I Don't Care if Trump followed the Law and Didn't Pay Taxes.

No, in business we measure success by profits.
Agreed. Without profit, one doesn't get new investors. D'OH aka, new buildings
Donald Trump does not build buildings these days. Haven't you been listing to him speaking out about his business. He licenses the Trump name to developers. It's a guaranteed profit, no investment, no risk, no expenses.

From the very beginning, the motive behind Trump's campaign has been to enhancing the Trump name. He has mentioned several times that his brand name is his most valuable asset and how notariety enhances it. Whether that's true after his latest debacle remains to be seen.

that is a result of being put on an allowance with the banks he was indebted to... he still had his name & that meant some $$$ that would be funneled back to them, since drumpf was defaulting & going bankrupt.
he never went bankrupt, but nice try lying.

he's never denied it either, so you got nuthin,' dummy. as far as that little allowance thingy? ya, it happened to the self proclaimed 'king of debt'...

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
Published: June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.

That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

Obabble and Moochelle are going to go through a terrible lifestyle withdrawal process once they leave the White House. Their family costs taxpayers over $4M per day.
How does that even apply?

you think it is smart business to use his supporters just to further his agenda...which is not to lead this country & do right by its citizens, but to further his brand. & his supporters are doing exactly that.
The goal of a business man is to make money. If a business man can make money simply by licensing his name, it's smart business to do so. Is that not clear?

he's been doing that for years. you think it is ok to do that in the form of candidate/nominee for POTUS?

Be still my heart. No politician anywhere has ever traded on their fame to increase their fortune. Ever. The horror, the horror.

You do know I'm laughing at that, right?

actually i know that as well as you.... but this is so much different & you, my dear are the exact kind of rube drumpf is counting on; hence the quote in my siggy. see how this has gone full circle?

not only would you still vote for him even if he walked down 5th ave. & shot someone... you would buy the gun (after all tribbles loves to use OPM) then hand it over to him & say shoot. lol.............
Oh, yes, it's so much worse when Trump does it. Tell you what, show me where I said I'm voting for Trump.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
Republicans have worked the laws, including tax laws against regular people. They have been doing it for decades. Remember, Republicans are anti poor and anti middle class. Look at what they did with the farm bill. Cutting benefits for veterans and children while giving millions to sitting members of congress.
Agreed. Without profit, one doesn't get new investors. D'OH aka, new buildings
Donald Trump does not build buildings these days. Haven't you been listing to him speaking out about his business. He licenses the Trump name to developers. It's a guaranteed profit, no investment, no risk, no expenses.

From the very beginning, the motive behind Trump's campaign has been to enhancing the Trump name. He has mentioned several times that his brand name is his most valuable asset and how notariety enhances it. Whether that's true after his latest debacle remains to be seen.

that is a result of being put on an allowance with the banks he was indebted to... he still had his name & that meant some $$$ that would be funneled back to them, since drumpf was defaulting & going bankrupt.
he never went bankrupt, but nice try lying.

he's never denied it either, so you got nuthin,' dummy. as far as that little allowance thingy? ya, it happened to the self proclaimed 'king of debt'...

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
Published: June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.

That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

Obabble and Moochelle are going to go through a terrible lifestyle withdrawal process once they leave the White House. Their family costs taxpayers over $4M per day.
President Obama will make millions after leaving the White House. Don't be angry a black man can make a lot of money and you can't without mom's help. Thank God for basements.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
Republicans have worked the laws, including tax laws against regular people. They have been doing it for decades. Remember, Republicans are anti poor and anti middle class. Look at what they did with the farm bill. Cutting benefits for veterans and children while giving millions to sitting members of congress.
What a remarkably stupid thing to say.
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.

Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.

Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now
You're not supposed to figure that out.
Donald Trump does not build buildings these days. Haven't you been listing to him speaking out about his business. He licenses the Trump name to developers. It's a guaranteed profit, no investment, no risk, no expenses.

