I don't give a damn


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.


Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.



When you say you "don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies", do you mean you won't accept any other explanation other than the one you want to be true?
I can never forget watching live TV as people leaped 90 stories to their deaths

One of the most horrifying things I have ever seen
Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.



When you say you "don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies", do you mean you won't accept any other explanation other than the one you want to be true?

I don't care what explanation is given. No explanation can explain the feelings and emotions I felt around this time that morning. Even as a naive little kid, I knew how many people those buildings held when they were collapsing to the ground. I knew thousands of people died. At that moment, the only explanation I accepted was the one given to me by my own two eyes.

I'm not taking the bait today.
Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.



When you say you "don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies", do you mean you won't accept any other explanation other than the one you want to be true?

9/11 conspiracies are an insult to those who lost their lives that day
Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.



When you say you "don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies", do you mean you won't accept any other explanation other than the one you want to be true?

9/11 conspiracies are an insult to those who lost their lives that day

Are they? How is that?

Or is it that you want your version to be the only version and you want to shut up anyone else by claiming they're being disrespectful?
sounds like a buncha kids when it happened eh . I was 54 if my math is correct . I had just jumped in the truck to go to work , started up the truck , radio came on and i heard .--- 'oh no , another plane has hit the second Trade Tower' . --- I was thinking small Piper Cub type planes . Reporter went on to say , what a horrible accident but i figured with a second plane that it was NO accident . Sounded purposeful and planned and then i heard that it was 2 huge passenger planes .
Such a huge coincidence it happened on 9-11, so we'd always remember the reason for the "War on Terror".
Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.



Thanks. What a poignant recollection.

Seems like—talking about that day online, with a bunch of virtual strangers, is somehow easier; a sort of commiseration-boon of anonymity without the in-person sensory overload of a group sitting in a circle of folding chairs; a therapeutic efficacy free from that suffocating stale sweat smell and awkward eye contact. While I shared my own 9/11 story with the board in another thread, I cannot imagine having had to deal with the smoking humid terror of that day at so young an age. Myself, I had just turned 28.

I had also recently transitioned from the active duty army the to the army national guard; from a regimental reconnaissance detachment to a long range surveillance detachment surveillance team. As mentioned in another thread my wife and I were home visiting with my parents. The irony for us—once the shock of our initial horror faded some from seeing the televised attack unfold in endless replay—was that she had convinced me not to re-up with the regular army, so I'd be around more often and less high strung. That was our deal made between us, near the outset of our marriage.

And then 9/11 happened and we were separated again, although, we were certainly much more fortunate than those separated forever from their loved ones that day. I still remember clearly (down to the sky, weather, and faces in the crowds) the rage-excitement-fear a few days later when my wife and parents drove me to BWI to catch a flight, alone, back to Michigan. A couple of days after that, I was deployed and we were en route to stage in Tajikistan.

Funny how music can be so powerful a memory capsule and trigger. We sang "Friends in Low Places" ad nauseam in the back of the C-141, and I put lots more miles and wear on my Kill 'Em All CD listening to (Anesthesia)Pulling Teeth and No Remorse, over and over again.

Nothing but hours of popping ear drums, cold sweaty skin and stomach flops with sudden altitude drops. Hell, I didn't have a cell phone until 2003, so there were no text messages. Just a whole lot of wanting to be with my now ex-wife and, in all honesty, worrying like hell she'd find someone better while I was gone. Crazy hard when you have two different, yet equally strong gravities pulling you in opposite directions, particularly when one "gravity" has your body flying off in one direction and the other, your mind, held in an iron grip of longing for someone left behind.

Really puts things into perspective (or does it muddy those waters?) when in looking back, we see through the connected chains of life decisions to do or not to do something, we build inescapable bridges for ourselves to certain future events; and we get speeded toward them on rails (fate? destiny? bad choices?). Events which always seem to either come with unforeseen accompanying consequences or regret for missed opportunities. Kind of makes one wonder why they are taking so long coming out with our robot butlers.
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Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.



Once again, let us not forget what happened that day. I knew fear that morning when I watched all those people die on live TV, all of 12 years old.
Where was I? In a middle school classroom watching in sheer terror as the attack took place on TV that morning. The imagery will forever be seared into my memory. That was the moment the innocence of my world was shattered. I was no longer 12 years old, I was a witness to brutal history.

Was the world about to end? Would I get to see my grandmother again? I was truly scared. All I wanted to do for the rest of the day was go home. The teachers and staff were like zombies, struggling to maintain their composure for our sake. It was clearly evident they were failing. The fear and uneasiness didn't leave the hallways of my school for months to come.

Yeah. My heart sinks each time I recall it. That's why I don't give a damn about your 9/11 conspiracies. I really don't.



Got a phone call and thought my friend was kidding, so I turn on the Television and saw the second plane slam into the Trade tower.

I fell too my knees and still to this day I can not get that image out of my mind...

I still remember that old lady screaming on the top of the empire state building when the second plane hit...

This day sucks...

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