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'I don't accept the stereotypes about Israel'

The Truth you are too weak to face is that you are a Nazi, that Zionists are Today's Nazis.

You project your, "I am a Nazi" onto everyone here and in every post you put up!

And you, the Master Nazi, revel in calling other posters Nazi!

Hypocrite is another name for what your acts disclose you as!


Certainly I think the word Nazi is used far too often in this forum, whereas to my way of thinking the word should only be used with the respect the 11 million victims of Nazism deserve. The word 'Nazi' should not be used as a joke, nor as a generic insult.

On the other hand, defending Hitler and Nazi Germany, and expressing racial hatred of either Jews or Palestinian is basically fascist, and if you aren't comfortable with being labeled such - give some thought to what you post.

I see Zionists as todays Nazis, what is the deliberate ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine but Naziism? Why should I whitewash it? Why should I defend the killing of children? Should I say good things about Zionists who do? Should I call the ethnic cleansing and child massacres Tikkun Olam? Should I pretend that evil is good and Zionism is good?
The Truth you are too weak to face is that you are a Nazi, that Zionists are Today's Nazis.

You project your, "I am a Nazi" onto everyone here and in every post you put up!

And you, the Master Nazi, revel in calling other posters Nazi!

Hypocrite is another name for what your acts disclose you as!


Certainly I think the word Nazi is used far too often in this forum, whereas to my way of thinking the word should only be used with the respect the 11 million victims of Nazism deserve. The word 'Nazi' should not be used as a joke, nor as a generic insult.

On the other hand, defending Hitler and Nazi Germany, and expressing racial hatred of either Jews or Palestinian is basically fascist, and if you aren't comfortable with being labeled such - give some thought to what you post.

I have hope that as people see more about what anti semitism is about, about trying to stop musical singers, popular hollywood people whoever from entertaining Israelis is also blatant anti semitism because it is an attack on their freedom, their economy, their freedom being honored like everyone elses ( other nations ) - J.

I do believe anyone can change for the better. I have never attacked any Muslims or Catholics on this board that I am aware of. I am not an attacking kind of person - to respond to Seals comment - Jeri

I see Zionists as todays Nazis, what is the deliberate ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine but Naziism?

It's oppression, but it is not apartheid (quite), and is not Nazism or Facism. Nor is it ethnic cleansing.

I don't think you should whitewash it, but I think it needs to be dealt with objectively, and with less labeling.
Exactly. The other Arabs don't want to anything to do with the Palestinians. And it's because of the trouble they have caused.

Few countries do want a million refugees in their country.

That doesn't mean that the refugees are to blame for their fate anymore than Jewish refugees in 1945 were responsible for their fate.
I see Zionists as todays Nazis, what is the deliberate ethnic cleansing going on in Palestine but Naziism?

It's oppression, but it is not apartheid (quite), and is not Nazism or Facism. Nor is it ethnic cleansing.

I don't think you should whitewash it, but I think it needs to be dealt with objectively, and with less labeling.

It is Apartheid.

Russell Tribunal Finds Israel Guilty Of Apartheid

"IMEMC - The Russell Tribunal on Palestine has ruled that Israel is guilty of Apartheid and Prosecution crimes, as its panel of jurists ruled that the Israeli actions against the Palestinians breach the prohibition of apartheid under International Law.

The tribunal held extensive talks for two days, listened to testimonies from expert witnesses, and unanimously determined that that the Israeli violations are defined under international law as apartheid, stating that “Israel subjects the Palestinians to institutionalized regime of domination, mounting to apartheid”."

Russell Tribunal Finds Israel Guilty Of Apartheid


The Russell Tribunal applies the international Apartheid statute and finds Israel practices Apartheid, in the report at the link above.

Acts Of Apartheid documented in this report:

Constitutive “acts of apartheid”, that constitute the enumerated ‘inhuman acts’ set out below perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Israeli authorities.