From the very beginning, the motive behind Trump's campaign has been to enhancing the Trump name. He has mentioned several times that his brand name is his most valuable asset and how notariety enhances it. Whether that's true after his latest debacle remains to be seen.

that is a result of being put on an allowance with the banks he was indebted to... he still had his name & that meant some $$$ that would be funneled back to them, since drumpf was defaulting & going bankrupt.
he never went bankrupt, but nice try lying.

he's never denied it either, so you got nuthin,' dummy. as far as that little allowance thingy? ya, it happened to the self proclaimed 'king of debt'...

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
Published: June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.

That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

Obabble and Moochelle are going to go through a terrible lifestyle withdrawal process once they leave the White House. Their family costs taxpayers over $4M per day.
President Obama will make millions after leaving the White House. Don't be angry a black man can make a lot of money and you can't without mom's help. Thank God for basements.

You are a Racist Moron.
Agreed. Without profit, one doesn't get new investors. D'OH aka, new buildings
Donald Trump does not build buildings these days. Haven't you been listing to him speaking out about his business. He licenses the Trump name to developers. It's a guaranteed profit, no investment, no risk, no expenses.

From the very beginning, the motive behind Trump's campaign has been to enhancing the Trump name. He has mentioned several times that his brand name is his most valuable asset and how notariety enhances it. Whether that's true after his latest debacle remains to be seen.

that is a result of being put on an allowance with the banks he was indebted to... he still had his name & that meant some $$$ that would be funneled back to them, since drumpf was defaulting & going bankrupt.
he never went bankrupt, but nice try lying.

he's never denied it either, so you got nuthin,' dummy. as far as that little allowance thingy? ya, it happened to the self proclaimed 'king of debt'...

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
Published: June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.

That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

Obabble and Moochelle are going to go through a terrible lifestyle withdrawal process once they leave the White House. Their family costs taxpayers over $4M per day.

uh-huh. strawman much?
you think it is smart business to use his supporters just to further his agenda...which is not to lead this country & do right by its citizens, but to further his brand. & his supporters are doing exactly that.
The goal of a business man is to make money. If a business man can make money simply by licensing his name, it's smart business to do so. Is that not clear?

he's been doing that for years. you think it is ok to do that in the form of candidate/nominee for POTUS?

Be still my heart. No politician anywhere has ever traded on their fame to increase their fortune. Ever. The horror, the horror.

You do know I'm laughing at that, right?

actually i know that as well as you.... but this is so much different & you, my dear are the exact kind of rube drumpf is counting on; hence the quote in my siggy. see how this has gone full circle?

not only would you still vote for him even if he walked down 5th ave. & shot someone... you would buy the gun (after all tribbles loves to use OPM) then hand it over to him & say shoot. lol.............
Oh, yes, it's so much worse when Trump does it. Tell you what, show me where I said I'm voting for Trump.

you might as well, sweety. you're practically grabbing your ankles for him as it is.
Last edited:
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.

Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

he has with his foundation. he paid TWO AGs ( from FLA & Texas) to make his trump university fraud cases go bye-bye... & wifey - poo #3 paid money from the foundation for aportrait of the orange one AND they got a cease & desist order concerning the operation of his foundation from the great state of New York because they were operating without the required tax exemption code.

now... as for any other crap, that is yet to be determined. nothing may be 'illegal' but there might be business dealings with more than russia, or he has outstanding loans from them, or china or who knows because we can't get a looksey.
The goal of a business man is to make money. If a business man can make money simply by licensing his name, it's smart business to do so. Is that not clear?

he's been doing that for years. you think it is ok to do that in the form of candidate/nominee for POTUS?

Be still my heart. No politician anywhere has ever traded on their fame to increase their fortune. Ever. The horror, the horror.

You do know I'm laughing at that, right?

actually i know that as well as you.... but this is so much different & you, my dear are the exact kind of rube drumpf is counting on; hence the quote in my siggy. see how this has gone full circle?

not only would you still vote for him even if he walked down 5th ave. & shot someone... you would buy the gun (after all tribbles loves to use OPM) then hand it over to him & say shoot. lol.............
Oh, yes, it's so much worse when Trump does it. Tell you what, show me where I said I'm voting for Trump.

you might as well, sweety. you're practically grabbing your ankles for him as it is.
You do understand that there are other candidates running, right?
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.

Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

we have no idea how many times he's been audited. he's never shown proof that he's under audit at all.

anyone who isn't a trumpster would know that.

we know he's used his foundation to essentially launder money

and we know he bribed prosecutors to stop investigating him

and we know that he paid personal debt from a charitable foundation.

anything else we can educate you about?
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.

Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

we have no idea how many times he's been audited. he's never shown proof that he's under audit at all.

anyone who isn't a trumpster would know that.

we know he's used his foundation to essentially launder money

and we know he bribed prosecutors to stop investigating him

and we know that he paid personal debt from a charitable foundation.

anything else we can educate you about?
Using the Clinton standard, until Trump's been not only indicted but found guilty in a court of law, he hasn't done anything wrong.
Just the INTEREST on our national debt will soon (very soon) be our third largest budget expense. At this point, other than selling Alaska back to the Ivans or dwarfing the rest of the world in oil and NG production, I don't believe we can ever repay that debt. Trump is the only politician that's suggested we may have to consider defaulting on the debt and starting over with a clean slate. I personally don't believe it would be a financial death-sentence to us. Who has better credit than a nation with no debt? :dunno:
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.

Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

we have no idea how many times he's been audited. he's never shown proof that he's under audit at all.

anyone who isn't a trumpster would know that.

we know he's used his foundation to essentially launder money

and we know he bribed prosecutors to stop investigating him

and we know that he paid personal debt from a charitable foundation.

anything else we can educate you about?
Using the Clinton standard, until Trump's been not only indicted but found guilty in a court of law, he hasn't done anything wrong.
no, they get to invoke the 'we're democrat' rule and only they get to make accusations. just ask them.
Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

we have no idea how many times he's been audited. he's never shown proof that he's under audit at all.

anyone who isn't a trumpster would know that.

we know he's used his foundation to essentially launder money

and we know he bribed prosecutors to stop investigating him

and we know that he paid personal debt from a charitable foundation.

anything else we can educate you about?
Using the Clinton standard, until Trump's been not only indicted but found guilty in a court of law, he hasn't done anything wrong.
no, they get to invoke the 'we're democrat' rule and only they get to make accusations. just ask them.

that's funny coming from wackadoodle's who have claimed variously that Hillary Clinton should go to jail and has parkinsons disease.

this is why the only demographic that Donald wins is uneducated angry white males.
why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

we have no idea how many times he's been audited. he's never shown proof that he's under audit at all.

anyone who isn't a trumpster would know that.

we know he's used his foundation to essentially launder money

and we know he bribed prosecutors to stop investigating him

and we know that he paid personal debt from a charitable foundation.

anything else we can educate you about?
Using the Clinton standard, until Trump's been not only indicted but found guilty in a court of law, he hasn't done anything wrong.
no, they get to invoke the 'we're democrat' rule and only they get to make accusations. just ask them.

that's funny coming from wackadoodle's who have claimed variously that Hillary Clinton should go to jail and has parkinsons disease.

this is why the only demographic that Donald wins is uneducated angry white males.
well I have proof, there are four dead americans from benghazi and she has 33k deleted emails covering that up. I need no more. Now please let's see your evidence on trump.
How many times has be been audited?

If he was dong all this illegal shit he most likely would have been caught by now

we have no idea how many times he's been audited. he's never shown proof that he's under audit at all.

anyone who isn't a trumpster would know that.

we know he's used his foundation to essentially launder money

and we know he bribed prosecutors to stop investigating him

and we know that he paid personal debt from a charitable foundation.

anything else we can educate you about?
Using the Clinton standard, until Trump's been not only indicted but found guilty in a court of law, he hasn't done anything wrong.
no, they get to invoke the 'we're democrat' rule and only they get to make accusations. just ask them.

that's funny coming from wackadoodle's who have claimed variously that Hillary Clinton should go to jail and has parkinsons disease.

this is why the only demographic that Donald wins is uneducated angry white males.
well I have proof, there are four dead americans from benghazi and she has 33k deleted emails covering that up. I need no more. Now please let's see your evidence on trump.

and there were 50 dead americans from 13 benhazis when bush was president

but nice deflection. :cuckoo:

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