks like Obama and the Clintons over someone like Trump who may prove to be military serious as he says? I am not against wiping out ISIS in one huge push and then leave, with the Muslim circles left to work it out. What nation (besides the usual pricks like Russia and China) would be opposed to us doing that? I just do not want Trump to get us into another Iraq or major war unless first greatly provoked like some terrible bomb on our soil. I do not know why Russia would not prefer a flake like Hildebeest?
You're really expecting the spoiled little child democrat moonbats to make logical sense?

What evidence in the recent past do you have that would lead you to make that leap?

Two reasons---------> Syria, and the Middle East oil nations gave the Clinton foundation massive amounts of money for influence. Putin wants the United States out of the Middle East, and he has a far better chance with Trump than with Hillary.


Because of the enviros, Hillary NEEDS the Middle East because she can't tap the US natural resources. Also, with all of cash given to their foundation, the Middle East doesn't want the US tapping into its energy stocks either. Trump will have none of that, and so Putin wants the Middle East, wants expansion like China is doing, so needs the Middle East to be far less important to America.

Russia is not America and don't need expansion for any direction. In other case we'll start expansion on post-Soviet space first.
Russia only don't need exporting of terrorism through south borders, and seeking ways to solve this problem. The main problem of Hillary's puppets at Middle East - they're not standing at their borders...
Putin has all the tools including pretty much full control of the Russian media to ensure that a more professional candidate will never be. There will not be true representative democracy in Russia until political competition and strict independence of the press is part of country's law and fundamental principles.

Russian tolerance of autocratic arrangements and nearly unchecked concentration of power in a single person is seen as social and political under-development to the West.

Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))

Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.

Could you, at least, to list media under Putin's control? A newspaper "Soviet Russia" too? And a channel "Star" too?
It's irrespectively of "Dozhd"...

Read up

How Russia's independent media was dismantled piece by piece

tiny sample of unhinged Czarism no western country would ever tollerate:

RIA Novosti - December 2013
On the 9 December 2013 Putin unexpectedly issued an executive order liquidating Russia’s largest news agency.

With Putin’s decree, the state, which owns RIA Novosti, set about building an entirely new news organisation in its place. The new outfit was called Rossiya Segodnya (the Russian translation of “Russia Today”), and Dmitry Kisleyov, the country’s best known pro-Kremlin commentator, was appointed as general director.

:)) Oh man, what are you talking about, it's just a sort of propaganda. Yes, our media are controlled, but unfortunately not by Putin
What do you know about scandal with a memory board of Mannerheim in St. Petersburg. Some of "unknown liberals" (we all know, who, but administration making poker face) placing in a native town of Putin a memory board of, in fact, murderer of Putin's elder brother - how it could be, if we have autocracy? And it was placed until some people started trial against it, and some - physically damaged this board.
Putin has good instruments in external politics - but inside country there are a lot of areas, where he doesn't have any control... It's more bad, than good, but it's fact.

I understand brainwashed, but stupid too?

I gave you a A LONG LIST OF SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of Putin's undue control over media and you respond with some bullshit about how actually it is Putin's opposition that controls the media?
Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again
Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again


Russia is certainly my business on both personal and more general world stage level.

I have part of my family that (still) lives there. There is also Russian aggression in Ukraine, backing of dictator regime in Syria and a history of covert operations to influence elections in both Euro countries and now also United States.

You say we should mind our own business as if Russia is being picked on for sitting quietly in it's corner :rolleyes:
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Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again
Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again


Russia is certainly my business on both my own personal and more general world stage.

I have part of my family that (still) lives there on a personal level. There is also Russian aggression in Ukraine, backing of dictator regime in Syria and a history of covert political operations to influence elections in both Euro countries and now also United States.

You say we should mind our own business as if Russia is being picked on for sitting quietly in it's corner :rolleyes:

Go back to Russia then you commie bastard
Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again
Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again


Russia is certainly my business on both my own personal and more general world stage.

I have part of my family that (still) lives there on a personal level. There is also Russian aggression in Ukraine, backing of dictator regime in Syria and a history of covert political operations to influence elections in both Euro countries and now also United States.

You say we should mind our own business as if Russia is being picked on for sitting quietly in it's corner :rolleyes:

Go back to Russia then you commie bastard

No thanks, I'm an American.

