I Don't Care if Trump followed the Law and Didn't Pay Taxes.

no, they get to invoke the 'we're democrat' rule and only they get to make accusations. just ask them.

that's funny coming from wackadoodle's who have claimed variously that Hillary Clinton should go to jail and has parkinsons disease.

this is why the only demographic that Donald wins is uneducated angry white males.
well I have proof, there are four dead americans from benghazi and she has 33k deleted emails covering that up. I need no more. Now please let's see your evidence on trump.

Because, of course, the one excuses the other?

ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.
that's funny coming from wackadoodle's who have claimed variously that Hillary Clinton should go to jail and has parkinsons disease.

this is why the only demographic that Donald wins is uneducated angry white males.
well I have proof, there are four dead americans from benghazi and she has 33k deleted emails covering that up. I need no more. Now please let's see your evidence on trump.

Because, of course, the one excuses the other?

ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.
the dems are showing their true colors. They are full blown show how little character they have.
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

he has with his foundation. he paid TWO AGs ( from FLA & Texas) to make his trump university fraud cases go bye-bye... & wifey - poo #3 paid money from the foundation for aportrait of the orange one AND they got a cease & desist order concerning the operation of his foundation from the great state of New York because they were operating without the required tax exemption code.

now... as for any other crap, that is yet to be determined. nothing may be 'illegal' but there might be business dealings with more than russia, or he has outstanding loans from them, or china or who knows because we can't get a looksey.

No one brought charges he was never arrested, put on trial or found guilty of any crimes

He has been audited dozens of times it seems and no charges have ever been brought against him

Until there are charges filed and he is found guilty he is not guilty that's the way it works

you do know his fraud case is coming up in november & a rape case in december....
Or not

as for his fraud case... Judge Curiel says SI. the rape case is moving forward as well.

tutt tutt pops.
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

he has with his foundation. he paid TWO AGs ( from FLA & Texas) to make his trump university fraud cases go bye-bye... & wifey - poo #3 paid money from the foundation for aportrait of the orange one AND they got a cease & desist order concerning the operation of his foundation from the great state of New York because they were operating without the required tax exemption code.

now... as for any other crap, that is yet to be determined. nothing may be 'illegal' but there might be business dealings with more than russia, or he has outstanding loans from them, or china or who knows because we can't get a looksey.

No one brought charges he was never arrested, put on trial or found guilty of any crimes

He has been audited dozens of times it seems and no charges have ever been brought against him

Until there are charges filed and he is found guilty he is not guilty that's the way it works

you do know his fraud case is coming up in november & a rape case in december....

Trump University trial set for November 28
by Jason Kravarik and Ahiza Garcia
@CNNMoney May 6, 2016: 6:27 PM ET
Trump University trial set for November 28

Federal Judge Orders Hearing in Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit
by Rachel Stockman | 12:34 pm, October 7th, 2016

Federal Judge Orders Hearing in Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit

you're welcome.


LOL yeah we'll see how far that gets

an remember a trial is not a conviction and a hearing is not a trial
that's funny coming from wackadoodle's who have claimed variously that Hillary Clinton should go to jail and has parkinsons disease.

this is why the only demographic that Donald wins is uneducated angry white males.
well I have proof, there are four dead americans from benghazi and she has 33k deleted emails covering that up. I need no more. Now please let's see your evidence on trump.

Because, of course, the one excuses the other?

ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
he has with his foundation. he paid TWO AGs ( from FLA & Texas) to make his trump university fraud cases go bye-bye... & wifey - poo #3 paid money from the foundation for aportrait of the orange one AND they got a cease & desist order concerning the operation of his foundation from the great state of New York because they were operating without the required tax exemption code.

now... as for any other crap, that is yet to be determined. nothing may be 'illegal' but there might be business dealings with more than russia, or he has outstanding loans from them, or china or who knows because we can't get a looksey.

No one brought charges he was never arrested, put on trial or found guilty of any crimes

He has been audited dozens of times it seems and no charges have ever been brought against him

Until there are charges filed and he is found guilty he is not guilty that's the way it works

you do know his fraud case is coming up in november & a rape case in december....

Trump University trial set for November 28
by Jason Kravarik and Ahiza Garcia
@CNNMoney May 6, 2016: 6:27 PM ET
Trump University trial set for November 28

Federal Judge Orders Hearing in Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit
by Rachel Stockman | 12:34 pm, October 7th, 2016

Federal Judge Orders Hearing in Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit

you're welcome.

LOL yeah we'll see how far that gets

an remember a trial is not a conviction and a hearing is not a trial

it would prove guilt. & that university fraud case is a class action suit... brought on by many 'students'; but keep on breathing the methane filled bubble to which you reside........................ lol.......................................
well I have proof, there are four dead americans from benghazi and she has 33k deleted emails covering that up. I need no more. Now please let's see your evidence on trump.

Because, of course, the one excuses the other?

ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?
Because, of course, the one excuses the other?

ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
Because, of course, the one excuses the other?

ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
Politicians associate themselves with famous people all the time. Heck, Hillary has claimed she was named for a famous climber. Does that make him a valid target? Oh wait, she lied about that. Oh well. Anyway, Benghazi is important because we have a candidate for president who was directly involved in the whole thing and can't seem to get her story straight. Be sure to let us know when you interview Reagan.
ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
Politicians associate themselves with famous people all the time. Heck, Hillary has claimed she was named for a famous climber. Does that make him a valid target? Oh wait, she lied about that. Oh well. Anyway, Benghazi is important because we have a candidate for president who was directly involved in the whole thing and can't seem to get her story straight. Be sure to let us know when you interview Reagan.
and she has 33K emails that disappeared that could tell her story for her. Benghazi, never forget the four Americans:

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
Because, of course, the one excuses the other?

ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
Politicians associate themselves with famous people all the time. Heck, Hillary has claimed she was named for a famous climber. Does that make him a valid target? Oh wait, she lied about that. Oh well. Anyway, Benghazi is important because we have a candidate for president who was directly involved in the whole thing and can't seem to get her story straight. Be sure to let us know when you interview Reagan.

8 investigations & nothing untoward or negligent behavior directly resulting in any deaths EVER was found. sorry about that little factoid, but that's that.

& tutt tutt.
Mediocre??? He's one of the most successful in the US complements from Forbes!!!
Only if you measure Trump's success by what Trump says. However, most of us measure the success of a business by it's growth, not by what the owner claims. Using Forbes net work estimate of 1.5 billion in 1988 and 4.6 billion in 2016, that equates to a yearly annual growth rate of only 4%. By comparison an S&P 500 index fund would have produce an annual return of 11.8%. 10 year US treasury bonds purchased in 1988 would yield 8.8%

In other words, Donald could have invested his 1.5 billion in an S&P500 index fund and it would have been worth 17 billion less what he withdrew as salary

Donald Trump is certainly not a terrible businessman. He just isn't a very good one. Had he stuck with what he knew, real estate he could have been much more successful. However, his undisciplined approach to business and financial management was his Achilles heal just as it has been in his personal and political live.

A History of Donald Trump's Net Worth Publicity (1988-2011)
Annual Rate of Return Calculator
how many new structures has he built since 1995? curious if you've even checked. Isn't that success?
No, in business we measure success by profits.
Agreed. Without profit, one doesn't get new investors. D'OH aka, new buildings
Donald Trump does not build buildings these days. Haven't you been listing to him speaking out about his business. He licenses the Trump name to developers. It's a guaranteed profit, no investment, no risk, no expenses.

From the very beginning, the motive behind Trump's campaign has been to enhancing the Trump name. He has mentioned several times that his brand name is his most valuable asset and how notariety enhances it. Whether that's true after his latest debacle remains to be seen.

Maybe he shouldn't have ever run for President. Now even his businesses are flopping.

Trump's presidential campaign has crushed traffic to his hotels and casinos
ummmm....noooo... where did i say that? oh ya, hmmmm that's right - i didn't.

just putting THAT little diddy out there because it's not all golden is it with the GOPs saint ronny. how come all them thar embassy bombings under bush gets a pass too 'eh?

Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.[/QUOTE]
Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.
i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.[/QUOTE]

NE'EH! you all don't get to dismiss bush's history when accusing hillary of 'allowing' 4 people to die in a tragic embassy attack... then turn around & bring up bill clinton.... who..... BTW.... is not 'running for prez as far as you know'.

too bad, SO very sad for you.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
there is so much here in your post. #1, bush is not running for president as far as I know, so his issues are his issues outside of this discussion. The fact is Trump has not killed a sole. Corrupt Hillary is responsible for four deaths due to her inability to do her job. She got them killed. Period.

As for Stevens family, I can't comment, however the other three families are irate, and you act like that doesn't matter. That's hypocrisy at its finest.

again, bush isn't running for office this year. why do you bring him in. BTW, hillary also wanted the war in Iraq. Not Trump. she voted, he didn't.

You're so off base as I stated way too much in your stupid post. I do laugh at individuals such as yourself with your lack of abilities to know things. wow.

NE'EH! you all don't get to dismiss bush's history when accusing hillary of 'allowing' 4 people to die in a tragic embassy attack... then turn around & bring up bill clinton.... who..... BTW.... is not 'running for prez as far as you know'.

too bad, SO very sad for you.
where did I bring up bill? ohhhhhh baby now you're lying big time. and bush isn't running for president. tell me you know this? corrupt hillary is. the one responsible for four deaths. in BeNghaZi
Irrelevant to today, but go ahead, feel justified.

i'm betting that the families of those 241 dead Marines feel otherwise.
And there are many families still mad about losing loved ones in Viet Nam. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much? There are loyal American families whose ancestors were forced from their homes, placed in camps and who lost their possessions at the order of a democrat president. Are their concerns relevant to this presidential election, and if so, how much?

lol, you didn't connect the dots 'eh?

i bring up ronald reagan because
A) dumpf has compared himself to that president
B) bengaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is such an important 'issue' because
a) hillary is such a hated individual going back decades
b) she is not reagan, therefore we must forget that terrible tragedy where he also just cut & run.

that is why.
benghazi is important because four americans died that didn't need to if a competent Secretary of State were in office. And now you want her in charge of millions. wow.
You are such a hypocrite. Why aren't you whining about the more than 80 that died in embassy attacks during Bush Administration? Even Stephen's family has asked Republicans to quit using him as their political toy. Republicans in Congress didn't want to fund more money for security...but you all don't mention that. Benghazi investigations (13 of them) have rendered no evidence that Hillary had any blame, so quit making Benghazi such a martyr...4 people died, but over 3000 died during 9/11 and I don't hear conservatives whining about Bush being negligent. You are the party of whiners.

Chris Stevens’s Family: Don’t Blame Hillary Clinton for Benghazi - The New Yorker

Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.
While we're at it, why aren't you whining about the Japanese Americans whom FDR interned in camps during WWII?
Funny how the liberal mind turns a blind eye on reality. It's no wonder they need drugs, hard to face reality and facts.
A wall is complete BS nonsense. The correct method for controlling our borders is satellite, electronics, dogs, helicopters and machine guns. Additionally, we have to hold Mexico accountable for their people and those coming through their country, or we simply close the doors to them.

I don't understand why people pussy-foot around on this issue. As for those who simply want open borders, I don't know if I can squeeze blood from a turnip, but I'm willing to try.

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