Denial to a member or members of a racial group or groups the right to life and
liberty of person: By murder of members of a racial group or groups; By the infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm, by the infringement of their freedom or dignity, or by subjecting them to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; and By arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group or groups

Deliberate imposition on a racial group or groups of living conditions calculated to
cause its or their physical destruction in whole or in part

Any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or
groups from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the
country and the deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development of
such a group or groups, in particular by denying to members of a racial group or
groups basic human rights and freedoms, including the right to work, the right to
form recognised trade unions, the right to education, the right to leave and to return
to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and
residence, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of
peaceful assembly and association

Any measures, including legislative measures, designed to divide the population
along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of
a racial group or groups, the prohibition of mixed marriages among members of
various racial groups, the expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial
group or groups or to members thereof

Exploitation of labour of the members of a racial group or groups, in particular by
submitting them to forced labour

Persecution of organisations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights
and freedoms, because they oppose apartheid

The Russell Tribunal goes on to find a systematic and institutionalized regime of racial domination.

Conclusion of The Russell Tribunal, the Tribunal holds, Israel subjects the Palestinian people to an institutionalised regime of domination amounting to apartheid as defined under international law and prohibited by, inter alia, Article 3 of ICERD.

Many articles have addressed this (I google Zionism is Nazism and get 7,490,000 hits) , such as this article by a Jewish American activist entitled Zionism And Nazism:Is There A Difference That Makes A Difference? by Roger Tucker It is the second part of a series he wrote, Part 1 is Us vs Them On the Meaning Of Fascism, which contains the argument for classifying Zionism as a form of fascism.

He writes:

"What, then, are the differences and similarities between Zionism and Nazism? If we go back to the definition of Nazism we see four characteristics mentioned. One of them was a reference to a transient political ideology, communism, while the other three are historical constants. Throwing out “anti-communism” we are left with the essential elements. When we look at Zionism in terms of what it actually is rather than some devious, self-serving Zionist definition we find what? - “Nationalism, traditionalism and the importance of the ethnostate.” We also find the essential elements of fascism in general, the arrogance of group ego and the assertion of an a priori privilege that trumps any such fripperies as civil rights, human rights, international law or even common human decency. Coercion and force majeure are the means and virtual enslavement or extermination of the “others” (the goyim) are the ends. Characteristically, we also find the common element of a sense of infinite entitlement based on perceived prior victimhood."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43rf2T0EdKU]Zionism is Nazism, NOT JUDAISM! - YouTube[/ame]

Sherri has presented a piece which is a lesson
in obscene sophistry. Fascist being "defined"
as any theory which includes a sense of national
identity and a religious belief which the adherents
consider "TRUTH"

The sophistry presented in the article ---applies
far more to the fascist filth of sherri---than to
anything which describes zionism

how low can a baptist ass licker of jihadist
throat slitters go?
No need to stereotype anything, those people have been used as pawns by their fellow Arabs for decades, which has only been detrimental to the whole situation.
And just what specifically are these "pawns" doing for these arab countries?

While they keep people caged up in refugee camps they continue to use them.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that it was jewish terrorism that created the refugees in the first place.

If not for these other Arab countries there could have been peace long ago...As it stands now there will never be any
You shouldn't drink and blog, because you whind up making dumbass statements like that one. Arab countries are not occupying land that isn't theirs and that's what is preventing peace in the area.

The only option on the table is for Israel to end the occupation. That's the first and biggest step. Check that! It is the "biggest" step. The "first" step, would be to stop blaming others, for the shit you do! If you can't take responsibility for your own actions, you're either have a severe case of narcissism, or you're the biggest pussy on the planet.

You shouldn't even be posting on the subject because you have concept of the history there was no "occupation" in 1948 of the "West bank" and Gaza were not under Jewish control if the Arabs would have simply accepted Israel's right to exists there would have been peace in 1948 and two states but those Arabs were told leave their homes and once the Jews were driven out they could return. That never happened and it never will so we are where we are it's always been about survival for the Jews
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"Arab countries are not occupying land that isn't theirs" - Loinie

Well, maybe YOU are the one who's been drinking. Because this statement is absolutely false - and about 950,000 refugees and their descendants have the tax records and other documentation to prove it.

And guess what? The area of that stolen land adds up to be FOUR TIMES the size of pre'67 Israel......and none of those Arab countries have been at all willing to pay for what they stole by legislating their Jewish populations out of existence (revoking citizenship wholesale).