Something else stupid and small to say?
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

Oh the Ukraine is in economic turmoil and decline after making their deal with the EU after the violent coup our western leaders backed.

I put up a thread about it. Source? The New York Times. The quota system by the EU is absolutely killing the agriculture sector which accounted pre coup for about 40% of the economy.

The Ukraine is FUBAR'D.

It was sad when their Russian puppet fled to Russia.
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

It's because your propaganda says, Russia is fighting with Ukraine :)))

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine. All people. fighting there - a CIVILIANS. Reservists, policemen, firefighters and foresters (former or in vacation)... Workers: miners, mechanics, peasants... With a weapon, they could BOUGHT from Ukrainian army :)

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine.

No, Hillary Clinton got the majority of the American people's votes. Now that you mention it, it was such a close result that one can hardly consider the minority president-elect to have a mandate. Extrapolating from the election results, most Americans do not want him as their president.
What did she win?
Hilary Clinton won the popular vote. I thought you knew.

That and a $20 gets her a cheap bottle of vodka to guzzle herself to sleep.
Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

There not any true representative democracy only in Russian media. 86%, upkeeping Putin are really exist. They're not living in Internet, but I've explained, why they vote for Putin.

And I'm sorry, but what significant you could say about fundamental principles of democracy to me, Russian? We continuously using democracy as tool in our country since the times, your America wasn't explored by Columbus...:)
Just check a history and don't produce a myths :))

Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.

Could you, at least, to list media under Putin's control? A newspaper "Soviet Russia" too? And a channel "Star" too?
It's irrespectively of "Dozhd"...

Read up

How Russia's independent media was dismantled piece by piece

tiny sample of unhinged Czarism no western country would ever tollerate:

RIA Novosti - December 2013
On the 9 December 2013 Putin unexpectedly issued an executive order liquidating Russia’s largest news agency.

With Putin’s decree, the state, which owns RIA Novosti, set about building an entirely new news organisation in its place. The new outfit was called Rossiya Segodnya (the Russian translation of “Russia Today”), and Dmitry Kisleyov, the country’s best known pro-Kremlin commentator, was appointed as general director.

:)) Oh man, what are you talking about, it's just a sort of propaganda. Yes, our media are controlled, but unfortunately not by Putin
What do you know about scandal with a memory board of Mannerheim in St. Petersburg. Some of "unknown liberals" (we all know, who, but administration making poker face) placing in a native town of Putin a memory board of, in fact, murderer of Putin's elder brother - how it could be, if we have autocracy? And it was placed until some people started trial against it, and some - physically damaged this board.
Putin has good instruments in external politics - but inside country there are a lot of areas, where he doesn't have any control... It's more bad, than good, but it's fact.

I understand brainwashed, but stupid too?

I gave you a A LONG LIST OF SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of Putin's undue control over media and you respond with some bullshit about how actually it is Putin's opposition that controls the media?

Sorry, I don't believe in media, related with liberals, "Russian opposition", "Dozhd TV" and so on... Too many lies in past. Sorry...
Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again
Nickolay II had a lot more tools to control Russia.... 2017 year of anniversary of Russian Revolution is coming :)

Yea, in that narrow sense the country has failed to make progress since 1916.

Do you dream about restoration of Russian Empire? :)

No, I dream of Russia coming out of it's current backward, autocratic state.

I dream of you minding your own Business and straighten out the democrat party before it never wins a damn election again


Russia is certainly my business on both personal and more general world stage level.

I have part of my family that (still) lives there. There is also Russian aggression in Ukraine,

That's enough... :) At least for the moment, when US spy satellites find at least one regular Russian troop at Ukraine...
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

It's because your propaganda says, Russia is fighting with Ukraine :)))

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine. All people. fighting there - a CIVILIANS. Reservists, policemen, firefighters and foresters (former or in vacation)... Workers: miners, mechanics, peasants... With a weapon, they could BOUGHT from Ukrainian army :)

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine.


Show me the one :)
No, Hillary Clinton got the majority of the American people's votes. Now that you mention it, it was such a close result that one can hardly consider the minority president-elect to have a mandate. Extrapolating from the election results, most Americans do not want him as their president.
What did she win?
Hilary Clinton won the popular vote. I thought you knew.

That and a $20 gets her a cheap bottle of vodka to guzzle herself to sleep.

