I Don't Care if Trump followed the Law and Didn't Pay Taxes.

this topic... AMERICA !!!!!!! it is a joke to see what is going on in the US now. the land was stolen but we tend to forget that... anyways, who i am to judge??? but here is a very Interested video i came across on youtube... check it out...

it’s showing how the world is laughing at the Americans Election…

Who's gon' be the next comedian? Actor? Joke? Clown? Puppet? In the Circus? Is it Miss KILLERY? or the TRUMPET?
Check out this youtube link and see what the world is thinking of American...

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.

NE'EH! you all don't get to dismiss bush's history when accusing hillary of 'allowing' 4 people to die in a tragic embassy attack... then turn around & bring up bill clinton.... who..... BTW.... is not 'running for prez as far as you know'.

too bad, SO very sad for you.
where did I bring up bill? ohhhhhh baby now you're lying big time. and bush isn't running for president. tell me you know this? corrupt hillary is. the one responsible for four deaths. in BeNghaZi

when i said *you*i was talking about all the rw nutters that are still bringing him up & chaining him to hillary as if he is running. if you couldn't figure that one out, then it's doubly sad for you, pops. 8 investigations & zero blame & charges brought upon hillary. so there is that. lol.....
i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.

NE'EH! you all don't get to dismiss bush's history when accusing hillary of 'allowing' 4 people to die in a tragic embassy attack... then turn around & bring up bill clinton.... who..... BTW.... is not 'running for prez as far as you know'.

too bad, SO very sad for you.
where did I bring up bill? ohhhhhh baby now you're lying big time. and bush isn't running for president. tell me you know this? corrupt hillary is. the one responsible for four deaths. in BeNghaZi

when i said *you*i was talking about all the rw nutters that are still bringing him up & chaining him to hillary as if he is running. if you couldn't figure that one out, then it's doubly sad for you, pops. 8 investigations & zero blame & charges brought upon hillary. so there is that. lol.....
well corrupt hillary is the one to blame for the four dead in Benghazi as she slept on the job and didn't protect them or recall them. she ignored them. Not a solid trait if one is looking to watch over millions. Can't protect four, can't protect anymore than four. And it is her responsible for the four dead, making her a murderer. She is also a traitor via her email server. No matter what the DOJ thinks they can say.

And as for slick willy, he tags along for the ride as an occupant of the white house and I don't want him in it.

Finally, bush isn't running for president.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.

NE'EH! you all don't get to dismiss bush's history when accusing hillary of 'allowing' 4 people to die in a tragic embassy attack... then turn around & bring up bill clinton.... who..... BTW.... is not 'running for prez as far as you know'.

too bad, SO very sad for you.
where did I bring up bill? ohhhhhh baby now you're lying big time. and bush isn't running for president. tell me you know this? corrupt hillary is. the one responsible for four deaths. in BeNghaZi

when i said *you*i was talking about all the rw nutters that are still bringing him up & chaining him to hillary as if he is running. if you couldn't figure that one out, then it's doubly sad for you, pops. 8 investigations & zero blame & charges brought upon hillary. so there is that. lol.....
well corrupt hillary is the one to blame for the four dead in Benghazi as she slept on the job and didn't protect them or recall them. she ignored them. Not a solid trait if one is looking to watch over millions. Can't protect four, can't protect anymore than four. And it is her responsible for the four dead, making her a murderer. She is also a traitor via her email server. No matter what the DOJ thinks they can say.

And as for slick willy, he tags along for the ride as an occupant of the white house and I don't want him in it.

Finally, bush isn't running for president.

lol... well, get used to it because he's gonna be 1st dude.

neener neener.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.

NE'EH! you all don't get to dismiss bush's history when accusing hillary of 'allowing' 4 people to die in a tragic embassy attack... then turn around & bring up bill clinton.... who..... BTW.... is not 'running for prez as far as you know'.

too bad, SO very sad for you.
where did I bring up bill? ohhhhhh baby now you're lying big time. and bush isn't running for president. tell me you know this? corrupt hillary is. the one responsible for four deaths. in BeNghaZi

when i said *you*i was talking about all the rw nutters that are still bringing him up & chaining him to hillary as if he is running. if you couldn't figure that one out, then it's doubly sad for you, pops. 8 investigations & zero blame & charges brought upon hillary. so there is that. lol.....
well corrupt hillary is the one to blame for the four dead in Benghazi as she slept on the job and didn't protect them or recall them. she ignored them. Not a solid trait if one is looking to watch over millions. Can't protect four, can't protect anymore than four. And it is her responsible for the four dead, making her a murderer. She is also a traitor via her email server. No matter what the DOJ thinks they can say.