BTW, that was no 'tactic' - you made a sucko 'analogy' and I pointed out its glaring inaccuracy.

And now it's my turn to shovel, so I'll be out for a while.
"Arab countries are not occupying land that isn't theirs" - Loinie

Well, maybe YOU are the one who's been drinking. Because this statement is absolutely false - and about 950,000 refugees and their descendants have the tax records and other documentation to prove it.

And guess what? The area of that stolen land adds up to be FOUR TIMES the size of pre'67 Israel......and none of those Arab countries have been at all willing to pay for what they stole by legislating their Jewish populations out of existence (revoking citizenship wholesale).

BTW, that was no 'tactic' - you made a sucko 'analogy' and I pointed out its glaring inaccuracy.

And now it's my turn to shovel, so I'll be out for a while.
That's nothing but empty rhetoric! Give me specific examples of WTF you're talking about!

- what is being "proved" with the tax records of 950,000 people?
- what "area", that was "FOUR TIMES" it's size, has to do with the number of Palestinian people driven from their homes?'
- what jewish populations were "legislated out of existance" in arab country's and what does that have to do with arab refugees driven from Palestine?
- what was "inacurrate" about my analogy?​
You shouldn't even be posting on the subject because you have concept of the history there was no "occupation" in 1948 of the "West bank" and Gaza were not under Jewish control if the Arabs would have simply accepted Israel's right to exists there would have been peace in 1948 and two states but those Arabs were told leave their homes and once the Jews were driven out they could return. That never happened and it never will so we are where we are it's always been about survival for the Jews
Nations don't have rights, people do!
"Arab countries are not occupying land that isn't theirs" - Loinie

Well, maybe YOU are the one who's been drinking. Because this statement is absolutely false - and about 950,000 refugees and their descendants have the tax records and other documentation to prove it.

And guess what? The area of that stolen land adds up to be FOUR TIMES the size of pre'67 Israel......and none of those Arab countries have been at all willing to pay for what they stole by legislating their Jewish populations out of existence (revoking citizenship wholesale).

BTW, that was no 'tactic' - you made a sucko 'analogy' and I pointed out its glaring inaccuracy.

And now it's my turn to shovel, so I'll be out for a while.
That's nothing but empty rhetoric! Give me specific examples of WTF you're talking about!

- what is being "proved" with the tax records of 950,000 people?
- what "area", that was "FOUR TIMES" it's size, has to do with the number of Palestinian people driven from their homes?'
- what jewish populations were "legislated out of existance" in arab country's and what does that have to do with arab refugees driven from Palestine?
- what was "inacurrate" about my analogy?​

Israel took in their Jewish brothers Arabs put their brothers in refugee camp..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tt6VZszaFI]THE JEWISH NAKBA " THE REAL NAKBA " - YouTube[/ame]
from crotch boy
Nations don't have rights, people do!

well 'nations' are groups of PEOPLE so your comment is senseless.
Jews living in the middle east should---JUSTLY have the same rights as
arab muslims living in the middle east. Rights denied should be compensated.
There is not a single country in the world in which jews did not live BEFORE
and at the TIME that the filthy dogs of arabia INVADED----murdered, pillaged and
No need to stereotype anything, those people have been used as pawns by their fellow Arabs for decades, which has only been detrimental to the whole situation.
And just what specifically are these "pawns" doing for these arab countries?

While they keep people caged up in refugee camps they continue to use them.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that it was jewish terrorism that created the refugees in the first place.

If not for these other Arab countries there could have been peace long ago...As it stands now there will never be any
You shouldn't drink and blog, because you whind up making dumbass statements like that one. Arab countries are not occupying land that isn't theirs and that's what is preventing peace in the area.

The only option on the table is for Israel to end the occupation. That's the first and biggest step. Check that! It is the "biggest" step. The "first" step, would be to stop blaming others, for the shit you do! If you can't take responsibility for your own actions, you're either have a severe case of narcissism, or you're the biggest pussy on the planet.
Can you give us a quick history lesson?

When did each "Arab" country become Arab? How and why?

List them in chronological order please.

Thank you in advance.

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