Russian already have vodka "Putin" :)
Sure sure.

Keep believing it while the fact is Putin's regime has been lining their now-billionare pockets, control most of the media and there has not been any real political competition on federal level in your country for decades now.

Could you, at least, to list media under Putin's control? A newspaper "Soviet Russia" too? And a channel "Star" too?
It's irrespectively of "Dozhd"...

Read up

How Russia's independent media was dismantled piece by piece

tiny sample of unhinged Czarism no western country would ever tollerate:

RIA Novosti - December 2013
On the 9 December 2013 Putin unexpectedly issued an executive order liquidating Russia’s largest news agency.

With Putin’s decree, the state, which owns RIA Novosti, set about building an entirely new news organisation in its place. The new outfit was called Rossiya Segodnya (the Russian translation of “Russia Today”), and Dmitry Kisleyov, the country’s best known pro-Kremlin commentator, was appointed as general director.

:)) Oh man, what are you talking about, it's just a sort of propaganda. Yes, our media are controlled, but unfortunately not by Putin
What do you know about scandal with a memory board of Mannerheim in St. Petersburg. Some of "unknown liberals" (we all know, who, but administration making poker face) placing in a native town of Putin a memory board of, in fact, murderer of Putin's elder brother - how it could be, if we have autocracy? And it was placed until some people started trial against it, and some - physically damaged this board.
Putin has good instruments in external politics - but inside country there are a lot of areas, where he doesn't have any control... It's more bad, than good, but it's fact.

I understand brainwashed, but stupid too?

I gave you a A LONG LIST OF SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of Putin's undue control over media and you respond with some bullshit about how actually it is Putin's opposition that controls the media?

Sorry, I don't believe in media, related with liberals, "Russian opposition", "Dozhd TV" and so on... Too many lies in past. Sorry...

You are right, Putin Vision your country is fed on the daily is far more credible than all of them independent western sources. :rolleyes:

You can now resume sticking your head in the sand.

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I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

Hillary doesn't give head ... ask Bill.

Trump sucks Putin dry every time gets a chance.
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

It's because your propaganda says, Russia is fighting with Ukraine :)))

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine. All people. fighting there - a CIVILIANS. Reservists, policemen, firefighters and foresters (former or in vacation)... Workers: miners, mechanics, peasants... With a weapon, they could BOUGHT from Ukrainian army :)

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine.


Show me the one :)

Haven't you been paying attention?
Putin also lied about Russian troops in Crimea.
Intelligent people understand. Drunks and Russians, but then I repeat myself, don't.
Ukraine needs a years of intensive investigation, rebuilding, people education and so on...

From American perspective a Russian saying something like this is deeply ironic.

It's because your propaganda says, Russia is fighting with Ukraine :)))

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine. All people. fighting there - a CIVILIANS. Reservists, policemen, firefighters and foresters (former or in vacation)... Workers: miners, mechanics, peasants... With a weapon, they could BOUGHT from Ukrainian army :)

But in reality there are no any Russian regular army units in Ukraine.


Show me the one :)

Haven't you been paying attention?
Putin also lied about Russian troops in Crimea.
Intelligent people understand. Drunks and Russians, but then I repeat myself, don't.

Trump didnt even know Putin was in Crimea ... :laugh2:
I do not understand why Russia would prefer Trump over Clinton?

Hillary doesn't give head ... ask Bill.

Trump sucks Putin dry every time gets a chance.
We're tired of obama bending over....
So to my point ---
Is rhetorically pointless! Some might recommend that you cease trying to be a cute wordsmith through inversion using absurd suggestions which fall flat by way of your transparency!

Well if I thought they made no sense I would not have taken the time. If you have answers I will listen.
Trump stiffs his workers.
Trump's "charity" was a con used to benefit his family.
Trump cut off medical care for his nephew's baby because he was mad at the nephew.
Trump hired illegal immigrants and then stiffs them to.

Trump cares about no one but the Trump family. Putin understands this. Putin can kill people in his country. Obama would protest. Possible sanctions or some other form of retaliation. Trump wouldn't care.

Trump isn't going to waste his time trying to spread American values of freedom and democracy. Republicans don't believe in those things anymore. You can't engage in voter suppression and then claim you support this country. You clearly don't.

This is right up Putin's alley.

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