And as for slick willy, he tags along for the ride as an occupant of the white house and I don't want him in it.

Finally, bush isn't running for president.

lol... well, get used to it because he's gonna be 1st dude.

neener neener.
or not
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.

NE'EH! you all don't get to dismiss bush's history when accusing hillary of 'allowing' 4 people to die in a tragic embassy attack... then turn around & bring up bill clinton.... who..... BTW.... is not 'running for prez as far as you know'.

too bad, SO very sad for you.
where did I bring up bill? ohhhhhh baby now you're lying big time. and bush isn't running for president. tell me you know this? corrupt hillary is. the one responsible for four deaths. in BeNghaZi

when i said *you*i was talking about all the rw nutters that are still bringing him up & chaining him to hillary as if he is running. if you couldn't figure that one out, then it's doubly sad for you, pops. 8 investigations & zero blame & charges brought upon hillary. so there is that. lol.....
well corrupt hillary is the one to blame for the four dead in Benghazi as she slept on the job and didn't protect them or recall them. she ignored them. Not a solid trait if one is looking to watch over millions. Can't protect four, can't protect anymore than four. And it is her responsible for the four dead, making her a murderer. She is also a traitor via her email server. No matter what the DOJ thinks they can say.

And as for slick willy, he tags along for the ride as an occupant of the white house and I don't want him in it.

Finally, bush isn't running for president.

lol... well, get used to it because he's gonna be 1st dude.

neener neener.
or not

nasty women will be voting for the sane nominee.
& so will blacks
& latinos
& muslems
& the disabled.
& even some republicans.
where did I bring up bill? ohhhhhh baby now you're lying big time. and bush isn't running for president. tell me you know this? corrupt hillary is. the one responsible for four deaths. in BeNghaZi

when i said *you*i was talking about all the rw nutters that are still bringing him up & chaining him to hillary as if he is running. if you couldn't figure that one out, then it's doubly sad for you, pops. 8 investigations & zero blame & charges brought upon hillary. so there is that. lol.....
well corrupt hillary is the one to blame for the four dead in Benghazi as she slept on the job and didn't protect them or recall them. she ignored them. Not a solid trait if one is looking to watch over millions. Can't protect four, can't protect anymore than four. And it is her responsible for the four dead, making her a murderer. She is also a traitor via her email server. No matter what the DOJ thinks they can say.

And as for slick willy, he tags along for the ride as an occupant of the white house and I don't want him in it.

Finally, bush isn't running for president.

lol... well, get used to it because he's gonna be 1st dude.

neener neener.
or not

nasty women will be voting for the sane nominee.
& so will blacks
& latinos
& muslems
& the disabled.
& even some republicans.
sane women will be voting for the male nominee and not the nasty woman candidate
& so will blacks
& latinos
& muslems
& the disabled.
& even some democrats
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
Complaining that somebody else did something else doesn't excuse what Hillary did or did not do.
lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
Complaining that somebody else did something else doesn't excuse what Hillary did or did not do.

You forgot the last part of your sentence......"Only when Republicans do it"?
when i said *you*i was talking about all the rw nutters that are still bringing him up & chaining him to hillary as if he is running. if you couldn't figure that one out, then it's doubly sad for you, pops. 8 investigations & zero blame & charges brought upon hillary. so there is that. lol.....
well corrupt hillary is the one to blame for the four dead in Benghazi as she slept on the job and didn't protect them or recall them. she ignored them. Not a solid trait if one is looking to watch over millions. Can't protect four, can't protect anymore than four. And it is her responsible for the four dead, making her a murderer. She is also a traitor via her email server. No matter what the DOJ thinks they can say.

And as for slick willy, he tags along for the ride as an occupant of the white house and I don't want him in it.

Finally, bush isn't running for president.

lol... well, get used to it because he's gonna be 1st dude.

neener neener.
or not

nasty women will be voting for the sane nominee.
& so will blacks
& latinos
& muslems
& the disabled.
& even some republicans.
sane women will be voting for the male nominee and not the nasty woman candidate
& so will blacks
& latinos
& muslems
& the disabled.
& even some democrats

Hahahaha.....still living in "fantasyland".
i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.
Nice deflection. It was all right when Bush/Rice did it but not Hillary. Hillary has not killed anyone either. Unless you are willing to count all the 3000 plus that died on 9/11 and 60 in embassy attacks during GW Bush which you and the rest of the conservatives are not complaining about, then you can't blame Hillary for terrorist attacks that she had no way to stop. It isn't just about Trump, it is about Republicans, and since Trump is running under the Republican brand, whatever other Republicans have done are part of the discussion. Besides, Republicans in Congress refused to increase funding for security, so you can't cry that Hillary didn't increase security. Red herring.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.
The other family is a Republican and is using that to bolster Trump's popularity. Not working by the way. And it isn't that I don't care, I care about everyone that dies defending our country, including the 4000+ soldiers that died due to GW Bush's worthless war. But, the 4 in Benghazi are not more important than the 3000 on 9/11 and the 4000 in Iraq/Afghanistan, to say they are is hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.
Yes, Hillary voted for the war in Iraq. I was in favor of it too. But, I didn't know Bush/Cheney were lying about the WMDs. That makes a big difference. And it doesn't matter that Trump didn't vote for that war, what matters is that he said he was OK with it and now he claims he didn't say it even though he is on audio saying it. He's a damn liar.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.=

You're the one that is off-base. You are so hypocritical and the fact that you don't even realize it makes you look even worse. You can laugh all you want, retarded people do that all the time, but you're the idiot that doesn't know anything and denies the truth. Keep drinking the KoolAid, sucker.
lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
Complaining that somebody else did something else doesn't excuse what Hillary did or did not do.

lol. yet 8 investaigations later & ....what is it called? oh,ya... 'nothing'.

the hypocrisy of what DID happen & 'nothing' happened when it's you & yours is astounding.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
Complaining that somebody else did something else doesn't excuse what Hillary did or did not do.

lol. yet 8 investaigations later & ....what is it called? oh,ya... 'nothing'.

the hypocrisy of what DID happen & 'nothing' happened when it's you & yours is astounding.
Interesting that the standard of defense has been lowered so far. "Extremely careless" is good enough for me to want her nowhere near the White House without a visitor pass. Using your standard, Nixon and Ted Kennedy ware guilty of nothing.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
Complaining that somebody else did something else doesn't excuse what Hillary did or did not do.

lol. yet 8 investaigations later & ....what is it called? oh,ya... 'nothing'.

the hypocrisy of what DID happen & 'nothing' happened when it's you & yours is astounding.
The FBI isn't a political party. you should be ashamed that you feel she is above the law.
Last edited:
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
Complaining that somebody else did something else doesn't excuse what Hillary did or did not do.

lol. yet 8 investaigations later & ....what is it called? oh,ya... 'nothing'.

the hypocrisy of what DID happen & 'nothing' happened when it's you & yours is astounding.
The FBI isn't a political party. you should be ashamed that you feel she is above the law.

uh-huh. i never said anybody was above the law... including the trumpanzee. e& there happen to be 2 dates reserved just for him... so we shall see, won't we.

accept that, pops.

lol... :popcorn:
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?

ho-hum. turning that blind eye & deaf ear is so very easy for you.
Complaining that somebody else did something else doesn't excuse what Hillary did or did not do.

lol. yet 8 investaigations later & ....what is it called? oh,ya... 'nothing'.

the hypocrisy of what DID happen & 'nothing' happened when it's you & yours is astounding.
The FBI isn't a political party. you should be ashamed that you feel she is above the law.

uh-huh. i never said anybody was above the law... including the trumpanzee. e& there happen to be 2 dates reserved just for him... so we shall see, won't we.

accept that, pops.

lol... :popcorn:
sure you did, you don't call for her to be arrested for obstructing justice by having her emails deleted. Server in her garage/ basement where ever and not secured. OMG. you still don't get it.

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